The Latest Euphemism: “Unfinished Learning”

PALS screening tool results, 2019 and 2021. Source: Virginia Board of Education

James A. Bacon

A remarkable euphemism has entered the lexicon of Virginia’s educational bureaucracy — “unfinished learning.” Unfinished learning is what you get when school children do not demonstrate grade-level proficiency in reading, math, and other subjects by the end of the year. Ever sensitive to tender psyches, Virginia educators don’t want to tell anyone they “failed.” Using the “F” word puts the onus on individual students to do better. Saying instead that students are unfinished learners places the onus on schools to remedy their deficiencies. That distinction goes to the heart of Virginia’s modern-day educational philosophy.

Be that as it may, we may be thankful that the Virginia Board of Education’s (VBOE’s) “2021 Annual Report on the Condition and Needs of Public Schools in Virginia,” does acknowledge that “unfinished learning” is a significant issue. As shown in the graph above, which compares end-of-year reading proficiency as measured by the PALS K-3 screening tool, the percentage of students who are “at risk” for reading proficiency in kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade roughly doubled between the pre-pandemic year of 2019 and the pandemic year of 2021.

The COVID-era collapse in learning cuts across all demographic groups — Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, economically disadvantaged, not economically disadvantaged, English learners, not English learners, and students with disabilities. Even Asians saw a decline (although it was the least marked of all groups measured).

Two important points to bear in mind. First, “unfinished learning” was a significant issue before the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, the precipitating factor for the decline during the pandemic was not “COVID,” it was the political response to COVID. Virginia saw one of the most widespread shutdowns of in-person learning of any state in the country — a point that the VBOE pointedly does not discuss.

It is a truism that if students fail to master grade-level skills in, say, 2nd grade, they will find it even harder to keep up in 3rd grade. VBOE officials have rightly identified the early grades as “foundational,” and have targeted resources to ensure better performance.

Sadly, that effort does not appear to have had any discernible effect. Remarkably, the English reading pass rate for Virginia 3rd graders (70.6%) in 2018-19 (the last pre-COVID year) was lower than for 4th graders, which in turn was lower than for 5th graders. Here are the Standards of Learning (SOL) pass rates for all Virginia students, according to data from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Build-a-Table.

How do we explain the significant improvement in grades 4 and 5? I cannot say, but I doubt it reflects a sudden and massive improvement in the quality of instruction seen in those two grades and none other.

Predictably, the VBOE report concludes that “strategies” to raise grade-level proficiency in reading require more money and more social justice. Specifically, that means recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers, equipping educators to deal with an increasingly diverse student population, and more funding for reading programs for at-risk students.

Remarkably, the Conditions and Needs report makes no reference to the widespread practice of “social promotion.” Not one. The phrase does not appear in the report. One would think that if two out of five Virginia school children are experiencing significant “unfinished learning,” one might examine the wisdom of advancing them to the next grade. But, no.

Once upon a time, schools had a thing called “summer school.” Perhaps some still do.

The VBOE report does not mention summer school either, except tangentially in an appendix describing the Standards of Quality. That document says that school districts shall require students failing their SOLs to take “special programs of prevention, intervention or remediation, which may include attendance in public summer school programs.” The main body of the report provides no data on the number of students who actually do participate in these remediation programs, and I can find no indication on the VDOE website that the state tracks this number. (Nor, for that matter, does VDOE track the number of children who are socially promoted.)

I’ve heard that by the time students reach high school, teachers are under intense administrative pressure to give passing grades. Indeed, in at least one major Virginia school district, teachers are not allowed to give zeros to children who fail to take tests or hand in assignments. For purposes of calculating final grades, the minimum score for homework assignments and tests is 55.

There is a whole lot of “unfinished learning” going on, and the VBOE’s discussion of it is remarkably superficial. Virginia’s school children deserve better.

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46 responses to “The Latest Euphemism: “Unfinished Learning””

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Definitely the new buzzword, “unfinished learning”. My old colleagues tell me that is a frequently used term during faculty meetings. The original spirit of the SOLs demanded remediation until proficiency could be scored. That remediation was supposed to begin right after a kid learned of a F score or as they call it now Basic (which means progress towards proficiency). It would continue until the next testing opportunity. That never really happened. Too costly is my guess for not doing so. The remediation in place now serves no one at all.

