The Fraudulent Concept of an “Asian” Race


by James A. Bacon

Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) officials ritually proclaim their support of “diversity” in public pronouncements regarding the admission policies for the elite Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. In the minds of FCPS leaders, the race-blind, test-based admissions policy that resulted in a study body comprised of 71.5% “Asian” students, 19.5% white, and only two percent African-American in the 2019-20 school year is not sufficiently diverse. The proposed remedy is to introduce a lottery to spread the admissions around.

There are many ways to critique the educrats’ obsession with racial numbers, but the one I want to focus on today is the utter absurdity and uselessness of the “Asian” racial classification. There is no such thing as an “Asian” race — it is a purely political construct with no basis in genetic, historical, linguistic, or cultural reality.

These thoughts are triggered by a letter from the Pacific Legal Foundation to the Fairfax County School Board expressing concerns about the constitutionality of the proposed admission changes. The letter advances various legal arguments, which readers may find of interest, but closes with an observation that “Asians” are not a homogenous group. They are, in fact, highly diverse.

Among its Asian-American community, which FCPS treats as the monolithic “Asian” in its proposal, are students whose immigrant families hail from India, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and other distinctive nations. These are nations with unique cultures, unique perspectives, and even unique languages. How individuals with such varied backgrounds could be considered “un-diverse” and lumped together into a stereotypical “Asian” category is deeply troubling. Yet under the proposed changes to the TJ admissions plan, FCPS intends to eliminate at least 20% of the seats held by these “Asian” individuals.

I would go a step farther and suggest that the stereotyping of people from these incredibly diverse cultures goes way beyond “troubling,” in the Pacific Legal Foundation’s words. The label of “Asian” as a form of racial identity is fraudulent as a scientific concept and pernicious in the way that it is being applied in the United States today.

One is inspired to ask: If there is no genetic, cultural, linguistic or historical basis for the idea of an “Asian” race, why is it U.S. government policy to lump together people whose sole commonality is the fact that their countries of origin are situated on the Asian land mass? Whose interests does it serve to perpetuate this classification?

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136 responses to “The Fraudulent Concept of an “Asian” Race”

  1. djrippert Avatar

    Lol. There is no Asian race but a Norwegian white man can be lumped into the same race as a Sicilian white man. A Spaniard may be Hispanic (I guess) but he may also be considerably lighter skinned than I am. Barack Obama is black although his mother is white. Categorizing all of humanity into a handful of races is obviously going to be problematic. Why is this surprising?

  2. I agree that “Hispanic” also is an artificial construct. But it’s less artificial than “Asian.” At least Hispanics originate from a Spanish or Portuguese speaking nation. There is at least a linguistic affiliation. Needless to say, the experiences that Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans, Venezuelans and Spaniards (from Spain) have been radically different in this country.

    Again, I ask, whose interests does it serve to perpetuate this classification?

    1. djrippert Avatar

      It serves the interests of people interested in arguing against the absurdities of liberal tomfoolery. Basic liberal dogma requires that white privilege creates systemic racism which harms people of color. There is no effort by liberals to decompose “white” into actual nationalities. You could be a recent immigrant from Bosnia and you’ll be lumped into the same category as Thurston Howell III. If you’re white in America you have privilege according to the liberals. Even if you are dirt poor in Appalachia living in a “shotgun shack”.

      The counter-argument to the liberal absurdity of white privilege is the fact that the various ethnicities categorized as “Asian” have higher incomes and better educational outcomes than the various ethnicities categorized as white. This reality sets back one of the foundations of liberals’ hallucinations about white privilege.

      Bottom line – if you’re going to break down the major “races” into their constituent ethnic groups then you should so this for all races.

      For what it’s worth, there are 19 major ethnic groups in Africa so calling Americans of African decent all “black” may be a fraudulent concept too.

  3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    The United Nations recognizes around 5000 distinct ethnic groups. But virtue-signaling, from the crowd that believes in facts and science, doesn’t need that many. Recognizing people’s actual ethnicities is too much work and doesn’t serve progressive needs. So friggin’ forget it. It’s OK to disrespect people’s ancestry if one is woke.

    Barack Obama, along with Dick Cheney, Harry Truman and Warren Buffett, are distant cousins of mine. Our first American ancestor came as an indentured servant, got friendly with Lord Calvert, got a big land grant and wound up owning some slaves. What should we do?

    I suspect most of us came from the poor sides of the family. The last name connection for me ended with my 3rd great grandfather who worked as humble block maker at the Washington Navy Yard.

    While I never thought much of Obama’s presidency, I hope he doesn’t have to cancel his presidential library for what a distant ancestor did.

  4. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Jim seems to dance around specifying what/how many races he thinks there are/may be.

    Maybe he can enlighten us.

    1. Hard to say how many racial classifications there should be. Are you asking from a scientific perspective or a U.S. political perspective?

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Political, Jim since that’s the meme of the day.

  5. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Reductio ad absurdum. Jim nicely reduces their arguments to absurdity….There is no such thing in biology as “race”. It is an invention, not based on biology. There are innumerable cultures, too many to count, but a couple of big categories.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      I agree with the comments above directly following my own. We are beginning to make some sense of what has basis in fact and truth, however objective and/or subjective, when we start to discuss “ethnic group or ethnicity.” There is an excellent discussion of this under “Ethic Group” in Wikipedia, and particularly relevant are the sections therein titled “Approaches to understanding ethnicity,” and sections that follow.

      This reality of ethnicity and its differences involves many objective and subjective factors discussed therein, but they do not excuse the abuse of ethnicity by irresponsible or dishonest politicians, academicians, bureaucrats, or extremist of whatever ilk, as is going on today, and has been throughout human history. Ethnicity, in the wrong hands is, and always has been, highly volatile and explosive dynamite, hardwired over hundreds of thousands of years in the human psyche as I briefly tried to describe above, in the context of how “race” is used and abused in America.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Featurism then. How about shadism?

  6. …fyi item, this morning on the WTOP news some mention of a demonstration this weekend by former TJ students, apparently voicing their support for the proposed new revised lottery entry system (all students >3.5 GPA qualify). Not saying I necessarily support that, just saying it happened. Actually I do have some “skin in the game” if my grandchildren are potential qualifiers, but too soon to say.

  7. …fyi item, this morning on the WTOP news some mention of a demonstration this weekend by former TJ students, apparently voicing their support for the proposed new revised lottery entry system (all students >3.5 GPA qualify). Not saying I necessarily support that, just saying it happened. Actually I do have some “skin in the game” if my grandchildren are potential qualifiers, but too soon to say.

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    The same argument can be made for the classification of “Hispanic/Latino”. In my experience in the classroom I encountered strong cultural and national pride based not on the “Hispanic/Latino” term but on what country you were from. I once ran an afterschool program at Heritage High School in Leesburg. I called it the International Study Club. It was so much fun. Boy I have to tell you. Kids from El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Trinidad, Uruguay, Columbia, and the Dominican Republic were all very unique and different from one another. They also displayed strong opinions and rivalries. It was something I never expected. One things is for sure, they did not like the term “Hispanic/Latino” and simply ignored the classification.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Excellent and true comment. There is no such thing as the monolithic Latino Hispanic race. Nor is there any such thing as a monolithic black race whether it be in Africa or the Americas, any more than there is a monolithic white race is Europe.

      These “monolithic races” are illusions grown out of human leaders chronic inbuilt obsessions and compulsions to engage in competition and warfare with others for their private advantage, and so they build families, clans and tribes for defense and offense, in the latter case so that leaders can aggregate and motivate followers (gaining power) to wage war on other peoples so to as to dominate and rule other people – rape, pillage, enslave and kill them – and thus win ever more power and prestige for themselves, the leaders’ own personal advantage.

      Hence, monolithic races as defined in American politics and census forms is an illusion that is created and manipulated by America’s power hungry politicians to win and keep power, by election or otherwise, by dividing Americans into “so called groups” and pitting them one against the other on the basis of skin color, to gain control over them. This is despicable.

      If we all looked the same, these chronic race-baiters would be out of power within a decade. Absent that, today’s American Democratic leaders are now replacing the bigots of the old south and act that way, all for the same reasons: money, sex, prestige, rule over others, and their own unfettered power.

