The Detrimental Effect of Cell Phones in Public Schools

by Robert L. Maronic

I read a sad commentary three days ago entitled, “At This School, the Cellphones Rule,” written by James A. Bacon of Bacon’s Rebellion in Richmond. His commentary, which conceals both the name of the teacher and “high-poverty high school,” truly has to be read in order to be believed, but as a former high school Latin teacher, I don’t find it surprising. In my opinion, it should be required reading for all education students, especially their all-knowing, ivory-tower professors, in both the Commonwealth of Virginia and other forty-nine states. That also includes Governor Glenn Youngkin.

I first observed this serious problem of the highly addictive nature of cell phones, which some have likened to either nicotine or heroin, among high school students while teaching myself and listening to the frequent complaints of other teachers beginning in 2009 in Roanoke City Public Schools. I later learned that Roanoke County Public Schools were often not much better, depending on the high school. Now this problem has become truly dystopian in most major urban and “inner city” school districts throughout Virginia.

I primarily wrote my comments to Kathleen Smith’s posting on Bacon’s Rebellion on April 20. She is the former head of the Southern Association of Accredited Schools and Colleges (AdvancEd [sic] or Cognia), who represented Virginia from 2014-19. I replied to her first question by stating that the people in charge of our local public schools are primarily the administrators and central office staff, who really only have three main concerns: their fat paychecks, lucrative pensions, and if in doubt, blame the teachers.

This serious problem is eerily similar to the Vietnam War where drafted soldiers, marines, airmen, sailors and especially lower ranking officers, who only wanted to “survive” their tour of duty of a year or two and then BE GONE. Any desire to win the war after 1967 was often pointless because of the poor leadership of President Lyndon Baines Johnson (1963-69), Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara (1961-68) and the omniscient Pentagon. Winning or losing the Vietnam War was usually someone else’s problem.

Unlike the Vietnam War draftees, most but not all public-school administrators and central office staff are doing a twenty to thirty year “tour of duty.” Like the Vietnam War draftees, many of them truly and privately care about neither victory nor defeat in our “education war” except during an occasional newspaper, television or job interview, or some other minor public interaction, where a “wrong answer” could potentially become most problematic.

Therefore, in public or with unfamiliar colleagues many of these “out of touch” employees from the lowly switchboard operator to the mighty superintendent always wear their “victory face” in order to reassure the taxpayers, human resources or their superiors, especially in Richmond. After all, they have mortgages to pay, health insurance to think about and most especially their pensions to consider.

In my opinion, the only person who can really solve this dystopian problem with the rampant and defiant use of cell phones disrupting our public schools, is Governor Youngkin.

Let us not kid ourselves. That is because the Virginia Department of Education is full of feeble and apathetic bureaucrats, who really talk a good game, consider themselves educational “experts,” but are no different than the local administrators and central office staff in Virginia’s lowest performing to mediocre school districts. I personally think that the only solution to this pressing problem and a myriad of other educational “concerns” since the early 1980s is charter schools in order to give parents a choice, especially poor parents, and provide meaningful competition to the public schools.

One of the biggest fears that these public-school administrators and central office staff have is headcount. When those federal subsidies begin to diminish, they will hopefully snap to attention really quick. After all, when a non-special education student currently approaches the age of nineteen, most Virginia public school systems want that student “flushed,” which often results in work-ethic- eroding social promotion among many seniors, an undeserved high school diploma and the need for remediation at the local community college or elsewhere.

Unfortunately, the Virginia school boards, especially the Roanoke County School Board, often remind me of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. She most dutifully listens and privately provides pertinent advice once a week to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but she is a powerless figurehead. However, unlike Queen Elizabeth II, Virginia’s school boards regularly, ceremoniously and respectfully interact with the general public (often to no avail).

Much greater power, however, resides with Parliament, which in Virginia would be the local principals, high ranking administrators and a few erudite central office staff if they even exist (House of Commons) and the “venerable” but useless Virginia Department of Education (House of Lords). Of course, the real power resides with the Prime Minister, who would be the esteemed Glenn Youngkin.

I truly wonder how much courage our governor has to improve Virginia’s public schools. Time will tell in the next four years, but I am not optimistic. I suppose the ultimate question will be. is he a statesman or just another damn politician or pig feeding at the trough? I, unfortunately and cynically, suspect the latter. Please prove me wrong, Governor Youngkin, because many of our public schools, especially in eastern and southside Virginia, and elsewhere are FUBAR (f’ed up beyond all recognition), and most of the rest in the state are mired in mindless mediocrity because passing the SOLs (Standards of Learning), aka the anti-SATs, is like jumping over ten-inch hurdles.

However, if these solutions do not work, I have a feeling that a lot of misguided decades-long policies relating to the failure of Virginia’s public schools such as teacher retention, ineffective administrators and classroom disruption ad nauseum, which are also rampant throughout the U.S., will radically change when the U.S. national debt approaches $40 trillion, and Washington finally defaults on its gargantuan debt resulting in quarters and dimes on our pensions and a significant decrease in our Social Security retirement.  When the Las Vegas bookies start taking bets on both the amount and timing on the default of our nation’s debt, we will truly be in economic trouble or very deep in cow manure requiring boots well above our knees.

