The Burning Deck

by James A. Bacon

Occasionally, I get profoundly depressed about the state of our country. After surveying today’s news clips, today is one of those days.

The latest furor over the raid on Mar-A-Lago crystallizes the depraved state to which our national politics has evolved. Do we believe the version of events propagated by the people who brought us the Election-Was-Stolen narrative, or by the people who peddled the Russia Collusion delusion? Do we side with the ignorant populist demagogue and his riot-prone supporters, or with the polished, Gucci-adorned elitists who use the power of the media and organs of the state to relentlessly hound and punish their enemies?

There seems to be no escape. The pathologies of national politics are percolating into Virginia. Governor Glenn Youngkin now stands in the crosshairs. Democrats, the media, and a vast array of advocacy groups have gone into full-bore attack mode.

Today, The Washington Post  published a story about a Delaware lawsuit, filed by a Pittsburgh pension fund, alleging that Youngkin received $8.5 million in a deal that shielded him from paying taxes. It follows the now-standard formula of accusation, denial from a Youngkin spokesperson, and hyperbolic rhetoric from Democrats and/or advocacy groups.

“While his party was slashing teacher pay,” House Minority Leader Don L. Scott Jr., D-Portsmouth, fulminated, Youngkin “was lining his pockets at the expense of public servants.”

Scott can say anything he wants without fear of correction. His chronology is off just a tad. The Carlyle Group deal, when Youngkin was co-CEO, occurred in 2020. The budget deal was negotiated this spring, in 2022. Only in the 7th paragraph of the WaPo piece, incidentally, do we learn that the lawsuit “does not allege that the activity was illegal.”

Also today, we learn from The Virginian-Pilot that Democrats and LGBTQ advocates are slamming recent remarks from Gov. Glenn Youngkin calling on educators to inform parents about a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation. The article does quote sources on “both sides” of the story, but the issue is framed to put Youngkin and defenders of parental rights on the defensive. Accusation… denials… rebuttals of the denials….

Not surprisingly, as yesterday was the five-year anniversary of the infamous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, consumers of news media were treated to a slew of articles exploring leftist perspectives on the event.

There were many articles, but The Washington Post article might have been the worst. The headline: “Charlottesville hired a Black police chief to heal. Then it fired her.” Racist cops on the Charlottesville police force are cast as villains… even though the cops didn’t fire her; uber-woke city officials did. The article doesn’t tell us why she was fired.

Not only are media outlets determined to keep the Unite the Right rally as fresh in the public’s mind as if it happened yesterday, as they routinely do with the injustices of the Civil Rights movement and the sins of segregation 60 or more years ago, there is the continued focus on individuals who participated in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. The WaPo updates readers about a Virginia police officer from the town of Rocky Mount who received a 7-year sentence for joining the mob that stormed the Capitol.

No question, extreme right-wing violence must be decried and punished. But one would never imagine from Virginia media reports that left-wing violence was a thing. Left-wing thugs clashing with right-wing thugs in Charlottesville? What? Do you mean to say Antifa was there, too? Left-wing violence in Richmond during the George Floyd protests? Tut, tut, arson and vandalism are unacceptable, but the cause was noble, and, after all, no one died. There is no moral equivalency between left and right, you see, so the sins of the left can safely be stuffed down the memory hole.

The media are not the only ones re-writing the national memory. The leftist march through Virginia’s cultural institutions continues unimpeded. Take, for example, the reinterpretation of the lives of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison taking place at Monticello and Montpelier, detailed in a recent Heritage Foundation report. (The report also talks about George Washington and Mount Vernon, but the Mount Vernon Ladies Association hasn’t gone woke yet.) The war on the nation’s founders has multiplying fronts, ranging from the University of Virginia student guides to the board of the Jefferson-Memorial Regional Library. The ultimate aim is not merely to “contextualize” the founders, or “tell the forgotten stories of the slaves,” both legitimate goals, but to de-legitimize the founders of the republic and the entire American experiment.