  9. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    The same argument can be made for the classification of “Hispanic/Latino”. In my experience in the classroom I encountered strong cultural and national pride based not on the “Hispanic/Latino” term but on what country you were from. I once ran an afterschool program at Heritage High School in Leesburg. I called it the International Study Club. It was so much fun. Boy I have to tell you. Kids from El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Trinidad, Uruguay, Columbia, and the Dominican Republic were all very unique and different from one another. They also displayed strong opinions and rivalries. It was something I never expected. One things is for sure, they did not like the term “Hispanic/Latino” and simply ignored the classification.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Excellent and true comment. There is no such thing as the monolithic Latino Hispanic race. Nor is there any such thing as a monolithic black race whether it be in Africa or the Americas, any more than there is a monolithic white race is Europe.

      These “monolithic races” are illusions grown out of human leaders chronic inbuilt obsessions and compulsions to engage in competition and warfare with others for their private advantage, and so they build families, clans and tribes for defense and offense, in the latter case so that leaders can aggregate and motivate followers (gaining power) to wage war on other peoples so to as to dominate and rule other people – rape, pillage, enslave and kill them – and thus win ever more power and prestige for themselves, the leaders’ own personal advantage.

      Hence, monolithic races as defined in American politics and census forms is an illusion that is created and manipulated by America’s power hungry politicians to win and keep power, by election or otherwise, by dividing Americans into “so called groups” and pitting them one against the other on the basis of skin color, to gain control over them. This is despicable.

      If we all looked the same, these chronic race-baiters would be out of power within a decade. Absent that, today’s American Democratic leaders are now replacing the bigots of the old south and act that way, all for the same reasons: money, sex, prestige, rule over others, and their own unfettered power.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I actually agree with you. You can say exactly the same thing about how “Hispanics” are viewed.

  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I actually agree with you. You can say exactly the same thing about how “Hispanics” are viewed.

  12. djrippert Avatar

    Lol. There is no Asian race but a Norwegian white man can be lumped into the same race as a Sicilian white man. A Spaniard may be Hispanic (I guess) but he may also be considerably lighter skinned than I am. Barack Obama is black although his mother is white. Categorizing all of humanity into a handful of races is obviously going to be problematic. Why is this surprising?

  13. I agree that “Hispanic” also is an artificial construct. But it’s less artificial than “Asian.” At least Hispanics originate from a Spanish or Portuguese speaking nation. There is at least a linguistic affiliation. Needless to say, the experiences that Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans, Venezuelans and Spaniards (from Spain) have been radically different in this country.

    Again, I ask, whose interests does it serve to perpetuate this classification?

    1. djrippert Avatar

      It serves the interests of people interested in arguing against the absurdities of liberal tomfoolery. Basic liberal dogma requires that white privilege creates systemic racism which harms people of color. There is no effort by liberals to decompose “white” into actual nationalities. You could be a recent immigrant from Bosnia and you’ll be lumped into the same category as Thurston Howell III. If you’re white in America you have privilege according to the liberals. Even if you are dirt poor in Appalachia living in a “shotgun shack”.

      The counter-argument to the liberal absurdity of white privilege is the fact that the various ethnicities categorized as “Asian” have higher incomes and better educational outcomes than the various ethnicities categorized as white. This reality sets back one of the foundations of liberals’ hallucinations about white privilege.

      Bottom line – if you’re going to break down the major “races” into their constituent ethnic groups then you should so this for all races.

      For what it’s worth, there are 19 major ethnic groups in Africa so calling Americans of African decent all “black” may be a fraudulent concept too.

  14. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    The United Nations recognizes around 5000 distinct ethnic groups. But virtue-signaling, from the crowd that believes in facts and science, doesn’t need that many. Recognizing people’s actual ethnicities is too much work and doesn’t serve progressive needs. So friggin’ forget it. It’s OK to disrespect people’s ancestry if one is woke.

    Barack Obama, along with Dick Cheney, Harry Truman and Warren Buffett, are distant cousins of mine. Our first American ancestor came as an indentured servant, got friendly with Lord Calvert, got a big land grant and wound up owning some slaves. What should we do?

    I suspect most of us came from the poor sides of the family. The last name connection for me ended with my 3rd great grandfather who worked as humble block maker at the Washington Navy Yard.

    While I never thought much of Obama’s presidency, I hope he doesn’t have to cancel his presidential library for what a distant ancestor did.

  15. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Jim seems to dance around specifying what/how many races he thinks there are/may be.

    Maybe he can enlighten us.

    1. Hard to say how many racial classifications there should be. Are you asking from a scientific perspective or a U.S. political perspective?

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Political, Jim since that’s the meme of the day.

  16. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Reductio ad absurdum. Jim nicely reduces their arguments to absurdity….There is no such thing in biology as “race”. It is an invention, not based on biology. There are innumerable cultures, too many to count, but a couple of big categories.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      I agree with the comments above directly following my own. We are beginning to make some sense of what has basis in fact and truth, however objective and/or subjective, when we start to discuss “ethnic group or ethnicity.” There is an excellent discussion of this under “Ethic Group” in Wikipedia, and particularly relevant are the sections therein titled “Approaches to understanding ethnicity,” and sections that follow.

      This reality of ethnicity and its differences involves many objective and subjective factors discussed therein, but they do not excuse the abuse of ethnicity by irresponsible or dishonest politicians, academicians, bureaucrats, or extremist of whatever ilk, as is going on today, and has been throughout human history. Ethnicity, in the wrong hands is, and always has been, highly volatile and explosive dynamite, hardwired over hundreds of thousands of years in the human psyche as I briefly tried to describe above, in the context of how “race” is used and abused in America.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Featurism then. How about shadism?

  17. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Secret Service agent preparing for WH escort duty adjusts mask as per new presidential instructions..

  18. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Secret Service agent preparing for WH escort duty adjusts mask as per new presidential instructions..

  19. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Jerry Brooks never forgot what the Japanese did to the Chinese people during the 1930s. It started when he was 12 years old, a newly minted Boy Scout, sitting in the dark before the Saturday afternoon movie matinees in his hometown of Wichita, Kansas, watching newsreels showing Japan’s 1938 Rape of Nanking, China. Struck by how proud those solders appeared to be and how they never got punished for their atrocities, young Jerry concluded that they filmed their evil to ‘show the world how powerful Japan’s military was’. This Jerry never forgot. He was 15 when the Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. He never forgot that either: how the American ships exploded and sunk, and sailors died in flames on oily water strafed by Japanese planes. After Pearl Harbor, the news of war came into Wichita every day over the radio. The big sea battles all over. Dolittle’s raid over Tokyo. The Marines battling to hold Guadalcanal. Every day young men left Wichita to join the fight, leaving Jerry behind. He couldn’t join the Marines until he turned 17, finished the 11th grade, and got his dad’s permission.

    Finally, in June 1943, the Marine recruiter sent Jerry’s enlistment papers off, but Jerry still had to wait for the Marines to answer back, telling him where to go and what he had to do. He later called this last wait “the longest summer of my life.”

    For more, see:

  20. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Jerry Brooks never forgot what the Japanese did to the Chinese people during the 1930s. It started when he was 12 years old, a newly minted Boy Scout, sitting in the dark before the Saturday afternoon movie matinees in his hometown of Wichita, Kansas, watching newsreels showing Japan’s 1938 Rape of Nanking, China. Struck by how proud those solders appeared to be and how they never got punished for their atrocities, young Jerry concluded that they filmed their evil to ‘show the world how powerful Japan’s military was’. This Jerry never forgot. He was 15 when the Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. He never forgot that either: how the American ships exploded and sunk, and sailors died in flames on oily water strafed by Japanese planes. After Pearl Harbor, the news of war came into Wichita every day over the radio. The big sea battles all over. Dolittle’s raid over Tokyo. The Marines battling to hold Guadalcanal. Every day young men left Wichita to join the fight, leaving Jerry behind. He couldn’t join the Marines until he turned 17, finished the 11th grade, and got his dad’s permission.

    Finally, in June 1943, the Marine recruiter sent Jerry’s enlistment papers off, but Jerry still had to wait for the Marines to answer back, telling him where to go and what he had to do. He later called this last wait “the longest summer of my life.”

    For more, see:

  21. Maybe the real systemic racism is the insistence on classifying human diversity into neat boxes labeled white, black, asian, hispanic, pacific islander, native american, two races, more than two races, and “other.”

    Wonder what would happen if everyone put HUMAN as their race?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Maybe Teddy Roosevelt is right.

  22. Maybe the real systemic racism is the insistence on classifying human diversity into neat boxes labeled white, black, asian, hispanic, pacific islander, native american, two races, more than two races, and “other.”

    Wonder what would happen if everyone put HUMAN as their race?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Maybe Teddy Roosevelt is right.

  23. LarrytheG Avatar

    I actually agree about the diversity and race comments.

    But then I would also ask – if this is what we believe – doesn’t that make a lottery even more fair? If we really shouldn’t care what percent are Asian or Black then a lottery further ignores it, right?