    “Board of Education has defined three levels of student achievement: basic, proficient, and advanced, with basic describing progress towards proficiency.”

    I don’t understand why it so evil to call an F what it really is, failure. Not only of the learner but all levels of the education institution.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Every single one of us gets an “F” in some part of our lives but we don’t call it FAILURE usually , we see it as something we need to work on and get better at.

      Anyone who goes around calling others a failure has failed to learn something fundamental… themselves.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Sure Mr. Larry but you get an F. You missed the point. What kind of man would U.S. Grant have become without the endless failures that built a great man. You can point out failure without belittling someone. Failure builds resolve and resilience. Two key qualities to making it in this world.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I get “F”s , yes.. but I point out that admitting it and accepting it and dealing with it is what is important and more important than laying down markers especially for others.

          There is no merit in that IMHO.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          James, didn’t you try teaching at a private school after you retired?

          As I recall.. they had a lot of “stuff” they were doing in response to the pandemic… no?

  2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    You have to hand it to the VDOE chart designers.

    They have provided a visualization (PALS results) that uses the benchmark failure rate, which is undisclosed, as the baseline and show increasing failure rates above the benchmark, giving those who glance at it the feeling of improving results until they read the chart.

    A standard way of showing such declining results would create a visualization that inverts this chart.

    Maybe this is the only way they could get the chart approved.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Point is they DID provide the chart… and report.

      Maybe don’t have all the data one might want, especially critics, but I give them credit for providing a good amount of data even when it does not reflect well – they still provide it , and really a LOT of it from build-a-table to profiles to other – that then others including strident critics can use to impugn them and advocate for charters and other alternatives – that often don’t provide near the amount of transparency and data.

      VDOE has it’s hands full, no question.

      But I’d not call unfinished learning a failure at all.

      It’s really forward-looking.

      They’re honestly admitting it and taking responsibility for it and are making plans to address it and my bet is that after all is said and done, they’ll maintain their spot in the top 10 states in the country for public education performance.

    2. Wow, that was sneaky. I was totally snookered!

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A rising falling. You just have to throw enough words at it.

      You’re correct about the direction normally. A clever grapher would have selected a value for the “zero line” of -25% and graphed the deltas. That the way the individual failings pop back and forth and look smaller.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and well.. if you are a suspicious sort, everything they do has a nefarious motive….it’s what they do!

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    You know, if Virtual is so bad… how come 38 states are setting up permanent virtual schools? You’d never know this by reading BR which characterizes virtual learning as a “failure”. Yes, there were failures, but that is spurring schools on to do it better. They not quitting it, actually the opposite.

    “38 States Setting Up Permanent Virtual Schools After Pandemic Sparked Interest”

    Pandemic Speeds US Rise in Virtual Schools

    ” Virtual Schools to Be Increasingly Common After COVID-19
    School districts across the country expect the demand for online learning options to remain above pre-pandemic levels. Some are launching new virtual schools or preparing to accommodate future enrollment.”

    1. Larry, you read much and absorb nothing. This quote is a classic example: “You’d never know this by reading BR which characterizes virtual learning as a “failure”.

      I have frequently noted that virtual learning works well for some people. It does not work well for everyone. It especially does not work well for students who are not motivated and have no one to look over their shoulders and make sure they are participating and doing the work. For the people virtual learning does not work for, it is disastrous.

      Please stop making stuff up. You do it all the time, and it is exceedingly tiresome.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Au Contriare. Pot, Kettle!!!!

        Virtual learning started badly and needs to improve but 38 states ought to tell you something about “not for everybody”

        Virtual Learning can even work for the less motivated if done right.

        You have no imagination and no soul JAB!

        TIRESOME is the never-ending anti-public education clap-trap … biased and misleading as well as just plain wrong….

