The Divine Puzzle of Life as Seen by a Native Son of Virginia

by B.K. Fulton

Our Nation has not yet fully addressed its original sin . . . the savage institution of slavery. The residue of inequality still permeates our shores and infects the globe as a pandemic of the mind. Despite our scientific similarities (we are more alike than different), when it comes to power — both its use and restraint — in 2020 we still run into a refrain of white resistance and the oddity of white frailty. These two pillars of privilege shape a misinformed, yet powerful world view of the pecking order of humanity that we all experience in contemporary America and beyond.

Over the course of 50+ years of being American and Virginian, I have learned that we are all simply human beings sharing the same rock. I try to teach my children and friends who will listen that we are all cousins trying to find our way home. I also teach my sons that while they should enjoy the same rights and privileges as others, the reality is that the sickness created by a culture that would rather teach lies about Christopher Columbus than acknowledge truths about Lewis H. Latimer (the Virginian son of runaway slaves who invented the filament for the present-day light bulb), means they exist in a world that does not always protect the value of their humanity. A culture that overplays white contributions and underplays the contributions of people of color will underplay the importance of who they are as young black men. The educational and political systems of our Land, formal and informal, have too often perpetuated a Eurocentric indoctrination of humanity versus teaching critical thinking. It is up to civil society to close the gap between the two. This is where the “truth” lives …  in the gap.

How I wish we could see ourselves as part of a divine puzzle of life. In this puzzle, we are all essential pieces. Our respective contributions are important and unique to the puzzle. We all add value.

What is clear with this framing of life, is that a person has to know who he or she is so that they know where they fit in the puzzle. It is critically important to know your place in the world before you can determine what you must do in the world. You can’t know your place unless you know who you are. In America, we pretend that African-American history started in Virginia in 1619. We tell every child in school this fiction. We tell them how Christopher Columbus discovered America. He did not. We leave out of the American story almost every important contribution from non-whites and go further to erect monuments and give platitudes for characters in our history who in fact tried to tear up our more perfect union and subjugate black men and women to the horrors of chattel slavery.

Our schools do not teach us that when black men and women played by the rules and built up banks, and schools, and self-sufficient communities like in Tulsa, Oklahoma, those cities were literally bombed and burned to the ground by angry whites, often for the trumped up charge of an offense against a white woman. If we only told the truth, we could mitigate these atrocities and tragic mishaps of humanity and press on to a world where each citizen (each piece in the divine puzzle) could develop without the pathology of indoctrination and contribute beyond the basic instinct to survive. When we all come into the full knowledge of who we are, we will know where we fit in the divine puzzle of life.

Is it too early in 2020 to be honest in America? Is white frailty so entrenched in our white brothers and sisters minds that they can’t handle the truth? I think not. The streets of America and other cities around the world are filled with protesters of all ethnicities precisely because we have all been lied to. The lynching of George Floyd and the murder of many other innocents have brought us to a tipping point. For the sake of our sons and daughters, I hope things will never be the same.

It’s time for the truth, America. As we emerge from this global pandemic, may we also emerge from the systemic pandemics of hatred and fear fueled by the contagious pedagogy of white supremacy. It is time for real change. The truth will set us free.

Richmond resident B.K. Fulton is chairman & CEO of Soulidifly Productions, which has just released “1 Angry Black Man,” a critically acclaimed film, to audiences through virtual screenings by theaters, cable on-demand services, streaming video and DVD.

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39 responses to “The Divine Puzzle of Life as Seen by a Native Son of Virginia”

  1. sbostian Avatar

    I am in favor of honest history period. Attempts to support an “approved narrative” works against understanding, societal harmony and national cohesion. Honesty has to be universal. Selective honesty is just a sophisticated form of falsehood. To quote Lord Mansfield, author of the landmark Somerset v Stewart case which presaged Britain’s abandoning the slave trade, “Let justice be done, though the heavens may fall”. Mansfield did not originate the phrase but his use of it in delivering a High Court decision was the most historically prominent use of the phrase. Truth liberates, lies enslave.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      B.K. Fulton says:
      “It’s time for the truth, America. … may we also emerge from the systemic pandemics of hatred and fear fueled by the contagious pedagogy of white supremacy. …”

      abostian says:
      “Honesty has to be universal. Selective honesty is just a sophisticated form of falsehood.”

