The COVID Restrictions Have Been Lifted!

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

We now have been a week without state-imposed COVID restrictions. No social distancing. No restrictions on venues opening. I can go to my grandson’s graduation tonight. Kerry can go to the beach without a mask on. We all can go to Flying Squirrels’ games.

As of May 28, the Governor lifted all social distancing and venue restrictions, two weeks sooner than last promised. But, you would not know that from Bacon’s Rebellion, on which folks have been quick to criticize the Governor. What about all those predictions that “King Ralph” would find some pretense to continue with the restrictions?

By the way, after a rocky start, Virginia is among the top states in the country in the COVID vaccination rate.

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46 responses to “The COVID Restrictions Have Been Lifted!”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Of course, it’s purely a coincidence that Virginia has achieved higher vaccination rates – certainly noting to do with King Ralph!,g_auto,w_1200,h_675,ar_16:9/

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Actually, I don’t think it has had much to do with state policy, although after a rocky start the process did move more smoothly. That map might as well track public acceptance or hesitancy on being vaccinated. It remains fascinating how wide the range is even within Virginia, with many locations having a majority fully vaccinated now, and others not even reaching 30 percent. The test positivity ratings in those regions follow the same pattern, with some regions still up at 7%.

      And before you claim it is a Republican thing, look at the central cities still below 30% (Portsmouth, Norfolk) and see the story in today’s RTD about how the disease now really is mostly hitting the black population. Until very recently Richmond’s positivity rate was below Henrico or Chesterfield’s, but not now. Because they more vaccinated.

      It is stunning that a large percentage of 70- and 80 plus remain unvaccinated, as the one constant through the whole 15 months has been that 90% or more of the deaths were patients 60 and up. Those are people who are simply refusing to take the shot, and they remain at high risk of death. Some I guess may be recovered previous patients, who can assume some level of protection.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        And I fail to understand why anyone, if he has access to, and knowledge of, the vaccine, fails to take advantage of it.

        1. vicnicholls Avatar

          and you fail to understand the whole premise of America: freedom. Freedom to choose your own life and death. Govt. or mob control, we should be free of it. That includes propaganda from the govt newspapers.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            What does freedom have to do with this issue? No one is being forced to get vaccinated. In fact, being vaccinated is freeing. It frees one from the worry of being infected by some person who has no consideration for others and refuses to be vaccinated.

          2. vicnicholls Avatar

            What???!!!!! People can lose their jobs and can’t be scarlet letter free without the jab.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Vic, having determined that he can’t fix stupid, has turned his efforts to trying to fix smart.

          4. vicnicholls Avatar

            “It frees one from the worry of being infected by some person who has no consideration for others and refuses to be vaccinated.” You think evil of those who simply choose different from you. I don’t seem to have that problem. Do you do the same for flu carriers who “murdered” others? Do you do the same for abortion doctors who “murder” other humans? How about the Chinese and Russian govts. that murder their own citizens? So far, people who haven’t been infected or didn’t infect any one but their own family and now has some form of immunity, you consider that they are poop also? Drinking the Covid Koolaid you have.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. It’s the very same reason I will not run a red light or drive aggressively, cut folks off. We all have a responsibility to not endanger others with our own behaviors, but the world abounds with scofflaws who couldn’t care less if they endanger others – they have their “rights”.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay. If you want to die, die. But, please don’t involve the hospitals and use your last gasp to drive up medical costs for the rest of us with a 30-day stay in the ICU.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            If we did not have laws requiring vaccination of kids in schools, what would happen?

            Your “freedom” ends where mine begins and none of us has the right to engage in behaviors that endangers or harms others.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Vaccination Laws very from state to state and also allow for exemptions.

            Should people get vaccinated, yes. Should they be forced to under penalty of Law, no.

            So much for Pro-Choice.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He knows that. He just hasn’t yet decided where his ends and yours begins.

          10. WayneS Avatar

            If your children are vaccinated then in what way would they be endangered?

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It’s almost like they aren’t really “pro-choice” after all.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            Can you CHOOSE to NOT vaccinate your kids because it’s your right and freedom?

            Can the govt REQUIRE you to vaccinate?

            Do other parents have a right to not have your child not vaccinated and in the classroom with their kids?

            How about the food service workers? Do they have a “right” to not be vaccinated and then serve food to others in schools?

