The Left Doubles Down in Defense of Divisive Concepts

Image credit: Richmond Times-Dispatch.

by James A. Bacon

A coalition of left-wing groups has organized to contest Governor Glenn Youngkin’s effort to expunge “inherently divisive concepts” from Virginia’s public school system. Among the member organizations are the Virginia Education Association, the Legal Aid Justice Center, and the Virginia chapter of the NAACP. One is tempted to say that an unofficial member of the coalition is the Richmond Times-Dispatch, whose one-sided coverage of the issue demonstrates that it has abandoned any pretense of impartiality.

Last month Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow identified policies, programs, training and curricula that violate federal Civil Rights law, including administrative materials that advocate “anti-racism,” or reverse racism. “We must continue to ensure that no student in Virginia is taught to judge or treat others differently solely on the basis of their race, skin color, ethnicity, sex or faith,” she said in the preliminary report.

At a news conference yesterday, the organizations blasted her assessment. It appears that the coalition’s strategy is to systematically misrepresent the Youngkin administration’s position and obscure the nature of the policies and guidelines the Governor seeks to change, knowing that the mainstream media will frame the narrative in their favor.

“We will not stand idly by while [Youngkin] and his administration attempt to roll back the recent progress we’ve made in teaching honest and culturally competent lessons in Virginia public schools for blatant political gain,” said James Fedderman, the president of the Virginia Education Association. Youngkin, he said, is exploiting “the fear of a small group of parents” for a political agenda.

“We stand against any efforts to dismantle the progress that’s been made toward an inclusive society by those claiming we must only teach a sanitized version of history,” said the Rev. Elisha Burke, a board member of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy. Fedderman reinforced that point, citing a poll finding that 63% of Virginians support teaching how racism continues to impact American history.

Burke and Fedderman repeated the charge — repeated incessantly without factual basis — that Youngkin wants to downplay the teaching of slavery and segregation in Virginia, or as Burke puts it, to teach “a sanitized version of history.”

Meanwhile, here is how RTD reporter Mel Leonor describes Balow’s memo:

The resulting memo describes affirmative action policies in schools as discriminatory, suggests that historic discrimination in education might not be to blame for disparate outcomes among students of color, and rejects the idea that white people may unwittingly benefit from systemic racism and discrimination.

The report made the case that schools have unduly emphasized “equitable outcomes” over “equal opportunity.”

The memo defended the scrapping of “EdEquityVA,” a state initiative that promoted equity and diversity through resources for school districts. That included an entire website dedicated to increasing cultural competency among Virginia teachers, and a “suggested readings” list that includes historian and MacArthur Fellow Ibram X. Kendi.

Here’s a sampling of material Leonor left out, quoted directly from Balow’s memo:

  • Numerous resources within EdEquityVA employ the concept that current discrimination is needed to address past discrimination. (Treating people differently based on skin color to remedy old/previous discrimination.)
  • Numerous resources within EdEquityVA advance “equity,” which is redefined to mean that there can be no differences or disproportionalities between students—and any difference in what students have or what they achieve is due to systemic racism.
  • Achieving equity, versus individual student achievement, is the emphasis. The guiding mission statement for the tool is, “Education Equity is achieved when we eliminate the predictability of student outcomes based on gender, zip code, ability, socioeconomic status or language spoken at home.”
  • Divisive concepts taught in the training including (but are not limited to): “redress” bias in the system; include “culturally responsive” efficacy in teacher evaluation; mitigate power imbalances; develop policy to advance “anti-racism;” be change agents for social justice and academic equity.

There’s more, but you get the idea.

In place of an ideology that divides the world between White oppressors and minority victims, and seeks redress through reverse discrimination and lowering of standards, Youngkin is pursuing a positive, forward-looking agenda of opportunity for all. But you would get no sense whatsoever of that from Leonor’s article or almost anything else the RTD writes. Nor would you ever glean from newspaper accounts the spectacular failure of social justice-inspired educational policy, as measured by standardized test scores. Not only is social-justice rhetoric divisive, but disparities in educational achievement in Virginia have gotten worse, not better.

In her memo, Balow expresses the hope that the Youngkin administration can “spur productive dialogue across the commonwealth.” Sadly, that’s a pipedream. There can be no productive dialogue when one side of the debate so systematically misrepresents reality and the mainstream media so disgracefully aids them in the effort.

