The Fruit of School Disciplinary “Reform”?

by James A. Bacon

If your son came home saying that a bully had hit and strangled him on the school bus that morning, and if you saw images circulating on social media confirming what he told you, how would you have reacted?

Like Taylor Brock, mom of a 7th grader at Walt Whitman Middle School in Alexandria, you likely would have gone to school authorities, reported the incident, showed them the video, demanded that the school keep her son safe, and call for the expulsion of the bully from school. Like Brock, you also might have posted a video (from which the photo above was taken) on your website and sought justice in the courts.

School authorities suspended the girl but allowed her to return. Brock was assured that her son and girl would not attend the same classes, and the two students were instructed to walk apart in the hallways. Brock was not satisfied. Reports the New York Post:

[Brock] said that when she asked school officials why they merely suspended the girl, they replied, ‘We have protocols we have to follow and execute punishment according to the School’s Code of Conduct.’

‘From what I have been told, she is known for bullying but mostly bullies my son. He is an easy target as he is one of the shortest and skinniest children in his grade which was true for me growing up as well,’ Brock wrote.

‘This child committed a felony under adult standards and suspension was the ‘correct form of discipline?’ she added.

Brock went to court to get a protective order. A local judge ordered the girl to stay at least 50 feet away from her son for two weeks. The school never notified teachers about the order, however, and at least on one occasion the girl sat behind her son at lunch. To Brock, neither the girl nor Whitman officials took the protective order seriously, and she pulled her son from the school.

A few observations and questions arise from this incident, which you will never hear about from The Washington Post, National Public Radio, or any other news outlet aligned with the New Ruling Class until it becomes too explosive to ignore.

It is extraordinary that a student could commit such a violent attack on another student and be allowed to return after a brief suspension. (No details on how long the suspension lasted). What the heck is going on?

Schoolyard bullying has existed as long as there have been schools. Violent bullying is universally decried, and every school district has policies that proclaim the behavior to be unacceptable. A basic question is whether the incidence of bullying has gotten worse or better in recent years in response to efforts to make disciplinary policy more “equitable.”

It’s hard to know. The official figures reported to the Virginia Department of Education are probably underreported because the bureaucratic imperatives to minimize the published number of disciplinary infractions is intense. Conversely, it’s easy to exaggerate the extent of the phenomenon by highlighting incidents that have vivid video to dramatize them. That’s exactly what the ruling-class media have done by highlighting rare examples of police killings of unarmed African-Americans to push the narrative of systemic racism. And now something similar appears to be happening as alternative, conservative media push an image narrative of black-on-white crime.

My sense is that bullying has gotten worse. As we have documented on this blog, the year-long absence from school caused by the COVID-driven school shutdowns resulted in a marked deterioration in student behavior across the board. The COVID shutdowns coincided with: (1) efforts to end the so-called “school to prison pipeline” by reducing referrals of students to law-enforcement; (2) propagation of rhetoric decrying “white privilege” and “systemic racism;” and (3) institutionalization of a “restorative justice” disciplinary system that downplays harsh consequences for horrendous behavior.

Suspicions driven by anecdotes are not proof, of course. But a thorough and objective analysis of Virginia’s school disciplinary policies is way overdue.

Correction: This post had been corrected to reflect that the school in question was Walt Whitman Middle School in Alexandria, not Walt Whitman High School in Fairfax County — as I should have immediately surmised from an incident involving a 7th-grade kid.

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57 responses to “The Fruit of School Disciplinary “Reform”?”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    There is data available from the Office of Juvenile Justice. I’ll take a look and get back to the question of whether bullying has increased. Schools have certainly pushed anti-bullying agendas, so it should have decreased. If not, then their agendas need to be modified. The right action is through the courts and I am glad the parent took the opportunity to get the protective order. Unfortunately, schools often have to mitigate the disciplinary policy and IDEA laws that protect students with disabilities. The school may not be able to enforce a policy due to a disability, but the courts can. Sadly, we are teaching our kids that they are not held responsible for wrong doing, and as they enter adulthood, it is a shock.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Don’t ignore the role of social media. They take and post the videos because they want to show off their power/prowess. It really adds to the motivation. The student who took the video also deserves major, major punishment. Why didn’t she swear out an assault warrant with that kind of evidence? Did she try but the magistrate refused? Another tragedy, if so.

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        May want to consider blurring the face on the photos shown. Maybe it was already posted on social media. If so, I agree, wrong.

      2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        May want to consider blurring the face on the photos shown. Maybe it was already posted on social media. If so, I agree, wrong.

      3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        The questions I have are what was reported to the school and what did the principal do with that information. The principal, if he or she knew about the battery, should as a citizen have have called the police. I’ll have to look at Alexandria Public School guidelines, which I will do tomorrow, but I suspect such calls are strongly discouraged in favor of “restorative justice”.

      4. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Which “they” posted the video in this instance? The NY Post? BR?

