The Border Crisis Is Here, Virginia

Source: TRAC Immigration

by James A. Bacon

Off the top of your head, which states would you expect to be the top destinations for illegal immigrants? California, of course. Texas. Florida. New York. Would you expect Virginia to be in the Top 10?

By at least one metric — the number of pending immigration cases — Virginia is sixth in the nation. According to the TRAC Immigration database, there are more than 58,000 immigration cases on the waiting list, and the number continues to grow, reports WSLS television.

Relatively speaking, Virginia has been less impacted by the mass rush on the border that commenced several months ago. Only 923 cases have been filed in Virginia in the last 90 days, ranking it 11th in the country. Still, the Old Dominion is in the front lines of the illegal immigration crisis to a greater degree than I ever imagined. Unfortunately, our public policy debate does not reflect this reality.

As tracked by the TRAC Immigration database, the biggest backlogs are in Northern Virginia, followed by Richmond and Hampton Roads. There are significant backlogs in the northern piedmont and northern Shenandoah Valley as well. Outside of Roanoke, the immigration case backlog is negligible in the other two-thirds of the state.

Based on the surging number of Hispanics in Virginia — 9.8% of the population in 2019 — I have long surmised that Virginia has become home to a large illegal immigration population. But it is difficult to sort Hispanics who entered the country illegally from those who immigrated legally, and those whose ancestors have been Americans for generations (in some case preceding English-speaking settlers).

Another imperfect measure of illegal immigrants in Virginia is the number of English Language Learners in public schools. While Spanish is the largest ELL language spoken, there are literally dozens of other languages spoken.

The case-backlog number provides a third metric for guesstimating the number of illegal immigrants, but it has limitations as well. It represents only a snapshot in time: it doesn’t reflect cases that have been adjudicated. Nor does it count illegals who slipped the net entirely.

Still, the numbers do shed light on some of Virginia’s social problems. For example, the “Richmond” county subdivision in the TRAC database has 3,545 backlogged cases — the second largest number of any Virginia subdivision in the database. We know from Census data that the Hispanic population in Richmond has soared in recent years. And we know from public school data that Hispanic students comprise a significant and growing percentage of the student body in Richmond public schools.

Academic performance, as measured by Standards of Learning exams and graduation rates, have been especially abysmal among Richmond’s Hispanic students. It is not unreasonable to assume that this failure can be attributed in part to the fact that many Hispanic students are illegals. Not only do illegals struggle as Spanish speakers in a school system for English speakers, some unknown percentage come from developing nations with notoriously poor school systems where their education may have been deficient before they ever came to Virginia.

Bacon’s bottom line: The public policy debate in Virginia would be better informed if it took into account the reality of large-scale illegal immigration. It is absurd to use unequal educational outcomes as proof of systemic racism against “brown” people in Virginia when unequal outcomes can be explained by the fact that a large percentage of “brown” people came here illegally, speak English as a second language, and likely suffer from the drawback of an inadequate education in their home countries.

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106 responses to “The Border Crisis Is Here, Virginia”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Those are excellent points. Like you, I had not realized the possible extent of the undocumented population in the Commonwealth.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Really? Asians and Hispanics constitute 1/3 of Fairfax County’s population. That percentage was 24% in 2000.
      Today’s 1/3 is about 400,000 people or vastly more than live in the City of Richmond. Asians and Hispanics comprise 27% of the population of Loudoun County. That’s over 100,000 people. Two counties – over a half million Asians and Hispanics.

      31.3% of the residents of Fairfax County are foreign born.

      1. Brian Leeper Avatar
        Brian Leeper

        Wasn’t it stated elsewhere on this blog that, if not for foreign immigration, Virginia would be losing population?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I’d bet it’s true for Northern Virginia. When I graduated from a Fairfax County Public High School I knew one Hispanic student. Today, the school is 35% Hispanic.

          I’m making no statement about the costs or benefits of immigration. I just find it amazing that anybody living in Virginia could find the number of immigrants to be surprising.

          1. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            I don’t. Many of them seem to live in their own little world where everything is great and Virginia is #1.