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Fear of adverse reactions could be one reason. My doctor claims that the Pfizer vaccine is a factor into a case of the shingles I have developed. The doc says her practice has had an unusually high number of shingles cases this year. I tell you those shingles are no good and I can understand why some people are sitting on the sidelines.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Find a better doctor. The shingles side effect anecdote was traced to a reddit post by a woman who wonder if anyone else had developed shingles, and the flurry that followed.

            Did your doctor tell you the age of the patients? The increase your doctor may have seen could be more of a result of the “50 is the new 60” studies that have led to shingles vaccines being recommended at 50. The number of cases in the 50 to 60 bracket has been increasing for a number of years. Of course, once pharma developes something, they want to push it on everyone. Oxy? One lump or two?


          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Doc says 53 shingles cases since March. Normally sees just a handful a month. Showed me some data that seemed to support her claim. Entered my case into the adverse reaction data system.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I got the vaccine a year or two back.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Gotta wait until August for shingles vaccine. Not going to miss that one for sure.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, that you should do. That way they can determine if, or not, there a statistical significance.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Your citation is an appeal to authority.
            Could the COVID-19 vaccine caused that reaction, why yes it could. It is only a year old at this point.

            You can’t “debunk” something that hasn’t been studied long enough to provide actual analysis.

        3. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Personal choice and freedom to make that choice.

          There is a stark difference between can and should.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” It remains fascinating how wide the range is even within Virginia, with many locations having a majority fully vaccinated now, and others not even reaching 30 percent. The test positivity ratings in those regions follow the same pattern, with some regions still up at 7%.”

        Is this actual data you are seeing? Share it?

        Yes, hesitancy plays a role across all states unless some states have higher levels of it but also in play is how “available” the vaccines have been made – which IS state policy.

        If we look at polls on hesitancy, what do they show?

        and let’s add this one:

        so , for the states, is it the demographics shown in this chart that are different (enough) for the different states to reflect the percent vaccinated?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          All the data is on the VDH website, which I admit I visit pretty much everyday.

          The map here tracks vaccination penetration (pardon the pun) by locality. You can see those well above 50% and those below 30%….

          You can check the test positivity rate here, by health district, which often includes more than one locality. Some below 1%, some still at 6 or 7% as of yesterday.

          Luckily for Vic and those who agree with her, it seems the vaccines are amazingly effective, so the unvaccinated are a threat largely to themselves. If we needed to jab her arm to get to real protection, I’d happily hold her down.

          1. vicnicholls Avatar

            For the record I am well known as a 2nd amendment rights advocate. Molon Labe. Shall we also force your offspring to abort, like the country that believes that is appropriate to protect the country? That’s what you advocate. Lets murder in cold blood your family. Does a lot to put it in perspective doesn’t it?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Maybe not finding it but don’t see map showing vaccines received by locality.

            And if Virginia is among the top states for percentage vaccinated AND we have places in Virginia that are lower than that – then it must mean that there are other areas in Virginia where the percentage is higher, no?

            And none of this has anything to do with State efforts to provide shots?

          3. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner


            So if you go to the VDH page on vaccines, the summary page I linked, you can find an interactive version of this, look at one shot vs. two, etc. But you can see wide variations.

            I agree the state has done fairly well with the distribution, but given that, the variations on that map reflect the public acceptance or not….Pretty easy to get now.

  2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    I am confused.
    Are *ALL* state restrictions really OFF?
    The Governor’s May 15 announcement said that wind musicians must maintain 10-ft social distance. So this puts a serious cramp on Bands for July 4 etc.

    So does this announcement supersede the May 15, or is this just the date when the May15 rules go into effect?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Dunno – but I do know that Churches can now reopen – including the choirs…. and as far as I know – no social distancing…

      1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        State rules for singing or playing instrument without a mask is the question. Prior state mandate was 10-ft social distance.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          okay but singing in a choir? My wife says they can now do that again in Church and their Church conformed absolutely to the state rules.

          1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

            It looks like maybe only wind instrument players have a 10-ft social distance rule. That’s a little inconsistent because choir singing is the documented COVID issue. Presumably that discrepancy relates to church/school needs. Choir singers can optionally wear a mask of course.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not sure choir singers wearing masks “works” though.

