The Bert Ellis Feeding Frenzy


by James A. Bacon

Virginia has now entered the feeding frenzy stage of the assault on Bert Ellis’ character. Abandoning all journalistic standards of impartiality and fair play, mainstream media outlets compete with one another to publish anything they can find to compromise Ellis, a member of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors appointed by Governor Glenn Youngkin and narrowly confirmed by the General Assembly.

Following a Washington Post piece yesterday that highlighted such transgressions as referring in private correspondence to a UVa employee as a “numnut,” Virginia Public Media has joined the fray. Among the new affrights uncovered through the Freedom of Information Act is the scoop that Ellis also referred to UVa administrators as “schmucks”!

It is laughable that anyone would deem such language used in personal communications to be worth publishing — as if no one else in public service speaks this way in private. Ironically, the only thing remarkable about Ellis’ use of language is how restrained it is. It is less vitriolic, for example, than the language used by Jeff Thomas, the leftist author who filed the FOIA request and peddled his findings to the media. VPM reporter Ben Paviour quotes Thomas as accusing “these people” of “lashing out with these venomous personal attacks at innocent people.”

Venomous? Really? Ellis didn’t “lash out” or “attack” anyone — these were private communications. The victims never knew about them…until Thomas uncovered them and persuaded Paviour to publicize them!

Such are the New Rules of woke journalism.

But there’s more. Paviour included one exchange in his piece that had no business appearing in any article. The fact that he chose to include it exposes the shoddiness of his journalism. Here is what he wrote:

In one previously unreported exchange, several members of TJC appear to discuss an idea of recording a phone call with someone identified as “Gard,” — a reference to Richard Gard, the editor of UVA’s alumni magazine.

A July 1, 2022, text from a redacted phone number to several members of TJC, including James Bacon, Ann McLean, Walter Smith and Tom Neale, suggests Ellis record a phone call with Gard, which is legal under state law, and potentially release the recording to the media. The messages make it clear the person is upset at Gard, but it’s not clear from the messages what sparked their frustration.

“Every word Burt says should be spoken with the knowledge that he is preparing a record to persuade liberals and others who don’t like us but realize we are totally right on the merits,” the unidentified person wrote. “And if Burt loses his temper, raises his voice, or does anything unpleasant they might use this as an excuse to blame it on Bert, we could lose the war.”

The unidentified number says McLean should talk to the press because “She is great with the media, she is not an old white male, and she has a UVA PhD.”

“Agree with this,” McLean said in response. “I will do whatever TJC would like me to do.”

In an email, Bacon said the suggestion came from someone outside TJC.

“I can say categorically that the suggestion made by a third party to record Richard Gard’s phone call was never entertained by The Jefferson Council, that Bert Ellis never made such a call, and no such recording was ever made,” Bacon said.

Gard declined to comment.

Apparently, I was copied on that text message, although I have no recollection of it. Like many people, I am deluged with communications and don’t have time to read everything. What I can say with certainty is that the idea was floated — by whom, I cannot say because the identity was redacted — and it promptly died. We gave it no consideration.

Paviour dutifully tacked on my response to the exchange. But there was one thing he omitted: “There is no story here.”

Here’s the background. The Jefferson Council had submitted an advertisement  defending the reputation of Thomas Jefferson in regards to slavery and the Sally Hemings controversy for publication in Virginia, the University of Virginia Alumni Association publication. Gard rejected it on grounds that Jefferson Council members found specious but are too tangential to bother recounting here. We appealed the decision to Lily West, president of the alumni association, and she sided with Gard. We then appealed to members of the alumni association’s managing board but were likewise spurned. I assume that the exchange took place during that controversy.

Ellis was copied on a text thread. It bears noting that anyone can copy anyone else on a text thread. That doesn’t mean Ellis asked to be copied, and it doesn’t even mean that he read the text message. A redacted individual whose identity we do not know but are certain was not a governing member of the Council floated the idea of having Ellis secretly record Richard Gard’s phone call and “politely ask who made the decision while taping the call. Is there a change we can make that would make [the ad] acceptable?”

