“The Last Romantic War,” a Review

by James Wyatt Whitehead V 

In the spring of 1986, I was given an old foot locker with the name Charles Faben Redd and V.M.I. emblazoned on it. Uncle Charlie had just died and the family had gathered in the stately parlor of his home in Studley, Virginia. At the age of 15, I had never inherited anything before and I wasn’t quite sure of what to make of this gift. Aunt Liz made a big production about how the contents of the foot locker were Uncle Charlie’s most prized possessions and he wanted me to have this. I waited until I got home to open that foot locker  I expected to find items of great monetary value. What a surprise! Inside the foot locker were very carefully arranged memorabilia from a long time back. A pair of black polished leather boots, a shako, trousers, a thick high collared blouse and coatee. A small box containing VMI collar tags, brass buttons, and a tarnished belt buckle. There was a mouth harp, a bundle of letters, a size-16 pair of track cleats, an old-fashioned Kodak camera, a thick scrap book, and a shoebox full of pictures. My initial disappointment gave way to wonder. I had a perfectly preserved snapshot into Uncle Charlie’s early manhood. The foot locker even smelled like Uncle Charlie. I now had answers to questions about Uncle Charlie I never got around to asking.

Author Robin Traywick Williams offers readers a priceless time capsule in her new book, “The Last Romantic War: How two members of the Greatest Generation survived love and war.” The story centers on the courtship of Flo Neher and United States Army Captain H.V. “Bo” Traywick with the backdrop of World War Two. In the spring of 1942, a young prom trotting girl meets a dashing Army Captain on a blind date at Fort Benning, Georgia. A handful of dates and a daring proposal on April Fool’s day, launch a romance with a fairy tale finish. A three-year pause between proposal and matrimony is punctuated by a roller coaster ride in the events of World War Two.

Award winning journalist and novelist Robin Traywick Williams is a graduate of Hollins College. Robin’s columns have appeared in the Richmond Times Dispatch and other Virginia newspapers. She is a major figure in Virginia’s equestrian history, having served as chair of the Virginia Racing Commission.  Robin’s extensive knowledge of horse racing and the gift of storytelling can be found in the award-winning novel “The Key to the Quarter Pole.”

The research behind “The Last Romantic War” is thorough, with a clear attention to detail. Many hours of recorded interviews, exhaustive exploration of World War II materials, and a careful selection of just the right anecdote makes for an authentic journey back to 1942. Robin’s diction and character dialogue places the reader in the living room of the Traywicks to hear the tales of Bo and Flo as if you were a member of the family “peanut gallery.”

As a teller of tales, Captain Bo Traywick often recounted for the children of the family of how he met their mother. “You know we met on April Fool’s Day,” he would say. Of course, Robin and her siblings could anticipate every sequence of this romantic tale. But it didn’t matter, the banter between Bo and Flo retelling the events of 1942 always made for a perfect family evening. The yarns of courtship, World War II in Burma, the Homefront, the extended families from both sides, and the many extra characters were never stale.

Bo and Flo instantly conjure up the images of movie stars from the Golden Age of the Silver Screen. Captain Traywick has the looks and bravado of Clark Gable along with the charm and chivalry of Randolph Scott. Flo Neher has the spark and wit of Vivien Leigh accompanied with the grace and serenity of Olivia De Havilland. Captain Traywick and Ms. Neher were accomplished dancers in the era of Swing and the Big Bands. One can imagine the good times on the wood parquet floors of the Officers’ Club at Fort Benning. The timeless sound of Glenn Miller classic songs such as “In the Mood” or “String of Pearls” puts the reader in a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers state of mind.

One of the real gems of “The Last Romantic War” is the art of courtship during the war years. It was a time when young people dated often and with a revolving door of partners. There was a refined and intricate ritual to courtship. Bo and Flo’s journey brings to life the excitement and electricity of finding “the one” after a long search. Robin Traywick Williams is able to uncover the melancholy, long hidden in tales, of a tumultuous passage between the engagement and the wedding. The courtship endures the joys of romance in exciting times, disappointment, heartache, reconciliation, separation, and long pauses between letters. The reader can fully experience this ball of confusing and powerful emotions that only the young can relate to.

Captain Traywick was deployed to India in 1942. His mission was to train Chinese soldiers and officers for the coming campaign against the Empire of Japan in Burma. The Burma campaign is a forgotten and uncredited chapter of World War II in the Pacific theater. Construction of the Ledo Road from Burma and into China was a task on the scale of building the Panama Canal or the Hoover Dam. Traywick and his companions had to battle malaria, an endless jungle, rugged mountains, and a determined Japanese resistance. Williams meticulously researched and wove together a compelling story of endurance, hardship, and eventual triumph.

A substantial portion of “The Last Romantic War” comes through the eyes of Flo Neher. After the passing of Bo Traywick in 2006, Robin’s mother is able to come forward and fill in some important spaces to this compelling story. Flo was an active member of women contributing on the Homefront during World War Two. Flo’s mother “Nana” Neher, provides wise counsel and support during a long and complex courtship. Above all, Flo’s interviews later in life help temper the tea pot of stories from Bo’s perspective. Flo’s frame of reference cools and soothes the story just as a tea cup and saucer should. This brings out a high degree of authenticity.