      What is going on here?

      In the 36 minute podcast below Shelby Steele answers that question as he explains his book “Shame: How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country.”

      1. sbostian Avatar

        I think you might have misinterpreted my comment. I am simply advocating that history is messy and that the narratives constructed to fit an ideological narrative are at best incomplete and at worst a deliberate form of lying. The political left (Mao, Marx, Lenin, and others) simply use history as a tool kit to build narratives, not to understand the past. The narratives most often are used to sell an ideology. Perhaps, libertarians and “conservatives” do the same. I will let others provide evidence if that is the case.

        I’m in favor of having a “conversation about race”. However, I am also in favor of honesty and allowing ALL the facts to be placed on the table. I repeat truth frees, while lies enslave.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          sbostian: “I think you might have misinterpreted my comment.”

          I understood it as you clarified it.

  2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Well… certainly a early sin, right up there. Oringinal? No doubt the Kecoughtan might disagree, if there was one.

    It’s the lust to dominate, even if just in our opinions. Are white people too frail? Uh yep, apparently. What’s a Trump wall for?

  3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Shouldn’t history also teach the role of black Africans in capturing, enslaving and selling other black Africans to other, white slave traders? I never questioned the idea that white slave traders just anchored their ships, came ashore and took free people into slavery, even as I knew the history of many African warriors defeating European armies during the 1800s. It doesn’t absolve the European and American involvement in black slavery but certainly tells the entire picture.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      It does, doesn’t it? After all, you know it. You apparently found this out somehow. And now that you know it you are hell bent to make it the sole method of enslavement.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        What kind of foolish statement is this? Anyone could tell that my comments were made in the context of American black slavery. Deal with your own guilt and actions. Don’t foist them on others about whom you know no particulars.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      yes, all over the world, people have enslaved others including blacks doing blacks but what does that really have to do with system racism today, right now?

      All over the world – we have people who would enslave and/or harm others who are different from them.

      We have the same problem in this country. it’s better than it has been, we are making progress.. but there is something particularly galvanizing about the “history” shown on a video of someone getting killed whose crime was passing funny money.

      I give Mr. Fulton credit – but was not particularly reassured. We now have armed counter-protestors in the streets “defending” the statues…
      If we are on our way home – it’s got some potholes and detours.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        Selective telling of history is selective telling of history.

        And again and again and again, if Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and his police chief would have done their jobs, Chauvin and Thao would not have been on the police force on May 25. It’s quite likely George Floyd would still be living. But we hear nothing but silence from the MSM.

        Racism in policing is a national problem but it must be rooted out town by town, city by city and county by county. The little F’er in Minneapolis needs to resign.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          What you are saying here is pretty much what the protestors are saying, no?

          It’s not just about Minneapolis or Frey – it’s about cities across the country and all of their Mayors who ALSO allowed their police to kill people.

          Changes are going on in Minneapolis… not good enough for you?

          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            Not good enough for me. Frey is responsible for Floyd’s death because he didn’t do what he campaigned on. But since he signals his virtue, he gets a pass.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes. But the reasons why Frey did not – are the same reasons other police chiefs across the country also did not.


            Is this a failing of Frey or a systemic failing across many police departments who functioned the same way as Frey?

            The protestors don’t think firing Frey alone would fix the problem. That’s why they are out in cities across the country.

        2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Let me ask you a question or two just to make sure I fully understand your position.

          Do you think that had Frey just fired Thao and Chauvin in 2018 then this incident wouldn’t have occurred?
          Wouldn’t Frey have to have had access to their personnel files?
          Wouldn’t Frey have to have had the Union okay those dismissals based on 2018 content of those files?

          Since the Union didn’t okay those firings based on their files and their most recent infractions in those files, why do you suppose that the Union would have reversed itself?

          So, then for Frey to have fired those officers, he would have to have broken the Union’s stranglehold on personnel records and to have broken the Union’s control over personnel discipline?

          Isn’t breaking the Union accomplished by the process called “defunding”?

          How prescient do you think Frey is?

          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            If Frey would have done what he said he would do – identify and fire bad cops, neither Chauvin nor Thao would have been on patrol on May 25. Both would have been fired. These are the cops who murdered and help murder Floyd. Case closed.