        1. Charles D'Aulnais Avatar
          Charles D’Aulnais

          The video I saw was imbedded.

          But to Kathleen’s point below, faces were blurred in the two stories online that I breezed.

          These are minors and unless Bacon’s is seeking to press the laws of Virginia involving identifying minors, her recommendation is more than sound.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Yes. Unfortunately, BR’s rush to post breaking news for its viewpoint glosses over such niceties as blurring photos. The rush to print perhaps blurs the platform’s ideology

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Office of Juvenile Justice is only going to know if reported bullying has increased, Kathleen. The school in Newport News didn’t report a teacher being strangled before the same kid shot another teacher. They are only going to know what the principals, under pressure to avoid reporting, report anyway.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Office of Juvenile Justice is only going to know if reported bullying has increased, Kathleen. The school in Newport News didn’t report a teacher being strangled before the same kid shot another teacher. They are only going to know what the principals, under pressure to avoid reporting, report anyway.

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        Actually, it comes from a survey completed by students. Virginia schools participate in that survey every other year, but not all schools. Sampling is done in advance.

  2. killerhertz Avatar

    The kid should take jiujitsu so he could put that oh-no-you-didn’t girl in an arm bar and break it.

  3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    The professional caring class once again proves itself to be worthless. Bullying is a significant factor in many of the cases of both mass shooters and suicide cases. Of course, it’s easier to rant and rave for more laws than to try to address some of the root causes, including the causes of bullying. All affected personnel in school should know about and understand every protective order.

  4. Teddy007 Avatar

    It is hard for a school to compy with a protective order when both students are allowed to be in the school.

    Also, if the kid is the smallest in his class, he probably should have been red shirted in an earlier grade.

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      What do you mean by red shirted?

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Look up the book Of Boys and Men by Richard Reeves. If a boy is going to be the youngest in his class and thus smaller, longer, many parents hold the boy back a year so that he will be older. It is the academic version of redshirting a college athlete.

        1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
          Kathleen Smith

          Interesting, but if the kid can pass, why red shirt? I had a 4th grader, age 14, come through testing for eligibility for special education. Red shirting him was really unfair. He was very small and the school had no problem failing him again and again. His mom told me he wanted to quit school as he had a job.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            Because if the kid is the smallest, youngest person in their class they will not be good at sports, will never get any leadership positions, and will be a target for bullies such as the kid on the bus. Look up the concept. It is something that the rich have already started to do.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    The premise… phrased as a rhetorical question:

    “A basic question is whether the incidence of bullying has gotten worse or better in recent years in response to efforts to make disciplinary policy more “equitable.”” [aside: there is no indication that the anecdote cited has anything to do with “equity”]

    Followed by the concession that:

    “It’s hard to know.”

    After this with no further evidence being offered this is offered:

    “My sense is that bullying has gotten worse.”

    And then the final caveat again (so as to protect oneself from criticism for putting forth baseless contentions):

    “Suspicions driven by anecdotes are not proof, of course.”

    “Journalism” at its best…

    1. You prefer journalists who go beyond the facts and speak with authority anyway?

      I remember CNN was pretty worked up about the Catholic students in D.C. Their coverage even inspired the tweet below suggesting that MAGA kids should be ground up in a wood chipper.

  6. You are correct. Entirely my bad. I have corrected the post to locate Walt Whitman in Alexandria. Thank you.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      Actually, it is in the portion of Fairfax County that has an Alexandria zip code.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Yep, right across from Inova Mt Vernon Hospital.

        “At Whitman Middle, 66% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 64% scored at or above that level for reading.

        Compared with the district, the school did worse in math and worse in reading, according to this metric. In Fairfax County Public Schools, 77% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 84% tested at or above that level for math.

        Whitman Middle did worse in math and worse in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In Virginia, 75% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 82% tested at or above that level for math.”

        Reading proficiency … #371 out of 414 in Va.

        Math proficiency … #368 / 414 in Va.

        A failing school with failing discipline.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          The school is 65% free lunch along with nromh 53% Hispanic, 20% black, and 13% white. Any parent who would send their white undersize, youngest in his class to such a school is an idiot.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            That school is one of the feeder schools for the high school I attended (Groveton / West Potomac).

            As I recall, the school had a good academic reputation once upon a time.

            I guess it is now just another testament to the theory which holds that anybody who can leave Fairfax County needs to leave Fairfax County.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            The demographics of changed in the neighborhood. However, West Potomac is 3x the percentage white as Walt Whitman is.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            The demographics have changed a lot. I remember two Hispanic students when I went to Groveton / West Potomac. I still see one of them. He married one of my friend’s sisters. Now, Hispanics are the largest demographic.

            Mt Vernon High School is majority Hispanic (51.35%). Walt Whitman is on the “Mt Vernon side” of the West Potomac area (assuming it still feeds West Potomac).