        We had a pandemic. It screwed up a lot of things that govt had nothing to do with – like volunteer groups that do food pantries and taxes – could not do “in-person” and had to adapt… no blame and no govt blame… it’s a pandemic… and we have to adapt.

        TIREsOME also is the neverending blame-game…

        It’s like calling VDOT a failure because there are traffic accidents and congestion.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I remember when Conservatives were telling us that virtual learning was the future of schooling (especially as a way to replace traditional public schools).

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes… and now… ‘crickets” and talk about ‘woke’ and “CRT’ and “failure”.

            Regardless of the negative narratives emanating in BR…. despite it’s problems , virtual in going ahead and it will get better and better.

            ” Virtual Schools to Be Increasingly Common After COVID-19
            School districts across the country expect the demand for online learning options to remain above pre-pandemic levels. Some are launching new virtual schools or preparing to accommodate future enrollment.

            While virtual learning and teaching have come with a plethora of challenges, some K-12 educators are more confident than ever about their remote capabilities after more than a year of virtual schooling during COVID-19 school closures. According to a February survey by the RAND Corporation American School District Panel, about 20 percent of schools now plan to establish and expand online courses for the handful of families who’ve welcomed the change of pace and flexibility of virtual learning.

            Education officials from coast to coast say they’re bracing for an unprecedented increase in demand for online learning options in the years to come. And plans are underway to help meet that demand via the establishment of new virtual academies and the expansion of existing programs.”


            But not going to get that half glass full narrative here in BR these days.

            It’s all about how govt reacted wrongly to COVID and screwed up schools…and other… and that’s after the “woke’ and “CRT” crappola.

            Basically, it’s a war on public education here these days.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Conservatives believed that virtual education was a promising way to help make college education more affordable, especially in the face of the unconscionable run up of the cost of secondary education imposed by liberal college administrations and compliant boards of visitors.

            I have never read any conservative commentary that held K-12 education would be better provided via remote learning.

            If you have links to such commentary, please provide them.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            One of many examples:


            “Support of school choice also includes support for learning options such as same-sex schools, full day school hours, and year-round schools, charter schools, and virtual schools.”

            Of course, that was 2014… alas… this is now…

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            Ahh … school choice not mandatory distance learning. Not exactly “conservatives saying that virtual teaching was the future of schooling”. I wouldn’t want my K-12 kid in a virtual school but I wouldn’t want him homeschooled either.

        2. Matt Hurt Avatar

          Without someone at home who will ensure virtual kids do their work, many students will find more entertaining uses of their time. There are many kids for whom assignment to virtual instruction is akin to expulsion from school.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            And there are kids whom this option is perfect and they will benefit from it.

            So, the question might be, is it the job of Professional Education instructors to be “‘enforcers” of “learning”?

            Is that what we pay them for and it’s the fault of the teachers and education system if they don’t perform that function – even when/if parents will not?

            Does anyone here remember their childhood and THEIR parents telling them to go do their homework – EVERY NIGHT … AND to see their report card every six weeks?

            No teacher ever had to “force” me to do my work.

            Why is that at the center of opposition to virtual learning now?

          2. Matt Hurt Avatar

            Yes. There is the old saying that goes “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”, and that is very true. However, good teachers know how to shove a fistful of salt down that horse’s throat so that it gets mighty thirsty. This is the case with in-person instruction as well as virtual. The problem with virtual is that the teacher can’t reach the horse with the salt because the horse is out gallivanting in another pasture.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            All I know, is every day after school, I was asked “how did it go”… “what did you learn?” , “Are you going to get A’s and B’s on your report card”.

            The only thing a teacher ever did to REALLY motivate me was when I was in Catholic School and the Nun snuck up behind me and whacked the desk with her yardstick. I wet my pants I was so motivated!

            I KNOW that younger kids need a skilled and capable teacher who can motivate them to learn more/better, get those attaboys, and star stickers, etc… and it make my day when the teacher added “Good Job’ to my paper.

            However, I’ve also watched pinball and video games as well as my walking app on my phone – shoot me a ‘Way to GO” or “Awesome job” and that feels good also.