The idea was dead on arrival. No one pursued it. No call was ever made. When Ann McLean said she would “do whatever TJC (the Jefferson Council) would like me to do,” she was clearly referring to speaking to the press — not surreptitiously recording anyone’s phone call.

Bottom line: Ellis was copied on a text message in which someone made a suggestion upon which neither Ellis nor anyone else on the Jefferson Council leadership team followed up or even remembers.

Paviour was told this. He had no business introducing this meaningless text message into the public domain. Not only was this a private communication, it didn’t even come from Ellis! Yet by publishing it, even with my denial, Paviour created a suspicion that Ellis countenances deception and dirty tricks.

That itself is a dirty trick.

There are likely more dirty tricks to come. I can only hope that by setting the record straight I can shame Virginia journalists into acting responsibly.

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50 responses to “The Bert Ellis Feeding Frenzy”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Seems like a FOIA request for the text messages from the UVa BoV members appoint6ed before Ellis is in order. Why should Burt Ellis have all the fun?

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I posted this earlier, but since JAB has seen fit to mention TJ & Sally, it truly fits here.

    Anyone, lefty or righty, who posts here should watch Dr. Henry L Gates’ “Finding Your Roots” featuring Angela Davis and Jeh Johnson (fmr Sec. DHS). It is well worth the watch for Mr. Johnson goes through a transformation over 15 minutes of film time. His preconceptions of the slave-master relationship and his final understanding is well worth the watching, no matter which side of the TJ-Hemings issue you fall. Every case is different, and before staking out a hardline position, you get to ruminate on a very detailed case.

    And all it costs is a 45 minute link to a (yeah!) PBS (spit!) webcast.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      As with so much else these days, the truth will never be known so the advocates on both sides are just fighting with assumptions or slim evidence over political talking points. My guess is the truth is a far more fascinating and human story than either set of combatants would ever admit.

      This is very illuminating. Jim and his group took pocket knives into a fight with the political equivalent of MS13, and now are shocked, shocked, to find their guts spilled out on the floor. War should not be left to amateurs.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I love the allusion to a gang fight…. “They were the Jets, they were the top cats in town, the gold medal kids with the heavy weight crown…”. Can’t you just see JAB, bent over, dancing in the alley, snapping his thumbs to Bernstein’s song?

        Spoiler alert: you can tell from Jeh Johnson’s expression, his words, his body language that he was angry when he discovered a white slaveowner was his 4xgreat grandfather and his 4xgreat grandmother was his slave. You could see his assumption on how things went down. Trust me, it will be as enlightening for you as for him. It was for me.

        1. Not Today Avatar

          Indeed. There were no ‘hoodlums’ of any sort. There were just people with more/less capacity to choose their battles. Strangely, the young woman came out ahead by disengaging. The older man is demonstrating weakness by sending minions out to fight his battles ad nauseum. Thick irony indeed.

        2. Not Today Avatar

          Indeed. There were no ‘hoodlums’ of any sort. There were just people with more/less capacity to choose their battles. Strangely, the young woman came out ahead by disengaging. The older man is demonstrating weakness by sending minions out to fight his battles ad nauseum. Thick irony indeed.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Just like his decision to drive hours to harass a young coed at her on-campus room, these reports demonstrate the character of the subject… and the rest of the cabal…

  4. Mischaracterization…check. Whataboutsim…check. Poor judgment…check. JB, things look like they’re starting to unravel. Uh oh.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Why are you so triggered by Bert Ellis? Did the man pee on your lawn or THE lawn at UVA?

      1. I’m not triggered. I just care about the school deeply: I’m a grad, a donor, and I think it’s headed in the right direction, and serves as a model for how schools can handle the legacy of slavery. So I certainly don’t appreciate a reactionary with the judgement of a teenager who’s had a Miller Lite or two on the BOV. Mind you, I wouldn’t mind more conservatives, just not this guy.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I can appreciate that. Ellis seems to be one who is going to challenge the direction you approve of. I expect your team to win the challenge. UVA’s establishment seems to have marshaled all of the allies needed for victory. What if elements of the student body challenge the UVA establishment? Should they be heard?

