by James A. Bacon

After President Jim Ryan ordered a breakup of their liberation zone for Gaza a week ago in what one might call a “mostly peaceful” police action, encampment veterans are posturing as victims of “brutal” fascist state “violence” and “trauma.”

“I got brutalized by the police at a UNESCO World Heritage site,” reads one meme making the rounds.

“Welcome to the University of Virginia, where we encourage free speech and expression unless you’re protesting genocide, where we brutalize our students and mace our community members,” says an UVA Encampment for Gaza post on Instagram.

“I just want to acknowledge the trauma that I believe some of them [the protesters] felt in all this,” said a health-care provider participating in a two-hour “Honest Town Hall” organized by faculty members in response to Ryan’s earlier “town hall” presentation.

A student speaking at the counter-town hall spoke of “layers of violence” at UVA stretching back to the displacement of the native peoples and days of slavery. “The University is unique in the kind of violence that it has … endorsed and propagated.”

“Every time I go to Grounds,” the student continued, “I actually am physically ill when I’m near the Range. I feel like I’m surrounded by the ghosts of slaves … and also the recollection of seeing police brutalize my friends.”

Time out, snowflakes! Are you ready for some hard truth? You don’t have the faintest idea of what it’s like to be brutalized or to experience trauma. You belong to the most coddled, privileged, self-indulgent generation in the history of mankind. Most of you wouldn’t know hardship or adversity, much less brutality or trauma, if it smacked you over the head… with a foam pool noodle.

In the disingenuously named Honest Town Hall, critics of the police action against the tent encampment showed video of University Police officers advancing on protesters who defended themselves by using open umbrellas as shields. In narrating the video, global studies professor Dave Edmunds said police “pulled some umbrellas from the protesters and then retreated.” Oh, the horror! Dispossessing innocents of their umbrellas will be remembered in the halls of infamy with the Bataan Death March and Malmedy Massacre. (Historical illiterates can look them up on Wikipedia.)

But that’s not all. The UPD advanced — and retreated — again! And then a third time!!

Finally, in “the most violent part of the confrontation,” armored state police formed a phalanx with shields and advanced slowly and deliberately, pushing people out of the encampment. With guns blazing? Well, no. With batons at the ready, surely? Well, no batons either.

Then what happened? One student was “roughly thrown to the ground.” (Tell that student to never take a judo class!) And then what? The student was handcuffed!!

Police made abundant use of pepper spray to break up the crowd, the Honest Town Hall narrators testified. The pepper spray stung peoples’ eyes. Horror of horrors, University authorities had no medical responders on hand to treat the pepper spray. The protesters, however, did have water at the ready for flushing out the chemical agent. One student apparently did go into a seizure, which critics blamed, without medical confirmation, on the spray.

(For the record, pepper spray is known as a non-lethal crowd control device, although extremely rare fatalities have resulted. “While painful, the symptoms are self-limiting in most cases,” says Medical News Today. “They tend to resolve on their own within 30 minutes and usually do not require medical treatment.”)

In other examples of fascistic police oppression, faculty member Laura Goldblatt asserted, two Black bystanders were arrested and a student wearing a hijab, also a bystander, had her backpack confiscated. “This was a moment where people who were not part of the encampment were also being brutalized by the police,” she said.

Even if the latter two incidents are confirmed to have occurred as described, with no mitigating circumstances, there is no insinuation that the bystanders were subjected to violence.

In the Left’s playbook everyone’s a victim, and the definition of victimhood gets more expansive by the day. Skinned knees, bruises and stinging eyes incurred while resisting arrest are viewed as trauma-inducing police brutality. We’ve come a long way since George Floyd.

You want to talk about trauma? Talk to a U.S. Marine who had his legs and arms blown off by an IED. You want to talk about brutalization? Talk to an Israeli woman who was raped and mutilated by Hamas terrorists. You want to talk about police-state violence, talk to survivors of the horrors inflicted by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, or Mengistu Haile Mariam.

Here’s what I’d like to know about these self-pitying whiners casting themselves as victims of structural racism, classism, fattism, or whatever flavor-of-the-month oppression they subscribe to… How many receive federal financial aid? How many receive state financial assistance? How many receive aid from alumni-endowed scholarships? How much is their tuition subsidized by middle-class and affluent families? How many are receiving food stamps, Medicaid and other government benefits?

These people are not oppressed — they’re coddled. If they’re not sponging off their parents, they’re leaching off society while cosplaying social justice warrior. They need to get over themselves. They need to grow up. Their act is getting tiresome.