            Frey’s promises were not contingent on OK from the Police Union. And if he made promises (as he did), he would have fought the union every inch of the way. If he intended to play ball with the union, he shouldn’t have attacked the incumbent Democratic Mayor of Minneapolis, who appears to have played ball with the union.

            As FDR said, labor unions have no place in the public sector.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            TMT – are you saying that about ALL police chiefs and Mayors that also had killings in their cities?

            Anytime a cop kills someone, it’s the Chief/Mayor’s fault?

          3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            No. He’s saying Frey specifically should have fired those officers and then fought it out in the courts with the Union.

            You know, kept a campaign promise. Like misappropriation of money to build a wall.

        3. sbostian Avatar

          Come on “TooManyTaxes! You know that FDR was a right wing White Supremacist. (;-)).

  4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Not to detract from the basis of the piece and strictly as an aside, but I always find the use of the term “original sin” as ironic.

    In Western theologies, what was “The Original Sin”? Wasn’t it the “Acquisition of Knowledge” for which the sinner was driven into the wilderness to, what, his freedom?

    So wanting knowledge and freedom is the sin? Wait, is not its use in this context antithetical?

  5. sbostian Avatar

    European, American and Islamic involvement would be more accurate. Also, an honest discussion would deal with current slavery in the world and revealing the participants and supporters. I repeat history is messy and with regard to slavery, there might not be a people group which has entirely clean hands.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Slavery was ubiquitous to the entire human experience throughout the world until early 19th Century, when parts of Europe freed themselves. Indeed in 18th Century there were more white slaves in North Africa than black slaves in North America.

  6. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    So, that makes it all right, Reed? Slavery still exists around the world. Certainly indentured servitude in this country didn’t leave the same lasting damage, probably for the simple reason that their descendants didn’t look different than the majority population, and it wasn’t for life. Not comparable. That, my friend, is what a shrink would call classic rationalization.

    Thank you, Mr. Fulton, and thanks for giving him a forum, Jim. You are quite correct that the history taught in the schools and as portrayed in much popular culture is total crap. If and when it is taught at all. That makes learning the truth later even more jarring. Stand outside the Alamo and try telling Texans that the expansion of slavery into that region was a major goal of the Texicans.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Reed said:
      Slavery was ubiquitous to the entire human experience throughout the world until early 19th Century, when parts of Europe freed themselves. Indeed in 18th Century there were more white slaves in North Africa than black slaves in North America.

      Steve said: So, that makes it all right, Reed? Slavery still exists around the world.”

      No, it does not. It simply means the obvious. Slavery has been, and is, endemic in all human beings and human groups, part of human nature, its fall. History proves this, and does today.

      “Looking different?” We all look different. Examples are to numerous to mention.

      As to your claim of “leaving lasting damage,” Steve, do you really believe that? If so, why, where is the proof? And what does “lasting damage” mean?”

      With those claims resolved, we can work seriously on how to removing obstacles that remain to equal opportunity to close gaps and realize dreams. And so add to what has been said on this subject on this blog in the past, which is not insubstantial.

      1. sbostian Avatar

        This is not a direct response to your comment. However since you mention the impulse toward slavery being embedded in human nature generally, this seemed like an opportune time to address human nature. First, all of human history validates your assertion. Slavery is still practiced today and only the willfully blind would deny it. Surprisingly, it doesn’t seem that this fact is offensive to very many here. After six thousand years of recorded history, slavery still plagues us. If Rousseau and other utopian authoritarians were right about the perfectibility of man (The doctrine, advanced by Rousseau and others, that people are capable of achieving perfection on earth through natural means, without the grace of God.), slavery would have been eliminated by now.

        My guess is that if we continue to pursue elimination of slavery and establishment of racial justice as “functional atheists” (no matter what religious faith we claim to follow), six thousand years from now we will be complaining about the same problems as in this discussion. The oppressed race may change. The oppressor class may change. However, the core problem will persist. Sometimes data driven, pragmatism just doesn’t work. As, a colleague and I noted in a discussion last week, the human race is simultaneously a marvelous thing and at the same time a pretty sorry lot.

      2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        sbostian –

        I agree with your comment, as it applies to slavery and human nature specifically, and as it applies to human nature generally. For example, your conclusion that: “the human race is simultaneously a marvelous thing and at the same time a pretty sorry lot.” This is what makes current events, and past history of peoples, all driven by human nature, so terribly difficult to understand and assess much less judge.


