The Bear Truth About That Massachusetts Outbreak

by Kerry Dougherty

I have a little assignment for you before you read the rest of today’s post.

Google “Provincetown Bear Week.” I’ll wait.


Yep, it’s a gathering of burly gay men who descend each summer on this Cape Cod enclave which is renowned for its eclectic shops and studios as well as its partying gay community. Like heterosexuals, gays come in all shapes and sizes and large, hairy men call themselves “bears.”

Much goes on during Bear Week that could spread germs. I’ll leave it there.

These are adults. They aren’t breaking any laws. I’m not judging.

I have nothing against bears or anyone else. But it’s worth noticing that Bear Week was held this summer in Provincetown, Massachusetts from July 10 through the 18th.

What a coincidence!

Contact tracing of so-called “breakthrough infections” of COVID infections in vaccinated individuals shot up to 364 people who were in Provincetown from July 3 through the 17th. Another 127 unvaccinated adults tested positive.

According to the CDC: Persons with COVID-19 reported attending densely packed indoor and outdoor events at venues that included bars, restaurants, guest houses, and rental homes. On July 3, MA DPH had reported a 14-day average COVID-19 incidence of zero cases per 100,000 persons per day in residents of the town in Barnstable County; by July 17, the 14-day average incidence increased to 177 cases per 100,000 persons per day in residents of the town (2).

Of the infected people, 301 were male and the median age was 42.

Luckily, “only a handful” of those who tested positive were hospitalized, according to The Washington Post.

The CDC reports that “handful” was literally five. Four of those were vaccinated. That’s right, of the 469 mostly gay men infected during a week of revelry, five wound up in the hospital. The CDC does not have information on any underlying health conditions of those who were hospitalized or tested positive.

There were zero deaths, thank goodness.

But it was this outbreak that caused the breathless doomsday cult at the CDC to throw the country into a tizzy last week when they reversed themselves on the need for vaccinated Americans to sometimes wear masks. These purveyors of panic said vaccinated individuals in areas of high transmission – almost all of the U.S. – should wear masks indoors.

“This finding (that 74% of Provincetown’s infections were among vaccinated people) is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement.

Is it not possible that the partygoers in Provincetown were engaging in activities that might have made the spread rather easy?

Perhaps they were engaging in activities most of us avoid. Apparently the CDC believes the entire country should pay the price for Bear Week.

Here’s how conservative commentator Andrew Sullivan, who lives part-time in Provincetown, described the scene in a July 30 substack post that warned against applying what happened there in July to the rest of the nation:

Is Provincetown our future? Count me skeptical. In Fourth of July week, the town was completely swamped this year, followed swiftly by Bear Week; lines for the bars lasted for blocks; the bars themselves were packed; the weather was dreadful, forcing most of the crowd to pack tightly inside. A tiny town built for a few thousand residents has to absorb up to 40,000 in peak season. One bar in particular — the home for a dance party with the inspired name of “Fag Bash” — resembles a kind of dank dungeon where sweat drips from the ceiling and mold reaches up the walls. It might have been designed for viral transmission. A big swathe of the crowd had also just come from a week of Pride partying in New York City and were likely not, shall we say, at their immunological best.

Let me ask you something: Do you slow dance in the supermarket? Do you engage in deep kissing in your hair salon? Do you ever find yourself nuzzling strangers in a big box store?

Of course not.

If you’re vaccinated experts say you have an infinitesimal chance of a breakthrough infection if you avoid close contact with others.

I’m going to say this loud and clear: I am not wearing a mask in Virginia Beach because the partiers of Provincetown experienced a sharp outbreak that resulted in almost no serious illnesses.

The CDC and government officials should get a grip. Americans long ago realized that Covid was here to stay, even as they recognized the virus is serious, especially to the obese and the elderly. More than 90 percent of Virginians over the age of 65 have received at least one dose of a vaccine. Clearly, the vulnerable population understands the importance of vaccinating and is taking precautions.

Masks did not stop the sharp spike in cases in January and February and they won’t stop this current upturn, which, if history is any predictor, will go down by itself in a few weeks, as it has in the U.K.

Government officials need to stop trying to get the country to the unattainable goal of zero Covid. They also need to stop with the mask mandates and lockdowns that didn’t work before and won’t work now.

They should regard this one outlying incident of spread as the curiosity it is and stop using it to scare the general public.

We aren’t bears. Leave us alone.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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37 responses to “The Bear Truth About That Massachusetts Outbreak”

  1. I feel like Charlie Brown getting suckered by Lucy and the football. I know better, but I took the media reports on the Provincetown study at face value, I accepted the CDC analysis without question, and I based COVID commentary on it. Thanks for filling in the rest of the story, Kerry. Meanwhile, I will remind myself, never, never, NEVER believe reporting from the mainstream media until you have checked it out first, especially if it confirms a prevailing narrative.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Heading to Boston in three weeks for a short vacay. Charge up Bunker Hill for the first time since 1968….Will be packing many masks and carrying our vaccine cards (which I hate pulling out for fear of tearing or losing.) Probably will be the price of admission anywhere in the city. (Sigh)

      There will be a special place in hell for the CDC. Now they are trying to scare me again, due to my age and pre-existings, despite being fully vaccinated. In the next breath, “gee, we don’t think there will need to be boosters. No sign of that being needed.”