Meanwhile, as the culture wars unfold, Virginia’s education system is in meltdown mode. That story has gone largely unreported, except when the media rebuts the Youngkin administration… or blames COVID. Homicide rates are surging for the third straight year… and the media blames COVID. Virginia’s higher-ed institutions are evolving into leftist intellectual monocultures, electricity prices are rising and set to go far higher, and state government spending has reached escape velocity with precious little to show for it in terms of improved government services. In Washington, we rack up endless deficits, run up an unsustainable national debt, inflate the currency, ensnare the economy in regulations and rent-seeking, and create the conditions for national collapse. Everyone loses. Except the political class.

We stand on the deck of a burning ship. The arsonists who set it afire are emptying barrels of tar and turpentine to feed the flames. And the rest of us stand by, either blind to reality or too paralyzed to act.

Sorry for the rant. I’ll be in a better mood tomorrow, I promise.

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104 responses to “The Burning Deck”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    So, what is your suggestion to root out the racist causes that led to the C’ville “rally?” Characterizing all opposition as woke isn’t helpful especially when wokeism has equally infected conservatives. We can agree that the ceaseless drone from the left and right is tiresome and exhausting. All hope our tomorrow is less anxiety provoking along with your wish. Criticizing left and right in extreme, emotive language only fans the flames.

    1. I might be willing to play, but first I’d like to know the ground rules.

      What, specifically, are the “racist causes” that led to the rally and which need to be rooted out?

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    On the other hand, this will be a beautiful weekend. The Climate Emergency is off for a couple of days….pull a cork and relax, Jim. Sheesh. You’ll have a coronary.

    Yes, it is legit news that the Guv and all the other company leaders are embroiled in a lawsuit over a business deal, but hardly earth shaking. Goes with the territory. The WaPo thinking it fair to put it out for comment so hostile Democrats could empty their bowels on him using WaPo ink and electrons, that’s the telling thing. More about the chance for the cheap shot than the news.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Mr. B. We have been here before. Burning deck and sinking ship. John Paul Jones and his crew managed to overcome that in 1779.

    1. So you’re saying there is hope for us?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but we’re gonna need a bigger boat.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Mothballed. Alas, they’ve all been put to bed as of 2009.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            The curator of the New Jersey says 9 months to readiness for the right price.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            yeah, and the SS United States is still afloat. Just don’t drop a wrench from the top of the engine room.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I just toured the USS Yorktown in Charleston. Still has a half of tank of fuel oil. Vintage grade 1975.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Wait! National Strategic Reserves?

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Never forget what Bluto once said!

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Uh yep. And the Bonhomme Richard went down the next morning. Minor detail.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Just like the current iteration of the Bonhomme Richard that the Navy burned up at the dock a couple of years ago.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          My father (old navy fart) watch the champagne bottle bounce off the hull of the USS Kennedy and muttered to me, “Never get me on that ship. She’s cursed.”

          They are a superstitious lot.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Serapis blew up 4 years later.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wow! Long time to smolder. Kinda like a Pennsylvania coal mine.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Wow, whod’a guessed, the Centrallia fire has been burning since the spring of ’62.

  4. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I cannot stand most media now. That is why I read this blog more than the local papers for Virginia news. Jim talked about the 5 year anniversary of Unite the Right rally, and that essentially was all there was in the Charlottesville paper today. The Editorial was ok, but had to insert a swipe about January 6 in the end. Here is an excerpt of what I wrote in the responses (BTW, hardly anyone responds online, to me that means no readers):

    “This was a pretty good editorial, until the end, when the Editor just had to bring up January 6, just as he and this newspaper do over and over again. It is a pattern that is tiring and full of double standards.

    Why are we are never reminded of the assassination attempt of Justice Kavanaugh, or the Republican congressmen by a supporter if Senator Sanders as they practiced for an upcoming baseball game several years ago? We are bombarded with information of hate by fringe groups that this Editor and newspaper try to associate with Trump and those on the Right (who they do denounce but is ignored or misinterpreted), but never a word is mentioned about violence by Left leaning groups such as Antifa.

    Just as the events of 5 years ago should be seared in our minds, the summer of 2020 riots in cities all across this country that killed a number of people, directed hate to the police, and destroyed property and ruined lives should not be forgotten, but the media will never bring it up. It’s as if it never happened, but instead they only report on peaceful protests. The list goes on and on.

