The Impact of Virginia’s Certificate of Public Need Laws on Nursing Home and Home Health Care Availability and Expenditures

by James C. Sherlock

I have come across a major study in the National Institute of Health’s National Library of Medicine that made a point that I have not explored sufficiently to this point.

It discusses the intersection of nursing homes, home health care, CON laws like Virginia’s Certificate of Public Need (COPN) law, and Medicaid expenditures.

I have shown over time in a series of columns how bad many of Virginia’s nursing homes are.

Antitrust authorities at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and at the US Department of Justice (DOJ) have long taken the position that CON laws are anticompetitive.

This study, conducted prior to COVID, indicates that COPN administration will ensure that nursing facilities not only have little competition from other facilities, which it was designed to do, but also will limit home health care expansion, which the COPN law does not mention.

That is very good for the Virginia nursing home industry.

It is bad for every other Virginian, every one of whom may need at least post-operative recovery and rehabilitation if not long term care.

Some will need it in a dedicated facility, others can be better served at home.

The study indicated that COPN will tend to make home health care less available and potentially raise total Medicaid spending. It also showed that market forces unconstrained by CON laws like COPN will tend to reverse those trends.

So this article is dedicated to our politicians and their constituents.


Some of the language from that report:

“Compared with states without CON laws, Medicare and Medicaid spending in states with CON laws grew faster for nursing home care and more slowly for home health care.

“Thus, controlling for other factors, public postacute and long-term care expenditures in CON states have become dominated by nursing homes.”

During our study period, we observed an expansion of Medicare-paid postacute care which took place in the form of skilled nursing facility care in CON states and in the form of home health care in states without CON.

This implies that if CON laws remain in place when demand for long-term and postacute care increases in the future, nursing home–based care will grow at a relatively faster rate than community-based care in CON states.

This increase in nursing homes conflicts with federal home- and community-based care initiatives.

Though we did not find any effect of CON on aggregate spending, since the cost of nursing home care is higher than the public cost of home-based care, persistence of CON laws may increase future aggregate spending.

“To conclude, states with CON laws experienced faster growth of Medicare and Medicaid spending on nursing home care and slower growth in spending on home health care than states without CON laws.

At a minimum, CON laws related to home health care act as a direct impediment of expansion of home- and community-based care.

CON laws provide nursing homes some degree of market power that does not allow the market to respond freely to price changes or federal policies.”

Bottom line.

The problem is fairly stated. A solution is at hand.

Eliminate nursing homes from review by COPN administrators. A bill can be submitted this year to repeal that portion of the law.  Virginia’s citizens will be the winners.

The licensing and inspection processes will remain in place.

I have become convinced that Virginia’s government health care establishment under current leadership is working hard to use those processes to improve the quality of both nursing facilities and home health agencies.

Those two steps will truly be a win-win for all of us.

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4 responses to “The Impact of Virginia’s Certificate of Public Need Laws on Nursing Home and Home Health Care Availability and Expenditures”

  1. Thanks Mr. Sherlock.

    Reform or elimination of COPN (or CON), has been a hot topic since I arrived in Virginia. Here’s hoping we finally do something about it.

    Perhaps there’s a better one, but below is an overview of its history.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    One question and then a comment.

    1. How does COPN work to discourage or diminish the availability of home health care? The quotes you provide show some correlation, but that is not necessarily causation. I am struggling to understand the connection between nursing homes being covered by COPN and a resulting shortage of home health care.
    2. The COPN issue is extremely complicated. The GA has wrestled with it in the past, but has chosen to kick the can down the road. It is an issue that cannot be readily grappled with during the throes of a legislative session. It is something that needs to studied and debated by a study group between sessions. However, the GA has been loath in recent years to establish such study groups on any topic. Furthermore, with so many new members coming in during the next session, there is a pro and a con. The pro is that there will be fresh ideas and many of the previous members with preconceived positions will be gone. The con is that these members will be so green and so overwhelmed with the chaos that constitutes a GA session that they will not be able to focus on an issue such as COPN, unless it is to listen to lobbyists for the health care industry. Bottom line: don’t expect any movement on COPN during the upcoming session. The only element that could change that assessment would be leadership from the Youngkin administration on the issue and I have seen no indication that the governor is interested in it.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “1. How does COPN work to discourage or diminish the availability of home health care?” Answer: read the study at the link.

      2. “The COPN issue is extremely complicated. The GA has wrestled with it in the past, but has chosen to kick the can down the road.”

      Nonsense, Dick. I have been tracking this issue for nearly 20 years. It is very simple.

      COPN is just as anticompetitive as it was designed to be.

      Senior members of the General Assembly on both sides of the aisle have been bought off or threatened or both by the rich and politically powerful hospitals and nursing home lobbies.

      The massive regional monopolies produced by COPN work exactly like all other monopolies, driving up costs, driving down wages, and immune to pleas for innovation and higher quality medicine. All of those monopolies were created and are protected by the state under COPN.

      CON laws have been opposed by the federal government under administrations of both parties. I have quoted here many times the joint letter sent by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade commission to the General Assembly in the Obama administration encouraging the repeal of COPN.

      You may wish to stop being surprised and confused by the issue.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    One of the interesting things in Virginia is the availability of Medicaid Waiver payments to individuals that can be family members but not required – who care for folks in need of long-term care, who otherwise might be placed in a nursing home.

    I know little about the program other than I see it reported on W2’s from taxpayers. It can be booked as not taxable (or taxable if it benefits the TP). ( can be taxed under some conditions).

    I’d love to learn more about it.

    Basic stuff like how many are being cared for that way and how much the state provides to pay the provider and does it save money over a nursing home.

    Separate from that I also wonder if the percent of medicaid patients in a given nursing home facilities affects the economics especially with regard to how much staffing can be afforded vice nursing homes with smaller percent of medicaid patients and other clients who pay more that what medicaid pays and higher staffing levels.

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