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48 responses to “The Crying Game”

  1. Rafaelo Avatar

    To the victim belong the spoils. Watch for GoFundMe campaigns.

  2. beachguy Avatar

    I sincerely believe I’m also a victim, even though I wasn’t there,

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Well, you are here… that counts…

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Time out, snowflakes! Are you ready for some hard truth? You don’t have the faintest idea of what it’s like to be brutalized or to experience trauma”

    Yeah! Imagine the trauma JAB experienced back in the day when UVa was a mostly white male privileged enclave… you bunch of snowflakes!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Ah, but even then, he recognized he didn’t have an advantage in African-American studies…

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    It’s well for all readers of Mr. Bacon that he can handle the truth of trauma better than Jack Nicholson. He has not been woken by his role in the Ivory Tower.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Poor widdle snowflakes…brutalized!
    Watch this and shut the front door, so to speak.

    That’s violence. In fact it is barbarism. You support that. No way you can claim any moral high ground.

    But, if you still want to pretend (guessing my Venn diagram here would show huge overlap), watch this – after the YouTube “Screams Before Silence”

    Maybe keep both of these in your browser bar…

  6. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Jim, this is OUTSTANDING! You absolutely nailed it in your accurate, sardonic critique of the faculty and student “protestors” last Saturday, May 4. Bravo!

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “You want to talk about trauma? Talk to a U.S. Marine who had his legs and arms blown off by an IED. You want to talk about brutalization? Talk to an Israeli woman who was raped and mutilated by Hamas terrorists. You want to talk about police-state violence, talk to survivors of the horrors inflicted by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, or Mengistu Haile Mariam.”

    …not to mention the 35,000 men, women, and children civilians being slaughtered by Israel in Gaza… (I know we are not supposed to mention them…)

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Well, perhaps some of your allies could tell Hamas to stop hiding behind innocent men, women and children.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Don’t worry, Netanyahu will cut through them… they won’t be a concern …

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Don’t worry, Netanyahu will cut through them… they won’t be a concern …

    2. Gordon McKinley Avatar
      Gordon McKinley

      Made up figures by Hamas.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll


      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The German Blitz killed 20,000 civilians in London with fewer and smaller bombs dropped.

    3. Actually the hamas propagandists have admitted they can’t account for a third of those supposed ‘casualties’

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so….. ‘only’ 20,000 women and kids?

        imagine if this is we did WWII with Japan and Germany and decided that since the people supported their govt , they had to be “removed” also. And again in Vietnam and Afghanistan where the bad guys were often embedded with non-combatants so we needed to kill them all… good strategy eh?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          War is hell, or so they say. So don’t start one lightly.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep… but do we kill civilians by claiming they support the war?

          2. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Yes remember Sherman did it during the War between the States. It is referred to as “total War.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Actually not…

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes and it was what? Condemned and said to be not acceptable and not a common practice, and in fact, a court martial offense with our military.

            Modern day, what approach did we take with regard to Vietnamese and Afghanistan civilians and non-combatants, even then the enemy was embedded in the civilian population.

            Ever heard of My Lai?

        2. actually – we did wage war against the German and Japanese people – read the history books. Curtis LeMay research just the right mix of ordinance to burn Jap homes efficiently.. War is war. Governments start and fight wars with its people’s support. 10/7 is no different. IF the Gazans wanted to stop the destruction they have two options: force Hamas to surrender and return the hostages, or inform the IDF where Hamas is hiding. SIMPLE

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            We did on limited and exceptional basis but not as part of “war” per se and now we explicitly seek to target combatants and not kill civilians. We did not drop bombs on the city where Bin Laden was killed. We do not, in general do this much less as a threat for the other side to give up or we will continue to kill civilians.

            The idea that Hamas has to “surrender” when Hamas is a movement is dumb IMO.
            You can’t “kill” or wipe out such “movements”.

            In fact, Israel is actually encouraging others to join Hamas every time they kill a noncombatant kid or Mom whose other kids survive.

            Where does this really end?

            Does it? You can occupy another country and institute apartheid and survive as a legitimate government. You’ll end up be viewed like other bad govts known for killing citizens, apartheid, etc.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The idea that we haven’t progressed in terms of protecting human rights since Hiroshima is absurd. The fact that some hold this to be true and wish to control our arsenal of WMDs is frightening.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes. It’s bizarre but very real. Beyond that, you cannot “kill”
            an ideology, much less by indiscriminate killing of civilians.

            We would have NEVER become Allies with Japan and Germany if we had conducted the war like the Israeli’s are.

