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The GOP’s Idiotic Kamikaze Pilots

kamikaze_flamesBy Peter Galuszka

On an otherwise lovely early autumn afternoon, we’re stuck waiting from depressing news from Washington about radical House Republicans holding the U.S. government and the debt ceiling hostage.

In a pointless exercise, after midnight today, U.S. parks might close and some federal workers might not get paid. It could get even worse a few weeks from now if this cabal of right wing nutbars crashes the shaky recovery by forcing the U.S. into default.

This isn’t just another Baconaut lecture on the evils of the Nation’s Capital. Those can get tiresome but this stuff is dangerous.

We just can’t get past the staunch conservative echo chamber of the Heritage Foundation, Fox News, and Ted” “Green Eggs and Ham” Cruz. We went through this in 2011. Remember? The Likes of Eric “Eddie Haskell” Cantor failed to get a rush from the Tea Party victories of 2010.

It’s now almost 2014. Obamacare became the law of the land nearly four years ago. It has already been held up (at least almost all of it) by the U.S. Supreme Court. Not that it matters, but Obamacare is pretty much the same as RomneyCare pushed by the failed Republican candidate for president when he was governor of Massachusetts. It’s going to happen.

Could there be some good by the stubborn kamikaze tactics of the House GOP? Some Dems believe that the idiocy of the likes of Jim DeMint and other hardliners may be the stake that finally does them in.

Sound tantalizing. But I am tired. I am worried about my retirement account. I just want to get my health insurance right (no mean feat since I am self-employed and over 60). I want to move on to new things.

Can’t they find a more worthy mission?

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