          1. I think they should all be heard. I think academia is woefully deficient of conservative voices. I think it’s valuable and legitimate to have a debate about how the issue of slavery is discussed, Jefferson portrayed, and what to do with Confed. monuments. But I don’t think you can have a thoughtful debate with a BOV member who believes well-meaning and accomplished academics and administrators are ‘numnuts’ [sic] and intends to have a cultural battle royale to get his way. His tough guy tactics display remarkable lack of judgment and has completely backfired. Get a conservative on the board with some empathy, understanding of the Const., and respect for the people at the school. Then let’s have a debate.

          2. “well-meaning” academics makes a pretty big assumption.

            There is considerable opinion that woke racists embracing CRT/DIE in clear and open repudiation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are anything but “well meaning”. Woke racists are no more “well meaning” than the KKK. Racists are racists.

            Empathy and respect are earned, not bequeathed. It is far from clear that they have been earned at UVa. Making them a precondition for differing opinions to even begin debate is intellectually dishonest.

          3. No, not well-meaning makes a pretty big assumption. ‘Numnut’ [sic] makes an even larger assumption. The dude is very accomplished, you should look up his bio and is trying to make the school a better place. Good lord…what the hell is wrong with the right wing?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            All this talk in BR about K-12 “behavior” issues.

            Sounds like some never really got free from K-12…..

          5. He’d be suspended from my kid’s middle school for hostility and disrespect. So maybe the disciplinary system does work!

          6. Who are you calling right wing? You are profoundly mistaken there too. That is not who I am.

            Racists are racists. None qualify as “well meaning”. You are deluding yourself if you deny that CRT/DIE is racism pure and simple.

            I don’t defend Ellis’s own numbnuts behavior. I do applaud his willingness to take on the “accomplishments” of the woke racist, anti Civil Rights Act, CRT/DIE peddling academic twits aka “numnuts”. Most charitably their “road to Hell is paved with good intentions”.

            If Ellis and others succeed they will help make UVa and Virginia’s other state educational institutions better places, places well meaning alums and citizens can be proud of.

          7. I assumed you were right wing given your posts, but apologies if that’s not the case.

          8. Not Today Avatar

            Education. It’s why they’re working so hard to restrict it going forward.

    2. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Keep telling that to yourself. We will continue to point out how, in order to make the DEI crowd feel “safe” and “unharmed” at VMI, it apparently was necessary to sandblast off a National Historical Landmark the name of a man who put his safety and community reputation—and the safety of his family—at risk, in order to help slaves. Or eradicate any mention of T.C. Williams at U of R. Or depict Thomas Jefferson as nothing else but a racist.

      Average, reasonable people will conclude that anyone who is so easily triggered that they can’t walk under a stone arch, or come within eyesight of it, probably shouldn’t lead troops in battle, or come to think of it, be trusted with any meaningful responsibility or authority. Those same people will conclude that anyone who can look at Thomas Jefferson’s legacy and only see a racist is unworthy of being taken seriously.

      Your side has made its bed. You’ve done this to yourselves. Take your medicine.

      1. “Your side has made its bed. You’ve done this to yourselves. Take your medicine.” Actually pretty sure Mr. Ellis has done this to himself, and your side will be getting its medicine soon enough. Like I said, good luck with the new batch of appointments!

        1. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          And good luck to your side with the public’s perception of you. I think Mr. Ellis can make a good case that he saw what you did at VMI, and felt honor-bound to combat it.

          You may win some short-term political victories, enabled by a woke press. But, in a few years, I suspect that average folks will run far and fast from the label “DEI,” just like they run from the label “woke” now.

          1. Yes, the public sure loves right wing culture wars, as evidenced by the stellar Republican showing this midterm.

          2. Donald Smith Avatar
            Donald Smith

            If you’re right, then Democrats will ride their embrace of DEI and cancel culture to victory in 2024.