Robert L. Maronic lives in Roanoke. A longer version of this column was published originally by The Roanoke Star.

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32 responses to “The Detrimental Effect of Cell Phones in Public Schools”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    The answer is easy – cell phone jamming. It’s completely illegal to jam cell phone signals in schools but that law could be changed. Hell, if Verizon and AT&T were serious they would have parental settings that would render the phones useless while at school between 8am and 3pm.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead
      1. DJRippert Avatar

        When the Yik Yak app (intended for college campuses) became a source for bullying at middle and high schools the app owners geofenced the app at school. If you were at school the app didn’t work.

        Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, etc could do the same thing.

        As far as I know, Youngkin could ask the General Assembly to pass a bill to require geofencing of popular social media apps at schools.

        One thing for sure, when you drive over the American Legion bridge from Virginia to Maryland the betting apps all stop working.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          That is an even better idea. Kids would have the cell phones for emergencies, but could not use social media.

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I like the electric fence around schools. I had no idea this could be done. What about texting? Can the fence block that? I did look into buying one of those scramblers but found out you can’t do that.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          This is done at football games.

        4. Robert L. Maronic Avatar
          Robert L. Maronic

          That is an excellent idea.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      That is a great idea. Being illiterate in this area, I really did not know it could be done. There is one major problem that I foresee. I assume that one could not jam only student phones. All cell phones in the designated area would have to be jammed. Principals probably need a working cell phone. Faculty members probably do not, but they would be up in arms if their cell phones were jammed, also.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It may also jam or interfer with first responder comms.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        The school teachers would go nuts if you jammed their phones. They are just as bad as the kids. Some of them at least. I am proud to say that I never owned or used one of those phones in my teaching career. Never needed it. I do have one now. I keep hoping I will lose it one day. My 13 year old cannot have a phone until she is 18. I am sticking to that.

      3. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

        I wonder if old technology has a role to play. Before there were cell phones, there were “walky talkies.” I always had access to a “phone” when I was in uniform. I wish I could remember something about the technology. Would it help the teachers? If we could talk to commanders in a large op area, why couldn’t teachers connect anywhere on the campus?

    3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      That is a great idea. Being illiterate in this area, I really did not know it could be done. There is one major problem that I foresee. I assume that one could not jam only student phones. All cell phones in the designated area would have to be jammed. Principals probably need a working cell phone. Faculty members probably do not, but they would be up in arms if their cell phones were jammed, also.

    4. Robert L. Maronic Avatar
      Robert L. Maronic

      I fully agree with D.J. Rippert. Unfortunately, that law may never be enacted because of a fear of another Columbine or Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting. For a full version of my commentary in The Roanoke Star, see

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If you can provide 100% assurance that there are no, nor will be, guns in the school then you can have a 100% ban of cellphones. Until then, it’s every student’s right to call for help.

    1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      How would this be achieved? Metal detectors? I have thought about this, myself, but have no answer.

    2. Robert L. Maronic Avatar
      Robert L. Maronic

      Eliminating guns , knives, etc. on school property would almost require TSA security, which would be costly, but necessary.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Ban calculators! Far more detrimental than cellphones.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Man, you know who wants kids to have a cellphone while they are in school? Their parents! You know the real Prime Ministers of our public schools (at least according to Grand Poobah Youngkin)…

    1. That’s true. At the school where Fletcher Norwood teaches (see my column about cellphones), parents are insistent that kids have the damn things so they can communicate at the drop of a hat. They resist sending messages through the front office. Parents can be a problem. (But they still have a right to know what their kids is being taught.)

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And this is why…

      Ukraine has captured the media attention.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        That and to let Johnny know he has to hitch a ride home from school with Tommy next door…

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    It’s entirely possible to make a cellphone that’s just a phone. Imagine if the NEA, and the SBs got together and authorized only phone capability be allowed in school.

    Customers demanding a product. Everybody happy. Parents can track kids, kids can call 911 while the active shooter is in the hallway, and teachers don’t have cheating and distractions. Oh, and most importantly, SROs are happy… no cameras.

    1. I hate to admit it, that’s actually a good idea.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Whyever would you hate to admit a good idea?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Because it was a first

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            All the more reason not to. Negative reinforcement is no way to raise a child.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I don’t think it is a danger that you will provide all that many opportunities for the negative reinforcement…

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think NN may have you calibrated..

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            His EEG ___/___/___/_________________________. 😉

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Good to see you back to the usual…

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh, you may wish to read what you wrote again, ponder the sign, and have another go at it. You’d have made a helluva lawyer, politician, or other cadaverous life form.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    To this point, cell-phone jamming is illegal – even in prisons where inmates are using phones they are prohibited from having.

    And some folks thoughts of having a grand poobah decide the issue – like the gov or POTUS – we really are a Democracy where we have a process for laws and not strong-man rulers.

    Finally, think about this. If we decide to do this , who will decide who will be blocked , where and what comms? Who decides? Do we want a Federal or State agency that sends the phone companies instructions on who to block , when, where, how?

    This is one of those tough issues where too many think in simplistic terms about solutions – often involving some guy in charge of it all as opposed to a legal process done by authorized agencies and people.

    So who will decide who to block at a school? Mr. Youngkin?
    If this is not a bad idea…… geeze…

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