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The Desperate Need for Financial Regulation

By Peter Galuszka

Regulation is the perpetual bug-a-boo among Baconauts, Boomergeddons and Blowhards of many ilk. Drop back to 2008 when our economy nearly crashed and the banking system all but collapsed. These folk will blame Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac for giving out home mortgages to unqualified “under class” types.

They conveniently forget that a lot of it also had to do with the shameless lack of regulation and oversight into the hedge fund market  and its mysterious Credit Default Swaps and Collateralized Debt Obligations and  loaded banks up with billions in debt and no one knew why. The rocket  scientists who created all of this couldn’t explain it.

So, we end up with Dodd-Frank which really doesn’t do much  other than wrist-slap to the powerful financial industry that hands out tons of  dough to political candidates.

Now, four years later, there’s still plenty of evidence why  the money bags people need watching by people with big sticks. Consider:

Can anyone spell “F R E E  M A R K E T?” How about you, Jim?

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