From time to time, I still open Uncle Charlie’s foot locker. I keep it organized exactly the way he packed it, too. It is a great window that takes me back to the youthful days of my favorite Uncle. Robin Traywick Williams book, “The Last Romantic War,” is more than a window looking back some eighty years now. It is a time portal that places the reader on the “yellow brick road” that Bo and Flo followed. I was fully immersed in the story of the Greatest Generation and I enjoyed every page of it. This is a book for the young and old, for it spans culture and generation gaps. “The Last Romantic War” transported back to an exciting time in America and to a group of Americans who made the twentieth century the American century. The last page of the book features Bo and Flo in their golden years. The photograph accurately captures the last words of the novel: “and they lived happily ever after.”

You can order the book directly from the author here.

James Wyatt Whitehead V is a retired Loudoun County school teacher.

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19 responses to ““The Last Romantic War,” a Review”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    James, you’re a man of many talents. A world-class historian and a gifted writer are two!

    Thank you for sharing your experiences!

    On the dearly-departed memorabilia – as someone who has helped the Church Thrift Shop, part of that gig is going out to houses that are being cleaned up by surviving relatives and it’s a sobering experience in many ways in terms of what is kept , what is given away and what is trash and how much of it.

    I hope you write more here… it’s good stuff to read!

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Those are very kind words Mr. Larry. Thank you.

    2. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      Wow! Wonderment rules. Yesterday I was in agreement with a NN comment. Now this. Just kidding, Larry.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Size 16 track cleats? How big was Uncle Charlie? And how fast? Size 16 track shoes sounds like something one might find in Rob Gronkowski’s closet.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Uncle Charlie was 6 feet and 6 inches with a slender trim. He was picked on for those barge sized feet. He boasted for many years about holding the long jump and javelin records at VMI. Uncle Charlie and Charles Foster class of 1925 were the backbone of a 4by400 relay team that could not be defeated.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Great review.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Been knowing the Traywicks for a while, although we’ve lost touch. May have to check this out, but then I’ve got my parents’ very parallel story. They were on one of their first dates on a particular Sunday in 1941 when the movie was stopped and the manager made a dire announcement…..

    But then in digging through Dad’s stuff I found a WWII scrap book and Mom’s photo was just one of those pasted to a page in the back. 🙂 They didn’t marry until 1947….

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Mr. Haner I think many can connect to The Last Romantic War. This story was reproduced a million times over by the Greatest Generation. I think it is a terrific book for grand children and great grand children who missed the chance to hear these stories first hand. I have recommended to the publisher to reach out to high school history and english teachers as a source material for youngsters. So many great ways for teens to relate to the Americans of the Greatest Generation.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    My aunt and uncle’s story. He was a pilot. She was a nurse. She was assigned to the Aleutians. He was flying cargo after recovering from being shotdown in his P-38.

    They were evacuating the islands and he was preparing to takeoff when she walked up to the front of his plane with a native baby in her arms and shouted that she wasn’t moving and neither was he unless they took the baby onboard.

    His next trip, he tracked down the stubborn nurse…

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      The P 38 Lightening was the coolest US plane of WW2. This was the plane that shot down Admiral Yamamoto.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        My uncle was with Satan’s Angels, one of the 10 survivors of the original 50 pilots. I believe his squadron got Yamamoto. My uncle flew with Lindberg when Lindy got his kill. It was a Betty and held in place by others for Lindy to shoot.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          That is a great story. Write that one down.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Here, you might like this. He’s a Frenchman who made it a life effort to track every pilot, his planes by serial number, their missions, decorations, their fate and regardless of country across all wars

            I found it while researching my wife’s uncle and his death on June 6, 1944.

          2. That’s amazing. He collected information on 6,776 pilots – a monumental effort.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes. Because of him, I was able to locate the wife’s uncle, the details of his death, the plane’s serial number and the name of the pilot who flew the plane before him.

            He was hit by ground fire in his P-51B on D-Day over St. Marie Eglise and was killed when he was struck by his own plane’s tail bailing out.

  6. Thank you for the fine review.

    You are correct about the Burma campaign. Merrill’s Marauders are the best known group to serve in the CBI theater, but otherwise it is definitely a neglected, if not mostly forgotten, chapter of U.S. participation in WWII.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Well, Mountbatten was such a shrinking violet. He made sure it would be remembered as a British show, and it largely was. Stilwell had his issues. Most Americans know nothing of the Battle of Imphal, for example, and far larger undertaking than the various island invasions. But then today they know nothing of the Bulge or Kasserine or any of the history….You probably pass the SOL knowing that WW 2 happened somewhere between WW 1 and the Beatles.

  7. FYI – the link to order the book keeps sending me back to this page…

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The Last Romantic War can be purchased from the author at this link;

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