    The one other thing people might pay attention to is that less than 2% of TJ students are economically disadvantaged.

    WaPo reports that parents spend thousands of dollars getting their kids “prepped” to get into TJ and other such schools.

    Do we care if economically disadvantaged of any race are severely disadvantaged from being able to pursue such educational opportunities?

    Finally, where did the use of race designations in K-12 come from originally?

  24. LarrytheG Avatar

    I actually agree about the diversity and race comments.

    But then I would also ask – if this is what we believe – doesn’t that make a lottery even more fair? If we really shouldn’t care what percent are Asian or Black then a lottery further ignores it, right?

    The one other thing people might pay attention to is that less than 2% of TJ students are economically disadvantaged.

    WaPo reports that parents spend thousands of dollars getting their kids “prepped” to get into TJ and other such schools.

    Do we care if economically disadvantaged of any race are severely disadvantaged from being able to pursue such educational opportunities?

    Finally, where did the use of race designations in K-12 come from originally?

  25. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    After the decision in Loving v. Virginia, it seemed that this country was moving, somewhat hesitantly, but moving, beyond its obsession with race. The country was moving closer to its ideal as a melting pot.

    Then came the Obama presidency and, although we don’t like to admit it, the hidden fears and dislike of those of another “race” came out. For a good discussion of this, see:

    These fears were stoked by the “birther” controversy and continue to be stoked by the Current Occupant’s constant trashing of immigrants. In reaction to those provocations and the recent public killings of Blacks by police, liberals have over-reacted.

    By the way, my daughter married an “Asian” (first generation Chinese, born and raised in Indianapolis, the heart of America). So, my grandkids could be considered Asian, I guess. But, they don’t consider themselves Asian. My mother-in-law was born in America of Russian immigrant parents, who then moved to Paris. She grew up French, married an American GI and moved to rural Southside Virginia. So, my grandkids have Asian, Russian, and Anglo-Saxon (me) in their genetic backgrounds. That is the melting pot.

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Dick – your use of the word “immigrants” muddies the waters. The criticism has been about illegal immigrants – people who overstay their visas or sneak across the border with an intention of staying in the country. Every nation has the right to control its borders, except for the United States, according to progressives.

      Conservatives want to pay below-market wages to keep higher profits and progressives want more voters who are dependent on government benefits. Meanwhile, the average American suffers unless, of course, they hire people not authorized to work in the United States. Privatize gain and pass the costs on to the public.

      Go back and read the statements of the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan on illegal immigration and its impacts on Americans.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        TMT – don’t you think the POTUS has also tried to shut down legal immigration also?

        1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

          Not shut down, but reduce, an action reasonable about which reasonable people can disagree. In most nations, immigration policy is set chiefly to benefit that nation. Many feel the U.S. should follow Canada and other nations by focusing legal immigration on highly skilled and educated workers, while cutting back on chain immigration from anyone who shares DNA with the immigrant to that person’s immediate family, spouse and children. Higher levels of immigration by lower-skilled and poorer educated people depress wages and force up taxes.

          And we need to get back to forcing sponsors to be responsible for the economic welfare of those they sponsor. Americans who adopt children from abroad must document their financial ability to support the child to minimize the chances that child will become a ward of the state. This requirement should be applied across the board, including when organizations sponsor refugees.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            how about this TMT?

            ” Ski resorts struggle to hire amid Trump’s visa ban”

            DENVER — Milagros Sotelo was looking forward to traveling from South America to Tennessee to start a job at Ober Gatlinburg ski resort this winter. The 22-year-old student worked the past two ski seasons in the equipment rental shop at the small resort nestled in the Smoky Mountains and was excited to reconnect with friends, practice her English and take a break from law school in Lima, Peru, where she lives.

            or this one:

            ” How Trump’s visa restrictions might hurt Philadelphia’s growing biotech community”

            ” How Trump’s Ban on Work Visas Could Hurt the EconomyAmerican job seekers won’t necessarily benefit–and tech companies could be disrupted”

            ” Trump move to ban H-1B visa will hurt job creation, warns business chamber”

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The Current Occupant has trashed legal immigrants. Remember his complaint about the Diversity Program (a legal immigration route): “Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole countries’ coming here?”

        And he completely (deliberately?) mischaracterized the Diversity Program: “And you pick people out of the lottery,” Trump said Thursday night, gesturing as if he were picking names out of a hat. “Well let’s see, this one is a murderer, this one robbed four banks, this one I better not say, this one another murderer, ladies and gentlemen, another murderer.”

        He publicly complained about four congresswomen of foreign descent: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” The problem with that: three were born in the United States

        He canceled the Diversity Visa program for this year. (A federal judge recently ordered it to be resumed.)

        He recently announced a quota of 15,000 refugees for next year. That is down by about 100,000 from the annual numbers before his administration.

        Under this president, legal immigration has been cut by 49 percent.

        Finally, when describing Mexican immigrants, he has not focused on the legality of their entry. Instead, he has focused on their character, calling them generally, “drug dealers, criminals, rapists.”

        1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

          Dick, I don’t agree with Trump’s rhetoric. But where are the progressives in protecting the interests of ordinary Americans? Why would any country faced with a COVID-19 pandemic, with many citizens and lawful residents suffering from the economic fallout, keep legal immigration at pre-pandemic levels? Why when Americans are suffering, would the federal government keep borders open for refugees, most especially when their sponsors are not providing promised economic support. De Blasio announced several years ago that NYC would no longer look to refugee sponsors to honor their commitments. That’s what taxpayers are for.

          And lots of people are trying to stop the deportation of non-citizens and non-legal residents who have criminal convictions. Most people on the left are anti-American in their beliefs and actions.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Most of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and actions took place before the pandemic or had no relation to the pandemic.

            “Most people on the left are anti-American”? That is a pretty broad and harsh statement.

  26. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    After the decision in Loving v. Virginia, it seemed that this country was moving, somewhat hesitantly, but moving, beyond its obsession with race. The country was moving closer to its ideal as a melting pot.

    Then came the Obama presidency and, although we don’t like to admit it, the hidden fears and dislike of those of another “race” came out. For a good discussion of this, see:

    These fears were stoked by the “birther” controversy and continue to be stoked by the Current Occupant’s constant trashing of immigrants. In reaction to those provocations and the recent public killings of Blacks by police, liberals have over-reacted.

    By the way, my daughter married an “Asian” (first generation Chinese, born and raised in Indianapolis, the heart of America). So, my grandkids could be considered Asian, I guess. But, they don’t consider themselves Asian. My mother-in-law was born in America of Russian immigrant parents, who then moved to Paris. She grew up French, married an American GI and moved to rural Southside Virginia. So, my grandkids have Asian, Russian, and Anglo-Saxon (me) in their genetic backgrounds. That is the melting pot.

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Dick – your use of the word “immigrants” muddies the waters. The criticism has been about illegal immigrants – people who overstay their visas or sneak across the border with an intention of staying in the country. Every nation has the right to control its borders, except for the United States, according to progressives.

      Conservatives want to pay below-market wages to keep higher profits and progressives want more voters who are dependent on government benefits. Meanwhile, the average American suffers unless, of course, they hire people not authorized to work in the United States. Privatize gain and pass the costs on to the public.

      Go back and read the statements of the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan on illegal immigration and its impacts on Americans.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        TMT – don’t you think the POTUS has also tried to shut down legal immigration also?

        1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

          Not shut down, but reduce, an action reasonable about which reasonable people can disagree. In most nations, immigration policy is set chiefly to benefit that nation. Many feel the U.S. should follow Canada and other nations by focusing legal immigration on highly skilled and educated workers, while cutting back on chain immigration from anyone who shares DNA with the immigrant to that person’s immediate family, spouse and children. Higher levels of immigration by lower-skilled and poorer educated people depress wages and force up taxes.

          And we need to get back to forcing sponsors to be responsible for the economic welfare of those they sponsor. Americans who adopt children from abroad must document their financial ability to support the child to minimize the chances that child will become a ward of the state. This requirement should be applied across the board, including when organizations sponsor refugees.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            how about this TMT?

            ” Ski resorts struggle to hire amid Trump’s visa ban”

            DENVER — Milagros Sotelo was looking forward to traveling from South America to Tennessee to start a job at Ober Gatlinburg ski resort this winter. The 22-year-old student worked the past two ski seasons in the equipment rental shop at the small resort nestled in the Smoky Mountains and was excited to reconnect with friends, practice her English and take a break from law school in Lima, Peru, where she lives.

            or this one:

            ” How Trump’s visa restrictions might hurt Philadelphia’s growing biotech community”

            ” How Trump’s Ban on Work Visas Could Hurt the EconomyAmerican job seekers won’t necessarily benefit–and tech companies could be disrupted”

            ” Trump move to ban H-1B visa will hurt job creation, warns business chamber”

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The Current Occupant has trashed legal immigrants. Remember his complaint about the Diversity Program (a legal immigration route): “Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole countries’ coming here?”