          2. DJR: I just find it amazing that anybody living in Virginia could find the number of immigrants to be surprising.

            BLeeper: I don’t. Many of them seem to live in their own little world where everything is great and Virginia is #1.

            By what measure did you conclude that Virginia having a large immigrant population means something is wrong with the state?

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Since you quoted me …

            I’ve tried to be quite careful in what I wrote. I see the large scale immigration over the last 20 – 30 years as a mixed bag. On the one hand, the immigrants seem to be very interested in pursuing the American Dream and working hard to get to that dream. On the other hand, issues like English As A Second Language put incredible strains on the public school systems in places like Fairfax County.

            As far as Brian’s point … I think he was referring to some people in central and southern Virginia who aren’t as well versed in what’s happening across Virginia as they could be.

          4. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Yes, that is exactly my point. After all, what happened in Prince William County back in 2007 or so made national headlines…

          5. I understand. It looks like you are also being careful to differentiate between immigrants and illegal immigrants.

          6. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Did we read the same article above?

            “Bacon’s bottom line: The public policy debate in Virginia would be better informed if it took into account the reality of large-scale illegal immigration.”

          7. I was reacting to your response to DJ Rippert’s comment. DJ’s comment was about immigrants, not illegal immigrants.

          8. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            The article is about the social issues associated with illegal immigration, so that is what my response is about.

            Additionally, it is probably unlikely that any given locale that has a high percentage of immigrants has a small amount of illegal ones. The economic/social/etc. factors that draw immigrants likely draw both legal and illegal ones. It would be interesting to see the statistics to see if this is true.

            EDIT: To make it more clear what I am saying, it’s probably unlikely that the ratio of illegal to legal immigrants changes very much among one high-immigrant population area to another.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Any idea what percentage of the labor force is illegal immigrants?

        1. Brian Leeper Avatar
          Brian Leeper

          and is it higher in higher cost-of-living areas like Northern Virginia??

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            You’ve hit the real point. Immigration, legal and illegal, has nothing to do with jobs Americans don’t want. It has a lot more to do with jobs in high cost areas where native born Americans don’t think they can live decently on what they make.

          2. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            One of the things I’ve noticed is that chain restaurants usually don’t charge any more in Northern Virginia than they do in some place like suburban Chicago, where the cost of living in NOVA is 150% of the national average and the cost in suburban Chicago is around 100% of the national average.

            Kind of obvious how they’re managing that feat, I think.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            ……….and don’t want those jobs….. 😉

  2. Brian Leeper Avatar
    Brian Leeper

    “and likely suffer from the drawback of an inadequate education in their home countries.”

    Well, they DID move to Northern Virginia…..

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    One of the problems with the plantation elite is that they struggle to understand just how different the rest of the world is from Greater Richmond. Anybody from Northern Virginia could have told you about the challenges of immigration, both legal and illegal, in NoVa for decades. There were pitched political battles in Prince William County and the Town of Herndon over the issue of government benefits for illegal immigrants 15 to 20 years ago.

    You want to get a jump on the next “ah ha moment”? In Virginia’s largest locality (Fairfax County) Asians outnumber Hispanics and are almost twice the population of Blacks.

    What would be interesting would be to see how many of the 140 bright shining lights we call General Assembly members actually understand the demographics of Virginia.

    1. Brian Leeper Avatar
      Brian Leeper

      “There were pitched political battles in Prince William County and the Town of Herndon over the issue of government benefits for illegal immigrants 15 to 20 years ago.”

      Yes, like “Help Save Manassas”.

      There’s no saving Manassas, and even if it were possible, it’s not worth the effort.

  4. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Sterling Park where I grew up was a typical early suburban development near Dulles Airport. Mostly white but there were some minorities living in the area and schools were mixed. Not much crime in the area but that all began to change with section 8 subsidized housing. As the inner city thugs were moved out of DC and into the suburbs crime grew and became more violent and it spread to the schools. Then in the late 80’s early 90’s the Hispanics from Central and South America arrived. All supported by our so called federal govt. which actively supported these illegals aliens with our tax money. Kids are now shot by cartel gangs at the school bus stop. Single family homes have been turned into apt buildings with 30-40 people living in them. Entire yards have been paved over for parking lots. Allowing these barbarians to destroy a entire neighborhood and other neighborhoods isn’t just criminal its treasonous.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      No kidding. Yet somehow well educated and well informed people from Richmond are surprised by the number of immigrants in Virginia.

