The Intellectual Laziness of the Mainstream Media

by Kerry Dougherty

How much longer will the mainstream media get away with pretending that it’s conservatives who are racist and never liberals?

Perhaps you noticed. As they tried to explain away the breathtaking Republican sweep of Virginia in last week’s elections, pundits and journalists alike couldn’t stop yapping about dog whistles and white supremacy.

It was so easy and required no real thinking.

But it wasn’t Republicans prancing around in blackface in Virginia as recently as the 1980s. It wasn’t Republicans running a former blackfacer for attorney general. And it wasn’t a Republican who used an offensive racial term as recently as, well, yesterday.

Nope. That was Joe Biden.

On Thursday he wished the father of Secretary of State Antony Blinken a happy birthday by using the same tired trope he rolled out a couple of weeks ago when talking to the pope. It’s a quote attributed to baseball great Satchel Paige who was asked how it felt to be playing ball at the advanced age of 47. He replied, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?”

Mildly amusing, I suppose.

Trouble is, in telling the story yesterday, Biden referred to Paige as “the great Negro at the time…”

Imagine, for a moment if Glenn Youngkin said something like that. The media would be calling for a pre-inaugural impeachment.

Members of the press will excuse Biden, of course. Just another word salad from the aged and confused president. Journalists are in his head, they know what he really meant. After all, he’s a Democrat. He can’t be a racist.

Exactly how many passes does Biden get?

This is the same man who last year told radio host Charlamagne tha God, “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Biden got away with that, too.

Campaigning in Iowa in 2019 and speaking to the Asian and Latino Coalition PAC, Biden said schools in poor areas should offer Advanced Placement classes.

“We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

You want to know how Biden really feels about minorities? Listen to his words. Ignore the media.

On the other hand, we have Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin. The media would like you to believe he and everyone who voted for him is a racist.

If that’s the case, Youngkin’s the worst racist ever. Not only did he run with a more racially diverse slate of candidates than the Democrats, but he repeatedly promised to fully fund Virginia’s struggling HBCUs, historically black colleges and universities, that have essentially been ignored by the last two Democratic administrations. Youngkin vowed to keep public schools open — unlike his predecessor — because it was minorities and less affluent kids who suffered the most under Ralph Northam’s prolonged school closures.

Now we learn that Youngkin asked former Gov. Doug Wilder to serve as an advisor to his transition and administration. Wilder, of course, was the grandson of slaves and Virginia’s first black governor.

During the run-up to the election, Wilder came close to endorsing the Republican ticket. He refused to endorse Terry McAuliffe, saying Democrats hadn’t done enough to earn the African-American vote.

He was harshly critical of McAuliffe who called for Ralph Northam to resign during his 2019 blackface scandal, but later made excuses for the governor and then accepted Northam’s endorsement.

After Youngkin’s win, Wilder noted that McAuliffe had made a perfunctory call to him after winning the Democratic nomination but that he never heard from him again. By contrast, Wilder said, Youngkin had kept in touch with him throughout his campaign.

Never mind all that. The media will continue with the intellectually lazy stereotyping of conservatives as racists until we call them out.

Let’s get this started.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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10 responses to “The Intellectual Laziness of the Mainstream Media”

  1. I am second to no one in my disdain for mainstream-media bias. But to be fair, I would observe that the Republican-v0ters-are-racist trope is far from universal in the MSM. MSNBC’s Joy Reid may reflect the mindset of some in the media and the punditocracy, but she does not speak for everyone. My sense is that many in the media, like many Democrats, are wondering where they went wrong in this election.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Are you kidding me? The judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial makes a corny joke about the Asian food lunch they ordered not being stuck on container ships off California and CNN brings in the woke mob.

      A Columbia professor tells CNN: “All I can say is, Ugh. Old racist stereotypes die hard.”

      An activist tells CNN: “It harms our community and puts us in the crosshairs of micro aggressions as well as actual physical violence.”

      The reality is that the libtwit elite are disturbed by the progress to date of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. They want the kid convicted and the prosecution is performing poorly. So, when the judge tells an unfunny but harmless joke they pounce with the racism BS.

      This crap happens all the time.

  2. Biden in 2007 about Barry Obama, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate
    and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean,
    that’s a storybook, man.”

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Biden isn’t racist, he’s senile. I can accept that he meant to say “Negro League pitcher” and just forgot the “League pitcher” part. What I can’t accept is the mainstream media’s unwillingness to confront the very apparent, sad and frightening truth that our president is experiencing rapidly deteriorating cognitive ability. Gaffes happen to professional politicians / speakers once a year at worst. Over a long public career there can be a lot of annual gaffes built up. But Biden is getting confused every time he talks these days. He can’t even reliably read from a teleprompter anymore. That’s the big story missing from the mainstream media.

    Here’s a recent one … brought to us from the Australian media:

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      There’s a secret Biden decoder ring that tells you exactly what that’s supposed to mean. I think some of the people who post here might have one.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      James Buchanan smiles for a reason. He knew someday somebody would be worse than him.×480.jpg

  4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Liberals fail to recognize that their own prejudices against certain groups of people, though not based on race, is the same basic negative human behavior as overt racism.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    I guess the Australian press is willing to ask the hard questions that the American Mainstream Media is not. Interesting episode, especially the part where the former Obama White House physician Tweets about Biden needing a cognitive test (which Trump took) and Obama’s attempt to intimidate that doctor into silence. Where is the US MSM with this story?

  6. Forget mainstream media. They are almost universally controlled by left-wing deep pocket backers that devote airtime and gallons of digital ink to voices that would otherwise scream into a void.

    I lament the laziness of younger reporters. What happened to skepticism and basic research? When their media masters nix stories that don’t fit the corporate line, find a new master! But with the demise of local papers and small news outlets, where would they go to make a buck?

    As a former member of the press it is heartbreaking to witness the evolution. I was lucky enough to find BR recently and thoroughly enjoy thoughtful and well researched articles and debate here~

  7. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    I have not seen a list of organizations that are members of MSM. At the same time, it is peculiar that so many folks are willing to cite Fox News without recognizing that it qualifies as MSM. In fact, the unresearched topic of this post derives from an edited Fox piece about Biden’s comment on Satchel Paige. The Fox snippet hit the Twitterverse affording critics and commenters here to draw conclusions about Biden’s cognition. The failure to vet the President’s actual words speaks volumes about the outsized media influence wielded by Fox as well as the cognitive sloth of tweeters and others.

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