        And he completely (deliberately?) mischaracterized the Diversity Program: “And you pick people out of the lottery,” Trump said Thursday night, gesturing as if he were picking names out of a hat. “Well let’s see, this one is a murderer, this one robbed four banks, this one I better not say, this one another murderer, ladies and gentlemen, another murderer.”

        He publicly complained about four congresswomen of foreign descent: “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” The problem with that: three were born in the United States

        He canceled the Diversity Visa program for this year. (A federal judge recently ordered it to be resumed.)

        He recently announced a quota of 15,000 refugees for next year. That is down by about 100,000 from the annual numbers before his administration.

        Under this president, legal immigration has been cut by 49 percent.

        Finally, when describing Mexican immigrants, he has not focused on the legality of their entry. Instead, he has focused on their character, calling them generally, “drug dealers, criminals, rapists.”

        1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

          Dick, I don’t agree with Trump’s rhetoric. But where are the progressives in protecting the interests of ordinary Americans? Why would any country faced with a COVID-19 pandemic, with many citizens and lawful residents suffering from the economic fallout, keep legal immigration at pre-pandemic levels? Why when Americans are suffering, would the federal government keep borders open for refugees, most especially when their sponsors are not providing promised economic support. De Blasio announced several years ago that NYC would no longer look to refugee sponsors to honor their commitments. That’s what taxpayers are for.

          And lots of people are trying to stop the deportation of non-citizens and non-legal residents who have criminal convictions. Most people on the left are anti-American in their beliefs and actions.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Most of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and actions took place before the pandemic or had no relation to the pandemic.

            “Most people on the left are anti-American”? That is a pretty broad and harsh statement.

  27. LarrytheG Avatar

    Perhaps – but look at the timelines:

    on May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that segregated schools were unconstitutional

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. … The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools.

    March 7, 1966: The Virginia Supreme Court upholds the state’s anti-miscegenation law but rules that the trial court should not have forced the couple to leave the state.

    April 10, 1967: The U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the Loving case. The national ACLU, the NAACP, the Japanese-American Citizens League, U.S. Catholic bishops and others had filed amicus briefs in support of the Lovings.

    So all of this was actually specifically about African Americans. No Asians or Hispanics, Muslims, Portugese, were systematically treated like African Americans were for generations…. ever since they were “emancipated”. No Asians or Hispanics as a race were “emancipated” ever as far as I know.

    The problem with TJ and related is that they have made STEM THE standard for academics. If your talent is not STEM – then your opportuntiies more more limited. If your parents didn’t have the money to get you tutored or get advanced classes to TJ pre-requisite standards, your opportunities are limited no matter how high your IQ or good your talent – if you are economically disadvantaged – you will not be able to compete for that opportunity.

    Less than 2% of TJ students are economically disadvantaged – Almost all the kids have parents that have wealth and are educated.

  28. LarrytheG Avatar

    Perhaps – but look at the timelines:

    on May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that segregated schools were unconstitutional

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. … The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools.

    March 7, 1966: The Virginia Supreme Court upholds the state’s anti-miscegenation law but rules that the trial court should not have forced the couple to leave the state.

    April 10, 1967: The U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the Loving case. The national ACLU, the NAACP, the Japanese-American Citizens League, U.S. Catholic bishops and others had filed amicus briefs in support of the Lovings.

    So all of this was actually specifically about African Americans. No Asians or Hispanics, Muslims, Portugese, were systematically treated like African Americans were for generations…. ever since they were “emancipated”. No Asians or Hispanics as a race were “emancipated” ever as far as I know.

    The problem with TJ and related is that they have made STEM THE standard for academics. If your talent is not STEM – then your opportuntiies more more limited. If your parents didn’t have the money to get you tutored or get advanced classes to TJ pre-requisite standards, your opportunities are limited no matter how high your IQ or good your talent – if you are economically disadvantaged – you will not be able to compete for that opportunity.

    Less than 2% of TJ students are economically disadvantaged – Almost all the kids have parents that have wealth and are educated.

  29. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    The use of a lottery to assign limited seats in a school among equally qualified applicants can be fair. Let’s assume for the moment that the basic qualifications to be eligible for the lottery are rigorous enough to meet the very high standards required for governor’s schools. A lottery among all of these qualified students would be fair. Whether it would produce the best students is another questions, but one cannot argue the lottery is unfair.

    However, the plan does not contain a lottery among all qualified applicants. First, it divides the applicant base into five regions within Fairfax County. The plan did not explain how that was to be done. Based on historical patterns, one would expect there would be substantially more qualified students in the more affluent parts of the county.

    Using made-up numbers, let’s say 3500 8th graders make the cut and are distributed as follows. The 3500 kids from FCPS in my example are not evenly spread throughout each of the five districts, nor would they be in real life. There aren’t 700 qualified kids in each of the five districts. Let’s say it’s 100 kids in A. 200 kids in B. 300 kids in C. 1000 kids in D and 2000 kids in E. Under the first FCPS plan, each district gets 50 seats at TJ. (Now 100 seats are awarded by “merit.”) Within each district, the lottery is fair. But if you compare the odds of selection district-by-district, there is a huge discrepancy in each student’s chance of being elected. In district A, 50/100 get in (50%). In B, 50/200 get in (25%). In C, 50/300 get in (16.7%). In D, 50 of 1000 (5%). And finally, in E, 50 of 2000 (2.5%). While I created those numbers, I strongly suspect that there will be major differences in the total number of qualified students in each region by purpose and each district will have considerably different racial and ethnic makeups. And since this is clearly being done for racial purposes, FCPS is clearly treating kids differently based on race.

    And it also treats members of the “same” ethnic group differently based on where they live. For example, one of the feeder elementary schools for McLean high school has a very high number of Hispanics, many of whom are low-income. In my example, we’d expect to see larger numbers of Hispanic applicants in districts A-C than in E, which contains the McLean HS pyramid. Hispanic applicants in district E have a much lower chance of getting into TJ simply based on where their parents live. That’s fairness alright.

    Supposedly, Brabrand has modified the regions, but has not explained how they will be populated. Unless they are virtually equal in number, students, allegedly equally qualified, will be treated differently. And since this is based on race/ethnicity, suspect factors under the Constitution, the program may well not pass muster in the courts. The Pacific Legal Foundation representing some parents has threatened a lawsuit.

    Needless to say you won’t find this detail in the Post. It would require real investigation and analysis, as well as honesty.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not disagreeing…. just continuing the conversation………

      one method for qualifying applicants is to choose one measure – like STEM and then ruthlessly choose from the top score down to where the last student there is room for is selected.

      One might ask – what’s the purpose and goal of TJ. Is it offering opportunity to only the very best in a narrow range – i.e. STEM?

      Or should a minimum standard be established that is a wider range beyond just STEM?

      That could lead to a race-blind lottery but I also understand if there is a want for geographic balance.

      Finally, what does it mean when just 2% of the economically disadvantaged qualify? Even a lottery won’t fix that, right?

      By the way – TJ data is accessible via VDOE. I can find no such equivalent data for Loudoun Academies… no transparency that I can see, perhaps others know.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        TJ is focused on STEM. And, I’d agree that TJ’s purpose, indeed that of all Governor’s Schools, is to offer a level of instruction and challenges well in excess of what Advanced Placement courses offer to, and demand from, those few students who are qualified to handle those challenges. I do think that GPA or admission test score alone should not be the only factors considered in admissions. But they are the most important. And the more subjective admission standards are, the more likely we are going to see unfairness based on the biases of the staff handling admissions.

        There have been proposals to start similar high schools in NoVA that focus on non-STEM academics.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think excellence in academics is more than just STEM. If you look at the economy, it wants way more than just STEM grads.

          Should the purpose of TJ to be only on STEM and then only the highest scores?


          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            But TJ’s focus is STEM. High scores on STEM-related subjects should be the key, but not only factor. FCPS wants to abolish test scores as an admission factor.

            To address other academic areas, other governor’s schools, such as one that focuses on humanities or economics-business, could be established.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t understand why the current TJ emphasis excludes others and the answer is “other schools COULD be established”.

            No. They’re likely not going to be without a hell of a lot of more money.

