The Latest Tool for Suppressing Unpopular Speech: Special Use Permits

by James A. Bacon

With considerable fanfare by Governor Glenn Youngkin, Armed Forces Brewing announced six days ago that it would relocate its headquarters from Annapolis, Md., to Norfolk, creating 47 local jobs. The company, which markets its beer by adopting a rough, often profane language prevalent in the military, says it will hire veterans for 70% of its workforce.

Good news, right?

Not for some people. Within days, opposition surfaced. Norfolk Councilwoman Andria McClellan has said Armed Forces may have a tough time getting business permits from the City Council, according to WHRO. The company’s offense? Supposed misogyny in its ads and anti-LGBQT+ statements by the president.

Misogyny? Apparently, CEO Rob O’Neill, a retired Navy SEAL, fired guns in an ad flanked by a woman in skimpy military-themed costumes.

Anti-LGBQT+? Appearing on Fox News, O’Neill condemned the Navy’s use of a drag queen in recruitment ads after tweeting, “I can’t believe I fought for this.”

Hmmm. There’s a time-honored American tradition of hawking products from motorcycles to… beer by appealing to the target audience of younger males with bikini-clad models. Those ads aren’t for everyone. But they’re not meant to be. Is such advertising to be suppressed because some bluenose or hyper-feminist, for whom the ads are not intended, take offense?

As for using drag queens as a recruitment tool, that’s utter insanity. Does any person not suffering from psychotic hallucinations think that such ads will be anything but a turn-off to the primary demographic from which the military recruits? Or that drag-queen ads will bolster recruitment from the military’s all-important alternate-sexuality demographic?

But there’s a much bigger point. People are entitled to their views. People are entitled to criticize Armed Services Brewing. People are free to organize protest rallies and call for boycotts. Until recently, however, people have not been entitled to utilize a government power — denying special use permits — to squelch a company because of views expressed by company executives.

The foes of Armed Services Brewing do have one shred of an argument. The company is receiving unspecified incentives to move to Norfolk. “I feel like our taxpayer dollars are going toward a brewery that’s not a good fit for the community, forcing us to have an anti-trans brewery into the community,” said a protester quoted by WHRO.

But that argument cuts two ways. It can be used by anyone to oppose any business receiving incentives because every business does something to offend someone’s political sensibilities. The defining cultural characteristic of our era is an eagerness to take offense at imperceptible slights. Once leftists have set the precedent of using government permitting powers to cancel conservative expression, it takes no imagination to think that rightists will respond in kind. This is the path of madness.

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32 responses to “The Latest Tool for Suppressing Unpopular Speech: Special Use Permits”

  1. “I feel like our taxpayer dollars are going toward a brewery that’s not a good fit for the community….” That’s hilarious and STUPID… maybe this person should look around and see Oceania, Norfolk NB [see all those grey ships?], Camp Elmore, Little Creek, etc……. are entities also ‘not a good fit’ for the community? How much do they contribute to the community, as well as all the companies in the region which support them?

    I was going to buy some of the beer… now I’m buying MORE!!!!

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Well stated! This is the path of madness. You can’t have it both ways.

  3. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    This is dumb. Almost as dumb as arguing that the drag queen ban in TN was constitutional, am I right?

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Rob O’Neil isn’t just a former Navy SEAL. He’s the SEAL who claimed to fire the shot that killed Bin Laden. His statement created considerable controversy in the SEAL community.

    O’Neill is also an author, having written “The Operator”. I received the book as a gift and read it cover-to-cover. It is a very interesting book – especially the description of life in the SEALs.

    As far as Norfolk Councilwoman Andria McClellan’s threat to the business permits for Armed Forces Brewing …. doesn’t Norfolk have a whole lot of military and ex-military residents? One would think that making such silly statements would reduce McClellan’s chances for re-election. Does the rest of the City Council feel the same way?

    Finally, conservative beer companies seem to be having their day in the sun.

    Ultraright beer –

    Gotta love the video.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Diversity, dischmersity… just look at us. Couldn’t be more diversified…

    1. WayneS Avatar

      I might be interested in becoming a shareholder but I don’t think my arms are big enough…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        $200 will buy you a, uh, well it gets you something. They say so on their “investor” tab.