    Newspapers and media who are disappointed at their dwindling readership and attention they are getting, need to look within. Rather than trying to reach out to the entire community and be fair and objective, they have lost their way and become divisive and polarized. People are deciding they have had enough, how long will it take for the media to listen?”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      there’s a LOT of “media” out there including a large number of right-wing media.

      Why do you guys ignore this?

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Yes there is a lot of media, you have CNN/MSNBC competing with Fox. ok fine.

        But lets narrow the discussion to Charlottesville, its supposed to be a community newspaper. If the Editor wants to be far Left, ok. But he almost never allows any conservative viewpoints to be aired, they don’t even acknowledge the Right side of the argument, and constantly run writers from the Washington Post and other Left media. They act as if ALL the violence is from the Right, and remind us of it day after day. I am looking for balance from a community paper.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          It’s the way all community papers are. It’s their prerogative and no one stops competition including conservative.

          You say you listen to FOX. Do they present the other side?

          How about right here in BR. Do most of the tomes from JAB and Sherlock present the “other side”?

          In terms of “violence”.

          It’s nutty that a bunch of white supremacists come to town armed and ready to rumble and we say the folks that showed up to rebut them – are just like them – just the other side.

          If a band of thugs came to your town and you showed up to repel them would you be just like them – just the other side?

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            A band of thugs did come to my town, Charlottesville, though I was out of state at the time. Those thugs were not from the Right, they were condemned by the Right (even by Trump, but I wish he had said it stronger).

            I’m not talking about Charlottesville when talking about violence on the Left, do I have to repeat what I said?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Trust me – Unite the Right IS from the right.

            They might have been disowned by SOME on the right – but their basic philosophy is from the right realm. There are other groups like them on the right.

            They were not condemned by Trump – he said something like very fine people…

          3. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Conservatives have repeatedly denounced those fringe groups. I’m sure you know that.

            As to Trump and that comment, he said in the press conference he was not talking about the neo nazi’s and white supremist. There was a lot of back and forth and it was very muddled, but his intention was clear. The fact that you don’t know this, or don’t want to accept this, is further confirmation of my argument!


          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not really, they “condemn” and in the same breath, “denounce” the folks who came out against them. The “both sides” argument.

            just a disagreement… between two groups…. NOT

            It’s sorta like saying if the local towns people come out against the KKK – there are “two sides”. Unite the Right is KKK and more.

            There are no “two sides” on this.

            There are racists and anti-jew, anti-immigrant and there are folks who oppose that hate.

            It’s as simple as that.

          5. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Bunk. He was talking about the Lee statue issue, not the damn hate rally.

            Again, you are confirming my whole original point, which is what Left oriented media does all day, every day. All they do is push an agenda, no balance, no consideration of differing view points, just press it like a debate class. Sad.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Trust me – Unite the Right IS from the right.

            They might have been disowned by SOME on the right – but their basic philosophy is from the right realm. There are other groups like them on the right.

            They were not condemned by Trump – he said something like very fine people…

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          If there were just some kind of act (maybe a doctrine) that required the media to provide equal coverage of all sides of an issue… that would be “fairness” then… no…??

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          If there were just some kind of act (maybe a doctrine) that required the media to provide equal coverage of all sides of an issue… that would be “fairness” then… no…??

          1. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            The problem with that is who arbitrates it. Case in point the Facebook and Twitters censorship of postings. Government would be worse.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            who checks Trumps own social media and conservative media and blogs like the Daily Caller, Gab, Parler, and the slew of right-wing blogs and media that routinely misrepresent and lie about issues?

            You seem to want “fair and objective” community news but don’t seem to care that in that same community folks are fed uber right-wing propaganda and lies from all manner of other media – which by the way has grossly misrepresented the Unite the Right issue itself.

          3. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            My original point and principal objections are over community newspapers and media.

            I have never been in Truth Social or Parler, but my understanding is they don’t deny anyones opinion as long as it doesn’t violate their posting policies such as violence, etc. Perhaps you should give them a try and see if they take any of your postings down or hide them? BR doesn’t.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            same standard for local media?