            Why do we establish something in the first places that excludes others instead of allowing others from the start?

            What you have is purposeful inequity. And you’re justifying it by saying later on they COULD fix it.

          3. I’ve posted this before, but you apparently either did not see it or chose to ignore it. Here is a list of Virginia’s “Academic Year” Governor’s Schools (with specialties if applicable):

            A. Linwood Holton Governor’s School
            Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for Arts & Technology
            Blue Ridge Governor’s School
            Central Virginia Governor’s School for Science & Technology
            Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School for Marine & Environmental Science
            Commonwealth Governor’s School
            Governor’s School for the Arts
            Jackson River Governor’s School
            Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government & International Studies
            Massanutten Governor’s School for Integrated Environmental Science & Technology
            Mountain Vista Governor’s School
            New Horizons Governor’s School for Science & Technology
            Piedmont Governor’s School
            Roanoke Valley Governor’s School for Science & Technology
            Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School
            Southwest Virginia Governor’s School for Science, Mathematics & Technology
            The Governor’s School of Southside Virginia
            Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology
            The Governor’s School at Innovation Park

            Some of them specialize in certain areas, and some of them do not.
            While there are more STEM-specialized schools than other specialty categories, the schools are by no means “only STEM”.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          If you are providing opportunties for ALL of your students, why is it limited to STEM?

          Is that fair and equitable?

          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            Larry, there has been talk for years about establishing additional Governors Schools in NoVA to focus on other subjects and a number of parents have pushed for it. But dollars to donuts, the reason it hasn’t happened is the fear that every ethnic group would produce a proportionate number of admitted students.

            Riddle me this. My daughter, who is ethnically Korean, played lots of basketball. She played on the Langley HS freshman team. She went out for junior varsity her sophomore year. She did not make it, being the last girl cut from the squad. There were no Asians on the junior varsity team that year. Should the coach have kept her on the squad to better reflect McLean & Great Falls demographics? I can make a good argument that, had my daughter made the JV, she might have received some type of basketball scholarship from a small college.

            Equity in the hands of progressives is like power in the hands of Stalin.

          2. TMT –

            “Equity in the hands of progressives is like power in the hands of Stalin.”

            I like that. May I use it?

        3. sherlockj Avatar

          The problem with using GPA is that school boards like that in Albemarle County are moving fast to make them meaningless. That would leave achievement tests, which are under attack by Virginia’s Secretary of Education. That will leave no way to assess qualifications, which Secretary Qarif himself admits.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            And I actually agree with that so what measures should be used and do all students have a real ability to participate in those measures?

  30. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    The use of a lottery to assign limited seats in a school among equally qualified applicants can be fair. Let’s assume for the moment that the basic qualifications to be eligible for the lottery are rigorous enough to meet the very high standards required for governor’s schools. A lottery among all of these qualified students would be fair. Whether it would produce the best students is another questions, but one cannot argue the lottery is unfair.

    However, the plan does not contain a lottery among all qualified applicants. First, it divides the applicant base into five regions within Fairfax County. The plan did not explain how that was to be done. Based on historical patterns, one would expect there would be substantially more qualified students in the more affluent parts of the county.

    Using made-up numbers, let’s say 3500 8th graders make the cut and are distributed as follows. The 3500 kids from FCPS in my example are not evenly spread throughout each of the five districts, nor would they be in real life. There aren’t 700 qualified kids in each of the five districts. Let’s say it’s 100 kids in A. 200 kids in B. 300 kids in C. 1000 kids in D and 2000 kids in E. Under the first FCPS plan, each district gets 50 seats at TJ. (Now 100 seats are awarded by “merit.”) Within each district, the lottery is fair. But if you compare the odds of selection district-by-district, there is a huge discrepancy in each student’s chance of being elected. In district A, 50/100 get in (50%). In B, 50/200 get in (25%). In C, 50/300 get in (16.7%). In D, 50 of 1000 (5%). And finally, in E, 50 of 2000 (2.5%). While I created those numbers, I strongly suspect that there will be major differences in the total number of qualified students in each region by purpose and each district will have considerably different racial and ethnic makeups. And since this is clearly being done for racial purposes, FCPS is clearly treating kids differently based on race.

    And it also treats members of the “same” ethnic group differently based on where they live. For example, one of the feeder elementary schools for McLean high school has a very high number of Hispanics, many of whom are low-income. In my example, we’d expect to see larger numbers of Hispanic applicants in districts A-C than in E, which contains the McLean HS pyramid. Hispanic applicants in district E have a much lower chance of getting into TJ simply based on where their parents live. That’s fairness alright.

    Supposedly, Brabrand has modified the regions, but has not explained how they will be populated. Unless they are virtually equal in number, students, allegedly equally qualified, will be treated differently. And since this is based on race/ethnicity, suspect factors under the Constitution, the program may well not pass muster in the courts. The Pacific Legal Foundation representing some parents has threatened a lawsuit.

    Needless to say you won’t find this detail in the Post. It would require real investigation and analysis, as well as honesty.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not disagreeing…. just continuing the conversation………

      one method for qualifying applicants is to choose one measure – like STEM and then ruthlessly choose from the top score down to where the last student there is room for is selected.

      One might ask – what’s the purpose and goal of TJ. Is it offering opportunity to only the very best in a narrow range – i.e. STEM?

      Or should a minimum standard be established that is a wider range beyond just STEM?

      That could lead to a race-blind lottery but I also understand if there is a want for geographic balance.

      Finally, what does it mean when just 2% of the economically disadvantaged qualify? Even a lottery won’t fix that, right?

      By the way – TJ data is accessible via VDOE. I can find no such equivalent data for Loudoun Academies… no transparency that I can see, perhaps others know.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        TJ is focused on STEM. And, I’d agree that TJ’s purpose, indeed that of all Governor’s Schools, is to offer a level of instruction and challenges well in excess of what Advanced Placement courses offer to, and demand from, those few students who are qualified to handle those challenges. I do think that GPA or admission test score alone should not be the only factors considered in admissions. But they are the most important. And the more subjective admission standards are, the more likely we are going to see unfairness based on the biases of the staff handling admissions.

        There have been proposals to start similar high schools in NoVA that focus on non-STEM academics.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think excellence in academics is more than just STEM. If you look at the economy, it wants way more than just STEM grads.

          Should the purpose of TJ to be only on STEM and then only the highest scores?


          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            But TJ’s focus is STEM. High scores on STEM-related subjects should be the key, but not only factor. FCPS wants to abolish test scores as an admission factor.

            To address other academic areas, other governor’s schools, such as one that focuses on humanities or economics-business, could be established.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t understand why the current TJ emphasis excludes others and the answer is “other schools COULD be established”.

            No. They’re likely not going to be without a hell of a lot of more money.

            Why do we establish something in the first places that excludes others instead of allowing others from the start?

            What you have is purposeful inequity. And you’re justifying it by saying later on they COULD fix it.

          3. I’ve posted this before, but you apparently either did not see it or chose to ignore it. Here is a list of Virginia’s “Academic Year” Governor’s Schools (with specialties if applicable):

            A. Linwood Holton Governor’s School
            Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for Arts & Technology
            Blue Ridge Governor’s School
            Central Virginia Governor’s School for Science & Technology
            Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School for Marine & Environmental Science
            Commonwealth Governor’s School
            Governor’s School for the Arts
            Jackson River Governor’s School
            Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government & International Studies
            Massanutten Governor’s School for Integrated Environmental Science & Technology
            Mountain Vista Governor’s School
            New Horizons Governor’s School for Science & Technology
            Piedmont Governor’s School
            Roanoke Valley Governor’s School for Science & Technology
            Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School
            Southwest Virginia Governor’s School for Science, Mathematics & Technology
            The Governor’s School of Southside Virginia
            Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology
            The Governor’s School at Innovation Park

            Some of them specialize in certain areas, and some of them do not.
            While there are more STEM-specialized schools than other specialty categories, the schools are by no means “only STEM”.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          If you are providing opportunties for ALL of your students, why is it limited to STEM?

          Is that fair and equitable?

          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            Larry, there has been talk for years about establishing additional Governors Schools in NoVA to focus on other subjects and a number of parents have pushed for it. But dollars to donuts, the reason it hasn’t happened is the fear that every ethnic group would produce a proportionate number of admitted students.

            Riddle me this. My daughter, who is ethnically Korean, played lots of basketball. She played on the Langley HS freshman team. She went out for junior varsity her sophomore year. She did not make it, being the last girl cut from the squad. There were no Asians on the junior varsity team that year. Should the coach have kept her on the squad to better reflect McLean & Great Falls demographics? I can make a good argument that, had my daughter made the JV, she might have received some type of basketball scholarship from a small college.