            In short, I think the right kind of software can ALSO motivate kids. Not all of them, not any more that a teacher can motivate all kids… but it can be way, way more effective that doing conventional classroom lectures via video screen.

            The proof of this is that more and more schools and commercial software providers ARE succeeding with more and more kids at virtual.

            I don’t see it as ever replacing teachers, especially good ones. but as another tool in their toolbelt.

            Homework is one of those places where kids can be engaged virtually, which can be better than them stewing over something in their bedroom and no teacher to really give one-on-one help.

          4. Matt Hurt Avatar

            The problem is with the “work” part of homework. There isn’t a program that will cause kids to osmose skills, and the PS5 has yet to release any hot new games that will help student practice those skills. Very little learning can occur without the real work that goes into it. If there’s not someone there to ensure the students do their work, for many, it won’t happen. The majority of kids can easily find a variety of things they consider more engaging than even the most engaging lesson in the world.

            Many of these kids aren’t asked how their day was or what they learned when they get home every evening. These kids don’t have the de facto expectations from their parents to be successful in school. Many parents are otherwise engaged and don’t have the time or interest to invest in education. Not all parents value an education, nor do they understand how an education can provide options in their kids’ lives.

            This is why one of the common characteristics of our most successful teachers of our most at-risk students are the very positive relationships they build with their students. Teachers can’t physically force kids to do their work, but if they have those strong relationships, they certainly can persuade them to do so. In a virtual setting, the teacher doesn’t get the opportunity to develop those relationships with students who choose not to engage. If a student refuses to log into the virtual session, if no one at home answers the teacher’s call, if they hide when the teacher comes to make a home visit (as happened last year), how can engagement occur?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, as usual , I have no argument with your views which are backed up by real knowledge and experience.

            I just think virtual is going to get better and become a valuable tool that works quite well for some kids and actually leaving more time for one-on-one for the kids that don’t learn that way.

            It’s also a way for kids that are advanced to move ahead and not get held back in a class of lesser capable kids.

            That can be especially true in schools with large numbers of economically disadvantaged kids and far fewer of kids who are read to excel and just need opportunity to do so.

            I just don’t think it’s a binary thing with virtual like is being claimed by some folks as part of a political agenda.

            A MAJORITY of school systems nationwide are moving forward on virtual, even as they go back to in-person.

          6. Matt Hurt Avatar

            I’m not opposed to virtual instruction. In fact, Region VII began their own virtual academy. Virtual can be a viable option for many student, preferred for some, and not at all viable for others.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            and can even help in-person. Once a relationship is established and motivation begun – the kid doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘in-person’ – in fact, can jump ahead on his/her own at home with the teacher still very much involved and integral.

            I just the arguments against virtual that are politically-inspired are not valid.

            The day will come when virtual is an integral part of K-12 instruction and i think it is happening now…

          8. Matt Hurt Avatar

            Unfortunately, you underestimate the draw that non-school activities have on modern students. Without someone ensuring the student attends to his her school work, be that with-it parents/guardians at home, or teachers in the classroom, there are so many more activities most students will choose other than schoolwork. There could never be a scenario where virtual instruction could work if neither the parents/guardians nor the kids are disciplined enough to make sure it gets done. The problem is, there’s a ton of kids out there who find themselves in this situation.

            For example, many families who were educators and valued education very much had to declare a jihad on their kids to get them to do their schoolwork during virtual instruction. I speak from experience, as my then 11 year old daughter, and A/B student prior to the pandemic fought valiantly to not do her work, or slip by with as little effort as possible. This did not happen in school.

            We were not alone. In fact, many parents found it easier to do their kid’s work than to get their kid to do it. We see plenty of examples of this as students aced their benchmarks, which pre-pandemic were extremely predictive of SOL performance, and then the student would fail their SOL tests.

            Anything that involves human beings is a messy business, and it cannot be simply boiled down to an algorithm- do x and get y. There are so many moving pieces that even practitioners have a hard time keeping the wheels on the bus. Therefore, when politicians, pundits, or anyone else proposes a solution that starts with “all you have to do is…”, practitioners simply laugh. It really highlights the hubris of the speaker to think that such a complex situation can be boiled down to a simple solution.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            As usual, your words and experience as an educator and a parent are hard to dispute!

