The “I” Stands For Idiot

Sen. Amanda Chase

by Shaun Kenney

State Senator Amanda Chase (I-Chesterfield) was soundly rejected by her own district in the June 20th primary, where participants were ostensibly pledged to support the nominee, win or lose.

Of course, Senate Democrats are hanging on by a thread, knowing full well that Senate Republicans are in a prime position to overwhelmingly trounce a leftist opposition party that has only doubled down on failed policies in Richmond and elsewhere.

For years, it had been speculated that Chase was held in thrall to her funders — Clean Virginia being prime among them — who were keen to paint Republicans in the worst possible light.

Those same progressive dark money groups may have found their candidate, per WTVR:

“If you give me a 1 percent chance to contest something I’m going to stand up for the people who voted and supported me,” she said.

Chase said she planned to launch a write-in campaign in the fall so she could still have a shot to hold her Senate seat in November.

Chase also stated she raised $10,000 to help get a legal consult to fight her loss.

“We didn’t want to file a frivolous lawsuit. We didn’t want to file a lawsuit that didn’t have any standing. It took some time to raise the money and took some time to have our attorneys take a look at the best strategy moving forward and we believe is going to the state board of elections,” she said.

Unfortunately for Chase, the Virginia State Board of Elections has already certified the outcome of her June 20th nomination contest.

Chase lost the primary by nearly 400 votes. CBS 6 Political Analyst Bob Holsworth said once the certification happened, the election is over.

He said the certification is a sign the State Board of Elections is comfortable with the results and that they have been reported accurately.

“This has no impact whatsoever on how they are going to act. They have acted. They have certified,” he said.

So why would Chase challenge the certification of the results? Why challenge the results? And precisely who benefits from any write-in campaign?

Well… let’s just say that it’s not the folks trying to stop Critical Race Theory and transgenderism in your schools.

Let’s be direct here. There is a reason why third-party challenges don’t work. First and foremost, because most third-party challengers are actually bucked up by one of the two major parties. Dirty secret, but there it is.

Second and close behind? Most third-party challengers aren’t even close to competing with the major political parties. Even the Libertarian Party’s 2013 gubernatorial bid didn’t come close to either McAuliffe or Cuccinelli — and for good reason.

What is that reason? Reason #3 is plain and simple: INFRASTRUCTURE.

The major parties have it; the third-party efforts do not. We aren’t just talking fundraising, we are talking a media ecosystem, volunteers, activists, pre-sold ideas in the public imagination, bureaucrats, lobbyists, corporations, relationships, relationships, relationships.

Did I mention relationships?

There’s a reason why the Reform Party collapsed in 1992, and a further reason why the Bull Moose Party was the last major third-party effort in the United States since the 1856 Republican Party. The Reform Party got hijacked (and it is well documented how that happened and who did it); the Bull Moose Party wasn’t a local or regional power, but the cult of personality of Theodore Roosevelt.

Which leads to one of two conclusions. Third party efforts are either bought and paid for to take down the good guys, or quixotic ego trips where attention is the drug and money is the fuel.

Readers can decide which.

Republished with permission from The Republican Standard.

Shaun Kenney is the editor of The Republican Standard, former chairman of the Board of Supervisors for Fluvanna County, and a former executive director of the Republican Party of Virginia.

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40 responses to “The “I” Stands For Idiot”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    “soundly rejected”? I think she lost by just a couple hundred votes or so?

  2. vicnicholls Avatar

    “soundly rejected”? I think she lost by just a couple hundred votes or so?

  3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    “First and foremost, because most third-party challengers are actually bucked up by one of the two major parties. Dirty secret, but there it is.”

    Is the author suggesting that the Democratic Party is supporting Amada Chase? While it may make for a good story, I don’t know a single Democrat who would give a penny to that woman.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      What’s that expression about “being on fire”?

      1. WayneS Avatar

        The one that involves ‘not crossing the street’, or some other one?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          The other one.

    2. M. Purdy Avatar
      M. Purdy

      That’s precisely what the author is insinuating. By doing so, he can claim “she ins’t one of us!” Well, she certainly was.