          5. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Hmm I posted a response but didn’t seem to go through so will try again. My original point is a community newspaper or media is serving the entire area with diverging views, so to maximize interest and serve the area, they should allow for different viewpoints. A liberal doesn’t need or want to go to Fox, and a conservative to CNN. Many do simply to get a differing view. Fox does have shows that have left oriented views sired, but certainly have others like Hannity which don’t.

            I have never gone to Truth Social or Parler, but if you wanted to go on and sit your views, I am sure they would welcome you just as BR does.

          6. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Hmm I posted a response but didn’t seem to go through so will try again. My original point is a community newspaper or media is serving the entire area with diverging views, so to maximize interest and serve the area, they should allow for different viewpoints. A liberal doesn’t need or want to go to Fox, and a conservative to CNN. Many do simply to get a differing view. Fox does have shows that have left oriented views sired, but certainly have others like Hannity which don’t.

            I have never gone to Truth Social or Parler, but if you wanted to go on and sit your views, I am sure they would welcome you just as BR does.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not sure how you got your definition of community media…. but most Conservatives don’t care for most community media, in general, right?

            I have zero interest in right wing media because most of it promotes lies and conspiracy theories…. that then motivate folks to do dumb stuff like pizza-gate and Jan 6.

          8. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Interesting comment. Charlottesville is where I live, the Daily Progress and two local TV stations are community media. Not sure how else to define it other than local media.

            Do you define BR as right wing media?

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Community Media has no more responsibility to hew to your idea of what is “objective” than the man in the moon ESPECIALLY if you think BR or other similar blogs are “fair and objective”. IOW, you may have a warped idea of what is or is not to start with.

            No one source is to ever be considered the unabashed truth. DO that whether it’s CNN or FOX or local news.

            And clearly if you think Unite the RIght was a “both sides” thing, I can see why you are not happy with local media either!

          10. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            You didn’t directly answer my question, but did so by taking a dig at BR. You say you have zero interest in right wing media, yet you are here every day commenting and challenging poster, so what’s with that? Some kind of mission for you?

            And what the hell, I made it clear Trump was not talking about those haters at the rally, he was talking about ordinary people who did not want the statue taken down. You totally misrepresent what I say. We’re you there, do you know?

            Did you know at one point Kessler said this rally was going to be a family event with music? The fact that some people might have shown up wondering what this was going to be about would not surprise me, but i do not know if any of them were there as I was out of town.

            I have said it before but will end my comments again with this. Trump said under no uncertain terms he was condemning the haters at the rally, I wish he said it stronger and repeatedly, that is where he failed. Trump blew it in his remarks, but you and others seized his lack of clarity and turned it into something it wasn’t, and that is shameful.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            Naw. I think you got that wrong. I have zero interest in right-wing media that has a reputation for misrepresenting and goosing conspiracy theories and the like.

            I comment in BR – for a long time – starting back when it was primarily Virginia-oriented AND fairly non-partisan and objective.

            It has morphed. There are still some authors who hew to objectivity but to JAB”s credit, he still allows dissenting views (unlike many right-wing blogs). So, yes, as long as JAB allows all views, will do so.

            What you “interpreted” to me about what Trump meant – given the wide and deep commentary about C-ville. Sorry, I listen to more than your views.

            It’s a simple thing. A bunch of white supremacists THUGS came to C-ville and locals came out to reject their behaviors.

            Guy, talking about family events in the context of thugs who are chanting hate speech, carrying weapons and such… is funny as heck.. Are you totally ignorant of realities?

            What I judge Trump on is not one set of remarks. I look at the other things he has said and the fact that he has no trouble lying, manipulating , and motivating people to break the law in response to his lies.

            Your tribe does stuff like C-ville, Pizza-gate, Jan 6 and the like… fostering violence over lies and conspiracy theories.

            He’s STILL DOING IT!

          12. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            So I will respond and call it a day on this thread. I respect your views and appreciate the exchange even as we totally disagree.

            First, Kessler’s comments. Who was the original unite the right organizer, was made long before the hateful day. He lied, I just mention it because some people might have thought it was not going to be a hate rally. I actually thought I might go and just watch what unfolded before I realized it was when we were traveling. Knowing about the tiki torch rally the night before certainly would have caused me to stay away.

            there were alot of locals there, but I also have been told there was an out of town presence of people to resist this, and it included Antifa. So it wasn’t all local. There was plenty of video of counter demonstrators armed.