        This complexity also makes current events and history of past events so easily to manipulate, bend out of shape and distort even with the best of intentions if those events be viewed with too narrow a lens and learning, without a deep prespective, understanding, and appreciation for the times and human nature and customs at play and in action in events.

        Earlier here, I characterized these truths this way.

        “I’ve come to believe that learning important aspects of history in a true and meaningful way, and applying that learning to our world today, is far more difficult, complex, and demanding than I had ever imagined. The task demands all of our powers and their immense efforts. For anyone doing such task well, and thus having an impact that might change reality, will encounter fierce resistance from the present.

        This is why so many great books of history (or art or science) are written in varying degrees of code on so many levels, if only to keep the writers neck, or his work, off the chopping block.

        This is also why so much great history (like art and science) has been intentionally destroyed. Or buried, even if its creator lives to die of natural causes. It is the reason so many are in exile.

        The truth is that the present hates to hear the truth about today, and it hates to hear the truths of history that brought us to where we are today. Truth is the perennial orphan, particularity truth having relevance to today’s world.


        Much of the truth is very ugly. Most of the truth is novel, quite strange, mostly unknown. Most truth is very uncomfortable, even under the best of circumstances, and it is very significantly different, far different, often quite the opposite, from what the reader may have thought or believed to be the truth before uncovering the truth. Particularly so as the truth is only as good and deep as the searcher powers to uncover, judge, and appreciate it, a journey during which he or she must overcome many obstacles. Even then, the truth will die unless the searcher finds a way to keep that true alive.”

        With tremendous hard work, and learning built on detail original sources, these powerful obstacles can be overcome to reveal all of these forces in history.

        A marvelous example of what can be achieved if all these obstacles are overcome is found here:

  7. BK wrote: “We leave out of the American story almost every important contribution from non-whites.”

    That statement indubitably was true at one time. It indubitably is less so today. Just look at the re-interpretive revolutions that have taken place in public school curricula, museums, literature, journalism and cinema. If BK reads the comments on his post, I hope he will respond by providing concrete examples of what important contributions are now being downplayed or ignored.

    Also, I would like to know what BK thinks of the 1619 Project. My sense is that he prefers to take a more positive approach — rather than blame all ills on white people, he wants to see a history that up-lifts black people — a sentiment that I share. But perhaps that is my own wishful thinking.

    1. See below for my thoughts about education and the last 100 years. As for the 1619 project, I think we are past the time of trying to make sure people feel good about telling the truth. We should lay out all the facts for all to see. The systemic issues we need to deal with are created, controlled and perpetuated by people who benefit the most from them. Getting into “blame” is a rabbit hole and a waste of time. I want us to fix the things that are broken. We need a federal anti-lynching law; we need to fix education to make black history a part of all history taught in schools at all times not just Feb.; and end the outrageous assault on voting rights that allow corrupt politicians to gain or stay in office. I have faith that our systems can work for everyone if we allow them to. The problem is it’s human nature to fall in love with “power” and it takes a special leader to step away from it. JFK once said “too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” I like the 1619 project because it is making us think. Thinking makes us better, especially when it is informed by the whole story. The truth about how black and white have worked together to get us to 2020 is amazing. You are my brother and I am yours. We just don’t always agree. I’m OK with that. BK

  8. The Divine Puzzler is right on, IMHO. His full wrap-up is: “It’s time for the truth, America. As we emerge from this global pandemic, may we also emerge from the systemic pandemics of hatred and fear fueled by the contagious pedagogy of white supremacy. It is time for real change. The truth will set us free.”

    The truth is, slavery occurred. Slavery was common throughout the European world from Roman times. Slavery became an economic driving force in the 19th century economy of the South, until the War (and some tried to keep it that way after the War). I agree with sbostian and TMT that we cannot deny or suppress the history of that ugliness. But I don’t see Mr. Fulton saying that; he is going to the root of the problem: “the systemic pandemics of hatred and fear fueled by the contagious pedagogy of white supremacy.” He’s talking about the ugly attitude we sugar-coat as the “Lost Cause,” the same ugliness that brings out the confederate flags at car races and dog-whistle political rallies. The “Lost Cause” is not history; it’s not even close to truth; it’s a romanticized version of slavery utterly stripped of cruelty, populated with affectionate Uncle Toms, a world where savage bears are always Cuddly Teddies and the message to an entire race is, “Stay In Your Place,” with the subtext, “it was good for you then and remains so and that’s where you belong.”