            Equity in the hands of progressives is like power in the hands of Stalin.

          2. TMT –

            “Equity in the hands of progressives is like power in the hands of Stalin.”

            I like that. May I use it?

        3. sherlockj Avatar

          The problem with using GPA is that school boards like that in Albemarle County are moving fast to make them meaningless. That would leave achievement tests, which are under attack by Virginia’s Secretary of Education. That will leave no way to assess qualifications, which Secretary Qarif himself admits.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            And I actually agree with that so what measures should be used and do all students have a real ability to participate in those measures?

  31. sherlockj Avatar

    To finish off the thought, critical race theorists do not want and “artifacts of oppression” to remain. Among those artifacts they include grades in school, achievement tests and aptitude tests.

    So if they continue to get their way, any discussion of academic qualifications will be obviated by events.

    Those of us that will fight that will fight it, but that does not mean we will win.

    The larger American public equates critical race theory and anti-racism with diversity, which they favor, and may or may not wake up in time to the reality that it not only wishes to eliminate qualifications but also the capitalist economy that qualifications serve.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar


      We’re looking at real inequity as it plays out in opportunities for kids of parents of lesser means to compete against parents of higher means in getting their kids prepped for high-stakes academic testing to get into schools like TJ.

      Parents who have the money will spend it to get their kids tutored and in special classes so they can compete against others of more economic means also. There is no room for those who do not have the money to prepare their kids for that level of competition.

      And instead of dealing honestly with the issues, we demogage the issue by throwing around inflammatory words and rhetoric like critical race theory, and “woke” which totally derails any honest discussion of the real issues much less how to find some solutions.

      1. sherlockj Avatar

        “No” what?

        I just wrote that the left is trying to eliminate grades, achievement tests and aptitude tests in order not to level the playing field but eliminate it. They believe the playing field itself is racist and capitalist.

        If you have evidence the the leading “scholars” of antiracism intend anything else, bring it. But you don’t.

        I didn’t invent and don’t throw around “critical race theory”. It is the creature of the left, and it is winning.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          No you did not “invent” the terms but when you use them in an inflammatory way to derail discussion of the real issues then what is your goal?

          There is no “left” using “critical race theory” to take an honest look at how and why kids of lesser economic means fare badly in comeptition with kids of high economic means – in gaining access to opportunities – paid for by ALL taxpayers.

          So ya’ll label those who are concerned with this as “leftist” and “woke” and “anti-racists” who are adherents of “critical race theory” instead of dealing with the very real core issues of inequity.

          shame on you folks that do this.

          Remember, we’re talking about everyone’s tax dollars here including those of lower economic means who deserve equitable access to what they are paying for also.

      2. “Parents who have the money will spend it to get their kids tutored and in special classes so they can compete against others of more economic means also.”

        You’ve obviously given this a lot of thought, and have mentioned several times. Do you have any suggestions as to address the issue.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I do not trust you to not start back into ad hominems… sorry

          1. Your lack of willingness to propose solutions instead of simply pointing out problems could lead others to think that you don’t actually have any real ideas, but that you just enjoy logging on to this site to complain about the state of the world and criticize others. Remember, I said COULD, not WILL – so not an ad hominin.

            Regarding actual ad hominin attacks, you clearly think I have personally attacked you more times than you have personally attacked me. You may be right, and I want to make it up to you.

            Here is my idea: I hereby give you, LarrytheG, permission to post three (3) comments in which you may personally attack me as viciously as you wish without me responding or defending myself in any way. You may say anything you want about me, no matter how awful. You may attack my intelligence, my writing skills, my grammar, my punctuation, my political beliefs, my religious beliefs, my personal hygiene – literally, anything you want. You can even make fun of my eye patch and my oddly shaped, bright yellow Charlie Brown head.

            I agree tot to defend myself, return the insults, or complain to the moderators. The only thing I ask is that you let me know at the beginning of each comment that you want it to count as one of the three. Just open with: “WayneS – This is comment #1” or something similar.

            So how about it?

            PS – This offer expires on Halloween night and is available ONLY to LarrytheG and NO ONE else… …I’m looking in your direction Nancy_Naive – 😉

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do I trust you? Nope. I do not do personal attacks and so getting into a contest with you doing them is not something I’d enjoy.

            so at this point. nope.

            Nancy seems to be able to deflect/ignore your attacks , though.

            but your ‘offer” reeks of Lucy with that football!

          3. But Larry, clearly I am Charlie Brown – just look at my picture!

      3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        People who have more money have more money to spend on their kids. That’s life.

        Fairfax County taxpayers have spent a lot of money to give low-income kids smaller classes, more resource teachers, more counselors, psychologists, etc. We’ve instituted special outreach programs to identify low-income kids who could be candidates for TJ. We’ve instituted special tutoring programs for them. Etc. I’m sure all this effort has helped some kids. But by and large, the educrats failed. While they still have their jobs, now the County wants to eliminate the existing rules without explaining the details to the public. That’s wrong.

        What happens when there are no tests to determine whether MDs are fit to treat patients? That’s a logical outgrowth of what’s trending now.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” People who have more money have more money to spend on their kids. That’s life.”

          Yep for private schools and other things in life but not when some folks can buy better opportuntiies in a tax-funded public school system.

          “Fairfax County taxpayers have spent a lot of money to give low-income kids smaller classes, more resource teachers, more counselors, psychologists, etc. We’ve instituted special outreach programs to identify low-income kids who could be candidates for TJ. We’ve instituted special tutoring programs for them. Etc. I’m sure all this effort has helped some kids. But by and large, the educrats failed. While they still have their jobs, now the County wants to eliminate the existing rules without explaining the details to the public. That’s wrong.”

          Yadda Yadda.. “we do some good things but too bad some kids are also getting screwed …that’s life”.

          “What happens when there are no tests to determine whether MDs are fit to treat patients? That’s a logical outgrowth of what’s trending now.”

          You forget – we don’t have a set number of Doctors based on their scores. Instead we set a minimum score and anyone who achieves that becomes a doctor.

          We don’t say we only take X number based entirely on your score.

          That would be dumb when you need doctors. You set the bar for being a licensed doctor and all who meet that bar do pass.

          You guys actually yell about licensure that caps the number allowed to practice.

          Ya’ll argue one thing one day then argue the opposite the next day!


        2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          I believe you Mr. TMT. My bet is that Fairfax has allocated resources to prepare the underrepresented subgroups for TJ. And they failed. Leadership should be held accountable.

  32. sherlockj Avatar

    To finish off the thought, critical race theorists do not want and “artifacts of oppression” to remain. Among those artifacts they include grades in school, achievement tests and aptitude tests.

    So if they continue to get their way, any discussion of academic qualifications will be obviated by events.

    Those of us that will fight that will fight it, but that does not mean we will win.

    The larger American public equates critical race theory and anti-racism with diversity, which they favor, and may or may not wake up in time to the reality that it not only wishes to eliminate qualifications but also the capitalist economy that qualifications serve.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar


      We’re looking at real inequity as it plays out in opportunities for kids of parents of lesser means to compete against parents of higher means in getting their kids prepped for high-stakes academic testing to get into schools like TJ.

      Parents who have the money will spend it to get their kids tutored and in special classes so they can compete against others of more economic means also. There is no room for those who do not have the money to prepare their kids for that level of competition.

      And instead of dealing honestly with the issues, we demogage the issue by throwing around inflammatory words and rhetoric like critical race theory, and “woke” which totally derails any honest discussion of the real issues much less how to find some solutions.

      1. sherlockj Avatar

        “No” what?

        I just wrote that the left is trying to eliminate grades, achievement tests and aptitude tests in order not to level the playing field but eliminate it. They believe the playing field itself is racist and capitalist.

        If you have evidence the the leading “scholars” of antiracism intend anything else, bring it. But you don’t.

        I didn’t invent and don’t throw around “critical race theory”. It is the creature of the left, and it is winning.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          No you did not “invent” the terms but when you use them in an inflammatory way to derail discussion of the real issues then what is your goal?

          There is no “left” using “critical race theory” to take an honest look at how and why kids of lesser economic means fare badly in comeptition with kids of high economic means – in gaining access to opportunities – paid for by ALL taxpayers.

          So ya’ll label those who are concerned with this as “leftist” and “woke” and “anti-racists” who are adherents of “critical race theory” instead of dealing with the very real core issues of inequity.

          shame on you folks that do this.

          Remember, we’re talking about everyone’s tax dollars here including those of lower economic means who deserve equitable access to what they are paying for also.