            Finally, if you’re going to call my tribe as doing the things you say above, then isn’t it your tribe who lied about Russian Collusion, tried to kill Republican House members and a US Supreme judge, lied about vaccines will keep people from getting or spreading COVID (Biden said that), stored classified documents on a private server, and many more?

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’ll call it a day also but remark that Antifa is just a boogeyman used to deflect from the real issue and that is a bunch of white supremacist thugs DID come to town and DID come ready to rumble AND were met by folks who opposed their hate.

            Hillary did not take classified docs and put them on her server. She received unclassified emails from others that had words and phrases that were deemed classified.

            This is a common thing with DOD computers in agencies where they have classified and unclassified work and computers. People just simply forget or don’t even know some phrases and words are classified and they put them in emails and send.

            If anyone is “guilty”, it ought to be the senders not the receivers but you never hear that from folks who say they want to be “fair and objective”.

            Hillary’s “server” was an unclassified server – the same as ALL govt unclassified servers that are on the open internet not on the SIPRNET.

            If you did a “sweep” of the unclassified computers of DOD and the State Dept – you’d find thousands and thousands of emails with “classified” words in them. Sometimes the words start out as unclassified and then are subsequently determined to be classified. What do you think they do when that happens? Do you think they track down all the places those words are and remove them? Do you think they charge the folks that used those words in emails they sent?

            See, this is the problem with folks who are locked in on one thing and don’t really care about the facts.

            It was a made-up bogus issue but it proves that it works as a weapon.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Not sure that the Daily Progress will be long for this world. Their parent, Lee Enterprises, is under siege from the PE world. And we’ve seen, over and over, what happens to dailies when the PE crowd gets their claws into them.

      My question is whether any newspaper can survive without being divisive and polarizing. It sure doesn’t seem like many blogs survive by telling both sides of the story (although BR tries).

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Thanks for the link. Not surprising. I have always wondered if they would drop print, or maybe merge with the Richmond Times Dispatch, or other area papers, all owned by Lee. This article suggests either or both are possible pathways for them.

        I have no problem and am not surprised with National media sites being advocacy oriented, but its sad to me for Community Papers or TV stations to do that, when they are supposed to be serving the entire community.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        here are the papers that Lee Enterprises owns in Virginia:

        They share articles with each other. You will find, for instance Free Lance Star articles in the Times Dispatch as well as the other way.

        All of them have online versions just like the national news media does.

        They’re not going away but the width and breadth of local coverage will wane.

        I don’t have a problem with media being left, right or middle.

        I never take one papers view.

        I read several to get a sense of what they do agree on and what they differ on,

        And I fully expect all of them to get it wrong from time to time.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, write a check to Trump and make yourself feel better. You’re really a Trumpery sort anyway.

    Or, ya know what? Burn this website. Say it was fun while it lasted. Turn worrying about the next 100 years over to your children. You trust them, right? You must. If you’re like the rest of us, you’ve given them Power of Attorney and Medical Directives. If you trust your fortune and carcass to them, why not the fate of the country?

    Here’s the deal. You vote straight R, and I’ll vote straight D. We push. Put aside these trivial pursuits Faustus.

    1. What say we all just abandon ship and hang out on your boat smoking cigars, drinking bourbon, and watching the ship burn from a safe distance?

      Let me know how many there’s going to be and I’ll bring the cigars. People will have to supply their own booze, though…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive


        1. You don’t like cigars? If it eases your mind, yo can be assured that I do not smoke bad cigars.

          Although, now that you mention it, since it is the end of the world as we know it, maybe some other form of smokable would be appropriate.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Attsa right…

            “We are sliding deep in sin… wheeeeee!”

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Don’t have time to wonder why, we’re all going to die.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Scotch, smoky Islay scotch to go with the burn. Legal smokables and edibles would facilitate the end or maybe pprroolllooonnnggg it.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    I see no reason for comment, at this time, on the Mir-A-Largo raid. It could certainly be a progressive attempt to kneecap Donald Trump, just like the hit job that the partisan shill Eric Holder performed on Bob McDonnell. Or, it could be that Trump had extremely sensitive, classified documents carelessly laying around his home.