      Today, 41.2% of the people in Sterling, VA are hispanic (12.5k people).

      That didn’t happen overnight.

      1. Brian Leeper Avatar
        Brian Leeper

        People that are used to living in places with shitty, dysfunctional government.

      2. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        I would say it is higher. When I left Sterling Park in 2015 there were approx 30 houses on my street 90% were occupied by illegal Hispanics.

        1. How did you know they were illegal immigrants? Did you ask them?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I knew the trailer park in Fairfax was occupied by individuals who didn’t enter legally. Not only was in published in the paper, but the trailer court was raided.

    2. Brian Leeper Avatar
      Brian Leeper

      Sterling Park is interesting because some people claimed that Corey Stewart’s “immigration crackdown” caused the housing market in Prince William County to collapse back in 2007/2008.

      But the same thing happened in Sterling Park, which is what, a good 20 miles from Prince William County?

  5. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Something I forgot to add to my post many of them vote illegally with a wink and nudge from democrats.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You have to register to vote. I suspect there is a risk to being reported as an illegal if you show up to register. no?

      1. Brian Leeper Avatar
        Brian Leeper

        Do you really think anyone at the DMV or the registrar’s office is going to bother?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I do. Have you ever dealt with DMV or the Registrar office ? Where I live, you don’t mess with either one unless you want trouble.

          1. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Yes, I have. And both entities give the “If it’s not my job I’m not gonna do it” vibe.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            We have different experiences then, and I doubt seriously we have many illegals actually registered, much less voting.

            For that to be true, you’d have to believe the election was also rigged, right?

          3. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            All I’m suggesting is that the typical government worker apathy found in any government office is likely to result in an illegal NOT being reported. And exactly who would they report it to, anyway, and would THAT agency bother to do anything?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            just not true at the registrar office in my county. It’s a pretty serious process to get registered.

            And in my dealings with DMV – like trying to get a Real ID – pretty involved, too two tries.

            So I’m not buying it and I have a higher opinion of those folks for sure than you do.

          5. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            “I have a higher opinion of those folks for sure than you do.”

            Of course you do Larry, of course you do. You are the resident “sunshine blower” for anything involving government or Virginia.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            to believe what you do, the elections in Virginia are bogus because the folks in the Registrar office don’t care about who registers or if illegals are voting, and in fact, others that should not are also voting.

            No way. You’re just flat wrong on that.

          7. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Well you explain to me why in the last three presidential elections I voted in, in Loudoun County I saw numerous cars from DC, MD,WVA and Fla in the parking lot at my voting station and the people from those cars all voted.that would be the Hussein election and Bush.

          8. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Obviously they’re just trying to avoid the personal property tax!

          9. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            We aren’t talking about whether an illegal would be able to get a voter registration. We are talking about whether they would get reported if they attempted to get one.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            no distinction guy. The risk of being reported , of getting caught, and being reported would scare off most.

            but your low opinion of these officials is wrongheaded to start with and we simply do not agree. Pretty cynical if you ask me.

          11. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Well, I’ve lived in Virginia for 34 years and I’ve observed how things work here, so yea, I might just be a little cynical.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’ve lived here longer than that.. and I base my view on current actual knowledge of the folks in the registrar office . We just don’t agree. DMV is serious business also. I know folks who have taken a flip view of their process and got burned big time for not being truthful on the forms.

            Local election boards usually have both Dem and GOP on them and the GOP often has representatives in the precinct itself at elections and they are looking for things like that. If this was for real – we’d know it forthwith… from the GOP.

          13. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            No, we don’t agree. My suspicion is that you, like many others, have been steeped in the dysfunction of Virginia and fed so much crap about how great it is that you truly cannot see that it has some serious problems.

            I saw that when you stated that the terrible drivers in Virginia are all from out of state.

            See…in Larry’s world, Virginia is great.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. I know the GOP and how they feel about this issue and you’re just plain wrong on it. It would be found out and a huge stink over it.