    3. VaPragamtist Avatar

      An individual Democrat doesn’t have to give money to that woman for the party infrastructure to support her behind the scenes.

      It’s certainly not unheard of. There was a scandal when a similar attempt by Republicans was exposed in the 2018 congressional race between Scott and Luria.

      No Democrat will vote for Chase, even as a third party. But some Republicans will. So the best (hidden) investment of time and money for the DPVA is to siphon off votes Sturetevant votes and watch Republicans eat themselves.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        I don’t know what “support her behind the scenes” means. Is it not either money or votes? Neither of which will she receive from Democrats or the DPVA. If you are suggesting that they will just be happy that she runs, then yeah, they will support her behind the scenes.

        1. VaPragamtist Avatar

          Money, hidden through no-name donors or non-obvious organizations. Or money passed in envelopes to someone to serve as the official donor.

          Also campaign infrastructure support. No-name volunteers working GOTV efforts on Chase’s behalf, unofficially organized by DPVA staff, the local party, and other Democrats.

          That help?

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Interesting … I don’t know enough to dispute this but I am frankly surprised with the transparency requirements in VA on donations. But I admit that I am no expert on this.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Ahh … third parties …

    In the 2000 presidential campaign, Gore / Lieberman fell just 537 Florida votes short of victory and Ralph Nader, the liberal activist and Green Party nominee, won more than 97,000 votes. George W. Bush’s win in Florida gave him the White House.

    Putting aside Amanda Panda ….

    Lieberman is now pushing a group calling itself “No Labels”. They have apparently raised $70m to field a moderate third party candidate in 2024.

    Meanwhile, Joe Manchin is apparently too liberal for West Virginia and Larry Hogan is too progressive for the Republicans in general.

    What happens if there is a a three way race among Biden / Harris, Trump / TBD and Manchin / Hogan?

    Could Manchin / Hogan win a few states and deny an electoral college majority to either the GOP or the Dems?

    OK, I’m really going to skate on some thin knowledge ice here …

    If no candidate for president wins a majority of the electoral college votes, the votes goes to the House of Representatives.

    However, the House of Representatives votes by state, not by member.

    In the admittedly unlikely scenario I outlined, is it conceivable that the states where Republicans control the majority of House of Representatives would …

    Decide to cut their losses and vote for Manchin / Hogan rather than re-elect The Donald?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      I like it. My nightmares are a repeat Biden/Trump contest in ’24. While not a particular fan of either Manchin or Hogan, I voted 3rd party in both ’16 and ’20 because I could not in good conscience vote for either of the Dem or Repub candidates. It could happen again.

      Remember ’92. Even though Ross Perot had almost 19% of the popular vote Clinton got 370 Electoral College votes to Poppy Bush’s 168. Perot got 0, none, nada. Chances are high that a 3rd party will just flip Electoral College votes between major parties, not acquire them to keep one of them from getting 270 for the win.

      But with us Indys today numbering more than either Repubs or Dems maybe the picture has changed. We can only hope.,,

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        We should dig up Ross, he’d be better quality than what we’ve currently got. I won’t go as far as to say Nader would though.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I respected Joe Lieberman.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Too bad, but we all have our flaws.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Even my late Dad, a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, liked Joe Lieberman. Hubert Humphrey too.

            Go figure.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Just before the mud started really slinging. He was respectable and middle of the road politician with Country in mind. He didn’t carry my vote, but that’s because his running mate was a tool. The collapse of a function Congress seemed to have been a result of the Clinton Impeachment hearings and Bush/Gore 2000. After that point, it was how much mud can we sling and how much power can we seed to the Executive Branch, so we can campaign ad infinitum.

            Although, I’ve always thought he looked like the Emperor from Star Wars.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            Lieberman has experience winning as a ‘third party’ candidate, too. In 2006 he lost the democrat primary for the U.S. senate seat he had held since 1989. While he remained a member of the democrat party, he ran a ‘third party’ campaign as the “Connecticut for Lieberman” party’s candidate. He won the election and retained his seat.