      2. “Parents who have the money will spend it to get their kids tutored and in special classes so they can compete against others of more economic means also.”

        You’ve obviously given this a lot of thought, and have mentioned several times. Do you have any suggestions as to address the issue.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I do not trust you to not start back into ad hominems… sorry

          1. Your lack of willingness to propose solutions instead of simply pointing out problems could lead others to think that you don’t actually have any real ideas, but that you just enjoy logging on to this site to complain about the state of the world and criticize others. Remember, I said COULD, not WILL – so not an ad hominin.

            Regarding actual ad hominin attacks, you clearly think I have personally attacked you more times than you have personally attacked me. You may be right, and I want to make it up to you.

            Here is my idea: I hereby give you, LarrytheG, permission to post three (3) comments in which you may personally attack me as viciously as you wish without me responding or defending myself in any way. You may say anything you want about me, no matter how awful. You may attack my intelligence, my writing skills, my grammar, my punctuation, my political beliefs, my religious beliefs, my personal hygiene – literally, anything you want. You can even make fun of my eye patch and my oddly shaped, bright yellow Charlie Brown head.

            I agree tot to defend myself, return the insults, or complain to the moderators. The only thing I ask is that you let me know at the beginning of each comment that you want it to count as one of the three. Just open with: “WayneS – This is comment #1” or something similar.

            So how about it?

            PS – This offer expires on Halloween night and is available ONLY to LarrytheG and NO ONE else… …I’m looking in your direction Nancy_Naive – 😉

          2. But Larry, clearly I am Charlie Brown – just look at my picture!

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do I trust you? Nope. I do not do personal attacks and so getting into a contest with you doing them is not something I’d enjoy.

            so at this point. nope.

            Nancy seems to be able to deflect/ignore your attacks , though.

            but your ‘offer” reeks of Lucy with that football!

      3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        People who have more money have more money to spend on their kids. That’s life.

        Fairfax County taxpayers have spent a lot of money to give low-income kids smaller classes, more resource teachers, more counselors, psychologists, etc. We’ve instituted special outreach programs to identify low-income kids who could be candidates for TJ. We’ve instituted special tutoring programs for them. Etc. I’m sure all this effort has helped some kids. But by and large, the educrats failed. While they still have their jobs, now the County wants to eliminate the existing rules without explaining the details to the public. That’s wrong.

        What happens when there are no tests to determine whether MDs are fit to treat patients? That’s a logical outgrowth of what’s trending now.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” People who have more money have more money to spend on their kids. That’s life.”

          Yep for private schools and other things in life but not when some folks can buy better opportuntiies in a tax-funded public school system.

          “Fairfax County taxpayers have spent a lot of money to give low-income kids smaller classes, more resource teachers, more counselors, psychologists, etc. We’ve instituted special outreach programs to identify low-income kids who could be candidates for TJ. We’ve instituted special tutoring programs for them. Etc. I’m sure all this effort has helped some kids. But by and large, the educrats failed. While they still have their jobs, now the County wants to eliminate the existing rules without explaining the details to the public. That’s wrong.”

          Yadda Yadda.. “we do some good things but too bad some kids are also getting screwed …that’s life”.

          “What happens when there are no tests to determine whether MDs are fit to treat patients? That’s a logical outgrowth of what’s trending now.”

          You forget – we don’t have a set number of Doctors based on their scores. Instead we set a minimum score and anyone who achieves that becomes a doctor.

          We don’t say we only take X number based entirely on your score.

          That would be dumb when you need doctors. You set the bar for being a licensed doctor and all who meet that bar do pass.

          You guys actually yell about licensure that caps the number allowed to practice.

          Ya’ll argue one thing one day then argue the opposite the next day!


        2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          I believe you Mr. TMT. My bet is that Fairfax has allocated resources to prepare the underrepresented subgroups for TJ. And they failed. Leadership should be held accountable.

  33. sherlockj Avatar

    Jim, always remember that critical theorists, which include the faculties of many schools of our leading universities, reject the individual, the expansion of whose rights was the great project of the Enlightenment, as the lynchpin of law, politics and culture.

    They have been clear in their writings that the classes into which they divide people must be large enough that when the classes they claim to represent are combined they constitute a majority in democracies.

    That is why
    – the classes are so comprehensive;
    – they must label members of those classes that disagree with them as race traitors banished from the class; and
    – Asians, Blacks, Hispanics etc. cannot be allowed to be broken down into more representative components.

    Political power for the left depends on the largest possible “disadvantaged” classes. They hope that will result in a democratic victory for the critical theorists, which they mean to be “one man, one vote, one time.” There is no plan for turning back power to the classical liberals, the champions of individual rights.

    If anyone doubts that assessment, it is not mine, but their own for anyone who does the reading.

    1. “Political power depends on the largest possible “disadvantaged” classes.”

      That’s exactly the way I see it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Which makes one wonder why some who seek elective office don’t get it.

        You do have to represent the values of constitutents.

        Contrary to what some might think, many want to be self-reliant. They just want a decent job and the ability to have things like health care and a place to live.

        Those who seek elective office who think they are only after “entitlements” don’t deserve to be elected.

  34. sherlockj Avatar

    Jim, always remember that critical theorists, which include the faculties of many schools of our leading universities, reject the individual, the expansion of whose rights was the great project of the Enlightenment, as the lynchpin of law, politics and culture.

    They have been clear in their writings that the classes into which they divide people must be large enough that when the classes they claim to represent are combined they constitute a majority in democracies.

    That is why
    – the classes are so comprehensive;
    – they must label members of those classes that disagree with them as race traitors banished from the class; and
    – Asians, Blacks, Hispanics etc. cannot be allowed to be broken down into more representative components.

    Political power for the left depends on the largest possible “disadvantaged” classes. They hope that will result in a democratic victory for the critical theorists, which they mean to be “one man, one vote, one time.” There is no plan for turning back power to the classical liberals, the champions of individual rights.

    If anyone doubts that assessment, it is not mine, but their own for anyone who does the reading.

    1. “Political power depends on the largest possible “disadvantaged” classes.”

      That’s exactly the way I see it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Which makes one wonder why some who seek elective office don’t get it.

        You do have to represent the values of constitutents.

        Contrary to what some might think, many want to be self-reliant. They just want a decent job and the ability to have things like health care and a place to live.

        Those who seek elective office who think they are only after “entitlements” don’t deserve to be elected.

  35. sherlockj Avatar

    Larry, It is the Republican candidates who don’t get it.

    By and large, they haven’t internalized enough of the details of what has been exposed here to challenge their opponents on it. They don’t even pay enough attention to see the state and local actions by the VDOE and school boards for what they are.

    They will need to either pay attention to the advance signals or pay attention to the national, state and local results. I’m afraid the latter is far more likely.

    Two years from now federal and state elections will mirror the 2010 election when Republicans swept the federal and state House and Senate races after Obamacare, but there will be a lot of damage between now and then.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d wager this:

      1. – on a statewide basis , people are going to be more concerned about their health insurance than a lottery controversy at TJ.

      This is the basic problem with Republicans. They are focused on ideological issues with respect to their base and not the wider issues like health insurance.

      If you take away Obamacare and the Medicaid expansion – you think the GOP will get more votes?

      I predict the GOP will lie their butts off about their intentions with regard to Obamacare and the Medicaid Expansion – and it won’t work, voters will figure out what they intend to do.

      You said the GOp doesn’t get it…and I agree but I think even with TJ you guys are wrong. You’re basically telling black folks and Hispanics that they’re screwed because they are not as good as Asians. Asians are 10% of the vote in NoVa – Blacks and Hispanics are 25%. What kind of politician can’t understand numbers? GOP politicians, that’s who!

      The GOP will take RoVa in Va as they always do – but what will they do in places like NoVa where they need to get at least 50% of the vote to carry Virginia? What will they say to win votes in NoVa? Lie?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        The secret sauce is readiness. Asians are for a variety of reasons always ready. The rest are left wanting. 30 years ago TJ was practically an all white institution. Times and demographics changed. Readiness never did.

  36. sherlockj Avatar

    Larry, It is the Republican candidates who don’t get it.

    By and large, they haven’t internalized enough of the details of what has been exposed here to challenge their opponents on it. They don’t even pay enough attention to see the state and local actions by the VDOE and school boards for what they are.

    They will need to either pay attention to the advance signals or pay attention to the national, state and local results. I’m afraid the latter is far more likely.

    Two years from now federal and state elections will mirror the 2010 election when Republicans swept the federal and state House and Senate races after Obamacare, but there will be a lot of damage between now and then.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d wager this:

      1. – on a statewide basis , people are going to be more concerned about their health insurance than a lottery controversy at TJ.