    While I don’t like Merrick Garland’s politics and I recognize that the FBI has a decades long history of questionable / inappropriate behavior, I don’t see either as being stupid. They knew that raiding Trump’s home was going to cause fireworks. They must have thought there would be a “smoking gun” found to justify the raid. If I were Republicans, I’d let this one play out a bit before making accusations.

    As for Youngkin’s financial maneuvers while at Carlyle – it certainly is true that Private Equity and Hedge Fund executives have, as a whole, corrupted the tax system to their advantage. However, I found it noteworthy that it was a Democratic senator who insisted that reforms to the carried interest exemption be stricken from the latest tax and spend bill before she would support it. Disgraceful.

    Finally, nothing is accomplished by perpetual misrepresentation. Biden’s claims that two consecutive quarters of reduced GDP does not define a recession is contrary to what his predecessor Bill Clinton publicly said when claiming a recession was to his advantage. Meanwhile, Biden apparently declared inflation to be “zero” in July. Of course that’s malarkey. The growth of inflation may have been zero from June to July but the actual amount of inflation was 8.5%.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      P45’s response: Russia, if you’re listening, I have called upon the DOJ to publish the classified documents.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      not a normal/typical economy and even veteran economists are hedging bets and not much POTUS can do about it anyhow so why make it an issue ? Just silly stuff.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        ” … and not much POTUS can do about it anyhow so why make it an issue ?”

        He certainly could have vetoed the absurdly named and ill conceived Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          nothing to do with what the economy has been doing … since the pandemic…..

          and not something ANY POTUS has that much control over ….

          This inflation issue is going on worldwide…. BTW and many economists say this legislation won’t affect it one way or the other – it’s a partisan thing.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            But worldwide, the leaders don’t try to claim that there was “zero inflation”:


          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Politicians do what they do – worldwide. Yes.

            Are you not paying attention?

            Biden is the most boring POTUS that I’ve ever seen, no question, but I’ll take his “take” on the economy and world ANY DAY over some prior including the one now stocking the fires of revolution.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Under investigation for Espionage Act violations.

    Captain Sherman can tell you the reason SIGINT stuff is highly classified even if the information is nothing more than mundane.

    Oh well.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s okay, the POTUS approved it.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I guess Bill Clinton only has a HS diploma …

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        And ONE of my college degrees is in finance.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You should give it back.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            I’d still have two more. But I suppose I could adopt the Libtwit belief that a small group of Gub’mint workers in some backwater agency in DC will mull over whether there has been a recession until long after the recession is over. As always, the Gub’mint is very helpful.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Or, you could learn the big boy definitions of things. Economists can do nothing else. No one with hundreds of thumbs can. “A good rule of thumb…”. Point of fact, it’s not a sound science.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I guess Bill Clinton was talking down to you.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          No, Bill Clinton was using the generally accepted definition of a recession. Generally accepted, of course, until that senile clown Joe Biden, foisted on America by the Libtwits, gets us into one. Then, there’s no acceptable definition.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Over generalizing…
            The data used in the identification of recessions are not available on the quarterly basis. This means that the official declaration of the recession would not likely happen until many months later. One of the earmarks has appeared to be seen in past recessions is the existence of 2 quarters of negative GDP change.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Wanna make a bet whether we are in a recession or not?
            You should stick to snark.
            Words re-defined to make Biden suck less.

            New disease invented to make Biden suck less – “sudden adult death syndrome”

            Government databases no longer valid to make Biden suck less –

            And the stimulus from the new legislation will pour gas on the inflation problem, while all the green cr@p is political grift. We are about to see a level of suckery maybe even worse than Jimmuh’s “malaise.”