    The fact is, the Greek and Roman idea of slavery, and slavery as practiced by the German tribes, and even by the Huns, was not identified with race but with military winning and losing. You fought in a battle and survived but on the losing side, and were captured — you probably ended up a slave. But there was always the possibility of freedom — purchased by your talents, or earned by military service (for a winner this time) or by chance through societal upheaval, or (frequently) marriage, lifted out of your bondage by dowery. And in any event your children were not born with the stigma of your status.

    We forget that the European model of slavery included an abbreviated version called ‘indentured servitude,’ or sometimes for youth ‘apprenticeship,’ where a number of years of your life and labor were taken from you in exchange for a valuable service – transportation to the Colonies perhaps, or the training of an unschooled teenager. There was no lasting shame in coming through that kind of servitude; on the contrary it was the way to ‘get ahead’ in life.

    But we perverted that in America when it came to enslaving native Americans and black Africans. With the latter we made it perpetual and inheritable; we rationalized that in turn by preaching the inherent inferiority of an entire race, and made illegal those things that might show us wrong like the education of slaves, and forbade intermarriage as contamination of the superior race. That is “the contagious pedagogy of white supremacy.” That is what we must still, today, work so hard to root out.

    I do not see any justification whatever for eliminating those many memorials, including statues, erected by towns all across the South in memory of those who died in the Civil War. It was a devastating loss of youth and vitality and family; the names are inscribed on these memorials out of love. But we must recognize that is not why the statues of the Lost Cause mythology were erected — those glorifying not the dead but the still-living myth of racial superiority — in the 1890s to the 1920s, or sometimes even later. They have got to go.

    My hope is that we can find the right balance between purging the evil and remaining deeply aware of the history of that evil. The lesson of history is that those who remain unaware of what truly happened in the past, not some whitewashed version of it, are doomed to repeat it.

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      I don’t read Mr. Fulton as rejecting the history of slavery. He’s making a different point. But if you are going to understand the perversion of slavery, which I think violates natural law, you have to teach all of it. And you know darn well, we aren’t teaching all of it anymore than the Post publishes information inconsistent with its positions on issues.

      Outside of respecting the common soldier, especially those who died in battle or from disease, I hold nothing for the Confederacy. Two of my 2nd great grandfathers fought for the Union.

      We need to hold local officials responsible for what the police do and don’t do. Yet, one reads, views and hears very little about holding local elected and appointed officials responsible for what they have done or not done in managing their police forces. Why?

    2. djrippert Avatar

      You are right. The unwritten and untaught history of racism in America occurred between 1890 and 1940. That was the half century when the potentially positive trajectory of the Civil War and Reconstruction was bent downward into long running and deep seated prejudice. Woodrow Wilson, the statues in Richmond, Harry Byrd, the 1902 Virginia state constitution. History in America is taught … there was a Civil War, the North won, slavery was abolished, a hundred years later there were civil rights protests.

      The 100 years between the end of the Civil War and the rise of Martin Luther King are given little emphasis in K-12 education. A couple of world wars and a Great Depression. How did a world class racist like Harry Byrd build a machine to run Virginia? Not taught. When history overlaps with the living memory of some older members of the still-existent plantation elite it does not get taught or discussed in Virginia.

      1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

        Why no uproar about the Woodrow Wilson Bridge? For years, I thought Wilson was an admirable guy even though I didn’t agree with all of his policies. As an adult, I’ve learned he was a very strong racist, not only in thought but in deed. Yet, there is silence, including by our ever-woke media. Why? I think it is because he was a great virtue signaler. Shouldn’t Northam, Hogan and Bowser write a letter to the US DOT and ask that the name of the I-95 bridge be renamed?

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “Why no uproar about the Woodrow Wilson Bridge?”


          Democratic President Woodrow Wilson (March 4, 1913 – March 4, 1921) is considered the founder of the modern progressive movement in America, and the founder of the modern progressive state in America during his two terms in office that also build the foundations for FDR’s Presidency. (Wilson) mentored FDR when he served in Wilson’s Administration.