            HOWEVER, just as your daughter was influence by you in her behavior – away from you , at school, and other activities , the same can happen between a teacher and a student when the student has a good relationship with the teacher but spends time away from her/him but still does their homework and other study when NOT in school.

            It depends on the kid as well as the parent and the teacher in terms of how much influence that guides the kid when they are away from the parent, teacher, other role models.

            For the ones that do have good relationships and are motivated, to do homework, additional computer-based tools like education software can provide additional value and the word “virtual” in that context is really a misnomer because it implies mostly a teacher in a screen rather than a much fuller panoply of learning tools.

            I just think we are so wedded to the conventional ideas of in-person teaching that we are not paying attention to the way that technology has transformed virtually every field, including higher level education – both college and occupational – except K-12 and ‘done right” good changes can come about.

            GOOD K-12 software has to be based entirely on how good learning occurs conventionally. That’s the trick of good software. It takes a good and talented programmer, but the content and functionality have to be based on how education and learning happen, no matter the setting.

            Many, many kids who ARE motivated can benefit from access to GOOD “virtual” software. It’s a way for kids who may not have the best teacher in the classroom or a classroom that is “behind” their potential and ability to excel AND leave the classroom teacher to deal with the kids who are not as fortunate.

            We need to embrace “virtual” to improve public schooling, IMHO.

            If we do not, the private sector WILL and public schooling as current will be outmoded and less effective than other schools.

            Online IS transforming higher ed right now… and it is also pushing down to K-12.

            Public schools need to evolve and adapt… and utilize online/virtual to keep up with change…

            “old school” is not what it’s cracked up to be in a lot of fields, and I believe also in K-12.

            Kids CAN be motivated in a wide variety of ways beyond JUST in front of a teacher in a classroom – and when you get right down to it – self-motivation is the point where a lot of kids “get it” and become lifetime learners.

            I just have an optimistic view of the future – there is tremendous opportunity, but we must evolve and adapt to access it.

          10. Matt Hurt Avatar

            If you develop that “good” software, the world will beat a path to your door. No such thing exists, and I’m not planning to hold my breath until it does. I’m no Luddite, but there’s some things for which technology is simply not a universal one size fits all solution.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            All true. The first, second and third versions of the were failures, but here we are!

            There are folks who think the way I do that are good programmers and exceptional teachers. It’s going to happen and it’s no coincidence that 38 states are not accelerating “virtual” not abandoning it.

            Their are leaders, followers and folks in the way who have to move!

            Kids at the top – and the bottom can benefit from “hybrid” online/virtual/in-person.

            It’s not an either/or proposition. It’s only that way for the folks who are “stuck’ with “old school” and those others who have anti-public school political agendas.

            Charter, choice schools ARE going to adopt technology in ways that it does work well and retain conventional methods where it does not yet and lead the way and most (not all) public schools will follow.

            This is one reason why I do support competitors to public schools (who have to abide by demographic and academic standards.

            I’m ALL FOR a Virginia version of Success Academies provide they have to serve the disadvantaged demographics, cannot abandon the ones who have “unfinished” learning like some academies do when they boot them and finally, they have to test and report the SOLs just like public schools do.

            Innovation in public schools is HARD and SLOW – they need competitors to motivate them.


  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Pentagon speak?

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    My suggestion on improving virtual learning in preparation for the next time, in-person virtual learning.

    Introduce virtual learning as part of the classroom curriculum. Teach kids how to learn virtually, and then only the hardware is a problem.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes… and homework at night maybe.

      I AGREE with JAB that motivation is an issue with kids but I also know there are some really neat “learning games and toys” out there that can interest the kid and pull them in.

      Virtual Learning needs to evolve and get better.

      It did not succeed during the pandemic because virtual learning by video lecture… sucks… you need much more than that especially for young kids and less motivated – but it’s not impossible.

      It’s a matter of half-glass and JAB is stuck on half-empty…

      And the funny thing is that the UVA/Dragas thing was about MOOC at least in part.