        Now, I just wish I had bought into Devil’s Backbone, but craft breweries and taprooms are all long shots. There was only one Secretariat in the millions of 3-year olds.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Drink Navy Hill Tequila Soda. Home in Richmond. Owned and established by two, count ‘em two, UVa grads.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Speaking of Richmond and alcohol, have you or your significant other tried Cirrus vodka yet?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I rarely drink, but the spousal unit has a nightly “tini” of either gin (Hendricks) or vodka (Reyka). That said, she’s always adding something off the liqueur shelf to them for flavor, so at next restock, I’ll try it — which, by the way, is probably this weekend.

        If you’re into gins and vodkas, Barr Hill makes some pretty good stuff. It’s from Vermont and is honey based.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Barr Hill. I will give it a try. I’m always looking for interesting gins to try out in my favorite summertime beverage – the gin and tonic.

          Gin and Tonic: Tastes great, and helps relieve those pesky malaria symptoms.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ah malaria… we seem to have booked our annual Florida beach trip on an island in Sarasota County this year. G&T for breakfast!

            Any word on Yellow Fever?

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I agree with you, Jim, that ideological reasons should not be used to deny special use permits. I don’t know if the granting of special use permits are entirely at a governing body’s discretion. If not, a denial here could be challenged in court.

    Two additional observations:

    1. I object to tax dollars being used to provide an incentive for the creation of only 47 jobs. That seems inconsequential in a place as large as Norfolk.
    2. The company “will hire veterans for 70% of its workforce.” Sounds like affirmative action to me.

  8. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I agree with you, Jim, that ideological reasons should not be used to deny special use permits. I don’t know if the granting of special use permits are entirely at a governing body’s discretion. If not, a denial here could be challenged in court.

    Two additional observations:

    1. I object to tax dollars being used to provide an incentive for the creation of only 47 jobs. That seems inconsequential in a place as large as Norfolk.
    2. The company “will hire veterans for 70% of its workforce.” Sounds like affirmative action to me.

  9. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    As the saying goes, you can’t fix stupid. If Norfolk is lucky Councilwoman McClellan will soon be former councilwoman!

  10. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Should be interesting to see how much money goes from the City’s coffers to the owner when he wins after showing what other entities have received permits. People from left to right aren’t even tilting at windmills. They are trying to swallow the jousting poles.

  11. WayneS Avatar

    I recommend they re-relocate to Goochland County. Goochland already has Hardywood and Kindred Spirits, so Armed Forces Brewing would fit right in.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Hardywood’s 4 packs of seasonal’ s are very lovely. The Peach tripel is fantastic.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Rt 151 in Nelson County would be a good spot too.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Robert’s mistake is a failure to “read the room”. The brewery he’s looking to buy is located in Ghent. You can ask Ms. Karen (who publishes here often, and undoubtedly will on the current subject too) what she thinks of Ghent.

    I give AFB a long tailed cat in a room full of rockers chance in Ghent. He’d have found more kindred spirits in the Little Creek part of town.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      There was that strip headed south along the shore that always used to look like a good place to get in trouble. There were several long standing establishments. Maybe north of Little Creek if memory serves.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Jolly Roger strike a bell? Purple Onion? And of course, one of Norfolk’s 5-star restaurants**, the Ship’s Cabin.

        ** actually, SEVA’s first AAA 4 diamond. It went south after the original owner sold.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          That’s it! Thank you:)

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Don’t eat there now. Definitely did a nosedive. The other two are history along with Ahab’s and at the other end, the Thirsty Camel. But

  13. WayneS Avatar

    There’s a time-honored American tradition of hawking products from motorcycles to… beer by appealing to the target audience of younger males with bikini-clad models.

    I have no idea what you are talking about:

    Note that the tradition is not just American…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Only a nut would ride in that! Now, in denim or leather…

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Perhaps you can help me figure out the message in this old Gilera motorcycle ad, because I am stumped:

        Oh, and this gives you an idea of how old the “time-honored American tradition” is:

        And on the “sex sells” front, I have an old Indian motorcycle ad, complete with an Indian maiden in a war bonnet, from 1912. However, I cannot post it here. Just do a search for “1912 Indian motorcycle advertisement”(images) and you will see why,

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          “The light in you”? Maybe she got blinded? Do you know if this is pre- or post-Busey?

          1. WayneS Avatar

            It’s definitely pre.

        2. CJBova Avatar

          “with eyes closed” –so easy you can do it with your eyes closed

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Oh dear, I almost forgot the day! July 14th! So, in honor of liberty, equality, and fraternity, I present one of the most patriotic, pro democracy “shout down” scenes from Hollywood…

  15. vicnicholls Avatar

    Chesapeake or VB will take them!

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