      Are they too freaking stupid to see one of those is likely wrong?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Laminate them… my Social Security card looks like the day I got it 55 years ago. Kinda wish I had laminated my Draft Card now. Would have preserved the ashes.

        Frightened? Of the inevitable? That’s a worthless emotion.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Your Social Security card doesn’t have a line for what will be annual boosters….

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Use tape. Cover what will not change and/or has been filled in.

            BTW, read the back of your SocSec card. It says, “Do not laminate,” a condition I only saw through the plastic as it was cooling. Oops. However, in the 50+ years, no one, not even the Air Force Academy ever made comment on my faux pas.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep..and some laminated their vaccinations cards before they found out we might need a 3rd shot! 😉

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Was Hüsker Dü there…?

  3. We must have another LOCK DOWN — the first one did so well at stopping the spread of the original Wuhan C-19. Keeping people safe and sound indoors away from all others is the only methodology to stop the Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gulf, Hotel, and India variants.

  4. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    There are questions that need to be answered: First, why are there so many breakthrough infections among the vaccinated? Second, the CDC, FDA, WHO, the inventor of the test, and other doctors stating that the PCR test are faulty.
    So the big question is: If the test is faulty, how do we know whether somebody actually has the virus? This is especially concerning since the CDC states, ““Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”
    So what is the CDC determining is Covid?

    If they have not determined the Covid isolate, how in the world can they determine what the delta is? And why are there so many breakthrough cases?

    All this while Fauci states, ‘When you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with Delta, it is exactly the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person who’s infected.” So the vaccine has zero efficiency???

    And VAERS reports (Harvard study illustrated only 1% gets reported): “VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 438,441 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 9,048 deaths and 41,015 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021.”

    See the sources below for the information stated above:
    The CDC is withdrawing their PCR test and will be transitioning to another FDA-authorized test. It’s curious why they are waiting till December to pull such a faulty test.
    According to their Laboratory Alert, the PCR tests were not able to detect the difference between Covid and the flu.

    The conflation of tests make sense due to the CDC reporting in 2019 between 24,000-62,000 people died of the flu. However in 2020 only 646 people died due to flu.

    “The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death.”

    Here is the WHO’s Dec 2020 notice of the high false positives to the PCR “test elevated risk for false SARS-CoV-2 results when testing specimens using RT-PCR reagents on open systems.”

    Here’s the article “CDC Pulls PCR Tests Because They Can’t Differentiate Between Covid and Flu.”

    Quote, “The Globe also reported on three doctors in Contra Costa County who were concerned with the excessive COVID PCR testing leading to high numbers of false positive results. Dr. Michael deBoisblanc, Dr. Pete Mazolewski and Dr. Brian Hopkins explain:

    “PCR testing has proven to be seriously flawed when used to track disease prevalence, and the number of false positive tests has contributed to fear, panic and unnecessary quarantine of many. The peer review of the original Corman-Drosten PCR paper points out the serious flaws and conflicts of interest in the original article describing the PCR test (Peter Borger Et al., 11/27/2020). This paper is the basis for the PCR test used in the United States. On January 21, 2021 the World Health Organization published direction on the interpretation of a positive PCR test. They now caution about calling a test “positive” without symptoms, a confirmatory test, and physician oversight. They also cite the serious problems with high cycle thresholds leading to a high number of false positives. In short, they agree with what we argued last month.”

    “With this information, your COVID positive case numbers are highly suspect and using this data to determine which tier the population falls into has been, and continues to be, completely unreliable and arbitrary. Our recommendation is to move forward quickly with rapid antigen testing. These tests are less expensive, and more appropriately sensitive to detect people with active, contagious disease.”

    And here’s the real kicker: The inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis, of the PCR tests says, “With PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. … Because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body. So that could be thought of as a misuse of it, just to claim that it’s meaningful.”

    Here’s an article explaining it, and there are links to his videos where he states this.

    All the articles related to covid spreader among the vaccinated: -5,800 fully vaxxed

    1. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
      Carmen Villani Jr

      Well done Deborah!!! Thank you for sharing all your research

      1. Deborah Hommer Avatar
        Deborah Hommer

        You’re welcome

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    On this subject, I am coming around to Kerry’s perspective. I stayed home when that was the guidance; I consistently wore a mask when that became the guidance; I got the vaccination as soon as I could. I did not complain about any of it.