  3. Publius Avatar

    There is no reason for anyone who desires to get a Covid shot, not to get one. They are “free,” widely known, widely available.
    There are plenty of reasons not to get a Covid shot. Whether that decision is wise or not, depends on all the facts and circumstances of that person’s situation. There are many things not known about this vaccine. It has been authorized on emergency use only. As a general rule, the older you are, the greater the likelihood that the shot could benefit with any complications being largely a moot point as you are already old. A corollary principle would increase that likelihood if there are co-morbidities. But, that decision belongs to that person. However, if you have been vaccinated, you are theoretically “safe,” so what would you care if others were not vaccinated?
    Are there good reasons NOT to get vaccinated? Plenty.
    1. You are a Christian Scientist.
    2. You have already had Covid and developed natural immunity.
    3. You have none of the co-morbidities.
    4. You are under 65, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20…
    5. You are concerned about the mRNA aspect of the vaccine
    6. You are concerned that the vaccines invoking only a spike protein response may be counterproductive (natural immunity develops a number of different antibodies).
    7. You don’t trust the government. (See the Dr. St. Fau(x)ci emails – he knew masks didn’t work. He knew he funded gain of function research in Wuhan, etc)
    8. You are not prone to seasonal flus.
    9. You just don’t want it. It’s “my body, my choice.”
    10. You believe it wise to wait for further info on the vaccine since you do not fit any increased risk profile.
    So please quit presuming people who make a different decision than you are idiots. They have their reasons and they may be right.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      And if everyone else also refused to get vaccinated for their own fears and “reasons”?

      1. Publius Avatar

        But everyone else hasn’t. It’s called freedom and the ability to make your own decisions. Sort of like free speech. People are free to say stupid things. People are free to make bad medical decisions, if they are in fact bad. But, if you think that presents too great of a public health risk, then I will mandate that you and the Leftists quit being Leftists, which is a far greater health risk. Maybe we can come up with an un-lobotomy vaccine to make you have common sense, instead of spouting inanity…cuz SCIENCE!

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          E. Emergency Detention
          Descriptive Note: Emergency detention laws provide public health officials with legal authority to swiftly take public health action to detain a person with TB who is reasonably believed to be a threat to the public’s health. A hearing is not required prior to issuance of the health officer order or court order, but is generally required within a reasonable amount of time after the initial detention either if the individual requests release or if automatically granted by state law. All of the provisions in this section are reported to be effective in the jurisdictions in which they have been enacted or promulgated. There is variation among the selected provisions as to who is granted authority to implement or request assistance for emergency detention and whether the detention order is by health officer order or court order.


          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            A year later and still failing to see that what you’re using as a justification only applies to those who are known to be ill.

          2. WayneS Avatar

            That has nothing to do with vaccinations – it relates to people who actually have a highly communicable disease.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Same church, different pew.

            You have a “right” to not be vaccinated but if you do contract a communicable disease as a result, you don’t have the “freedom” to endanger others.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Stark difference between someone actively carrying an infection and quarantining them vs. quarantining individuals who are not known to be infected.

          5. Publius Avatar

            Larry – to quote our illustrious brain-addled President…c’mon man!
            Is that a Whataboutism or a logical fallacy?
            And citing the CDC is not a confidence builder…
            Have you read the Fauci emails? You know, the ones where he said masks didn’t work (but that was to his fellow elites from the Obama camp) and the ones where he wanted a unified front on keeping the gain of function research quiet?
            Don’t know about you Lar, but when people lie to me, I have a hard time believing later things they tell me…but I guess that’s just me, and not all of humanity. Oh, I left out the emails where people told him it was only the very old and immuno-compromised who were really at risk.
            When all the smoke clears, I bet the only thing accomplished by all the lockdowns was delaying the attainment of herd immunity…(unless you want to count having the election close enough to steal it…they did accomplish that). But no more mean tweets!

  4. Steve Gillispie Avatar
    Steve Gillispie

    “But, you would not know that from Bacon’s Rebellion “.

    Odd. I learned about the lifting from Bacon’s Rebellion.

    Maybe partisan Sizemore’s real purpose here was a dog whistle to the fatuous who apparently are still able to pleasure themselves on this Blog.

    But a shout-out to Steve for fact-based, informative comments.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hooray, hooray! First of May! Outdoor f… uh, fun is here to stay! Oops. Okay, first of June.

    Hope those Flying Squirrels are playing indoors. Sheesh, the rain. The mud.

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