            I KNOW crap when I see it and this attitude is crap – yes. 😉

            And yes… no question , drivers from NoVa are obnoxious and aggressive and often make really dumb mistakes about recognizing rednecks in farm vehicles… yep

          15. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            And, there you go, blaming the problem on NOVA, another trait of Virginia “Good ‘Ole Boys”.

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh no, not NoVa – drivers from NoVa – who are not real Virginians but smartasses… with attitudes… ;-). They move to NovA From gawd-knwos where .. they breed somewhere!

          17. DJRippert Avatar

            Yeah, that’s Larry (and quite a few others). They magically look past the slavery, Civil War, Massive Resistance, endless Confederate statues, Byrd Machine, Arthur Ashe statue debate, Jim Crow, asshat governors at parties with people in klan robes, eugenics, etc and blame all their problems on NoVa.

            I’m a native Northern Virginian, I drive an F150 and I’ve never received even a single speeding ticket.

          18. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Once a southern democrat, always a southern democrat, even if they claim otherwise.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, I’m not surprised that a Native Virginian would drive an F-150 and it’s the right vehicle to deal with obnoxious NoVa tailgaters… as long as it does not have “farm use” on it and you chew tobacco.

          20. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            When we moved here in 1988 my dad got a pickup truck. I’m pretty sure they still considered him a “damned yankee”.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            . well, was it a scruffy pickup or a yankee pickup?

          22. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            It was a used Ford Ranger with a camper shell on it. So probably a scruffy pickup.

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            Eh, I dunno… probably stood out… ..


          24. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Well, after it developed a fatal engine problem the HOA made him get rid of it due to the expired tags. A shame, because it would have been perfect for conversion to an electric vehicle, being that it had a manual transmission.

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh no, not NoVa – drivers from NoVa – who are not real Virginians but smartasses… with attitudes… ;-). They move to NovA From gawd-knwos where .. they breed somewhere!

          26. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The first snowfall I experienced here coming from PA, I realized they clearly don’t teach y’all anything about driving in winter conditions here!! Just saying…

          27. LarrytheG Avatar

            well… if you take into account that a large number of NoVa are not native Virginians but come here from somewhere else.. but don’t really dispute it per se. I think most folks who didn’t grow up in places where it snows a lot in winter don’t do that well and certainly even less so with ice and wet snow that goes to ice at night.

            But it goes also to how NoVa folks typically drive anyhow in my mind.

            Call me biased, even worse, but my impression of NoVa drivers is that tailgating is perfectly normal and OK even in ice and snow!

            I go at a pretty good clip – to the point where I depend on those slightly faster to be “probes” but tailgaters are the scum of the earth in my book. 😉

          28. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Nor, apparently, do they teach the plow operators how to plow it.

          29. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            “real Virginians”?? You’re making my point for me.

          30. LarrytheG Avatar

            Better than Come Here’s! 😉

          31. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            From what I’ve seen many of the “come heres” become “left theres” and I hope to join them at some point 🙂

          32. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, seems like they have no sense of what is “home”. Apparently where they left is not home, then neither is it here, so they crap the place up then leave to crap another place up. Really obnoxious.

          33. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            They just came here for (usually) a high-paying FedGov job, apparently without realizing that a 6-figure salary doesn’t usually go as far here as where they came from.

      2. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Since Motor Voter is the rule then illegals get registered, why do you think the NOVA registrars have refused to turn over voter lists for audits.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Do illegals get regular drivers licenses?

  6. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    Looks like some folks are so talented they can look at a person and discern immigration status.

  7. “But it is difficult to sort illegal immigrants from Hispanics who entered the country legally and Hispanics whose ancestors have been Americans for generations.”

    Awkward wording. It implies that all illegal immigrants are Hispanic, which is certainly not the case.

    1. You are collect, I never meant to imply that illegal immigrants are all Hispanic. The wording was awkward. I have edited the passage to make my meaning more clear.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        However, looking it up – quite a few , the highest percentage by far, IS Hispanic.