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, tough to say that a recession is 2 quarters of GDP downward when the 2020 recession peak to trough was only 2 months.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I guess going back to the Covid fear porn artificial economic damage means “no” on the bet?
            Was looking forward to some easy money…

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Will the first 6 months of 2022 and some be called a recession? Maybe, but maybe not. If not, only because of high employment. It’s a major part of the equation. Either way, we will have a “soft” landing. Even the shills at CNBC has stopped thebhair on fire stuff.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh…CNBC is the total expert. When did you quit being the snarky one and being Larry and Troll? Are things that bad that you have to drop your snark persona?

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            By the end of this quarter cumulative interest rate hikes and the Fed sucking money out of the economy by stopping quantitative easing and starting selling Treasuries will be biting. If anything this quarter we are in will be more negative than the last two.

            Will 3 consecutive quarters of contraction be more definitive of a recession than 2?

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Inflation leveling, recession fears are ho hum… what will the Conservatives gin up next to strike fear into the heart of their base…???

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            What twaddle. If 1 month of month over month of inflation not increasing makes it “leveling” then you are in la la land. Prices are 8.5% higher than they were a year ago, That is inflation.

            The “base” you deride does not need anyone externally to “strike fear”. It has its own fear every day going to the grocery store or gas pump, or buying anything else. Wages are up around 5% meaning that people are 3%+ less well off than they were a year ago. If you ain’t rich but living close to the edge, like most Americans, that hurts and it does “strike fear”.

            “Recession fears are ho hum”? Stick around troll, it will become more apparent. The restrictive monetary policy the Fed is pursuing takes about 6 months to work its way through the economy. After Labor Day we will begin seeing the bite and it will get worse as the Fed keeps acting without waiting to see the results of what it has done.

            The only reason you can call it a “Conservative” base is because the idiot Dems kicked their New Deal majority and base of working people to the curb 40+ years ago in favor of elites. It is past time that someone picked up that populist mantle.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll


          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Again, GDP ain’t everything. It is only the “real time” guesstimate of recession. We’ll see what NBER has to say.

            Hey, the recession is to me what Anthropomorphic Climate Change is to Steve. It’s global. I can choose to believe it or not. It can be real or not. It will do what it will do. The only difference between them is that because of the recession timeframe, D nor R can do naught to change it.

          12. Lefty665 Avatar

            It is what it is, a recession by any other name would smell as sweet.

            Believe what you want, it’s a free country, more or less. Interest rates have clobbered the construction industry, that will snowball in coming months. The fiscal stimulus from ongoing large deficit spending will not offset the drag of increasingly stringent monetary policy. It will however likely be enough to keep inflation cooking along. We could achieve stagflation this winter, especially if the European energy debacle ripens and Biden keeps selling our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the Chinese.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Corporate interests with business before the state government cut hefty checks to Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s campaign committee after his victory in November through the end of December.

    That’s according to finance reports filed this week and compiled by the nonpartisan Virginia Public Access Project.

    Nothing in Virginia law would prevent the campaign donations from being used to repay part of the $20 million in loans Youngkin made to his own campaign.

    He could also use the money to help other GOP candidates in future elections. [Three chances; slim, fat, and no]

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Pretty much what McDonnell was doing and DJ sez he was “persecuted” by Holder….

      yep… “we” do argue out of both sides at times…

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        McDonnell was doing much the same. As did Warner and Kaine. But only McDonnell was targeted by the US Attorney General using a law known to be unconstitutional and ultimately found to be unconstitutional by each and every US Supreme Court justice.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Interesting. You’d equating what McDonnell did to Kaine and Warners term as Gov?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry knows nothing and therefore has nothing to forget.
            Yes, Bob McDonnell was PERSECUTED by an Obama Justice Department and screwed over by a Judge with a Grudge. I thought the defense was badly mishandled. I would have taken all VA politician donations, R & D, and gone over the donations and the votes. There was no “pro quo” for McDonnell. His biggest problem was that he wasn’t a rich political grifter like…oh… Terry McAwful…or – my opinion – Mark Warner – I think Warner recognized the value of spectrum because he was a Congressional aide and put together a deal for that – so I’ll give him credit for that – but it was still based on insider info.
            9-0 Supreme Court would indicate that it was PERSECUTION.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            Yes, they took gifts from people with business before the state. Kaine accepted a free trip worth $18,000 for a vacation at a private island and then rewarded the owner of that island with a re-appointment to a prestigious position. Warner, despite being filthy rich, also took plenty of boodle. I’m sure George Allen did the same.