            It’s hard to imagine Israel becoming a neighbor to a separate and independent Palestinian state even IF they did “wipe out” Hamas.
            It’s simply not in their plan at all. They apparently fully intend to continue to occupy Gaza and to continue apartheid – which is what started Hamas to start with.

        3. James Kiser Avatar
          James Kiser

          Which was done, go look up the bombing of Dresden as an example.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            We did, but we also limited it and at war end, we became allies.

        4. William O'Keefe Avatar
          William O’Keefe

          Have you ever heard of the strategic bombing campaign or Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII?
          What’s your proposal for the Israeli attack on Hamas in Gaza?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought you were not talking to me except to hurl pejoratives and personal attacks!

            Israel does with Hamas the same thing we did going after terrorists the world over – we TARGET the terrorists and specifically do not kill civilians and noncombatants, even if the terrorists are embedded with them.

            It’s in the Geneva convention, as well as our own Military Code of Justice.

            “10 U.S. Code § 950t – Crimes triable by military commission
            U.S. Code

            The following offenses shall be triable by military commission under this chapter at any time without limitation:
            (1)Murder of protected persons.—
            Any person subject to this chapter who intentionally kills one or more protected persons shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a military commission under this chapter may direct.
            (2)Attacking civilians.—
            Any person subject to this chapter who intentionally engages in an attack upon a civilian population as such, or individual civilians not taking active part in hostilities, shall be punished, if death results to one or more of the victims, by death or such other punishment as a military commission under this chapter may direct, and, if death does not result to any of the victims, by such punishment, other than death, as a military commission under this chapter may direct.”


            Now, STOP with the personal attacks and respond to the issue and discussion please.

          2. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            So, asking you two questions that you don’t answer is a personal attack? You are as whiny as the student demonstrators.
            You are right, I did say that I was going to ignore you and regret that I didn’t stick to that.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Prior comments from you are often personal attacks , and this one also when you ascribe something to me personally.

            Are you “whiny” Bill?

            Make up your mind boy about commenting. Seems like you have trouble sticking to it unless you can make a personal attack, eh?

            Using the word “strategic” with regard to Israel is the mother of all oxymorons!

            kill. kill. kill… is their strategy.

            My “proposal” for dealing with Hamas is the same as we do when we target bad guys. Do the work and don’t kill civilians and blame the civilians for being “embedded” with the bad guys. Unless Israel intends to kill everyone, they’re gonna have hundreds of thousands of people who hate them back. So much for “religion” eh?

          4. CJBova Avatar

            “blame the civilians for being “embedded” with the bad guys” Got that backwards, didn’t you? How do you plan to get Hamas out into the open?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Truth Carol. I was the same in Vietnam and Afghanistan and except for some lapses like My Lai, we worked to target the bad guys without killing civilians en masse.

            You don’t get to kill civilians because the bad guys did really bad things.

            Civilized countries do NOT do that.

            We specifically target bad guys leaders these days just as we did Bin Laden.

            It’s DUMB to kill civilians who are themselves defacto hostages and claim you had “no choice” IMO.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Ask yourself how ISIS was defeated..

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            TMT – I don’t doubt for a minute that we ought to NOT trust Hamas numbers but at the same time we know even if the number actually is HALF, we’re talking about thousands and thousands of moms and kids.

            And let’s say for the sake of argument that somehow, Israel does kill every last one of Hamas – what comes next in terms of governance? What is the plan? Permanent occupation?
            The Palestinians who do survive are not entitled to self governance like other countries?

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Well, no worries then, eh… 🙄

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    FreedomWorks ist kaput! Unable to crawl beneath the bar (Barr?) set by Trump and the MAGAs, they folded tent.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So you’re free to speak just so long as what you say isn’t taken seriously by those of whom you’re speaking.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Lemme park in front of your house with a sandwich board,
      “Nancy Naive is (grievance du jour, on a whiteboard so we can fill in the blanks)”
      and chany “Nancy Naive Needs to leave Nancy Naive wrongly believes”…over and over mindlessly. Then I’ll camp out. Get go fund mes to deliver food to me. I’ll “deliver” special water for your bushes, etc. It’s performance art BS from ignoramuses

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Be my guest, Walt. Might I suggest “Get Off My Lawn Kid”? For you, it works.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          But I’ll be peaceful! I have a right!

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes. You do. That’s the point.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes. You do. That’s the point.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            OK. And when I pitch a tent on your lawn? Do you lock your doors? Can I drive your car? Mind me using your lawn as my bathroom? You know, I’m roughing it? For the terrorists…cuz I care!
            When are you going to demand all the J6 prisoners be released? I won’t hold my breath, moral poseur…

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