        1. What does that have to do with either my comment or Mr. Bacon’s response?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” I never meant to imply that illegal immigrants are all Hispanic.”

            not all but quite a higher percent…

          2. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            You don’t suppose that’s because we share a land border with a country with a majority Hispanic population? I mean, if I was gonna take a wild guess….

            ….I’d suspect that there aren’t many Hispanic illegal aliens, in, say, Denmark.

          3. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            You don’t suppose that’s because we share a land border with a country with a majority Hispanic population? I mean, if I was gonna take a wild guess….

            ….I’d suspect that there aren’t many Hispanic illegal aliens, in, say, Denmark.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “But it is difficult to sort illegal immigrants from Hispanics who entered the country legally and Hispanics whose ancestors have been Americans for generations.”

    Bacon’s bottom line: “Nonetheless, I will state that the “reality of large-scale illegal immigration” in Virginia is a forgone conclusion…”

  9. LarrytheG Avatar

    One of the things that draws illegals is jobs, and it’s the jobs that Americans don’t want in part because of low pay and hard work. Many service jobs, jobs in hospitality, motels, nursing homes, farm labor, general manual labor…

    Employers will hire them even without proper documentation and E-verify or paying FICA taxes on their income.

    If you really want to slow it down, we’d have to go after the employers with serious sanctions fines and jail time, shut down their business, etc.

    I don’t think we have the will to do that. I don’t hear either party advocating getting serious with employers of illegals.

    At the same time – we make it hard for legal immigrants to come here and work.

    We can’t have it both ways. We need the labor and we need to accord those who do work here – some kind of legal status since we do need their labor.

    1. If you really want to slow it down, we’d have to go after the employers with serious sanctions fines and jail time, shut down their business, etc.

      I agree 100%.

      I also agree that we don’t have the will to dot it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        but we do have the will to demonize the illegals… themselves at the same time, IMHO.

        1. I’ll let you speak for yourself on that issue.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh I feel that you can see it clearly sometimes here in BR and in political appeals. it’s a continuing narrative…IMHO.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh I feel that you can see it clearly sometimes here in BR and in political appeals. it’s a continuing narrative…IMHO.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Your argument is wrong. There are vast parts of America where the population is almost entirely native born Black and White. The lawn gets mowed, restaurants get their dishes washed, garbage gets emptied and hair gets cut.

      Lee County is 96.3% White. 1.3% of the population is foreign born.

      Who does all the jobs Americans don’t want in Lee County?

      1. Brian Leeper Avatar
        Brian Leeper

        I suspect those places like Lee County mostly have a low cost of living.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          They certainly do. And the 98.7% of the population that is native born manage to make it all work without the need for large numbers of immigrants to do the jobs “Americans won’t do.”

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            They often own “family” land which is “home” and they do what they can to keep it.

            Some leave, go off to a career then come back home.

            And I would not automatically rule out farm work for immigrants… in some places, they are vital to harvest.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        There’s not near as many of those jobs and jobs in general are scarce and people who own their land are more likely to do what it take to keep their land and make ends meet.

        In the urban areas, there are tons of service jobs – custodians, nursing homes, dishwashers, cooks, etc, etc… 2 million people in NoVa and a crapload of crappy service jobs that, as you say, don’t pay enough for the average American to live but immigrants will live in homes that others won’t and share housing that Americans won’t do.

        NoVa would grind to a halt without service workers, Lee County, not so much.

  10. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    NOVA pretty much pays for SWVA government and schools.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Most urban areas in most states do that. It’s an argument in most states.

      But Public Safety is minimal. The pay for local deputies is abysmal, and almost all rural has to do their own Volunteer fire and rescue. They have substandard medical. It’s the schools where the state/NoVa really spends…

  11. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    I am a Native American. My ancestors first purchased or stole property in Franklin County in 1704

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You mean a REAL Native American or just descended from the original settlers who stole land?

      1. Super Brain Avatar
        Super Brain

        Here before 1776. I hope they at least did not pay full price.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          :-). Well, apparently early on the KING owned all of it and then doled it out to various constituencies depending on their hierarchy in society… or whatever.

          When you look at our Founding Fathers, you wonder (at least I do) about how they came to own so much land and I don’t think they “earned it the hard way”.