          3. There’s no ’embrace of DEI.’ DEI has been a fact of life for over a decade, without controversy, in the govt., military, and academia. It’s only been a political hot button in the last couple years.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            I have said this before and will say it again…whicg part (the D, E, or I) do you object to? Do you object to diversity? Equity (giving people the tools they need to be successful, from a curb cut to a reading aide) or inclusion? Holding others’ ideas and perspectives equal to your own and giving others a voice in decision-making? What part of that offends your sensibilities?

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “But there’s more. Paviour included one exchange in his piece that had no business appearing in any article. The fact that he chose to include it exposes the shoddiness of his journalism. ” so lemme repeat it here instead.

    Just a note of warning. Emails, cc, and bcc. The unsolicited inclusion in cc and bcc with/without reply all, etc., didn’t seem to make a difference to the RWN press when it came to Hillary’s email. Lest someone shout “Whataboutism” at me, this would be more a case of “reaping and sowing”.

  6. Maybe now that Ellis has been narrowly confirmed by the GA he can simply fade into the background and spare us all the drama that surrounds him.

    1. The Post will never do that while there’s a chance of selling more papers through personal attacks.

      1. Some people’s personal attacks are other people’s accountability for one’s deeds and words.

      2. Well at least we can hope that BR moves on to some new insult.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Move on? See Larry…

          1. love it

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    You and your friends, Jim, are sheep in a lions den.

    1. As the sheep wander out of the pasture.

    2. *sheep who thought they were lions…

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not nearly as vicious though.

  8. Seems with “numnuts” and “schmucks” his powers of observation and description are pretty good. Suggest he wear the appellations as badges of honor. Also that he might consider being a little more discreet now that he has a fuller understanding of the reach of FOIA.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Just like his decision to drive hours to harass a young coed at her on-campus room, these reports demonstrate the character of the subject… and the rest of the cabal…

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Once again, Eric, in fine progressive tradition, omits key parts of the narrative.

      The “young coed” had posted a poster that insulted UVa on her Lawn room. Having a room on the Lawn is an honor that only a small percentage of UVa students get. Yet this “young coed,” who I’m sure was tutoring homeless people when Evil Bert “harassed” her, apparently felt entitled to insult the institution which had honored her. (Bert, who is proud of UVa, was offended. Good for Bert.)

      That would be useful information. That information would make progressives look shallow and immature. I suspect Eric knew that, which is why he omitted it.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Don, given the coverage this incident has been given here on BR, short hand now gets the point across. There was no honor in Bert’s actions that day.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Coed insult of UVA was profane. Ellis characterization of numnuts and schmuck are genteel. UVA honored the coed with a lawn room. UVA has not yet honored Ellis who is a graduate, who sought to tutor or teach the coed a lesson. BTW, the origin in Yiddish of schmuck means penis. Ellis and the coed may be closer than believed in word usage. Parallels galore.

        1. Not Today Avatar

          It’s amazing how much deference and grace folks give to their own, preferred methods of protest/objection.

        2. Not Today Avatar

          It’s amazing how much deference and grace folks give to their own, preferred methods of protest/objection.

  10. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

    “journalists” with an agenda aren’t journalists, they are cheerleaders…and they have no shame. The ends justify the means, as long as the ends are progressive ends, anything else is intolerable and is fair game for cheerleader slander. It’s the world we live in, yippee, I think I’ll go fishing now.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And Bacon’s Rebellion has no such agendas? Or, is it that there just are no journalists here to begin with?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        the irony IS THICK! Of course BR is a fair and objective blog… seeking the truth from high, pure and forthright….

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I have no idea what “yuckadoo” would be, but I suspect that it, like JAB’s admiration of Mr. Ellis, is something for which a boot scrapper is made.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    University of Illinois — The Fighting Illini
    YooVee, eh? — The Infighting Alumni

    DANIEL WEBSTER’S words on his alma mater – “It is, Sir, as I have said, a small college, and yet there are those who love it”. Memorable. I believe they are a part of the SCOTUS record.

    Thank God, I was given a better choice. Although I could never match Webster’s devotion, nor Bacon’s scorn, I can say of W&M, “Aye, ‘tis a mean place, but mine own.”

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