      Never heard another word about it … now it’s all about “woke’ and other poop…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Apparently, Republican darling Marjorie Taylor Greene has it nailed, “Every single year more than 600,000 people in the US die from cancer. The country has never once shut down. Not a single school has closed. And every year, over 600,000 people, of all ages and all races will continue to die from cancer.”

        “Hey! We ain’t makin’ this up. We’re figurin’ it out.”

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Perhaps never before did we really recognize and understand the stark difference of views politically on public health and pandemics.

          Clearly Conservatives have very different perceptions and attitudes than folks on the left.

          The claim that JAB expresses that it’s not the pandemic but the way the govt handled it is a prevailing view among Conservatives.

          And something similar with public education, although we’ve known it. Conservatives have never been happy or supportive of public education for a variety of reasons and more than a few have a “tear it down” attitude. The big stumbling block is funding where they still want to tax everyone then give the money to each parent to spend for schools of their choice. And no more standardized testing or other ways to measure – the way that non-public schools operate already.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Good luck with those learning games competing against Fortnite and Call of Duty.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Can something not be created that incorporates BOTH?

          Have you ever played a game that awarded points that you needed to continue – and you did all kinds of stuff that was hard and not really that much fun so you could continue?

          Somehow, the issue seems to be about whether kids are motivated or not and whose responsibility that is.

          I was motivated by how my parents would react if I brought home a bad report card. Is that now the fault of teachers who teach virtual?

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        UVa / Dragas / MOOC was not aimed at K-12 education. Please stay up.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          True – but the whole virtual thing now extends to K-12 – there are commercial companies that do it and now so is Liberty University to K-12…

          keep up… DJ… more time on task and less swilling ..

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Second, the precipitating factor for the decline during the epidemic was not “COVID,” it was the political response to COVID.”

    Only in the opinion of those who choose to be willfully ignorant of the facts and realities.

    Schools around the Nation and around the world, including non-public schools were severely affected by COVID and BOTH govt AND non-govt responses to it – as were all manner of other activities from medical care to govt and non-govt meetings and workplaces, to even things like movie theaters and restaurants.

    Denial of these impacts and/or blaming them on govt response is just in denial of simple facts and realities – around the world.

    But it’s exactly how some Conservatives feel… bless their little dark hearts.

    The goal of public schools is to help each child reach their full potential and it may not happen to all of them on the same schedule or even at all for some.

    “Failure” is something that happens to every single one of us in our lives. The trick is to keep going and achieve what you can.

    To look at this the way that JAB looks at it is really unrealistic and honestly, sad.

    What happens to kids who don’t make it in private schools or the success academies? Do they stick with the kid like public schools will or do they kick them out and send them back to public schools to deal with?

    1. You’re the one in denial, Larry. I have repeatedly documented the fact that Virginia had one of the highest rates of remote learning of any state in the country. All you do is repeat insults and undocumented assertions. You add nothing to the conversation.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, I wouldn’t call what you “add” as anything of much value. It’s mostly a dark and blame-ridden view of public education – over and over… same old same old.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Public education has been failing in this country for decades. America continues to fall behind other countries. The failures are especially glaring for marginalized communities. The pandemic accelerated that failure. Remote teaching was a disaster and Virginia bought into remote learning more than just about any other state.

          Liberals have demanded more money, more money, more money. Yet places that spend the most per pupil (ex: Washington, DC) have not seen any improvements. In fact, DC operated a dismal K-12 public education operation. Conservatives see school choice and competition as the better alternative to more money. That has not been tried in Virginia but, according to Glenn Younkin, it is in our future.

      2. Merchantseamen Avatar

        Remember Larry is an “expert” in everything that you post.

  7. Matt Hurt Avatar

    “How do we explain the significant improvement in grades 4 and 5?” Who says this is the case? Just because the pass rate increased? Please keep in mind that the BOE sets the expectations via the SOL cut scores, and we have no constant by which to compare these statistics.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      There are a LOT of moving parts to these data and it’s a mistake to take them at face value and draw conclusions, especially political ones… like JAB seems want to do at times.

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