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41 responses to “The Left Doubles Down in Defense of Divisive Concepts”

  1. Leonor’s story did include this quote from Youngkin spokesperson Macaulay Porter:

    “The politically driven VEA teacher union has failed teachers, parents, and students. Their initiatives of the past didn’t do enough to raise academic achievement, their enormous political donations to the democrats didn’t do enough to improve academic excellence, and now their baseless opinions will have no impact on the future academic success of Virginia’s next generation.

    “Governor Youngkin is focused on bolstering education opportunities for all Virginians and remains undeterred by partisan stakeholders that continue to fail Virginia’s students and parents.”

    By including the quote, the RTD maintains a fig leaf of impartiality — hey, we included her quote, didn’t we?

    But it is important to read newspaper accounts critically. It is clear that Leonor is sympathetic to Youngkin’s critics and framed the story to highlight and give credence their charges. She inserted the Porter quote but she continued her narrative as if it didn’t exist. Let’s stop pretending the RTD is reporting news, not commentary.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Youngkin’s push, part of a national effort, is an existential threat to the ideological left and the Democratic Party. If not the schools, where will they spread that message to new generations? They have to resist to the end.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The existential threat to all is grift such as “divisiveness.” Not to worry, Dems, wokesters, and liberals have obtained a vaccine from a George Soros lab that controls voting behavior. There will be no need for ideological indoctrination by divisive curricula. Y’all need to step back.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Youngkin’s push, part of a national effort, is an existential threat to the ideological left and the Democratic Party. If not the schools, where will they spread that message to new generations? They have to resist to the end.

    3. VaNavVet Avatar

      Balow’s memo says that the Youngkin admin wants to spur productive dialogue so his spokesperson does so by defaming the VEA. They appear to be off to a great start. Balow found some questionable items in referenced resource materials and makes a big deal out of it to please the boss. Both sides are misrepresenting reality or bending it to their own narrative. Team Youngkin chose to politicize this issue during the campaign and is now caught in a mess of their own making. What better way to divide parents from the teachers and schools?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Parents are already divided from teachers and schools because parents want the standard subjects taught well and many teachers and schools want to indoctrinate students instead. Northam sided with the teachers and schools and Youngkin sides with the parents.

        Note to Democrats: There are a lot more parents who vote than teachers.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          anyone who thinks Conservatives will transform schools into something that most parents want are living in LA LA Land IMHO.

          Most parents want their kids to get good grades and be able to get a good job and/or get into college.

          Most kids in Virginia schools achieve this.

          Some kids in some schools especially kids of parents on the lower economic scales do not.

          What do parents of kids – for instance, in NoVa, who are college-bound want to change in the public schools? What Conservatives want?


          Conservatives main game is they want to “help the kids” – but the specifics beyond culture war are not exactly clear.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            It’s not the conservatives who are changing the schools, it’s the liberals. They are introducing the thinking of Kendi at a time when COVID related shutdowns of in-person learning have sent almost all students backwards. One would think that recovering from the educational fallout from COVID would consume school administrations and teachers rather than implementing an indoctrination program based on the anti-racism concepts of Kendi.

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          Teachers do not want to indoctrinate students. They just want to teach and be free of all the political BS. Many parents support their teachers and vote with them.

      2. As the husband of a former Virginia teacher, I know for a fact that the VEA does not represent teachers. They are a political action group that supports democrats and not teachers. They could care less about students. Their goal is to get rid of the right to work laws and make teachers join their union. The VEA people that spoke to my wife and her peers were never teachers and didn’t care about teaching. They only cared about memberships and dues.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          VEA primarily cares about pay, benefits, and protecting teachers from being scapegoated by higher ups trying to evade accountability for school performance issues.

          1. Keep believing that Larry.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I have had relatives in VEA also…

            VEA WILL hire a lawyer for a teacher that has been unfairly blamed by a principal or administrators. It happens and would happen more if VEA wasn’t there. the “TIP” line will increase such things as some principals will use it that way.

            They do protect teachers from unfair actions – and such actions do encourage unions and more unionization.

            The teacher that don’t belong go running to VEA if they get targeted. Happens all the time. Refuse to join, get thrown under the bus and come running to VEA for help.

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          As a retired Virginia teacher, I would have to disagree.

          1. The VEA refused to help my wife when a student threatened my wife’s life and did damage to our home. The school administration refused to do anything and the VEA went along with the administration. We were lucky that the Sherriff got involved and my wife left teaching soon after. That student is now a convicted murderer in the state of Virginia. That could have been my wife, but the VEA didn’t want to make waves with the school administration.

          2. RKW, how long ago did this incident occur?

          3. It was 7 or 8 years ago.

          4. It was 7 or 8 years ago.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” the Youngkin admin wants to spur productive dialogue so his spokesperson does so by defaming the VEA.”


        it’s going to be a ordinary piddling contest… despite the claims of righteousness….