      This is the basic problem with Republicans. They are focused on ideological issues with respect to their base and not the wider issues like health insurance.

      If you take away Obamacare and the Medicaid expansion – you think the GOP will get more votes?

      I predict the GOP will lie their butts off about their intentions with regard to Obamacare and the Medicaid Expansion – and it won’t work, voters will figure out what they intend to do.

      You said the GOp doesn’t get it…and I agree but I think even with TJ you guys are wrong. You’re basically telling black folks and Hispanics that they’re screwed because they are not as good as Asians. Asians are 10% of the vote in NoVa – Blacks and Hispanics are 25%. What kind of politician can’t understand numbers? GOP politicians, that’s who!

      The GOP will take RoVa in Va as they always do – but what will they do in places like NoVa where they need to get at least 50% of the vote to carry Virginia? What will they say to win votes in NoVa? Lie?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        The secret sauce is readiness. Asians are for a variety of reasons always ready. The rest are left wanting. 30 years ago TJ was practically an all white institution. Times and demographics changed. Readiness never did.

  37. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    For Equity’s sake the solution is easy. Label every child gifted, make every teacher a gifted teacher, and make every school a Governor’s school. Everyone can be equally excellent while no one achieves… Equity accomplished.
    The UVA van have a lottery for admission and then a lottery for football team positions from the lottery student body.

  38. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    For Equity’s sake the solution is easy. Label every child gifted, make every teacher a gifted teacher, and make every school a Governor’s school. Everyone can be equally excellent while no one achieves… Equity accomplished.
    The UVA van have a lottery for admission and then a lottery for football team positions from the lottery student body.

  39. Jim,

    Perhaps your photo montage should include a picture of someone from the northwestern part of Russian Asia. Some of he people there are descended from a sub-group of the Finno-Ugric people characterized by light complexion, blond, light brown or even red hair and blue or blue/green eyes – but they are most definitely Asians.


  40. Jim,

    Perhaps your photo montage should include a picture of someone from the northwestern part of Russian Asia. Some of he people there are descended from a sub-group of the Finno-Ugric people characterized by light complexion, blond, light brown or even red hair and blue or blue/green eyes – but they are most definitely Asians.


  41. VDOTyranny Avatar

    Bias are a logical shortcut that exist because individual humans aren’t able to fully comprehend the universe. Bias results in categorization. Categorizing by race will necessarily lead to racial bias; its a self perpetuating feedback loop.

    In these sad, dark times, I suggest we all strive to unite under one common symbol for humanity:

  42. VDOTyranny Avatar

    Bias are a logical shortcut that exist because individual humans aren’t able to fully comprehend the universe. Bias results in categorization. Categorizing by race will necessarily lead to racial bias; its a self perpetuating feedback loop.

    In these sad, dark times, I suggest we all strive to unite under one common symbol for humanity:

  43. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    A friend of mine suggested that FCPS retain the TJ admission tests but subtract points from an applicant’s score for each prep course taken. Parents would be required to disclose them to FCPS under penalty of perjury. Our social justice commonwealth’s attorney could prosecute a few liars to make an example out of them. The parents who spend thousands of dollars prepping their kid may see his/her final score be less than the kid across the county who didn’t get prep courses.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If the school system itself also offers equivalent prep courses and help then that would work also. But also, if the TJ tests are such that they are so difficult that only only kids who have extensively “prepped” – and the schools don’t offer that level of help/prep – then you’re pretty much incentivizing those who have the means to spend it to get their kids prepped.

      I have no problem what-so-ever for parents “prepping” their kids for a private school. What I have a problem with is a public school that is set up such that kids with lesser economic means lose out to kids of parents with higher economic means.

      Public schools should not tilt the scales toward those who have more resources. Every kid should have an equal chance at offerd opportunities.

      Clearly, when one looks at the enrollment of TJ – just 2% of the kids are economically disadvantaged – regardless of race.

  44. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    A friend of mine suggested that FCPS retain the TJ admission tests but subtract points from an applicant’s score for each prep course taken. Parents would be required to disclose them to FCPS under penalty of perjury. Our social justice commonwealth’s attorney could prosecute a few liars to make an example out of them. The parents who spend thousands of dollars prepping their kid may see his/her final score be less than the kid across the county who didn’t get prep courses.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If the school system itself also offers equivalent prep courses and help then that would work also. But also, if the TJ tests are such that they are so difficult that only only kids who have extensively “prepped” – and the schools don’t offer that level of help/prep – then you’re pretty much incentivizing those who have the means to spend it to get their kids prepped.

      I have no problem what-so-ever for parents “prepping” their kids for a private school. What I have a problem with is a public school that is set up such that kids with lesser economic means lose out to kids of parents with higher economic means.

      Public schools should not tilt the scales toward those who have more resources. Every kid should have an equal chance at offerd opportunities.

      Clearly, when one looks at the enrollment of TJ – just 2% of the kids are economically disadvantaged – regardless of race.

  45. LarrytheG Avatar

    Folks ask why do schools categorize by race?

    Pretty sure the schools did not just decide to do that.

    The census does it and so does the Voting Rights act , right?

    Done by a wide range of government programs also.

  46. LarrytheG Avatar

    Folks ask why do schools categorize by race?

    Pretty sure the schools did not just decide to do that.

    The census does it and so does the Voting Rights act , right?

    Done by a wide range of government programs also.

  47. I had a Spanish person and a Cuban person go at it, in Spanish, with derogatory comments about basically their ethnicity. Whoever thought up Latinx or Hispanic, obviously never dealt with any one from different parts of these nations. Not only that, but “mestizos” in some of these countries are mixed race and would not take kindly to being called any form of Latinx, nor is Spanish always their first language.

  48. I had a Spanish person and a Cuban person go at it, in Spanish, with derogatory comments about basically their ethnicity. Whoever thought up Latinx or Hispanic, obviously never dealt with any one from different parts of these nations. Not only that, but “mestizos” in some of these countries are mixed race and would not take kindly to being called any form of Latinx, nor is Spanish always their first language.

  49. Given the border disputes and deaths, lumping Chinese and Indian together, is NOT a good thing. Ever. SMH.

  50. Given the border disputes and deaths, lumping Chinese and Indian together, is NOT a good thing. Ever. SMH.

  51. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “… if you’re a young African American or an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this country,” Graham said. “You just need to be conservative, not liberal.”

    “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    Nah, ain’t no such things as race and racism.

  52. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “… if you’re a young African American or an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this country,” Graham said. “You just need to be conservative, not liberal.”

    “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    Nah, ain’t no such things as race and racism.

  53. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “Senator Paul Trible Jr., R-Va, a member of the Foreign Relation Committee and a staunch supporter of Reagan’s foreign policy, got a medical deferment for a “slight malformation ” of his right arm. He said he has trouble bending it but can play tennis.

    To symbolize his strong defense posture, one campaign advertisment shows Trible, 37, in an Air Force pilot’s flight suit in the open cockpit of a jet fighter, although he never served in the military. He was giving the thumbs-up salute, using the arm that kept him out of service.

    As for going to war, Trible said, “Asians have no value for life,” and added, “I don’t think it would have saved the world for me to fight in Vietnam.” — MacPherson, Myra, “Vietnam War legacy: What remains today?”, Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage Alaska, April 15, 1985. Also found in “The 1960s: A Welter of Conflicting Legacies” WAPO, April 15, 1985

    The statement is also a footnote in “Racial Violence Against Asian Americans” (available from JSTOR.ORG) as it was stated on the Senate floor.

    Nah, no such thing as race and racism

  54. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “Senator Paul Trible Jr., R-Va, a member of the Foreign Relation Committee and a staunch supporter of Reagan’s foreign policy, got a medical deferment for a “slight malformation ” of his right arm. He said he has trouble bending it but can play tennis.

    To symbolize his strong defense posture, one campaign advertisment shows Trible, 37, in an Air Force pilot’s flight suit in the open cockpit of a jet fighter, although he never served in the military. He was giving the thumbs-up salute, using the arm that kept him out of service.

    As for going to war, Trible said, “Asians have no value for life,” and added, “I don’t think it would have saved the world for me to fight in Vietnam.” — MacPherson, Myra, “Vietnam War legacy: What remains today?”, Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage Alaska, April 15, 1985. Also found in “The 1960s: A Welter of Conflicting Legacies” WAPO, April 15, 1985

    The statement is also a footnote in “Racial Violence Against Asian Americans” (available from JSTOR.ORG) as it was stated on the Senate floor.

    Nah, no such thing as race and racism

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