            He had an interesting career.

            In 2008, he managed to retain his chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs after endorsing John McCain for president at the republican national convention.

      2. WayneS Avatar

        My nightmares are a repeat Biden/Trump contest in ’24.

        Mine, too. If that happens I’ll probably write-in a Nance Naive / WayneS ticket in 2024 😉

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          What about me, am I a potted plant? My feeling is hurt:( But, let me know where I can send my campaign contributions. Trust y’all won’t be using Act Blue. 🙂

          1. WayneS Avatar

            N0, we will not be using Act Blue.

            And I did not mean to offend you, but I think Nancy would be a more entertaining president than anyone else at BR – and certainly a better president than the last two or three we’ve had.

            I tell you what, I’ll give up my VP spot to you if you two promise to make me Secretary of the Interior and give me free reign to open up new motorcycle trails throughout the land…

            Oh, and I also want to run the BATFE. I’ll do both jobs for one salary, thereby saving the American people multiple dozens of dollars in tax revenue over four years.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Are you returning the BATFE back to their original Treasury function of only regulating the taxation of said items?

          3. WayneS Avatar

            Of course.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I feel that’s a decent compromise. I’d love to see them disappear altogether, but we both know that won’t happen. If we could get them back to their initial mandate it would be great.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            No, no, that’s ok, you keep the VP spot, and get crowned czar of the interstate bike trails administration for sure. At BATFE will you make braces mandatory, run on a ghost pistol in every pot campaign and hold an annual ugly gun unbeauty drinking and smoking pageant with the winner getting a canon as a prize?

            There are so many wonderful possibilities. How soon will y’all start your campaign?

          6. WayneS Avatar

            My plan would be to return the BATFE to its original mission and steer it away (far away) from anti-gun, or pro-gun, politics.

          7. WayneS Avatar

            My plan would be to return the BATFE to its original mission and steer it away (far away) from anti-gun, or pro-gun, politics.

          8. WayneS Avatar

            My plan would be to return the BATFE to its original mission and steer it away (far away) from anti-gun, or pro-gun, politics.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    She was pretty blunt and clear on the radio the other day. She just wants revenge against Sturtevant for beating her. She’d rather have a liberal Democrat voting like a wild person than some Republican who is … not her. She’d probably be just as intent on destruction if it had been Tina Ramirez who got the nomination.

    As a third name on the ballot she could accomplish her goal of petty revenge. A write-in effort is a bigger challenge. Thank you for your service, madam, and go away.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      Lots of folks don’t care for Sturtevant. RINO.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        You’d say the same of me. It is not possible to elect 20+ Republican Senators in this diverse state who agree with you, you, on all the issues. The far-right position straight down the line will never take a majority outside of 12-15 districts. Sorry, but politics requires some recognition that district differ.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          A lesson both sides of this current purity contest should learn, but that would mean they actually want to Govern.

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          I’m not far right. I wouldn’t say you were a RINO. I disagree with some stances you take but I don’t see you as a RINO.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Sounds like, uh, a few on the National stage too.

      RFK, Jr. comes to mind. Crazy is not party exclusive even if the Republicans can claim a veto-proof majority.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        When you add in other categories like demented and twits the parties balance out.

    3. VaPragamtist Avatar

      There could be some political strategy here too. If Sturtevant wins in November, it’ll be more difficult for Chase to defeat an incumbent in a primary and then win a subsequent general the next election. But a Democrat winning creates an open primary. It’s part pettiness, part strategy.

  6. WayneS Avatar

    In my opinion she is just another self-absorbed, egomaniacal, narcissistic politician looking out only for herself and convinced she can do no wrong.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      “self-absorbed, egomaniacal, narcissistic politician”

      I think you might be repeating yourself there…

      1. WayneS Avatar

        I was using a variation of the literary device know as “repetition for effect”.

        Although, I have sometimes been known to occasionally be both repetitious and redundant. And sometimes I say the same thing multiple times.

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