          1. “When you look at our Founding Fathers, you wonder (at least I do) about how they came to own so much land and I don’t think they “earned it the hard way”.”

            Still wondering? You mean you haven’t done any research on this issue since the wondering you did the last time it came up?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I have, but it’s not complete… I’m still looking for the ones that got their land the old fashioned way. Surely there are some…

            So you have all these guys that got their land from the King and then they wanted to reject that government but keep the land… and form their own govt….

            and they used phrases like ” all men are”… and “freedom” and “liberty” .and “rights”…. lots of research… 😉 Hope it does not bother you too much… I know if it does, I’ll hear about it…


  12. The number of those here illegally from countries with poor health conditions can also be responsible for the health disparities alleged to be caused by racism.

  13. Brian Leeper Avatar
    Brian Leeper

    “and likely suffer from the drawback of an inadequate education in their home countries.”

    Well, they DID move to Northern Virginia…..

  14. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Obvious for those of us in NoVA.

    I forget the exact number now, but when COVID came out, Supervisor Chairman McKay quoted about 45% of Fairfax County households do not speak English at home.

    What I was wondering, for the COVID stats, how many in Fairfax are undocumented and what % are vaccinated?

  15. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    And there’s more – Afghans being flown to Dulles (see article below). In addition, there’s been several news reportings of planes flying illegals in during the middle of the night and dropping them off in towns all over the country. One reporter mentioned the large amounts of young military aged men. Women and children are disappearing. We are being invaded and it’s horrific to think about the massive about of human and sex trafficking going on.
    The first evacuation flight carried 221 Afghans under the special visa program, including 57 children and 15 infants, according to an internal U.S. government document obtained by The Associated Press. [….]
    From Dulles, they were bused to Fort Lee, Va., south of Richmond, where they will stay at a hotel on the base for about a week to complete their processing before being resettled in the U.S. permanently, officials said. [….]
    The arrival marked the vanguard of an initial group of about 2,500 Afghans being evacuated under threat of Taliban reprisals in an effort the White House calls Operation Allies Refuge. Groups of Afghans will arrive by plane roughly every three days and be transported to Fort Lee, said one U.S. official briefed on the arrangements.
    The newly arrived Afghan people will join 70,000 others who have resettled in the U.S. since 2008 under the special visa program [….]
    About 20,000 Afghans had applied for the special immigrant visa as of July 15, according to the White House.That number does not include family members; a U.S. government official said the total number of people in the applicant pipeline including family members could be as high as 100,000.

    Can’t help but think of Biblical prophecy – so many have come true. The first seal has been broken. We can see seal two and three coming to fruition.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Those Afghan’s who applied for specials visas are those who assisted the US in country. Their fate is the same as the Yards and the Vietnamese who assisted SOG and SF in Vietnam. Reeducation camps or death when we exit the AO.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        She is one sick person.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          She’s not a lefty.

  16. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    So….almost 60 comments and nobody has mentioned that there are plenty of other reasons somebody might have a case pending other than being apprehended after entering without permission. You cannot know how many of those cases represent that issue….that table is just about who does and doesn’t have a lawyer. Dulles remains a major point of entry. DC is a major location where immigrants are coming. MD has a high count, as well. I don’t think we can assume…

    And what pray tell did this look like two years ago, say? That would be very telling it this doesn’t show much growth.

  17. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    For everyone who thinks that illegal immigration is mainly a problem for the border states—the city of Tucson is calling for volunteers to drive “asylum seekers” around Tucson. The announcement specifically says that the “asylum seekers” only spend a few days in Tucson, after which they are moved to other parts of the country. Parts like—northern Virginia.

    Illegal immigration isn’t that big of a problem for the border states. They simply move the border crossers on to the interior of the country.

  18. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    My mother-in-law is undocumented. She’s been worried that someday the ICE will show up at her blue house on Redgate Avenue and Colley Avence in Norfolk, the blue one with the yellow trim and shutters.

  19. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    The other implication, Richmond’s taxation view of NoVA as super wealthy fat cats, who deserve to pay 95% of taxes in the state via higher tax rates in NoVA, is way out-of-date. NoVA is now minority center.

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