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The Dangers of the Biking Craze

bike fatalityBy Peter GaluszkaThere is no question that bicycling is a hot trend, favored by fitness advocates and Smart Growthers alike.

What’s not to like? Bikes don’t pollute, don’t require expensive parking lots and provide riders with lots of flexibility not to mention muscle and cardiovascular workouts.

You hear a lot about it on  this blog, which is just fine and dandy, because it fits a world view that enhances better planning and better living.

One little point that the biking ho0pla tends to overlook. Safety.

Virginia only started to get serious in 2004 when the Department of Transportation directed that bike land and paths be incorporated into new road designs or major rehabs. Sometimes they do and sometimes not.

And sometimes people die or are badly injured. Here’s a recent story I did about the problem in my home county in The Chesterfield Observer.

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