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The Elephant in the Room Has a Welcome Sense of Humor

by James C. Sherlock

University of Virginia President James Ryan announced today that he oversaw an important effort to solve one of the University’s most pressing problems.

No, not anything you can imagine.

He announced that he and, of course, a committee, have officially changed the logo of that school from UVA to … wait for it … UV.

Thus potentially making Mincer’s perhaps the most profitable small business in Virginia over the next few years.

Not only would they get to mark up the price of their current inventory of UVA logo sportswear to reflect its now-collectors-item status.

But they would get to sell everyone the new stuff.

But, then again, it is April 1st.

The video.

Good for Ryan.

Just not nearly as good as it would have been for Mincer’s.

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