The Best Cities for Cat Lovers

by James A. Bacon

Now it’s time for some clickbait — a ranking of the Best Cities for Cat Lovers based on a methodology of dubious merit from Lawnstarter. The compilers derived their ranking from eleven metrics ranging from the number of pet-friendly hotels, animal shelters, pet stores, and veterinarians per 100,000 residents to the median per-visit cat sitter rate.

The best city for cats in the United States is Orlando, Fla. The worst, among 200 cities surveyed, was New York.

If you want to how Virginia cities scored, you’re just going to have to click to finish reading this post!

Richmond — 14
Newport News — 31
Arlington — 47
Alexandria — 57
Norfolk — 86
Chesapeake — 94
Virginia Beach — 146

I live in a house where two cats have taken residence. Coercing my wife and me with their cuddliness, they are waited on hand and foot. If the Bacon household is representative, Richmond truly deserves a high ranking.

As for Virginia Beach… What do they have against cats? Is VB some kind of dog paradise?

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18 responses to “The Best Cities for Cat Lovers”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    What other pets walk on poop then walk on the furniture , counter-tops and you? ugh!

    1. The animal would not have to walk on poop if you scooped the litter box once in a while…


      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I agree but even scooping it regularly does not get rid of the poop..only what is easily visible. You’d likely have to change the litter with every poop event.

        I LIKE animals. I’ve had labs all my life except for lately and I’ve had cats and I never really thought much about the issue until someone brought it up and it was then hard to just ignore the issue.

        Cats do lick and try to keep themselves clean but geeze licking their feet somehow seems just as bad!

        1. But your Lab never washes its hands.

          By the way, a cat’s saliva contains enzymes which have an antibiotic effect. Their grooming behavior really does get them clean and [reasonably] sanitary.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right, and I don’t kiss him EVERY either!

            And I’m not at all sure that he never walks in poop either but all in all , I KNOW he does not walk in it every day like cats do!

          2. Brian Leeper Avatar
            Brian Leeper

            Some, perhaps most, dogs like to snack on the contents of the litterbox.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes… if you don’t train them not to. And that’s ANOTHER reason NOT to be “kissing” them!

            Yes.. dogs need to be trained… I won’t say like kids but along the same lines.

            Cats OTOH , are not very trainable…at least I’m not good at it.

    2. Brian Leeper Avatar
      Brian Leeper

      What other pet licks his ass and eats snacks out of the litter box then licks you in the face?

  2. Charlottesville didn’t make the cut?

  3. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    Dogs might not walk on poop, but they sometimes roll in some nasty things.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      They do… and again..they need to be trained and yes they are trainable…

  4. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    When I told our 3 cats how lucky they were to be living in such a cat-friendly city they just looked the other way.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    How is it that dogs have the misery of chains, shock collars, fences, and a leash but the neighbors cat has no such restraint? I cut my beagle loose after the neighbors cat all the time. Trespasser!

    I believe Rutherford B. Hayes was the first president to bring a cat into the White House. Pair of Siamese.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Dogs are trainable, eminently so, and some breeds like Labs will bend over backwards to please you! Cats, no can do, they want your love but not your rules!


      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Cats need another dose of domestication.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You misspelled arsenic.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Depends on the number and types of restaurants in the city in question.

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