    4. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Cynicism is killing discourse. Sure, if RTD agreed with your view—-no criticism.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Till signed into law! Quick, hand me a veil!

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    A parallel is happening in Florida…
    The kids are being sexually indoctrinated, and the Left is terrified…going all in on “Don’t Say Gay” which the now Law doesn’t say. The evil DeSatan and the FL Troglodytes want to prohibit teaching sexuality through 3rd grade. It doesn’t go far enough. This belongs to the parents, not public employees. How has LGBTQ gone from less than 1% to 20% of kids identify as LGBTQ now? But they aren’t grooming and how dare you say it! (Sound like the denialism of CRT? For something that isn’t being taught, then why do you care if parents say they don’t want it taught? Isn’t that a moot point?)

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      A third grader is what … 9 years old? Do the lefties really think that 7,8 or 9 year old kids understand human sexuality well enough to be taught LGBTQ concepts? Most kids that age still think babies are brought by storks.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        part of what they are doing is trying to keep the LGBTQ kids from being stigmatized and bullied.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          And no kid has any idea of that at 5, 6, 7 or 8…
          And gay/trans is being normalized and should not be. Sorry for being a troglodyte, but I’m right about society. This is a behavior to be discouraged, not encouraged.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You don’t think some kids that age do that stuff? You don’t think some kids that age bully others and usually pick the ones that are vulnerable?

            You sound just like Conservatives that used to talk that way about homosexuality, no? “behavior”?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – so you help the alcoholic by giving him a bottle? The fatty with a dozen donuts? Sexuality has no business being taught at that age.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            and the bullying?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The non-existent bullying?
            Oh yeah…huge problem in first grade…

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “This is a behavior to be discouraged, not encouraged.”

            With a belt perhaps…??

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            1. By not “teaching” it to kids.
            2. By leaving sexual questions to parents.
            3. By acknowledging biological reality that there are two sexes. All the confusion is a first world luxury of a pampered people removed from reality.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Conservatives seem to be the only ones struggling with “confusion” on this topic… but then again they are a “pampered people removed from reality” so maybe you have a point. Don’t worry, we won’t give up on you…

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            What’s the confusion your trollness?
            Let me give you a Sesame Street test…
            One of these things is not like the other…
            XX XY
            Can you spot the difference?
            We are ruled by objective reality or not. If you are not, then nothing you say can be asserted as truth. You disqualify yourself, so hang onto your shibboleths and hang with your elitist totalitarians and continue to believe you are so smart and superior – in your Lefty Safe Space!

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Of course Conservative simpletons are stymied by the concept of transexuality… and no one is surprised when that confusion leads to their standard response in such challenging situations… denialism…. smh…

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You’re funny. So enlightened! Good to be a woke denialist. Cross the street without looking and see if reality is real. You do look, right?

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Transsexual 7 year olds? Really? That’s your argument?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            No. My argument is that some kids are different and stand out and can and are victimized by others if not safeguarded.

            Schools are supposed to be safe places for all kids and tolerant to differences in them.

            Anyone who thinks bullying is not a problem in the schools is living in LA LA LAND IMHO.

            Transexual 7 yr olds? let’s say ‘different’ and perhaps evolving but we don’t want them isolated and stigmatized by policies that enable it.

            I realize this is hard to understand by some on the right – but it is real world.

            You ask any teacher about this and they’ll tell you that some kids are ‘different” and yet they are still innocent – they themselves don’t know or understand why, it just is.

            We protect those kids and treat them equally and equitably so they also have a chance to grow up and become productive adults.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      what was funny about DeSantis press conference for the bill signing was he was surrounded by elementary kids – who he could not explain to – what the purpose of the bill was… 😉

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I am tired of the rhetoric from both sides. It is time to shut up and put up.

    For the Governor: “The politically driven VEA teacher union has failed teachers, parents, and students. Their initiatives of the past didn’t do enough to raise academic achievement, their enormous political donations to the democrats didn’t do enough to improve academic excellence, and now their baseless opinions will have no impact on the future academic success of Virginia’s next generation.” OK. We know your position. Let’s see what you are going to do differently that will “raise academic achievement” and have “an impact on the future academic success of Virginia’s next generation.”

    For the teachers: Stop yapping and go ahead and teach the “honest and culturally competent lessons” that you feel should be taught. Who is stopping you?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      totally agree except the “who is stopping you”? the TIP line?

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The Left Doubles Down in Defense of an Accurate History”

    Fixed it for you…

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