  7. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    This article exhibits no link to the NY Post report. The NYP even before its ownership by Rupert Murdoch was never regarded very seriously by the reading public in the Big Apple. Care must be exercised when reading it and citing it.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Pretty lazy criticism, McCarthy. You could have looked it up.

      Here is that story on WUSA 9 in D.C. Does care need to be exercised here too?.

      Here is the story about the school violating the protective order on News7 in D.C..

      Care must be taken in criticizing Mr. Bacon’s research.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Thanx. I often use Google to confirm material in BR. My point was the usual links provided by the author were absent.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Nah. Your point was that you questioned his source.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            So what!!!

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The WUSA item falls into the “they” of social media that publish juicy material, viz., the video only. The NY Post, true to its Page Six reputation, went further. BTW, it’s not a matter of ignoring material from an unfavored source but exercising reservations based upon experience before fully crediting. IMO, both are news reports not journalism. The BR article herein merely highlights those views raising speculative questions about the handling of school bullying.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Weak. He caught you.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Another failed attempt to criticize. Give it up.

        2. Teddy007 Avatar

          It is hard to do journalism when the school will refuse to comment citing privacy laws. Any story about students is always going to be one sided because it is the parent who went to the media who gets to set the story. However, would one be as skeptical is the races in the video were reversed. Current politics in the U.S. would indicate that if a white bully had choked a black child enough to create visible sings, it would have been a national story and no one would be questioning the media that was reporting the story.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            IMO, all must be careful to distinguish “breaking” news reporting from that of journalism. BTW, I did not pay attention to the color off the skin of the minors involved. It may very well be that this story has greater depth and it is hoped that such would be subsequently reported upon.

        3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          The tabloids might have the best inside juice on breaking stories. The Daily Mail had it right about the Richneck shooting long before the vaunted Washington Compost or the New York Slime.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            No suggestion was made to avoid tabloid news reports only to take care in repeating their messaging. “Getting it right” is what most believe is the role of journalism. Having read the NYP for decades, I learned to be skeptical about its material. “Breaking news” has become a mere athletic contest in print and cable to win the gold of viewer loyalty.

  8. M. Purdy Avatar

    Walt Whitman H.S. isn’t in FFX. It’s WW middle school.

  9. Bubba1855 Avatar

    Sadly…I think that ‘unruly’ kids on school buses occurs at least 1000 times a day in the US…in VA? a lot. Due to social media/cell phone videos we are now seeing more of the outrage. Solution?
    I have no clue.

  10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I attended a Xmas party held by school bus drivers. The stories of misconduct that were shared were mind bending. Numerous examples of the driver pulling over and summoning sheriff’s deputies. Assigned seating is a must! Add a school bus monitor so the driver can keep their eyes on the road.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      On this page, Eric makes a good point about reliance upon anecdotal material in his comment.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        If the races we’re reversed and everything else remained the same, would it be “anecdotal material” Mr. McCarthy?

        As Jim Bacon noted, if we are waiting for school disciplinary reports to tell us the state of affairs we wait in vain in many cases.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “If the races were reversed and everything else remained the same, would it be “anecdotal material” Mr. McCarthy?”

          Yes, and contributors here at BR would be the first to point it out.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          More wasted time. More farrago!!! Another commenter cautioned about the use of anecdotal material. I did not notice the skin color of the two minors until called to my attention. You truly need to step back before you hit the keyboards.

          1. I did not notice the skin color of the two minors until called to my attention.

            You did not look at the picture that accompanied the article?

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Nah. Salt of the earth regular working people describing events they lived through. I believe them. Having taught high school for 27 years it matched much of what I observed and went through as a school teacher. Damned good Xmas party. I am going back next year.

      3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Nah. Salt of the earth regular working people describing events they lived through. I believe them. Having taught high school for 27 years it matched much of what I observed and went through as a school teacher. Damned good Xmas party. I am going back next year.

  11. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
    Jonathan DeWilicker

    Get your kids out of public school. I am amazed at the decay of Albemarle High School over the last 20 years, If you have a white child, it is absolute torture to put them in these holding pens for future felons. When I was attending school in the 90s CHS was viewed as a prison sentence, but AHS was still mostly ok. Now the only public school I would consider is WAHS, but in reality it’s either expensive private or home school all the way. This country is completely toast. We have been demographically replaced and that trend is only accelerating. Now we are being demonized and punished for simply wanting safety. blacks have been empowered to be violent with no consequences since the summer of love and the results are astonishing. 13 percent of the population, 56% of the murderers as of 2022, and that’s with most major cities refusing to even report their crime stats in the last few years out of concern that people might draw “racist conclusions”. I am racist, because I have eyes, and noticing patterns is a self preservation technique that only Whites are not allowed to use.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      Albemarle High School is 55% white and less than 30% free lunch. Not exactly a hood school. The miller school is the same 55% percent.

    2. Let’s say I have a non-white child. What should I do then?

  12. The attacking student is three time the size of the other kid.

    When I first looked at the photo I thought the story was going to be about a bus driver strangling a student.

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