The Great Unmasking

by Kerry Dougherty

Excellent news for students in two Hampton Roads school districts.

On Thursday, the ever-sensible Chesapeake School Board voted 7-1 to abolish its mask mandate. Beginning Monday, students in Chesapeake can breathe free again!

The board is complying with an executive order signed by Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Saturday, removing the former governor’s mask mandate for all Virginia students in grades K-12.

In a more stunning move, the left-leaning Virginia Beach School Board also decided more or less to comply with Youngkin’s order by a vote of 9-2.

In a weird sleight-of-hand, the board voted to allow parents to opt their children out of its mask mandate beginning on Monday. The compromise was crafted by Superintendent Aaron Spence. It allows the Beach to keep its mandate in place, while letting parents decide if their kids should wear masks for seven hours a day.

This is surprising, given that it was just last month, on Dec. 20, that the Beach board voted to keep masks mandatory by an 8 to 3 vote.

The Beach will still require masks on school buses — that’s a federal regulation — and when kids visit the school nurse. The schools will now revert to 10-day quarantines, from 5-days, because some children will not be wearing masks.


Teachers and staff will still be required to wear masks at all times and so will visitors to school buildings. The Beach is ordering a supply of N95 masks to distribute.

It would be wise not to waste any of those medical-grade masks on School Board member Jessica Owens. She was one of two board members who voted to ignore parents who want their kids out of masks, despite a recent admission by the CDC that cloth masks do little to slow the transmission of the Covid-19 virus.

Owens struggled to make argument after argument about the dangers of bare faces in school while constantly touching her own mask. Had she been wearing an N95, which should be replaced after handling, Owens would have had a pile of discards on the desk beside her.

The most vociferous opponent of parental choice was Dottie Holtz. She’s the board member who recently called for a boycott of several Beach restaurants because they were hosting petition nights to allow citizens to sign recall petitions against her and several other far-left board members.

We wrote abut her outrageous attempt to cripple local businesses earlier this week. This is conduct unbecoming an elected official.

I don’t often watch school board meetings, so I was shocked to find Holtz wearing what appeared to be a bathrobe or a Snuggie during the meeting.

Here, see for yourself.

Holtz is up for re-election this fall. Owens in 2024.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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27 responses to “The Great Unmasking”

  1. Ingrid Sheriff Allen Avatar
    Ingrid Sheriff Allen

    And more good news! The diocese of Arlington also granted mask optional status to all Catholic schools

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    More disinformation form Kerry: “N95, which should be replaced after handling.” It is widely known that those masks can be used multiple times.

    As for making fun of what the school board member was wearing, that was pretty tacky, even for Kerry. Besides, it looks like a bulky sweater to me. Maybe the woman was cold.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      My grandkids, one third grader, two first graders, basically have never not worn masks to school. Useless loose cloth things, mostly. All I care about is the schools are open, in person, and if the silly masks help silly parents and silly teachers feel safer, what the hell. Plenty of real stuff to fight about. Omicron clearly blows past any and all masks, certainly the flimsy ones. I have no doubt my grandkids have been exposed so much their bodies are ready (that’s what kids’ immune systems do.)

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “More disinformation form Kerry: “N95, which should be replaced after handling.” It is widely known that those masks can be used multiple times. ”

      Again, it’s not that binary. While the N95 can be reused for the everyday, when it was being reused in the Hospitals it was taking a peroxide steam cleaning in between shifts.

      It was never intended to be reused, it can be in a pinch. There seems to be a group of people who have a problem with Kerry and her writing. That is fine you’re allowed to, but the ad hom attacks are BS.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        So you are asking that Eric remove the “Angel of Death” tag from Kerry? Sorry, but I am going to stick with my selfish bully characterization as she herein wishes ill to a school board member that she disagrees with.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          It does nothing for discourse but proves people are childish and lack the ability to addresses peoples comments. I don’t ask Halfwit to do anything, he doesn’t even have the fortitude to admit when he’s wrong.

          Can you point to where she wished “ill” on a board member?

          You can stick with whatever you’d like, it’s still an ad hom attack by the definition and therefore a cop out because you can’t debate.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            Looks like paragraph #9 wherein she writes “it would be wise not to waste any of those medical grade masks on School Board member Jessica Owens”. To most readers, this indicates that N95 masks are effective but that this particular board member does not deserve one. It would apparently not be a waste for other members with whom Kerry agrees. BTW maybe Eric needs to come up with a moniker for you to keep the game going.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            How is not providing someone an N95 mask, wishing Ill will.

            “BTW maybe Eric needs to come up with a moniker for you to keep the game going”

            I don’t care what Eric does, he’s a f’with.

          3. VaNavVet Avatar

            What was the purpose of that comment by Kerry and what did it add to the piece? I think that my explanation was clear.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You’re implying what you want to be true, nothing more. It’s called confirmation bias.

          5. VaNavVet Avatar

            Can you not offer a possible answer to the question? I am willing to listen to your explanation.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I did, it’s called confirmation bias. You’re displaying it, as well as those whom you agree with (you’re in the wrong company).

          7. VaNavVet Avatar

            Self evident that you can not or will not answer the question.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “VaNavVet Matt Adams • 2 days ago
            Self evident that you can not or will not answer the question.”

            Clearly by that statement alone, you don’t know what “self evident” means.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And are you going to get a can full of confrontation and bias!

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive VaNavVet • 12 minutes ago
            And are you going to get a can full of confrontation and bias!”

            It appears you commenting in the mirror again.

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It changes regularly depending on what inanity he is spewing at the time… right now it is Matt – Debate Club Champion…

          12. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Eric the half a troll VaNavVet • an hour ago
            It changes regularly depending on what inanity he is spewing at the time… right now it is Matt – Debate Club Champion…”

            If inanity is being discussed that’s any and all comments you make, halfwit.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      the disinformation is par for the course for the “anti” folks, of which Kerry is a card-carrying member.

      I thought it was a bulky sweater also, Kerry is a Karen.

    4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Kerry routinely makes fun of the physical appearance of others… which is very ironic…

      1. Isn’t it more hypocrisy than irony?

    5. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      My grandkids, one third grader, two first graders, basically have never not worn masks to school. Useless loose cloth things, mostly. All I care about is the schools are open, in person, and if the silly masks help silly parents and silly teachers feel safer, what the hell. Plenty of real stuff to fight about. Omicron clearly blows past any and all masks, certainly the flimsy ones. I have no doubt my grandkids have been exposed so much their bodies are ready (that’s what kids’ immune systems do.)

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        if you or your grandkids go to the doctor, masks are optional since they are “useless anyhow’?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Too bad I didn’t find you when I was clearly shedding last week and put on a loose cotton mask and asked you if you felt protected. 🙂 You of course would not…Reliance on those is a Mark of Stupid.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so do you have to wear a mask (of any type when you visit your doctor?

            Is that too a “mark of stupid” ?

            I’ve already been around idiots, some of who are surely shedding, so encountering you would be no real threat.

            seems like it was not that long ago when your blathering was ‘wear the damn mask”? No?

            Is changing your mind back and forth “stupid” also?

  3. VaNavVet Avatar

    Sounds like the Virginia Beach school district is taking the right steps to keep their students safe after being put in a bind by the actions of Youngkin. One would suspect that Chesapeake Public Schools will move to do likewise as it has to deal with even greater problems with Covid in the coming weeks. Chesapeake is having to close schools every week as things stand now. So if the School Board really wants to keep the schools open it should look at the steps Virginia Beach is taking.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wear the Mask!

    Keep America Beautiful.

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