          The fact that Woodrow Wilson was a virulent and activist racist, playing a big roll in fueling Jim Crow era, did not trouble the Democratic party for nearly 50 years, an indisputable fact still largely ignored by modern progressives ever since.

          Of course, the fact that Woodrow Wilson was a longtime college and university professor during last two decades of 19th century, and President of Princeton University during first decade of 20th century, (and progressive governor of New Jersey) has further insulated Woodrow Wilson from attack by the progressive left.

          This long time Woodward Wilson cult among intellectuals was in full swing up to at least 1967 when I was majoring in Political Science at UVa.

          Indeed, for nearly 70 years, he was rated by presidential historians with Washington, Lincoln, and FDR. Even now he is ranked number 11 among Presidents, though many recent historians deem his ill founded policies at end of WW 1 to have lead directly to World War 2. And of course we now know where his virulent Jim Crow policies have lead America. Like I have said so often earlier, history is always ugly, and very hard for ALL of US to face.

          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            Some in the MSM didn’t get the message about Wilson. Wilson’s son-in-law, Secretary of the Treasury and Democratic senator from California instituted separate toilets for blacks in the Treasury and Interior Department Buildings. According to the article, “William G. McAdoo, defended: ‘I am not going to argue the justification of the separate toilets orders, beyond saying that it is difficult to disregard certain feelings and sentiments of white people in a matter of this sort.’”


  9. Jim, thank you for creating this forum. I appreciate the opportunity to share some ideas. I hope we don’t get so bogged down with fine points that we miss the bigger picture; we share the same earth and if my kids are not safe, your kids are not safe. Education in the US needs an overhaul. We don’t do much better now at teaching about the contributions of non-whites than we did 100 years ago. You asked me to share some specific things: 1) GPS; 2) the golf tee; 3) the mail-box; 4) refrigerated trucks; 5) the method for blending talking film and sound; 6) orbital trajectories; 7) powered third-rail systems; 8) open-heart surgery; 9) blood plasma; and 10) the filament for the light bulb were all invented by people of color. We don’t teach any of this to our kids en masse. See “The Inventive Spirit of African Americans” as one reference with hundreds of patents, drawings, and narratives that most Americans know nothing about. We all have been given a bill of goods on the shared narrative of America. It will take a lot of work to reduce the gap between indoctrination and critical thinking. The fear that underlies racism and white frailty comes in large part from what we teach and our failings as a nation to spend more time with each other. The peaceful clash of ideas and facts on forums like this one are good for civil society. Some are tired of protests and hearing about police violence. They have the luxury of dismissing the real trauma and pain of their black and brown neighbors. Imagine how tired non-whites are of experiencing these killings over traffic stops and broken taillights. I worry for my sons. You should be worried too. If my sons are not safe, yours will not be safe. We are better than what is happening right now. It’s not a time to pick “sides” and dig in. It’s time to come together. I am inspired by the people of all ages and ethnicities around the world who are demanding justice through peaceful protests. It’s going to become uncomfortable for those who benefit from the current system. They will be OK. We all will be OK. I believe in America. I believe in us . . . all of US. BK

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Virginia born Ben Montgomery is a fascinating story of a black inventor caught in the mesh of slavery, the Civil War, Jefferson Davis and reconstruction.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Good essay

  11. Yes to your comment, and thank you, BK, for choosing this forum.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Yes… thanks BK and thanks Jim for giving BK a forum and I do lean more to what Acbar said.

    I’m still not sure I fully understand or agree to some of BK points especially with regard to what they “should” be taught… when we add that to everyone else’s idea of what should be taught, there are not enough hours in the day – even IF the kids want to learn that much.

    I favor reading, writing and arithmetic – a basic education that if you do it well, ought to get you a job or into college and allow one to learn more the rest of their life.

    Finally – if we look at all these protestors… did they “learn” – many look to be pretty young but they’re out to change something so they must have learned something – others are listening to them.

  13. I really appreciate all of the input on this topic. These conversations are what is needed. Humans are resilient and will figure out ways to survive. However, if we do the messy work of getting everyone the best training and tools possible to become critical thinkers, we will gain better informed citizens for our civil society. I had to supplement the education that I received in Virginia with a lot of other reading to become the executive and person that I am now. I am not saying that any change for the better will be easy. What I am saying is that I am certain that if we do the work, the change will be worth it. BK

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