The Elephant in the Room Has a Welcome Sense of Humor

by James C. Sherlock

University of Virginia President James Ryan announced today that he oversaw an important effort to solve one of the University’s most pressing problems.

No, not anything you can imagine.

He announced that he and, of course, a committee, have officially changed the logo of that school from UVA to … wait for it … UV.

Thus potentially making Mincer’s perhaps the most profitable small business in Virginia over the next few years.

Not only would they get to mark up the price of their current inventory of UVA logo sportswear to reflect its now-collectors-item status.

But they would get to sell everyone the new stuff.

But, then again, it is April 1st.

The video.

Good for Ryan.

Just not nearly as good as it would have been for Mincer’s.

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6 responses to “The Elephant in the Room Has a Welcome Sense of Humor”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    The Peter Principle is alive and well!

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey. It’s a thing all organizations do.

    When the city of Newport News extended Middle Ground Blvd through to Warwick Blvd they change the road name to City Center Blvd, and reimbursed all businesses on the road for new letterhead and other address related expenses.

    The joke? The new “City Center Blvd” doesn’t get within half of a mile of the new municipal and entertainment area dubbed “City Center”.

    So, imagine you’re a visitor to NN and you’ve heard of the nice restaurants in “City Center” and you’re sitting at the stoplight at Warwick & City Center Blvds….

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Reminds me of what localities did when they changed the name of Jefferson Davis Highway (Route 1). In the city, it’s Emancipation Highway. IN Spotsylvania, it’s Patriot Highway.

      Still amazing, more than 150 years after the Civil War, we still honor the name Jefferson Davis and claim that it’s “history”…but I digress.

  3. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Fire him.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Now they cover the whole band. It’s part of DE&I. They’re going to admit shorter students from 100 to 315nm.

    Aw, c’mon! That was pretty good. Now they’re including UVB and UVC. Get it?

  5. beachguy Avatar

    UV?? As in Ultraviolet? The new logo will be confused with sunglass and sunscreen advertisements.

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