        2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          “known to be unconstitutional”? By the way, the Supreme Court in the McDonnell case did not hold a law to be unconstitutional. It held that the things that McDonnell did were not “official acts” under the meaning of the law.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Nah, Walker is still right up there at the top of Naval traitors, until we uncover the next one. Aldrich Ames and Jonathan Pollard are vying with him for first overall but they are in different Halls of (In)fam(y).

      There is an argument that having the other side be able to read some of your mail gives them the opportunity to see intent not just potential, presuming intent is not bad.

      “…reason SIGINT stuff is highly classified even if the information is nothing more than mundane”.

      It’s really pretty simple. If you let the other guy know what of his stuff you can read, even if it is mundane, that tells him his systems have been compromised, and likely which ones. He is also likely to frown on that and take measures to stop it leaving you with no access.

  9. Lefty665 Avatar

    I’m still mad about Charlottesville. I’ve got little use for the alt right, but…. they were playing by the rules. They applied to the city for a permit for their rally, the city turned them down, they sued, the court ordered the city to grant the permit. The city then tried to change the location of the rally. They were sued again, and the court again upheld both the permit and its location. I respect that. I do not respect Charlottesville unleashing a mob on the people trying to attend the rally.

    McAuliffe publicly and in communication with the Mayor and others in C’ville encouraged the city to let them fight so he could declare it an illegal assembly. The city cops did not intervene in conflicts between antifa and right wingers and McAuliffe declared an unlawful assembly.

    A group of ministers and priests linked arms and proudly blocked the entrance to the park by rally goers. They deserved arrest not praise for their righteousness. The police chief was subsequently fired for telling his cops to let rally goers and antifa fight. Charlottesville failed a primary duty of government to provide for public order and to protect the rights of citizens acting lawfully.

    In event planning the city offered city trucks to block traffic on streets crossing the downtown mall. That was rejected in favor of saw horses and school crossing guards. The crossing guards felt threatened and left. Fields did not find the sawhorses much of a barrier as he failed to figure out how to leave town. Charlottesville is confusing even to some of us who have been there frequently.

    The cops were still nowhere to be found as the crowd was dispersing. The intersection where Fields drove into the crowd was about 2 blocks from the police station. Why was a mob allowed to pack the intersection and surround cars there? That is at least contributory negligence in the injuries and death that followed.

    Fields was only secondarily a right winger. He was primarily a psychotic. The cocktail of multiple psychoactive meds he was doped up on at his trial made him a zombie. He did not even turn his head to acknowledge his mother when she entered the court room. In any other circumstances the disability rights community would have been screaming about his mistreatment. The judicial system failed him too, he needed to be in a psychiatric facility not a jail.

    A publication sent a young black UVA graduate to report on the events. One comment he reported was an interview with a black city resident. It went approximately “They don’t respect us when the statues are up. They won’t respect us if the statues come down. What matters is respect, and if we get that then the statues don’t matter”. Makes a lot of sense.

    I agree with JAB, the rest of the country has gone to Hell in a hand basket too. Charlottesville both 5 years ago and now with declaring 86% of its kids gifted and inability to keep a city manager or police chief is simply a representative example.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but, Hillary, Obama, Hunter…. such a double standard for Trump! 😉

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      Sounds like a pretty good cover for their actual sources of USG secret information. Blame it on Trump and let the Dems run with it. Dam ingenious Russians using Trump Derangement Syndrome as a tool of their national security policy.

      Nice job troll chumping as a tool for Putin.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim. I am sorry you are depressed. However, if you see Trump or Youngkin as victims, I suggest you seek professional help.

    Your friend, Peter

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      self-inflicted? What’s pretty clear is that if Youngkin actually did do what a lot of Conservatives – right here in BR also – wanted -it would ruin the GOP in Virginia for decades.

      and …yes.. they feel bad about realizing that…

  11. Ken Reid Avatar

    Journalism is now the “world’s oldest profession,” if you get my drift. Reporters are sleazier than hookers

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      speaking of FOX news, the daily caller, Briebart….

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