    Now I am being advised to wear a mask sometimes because I might have a breakthrough infection without even knowing it and might transmit to someone who is unvaccinated and unmasked. Too bad! If they are so adamant that they will not get vaccinated nor wear a mask, it is on them if they somehow catch the virus from me.

    I felt sort of guilty about feeling this way and then I saw in the NYT that the rest of the coutry is getting angry at these bozos, too.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s a disability, Dick. Just like any handicap, being born brainless, or becoming a Fox viewer or Republican is severe enough to sometimes require our indulgence.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Exactly right. I have a friend who is a doctor. He got vaccinated very early. So did his wife. His daughter and son-in-law refuse to get vaccinated because they fear it will somehow inhibit their ability to have more children. They are both well educated suburban adults. I’m not going to wear a mask around them because of their decision. They’re young, slim and in good health. If they want to roll the dice with COVID that’s their decision to make.

    3. vicnicholls Avatar

      That’s the way it always has been Dick. Don’t feel guilty. I wouldn’t have blamed someone if I caught it from them.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    How much does Kerry really understand about COVID and contagious diseases so that she can be so sure of what she believes?

    I don’t think the CDC is GOD nor close to it and yes, they are having to re-access and back up sometimes but I trust them more than Kerry and any wanna-be s who have decided they know more and better than science because science and the CDC have clearly not gotten it entirely dead-on.

    Yes, they are learning. They don’t know all the answers yet – and they are frustratingly slow and ponderous at times.

    But to take advice from Kerry and those like her. No thanks. Talk about clueless. She has no background in any of this and what she has is an opinion and a mouth and really not a heck of a lot more.

    Some scientists (the real ones) are now talking about the possibility of a 3rd booster and they say they are worried about more variants that could be much more deadly to kids and perhaps older or with conditions as the virus mutates and adapts to the current vaccines – which they do – we KNOW that from other viral diseases.

    The folks to REALLY be scared of is not the CDC but the ignorant and willfully ignorant.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Kerry makes a perfectly good point. If the CDC changed guidance over an outbreak during Bear Week then that’s what the CDC should have said. They certainly kept the basis for their new guidance quiet.

      Here’s what they actually said …

      “This finding (that 74% of Provincetown’s infections were among vaccinated people) is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement.

      If New Orleans permits the usual Mardi Gras celebration next spring and there is an outbreak after that I wouldn’t think it ought to lead to new guidance.

      The CDC wasn’t following science. They were using a unique event to push a narrative they wanted to push without the context required to be truthful. In other words, they were being intentionally deceptive.

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    After my last rant, I want to follow up and, with Larry, come to the defense of the CDC.

    It issued its last guidance on masks in late spring or early summer. Since then, the Delta variant has become more prevalent and its ease of transmission has become more evident. Also, it has become more evident that vaccinated persons can contract the Delta variant and, while they are not likely to become seriously will, they can have a full viral load and, thus, easily transmit the disease. The Provincetown situation provided great evidence of that.

    So what was the CDC supposed to do? Ignoring these developments would not have been responsible. It modified its guidance to say that, to maximize protection against COVID, vaccinated folks should wear masks in public indoor places in areas of “substantial or high transmission.”

    It is not the CDC’s fault that folks can’t deal with nuance and use a little common sense. If you have not been vaccinated, be warned: there is a highly transmissible variant out there that can make you very ill. So, it is up to you to wear a mask, get a mask, or suffer the consequences. (One of the consequences may be that you cannot go back to your job or some businesses may not let you in the door). If you have been vaccinated, your chance of contracting the disease is very low (nothing is 100% certain) and, if you do contract it, you are not very likely to be very sick. However, if you are planning to attend an event at which there are a lot of people, especially indoors, you may want to take your mask along. So, that’s not a simple yes or no answer, but it is not that complicated, either.

    1. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
      Carmen Villani Jr

      Not sure why anyone would trust what the CDC has to put out but if you want to believe masks will keep you safe, that is your choice. FYI

      In response to a feature segment on the Tucker Carlson show in October of last year pertaining to mask wearing, the CDC took issue with it and responded in the following manner: “CDC guidance on masks has clearly stated that wearing a mask is intended to protect other people in case the mask wearer is infected. AT NO TIME HAS CDC GUIDANCE SUGGESTED THAT MASKS WERE INTENDED TO PROTECT THE WEARERS” (emphasis added). Here is what the former CDC director said in testimony before the Senate: “this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take the COVID vaccine.”


      “In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.”


      The National Center for Biotechnology concluded: “This study is the first RCT (randomized clinical trial) of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks…Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection…as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.”


      Study from the University of Minnesota: “We do not recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks because…there is no scientific evidence they are effective in reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.”


      “Randomized control trials have found little to no evidence that masks work to prevent viral transmission—either from the wearer to others or vice versa. In fact, some significant evidence from RCTs indicates that masks increase transmission.”


    2. Carmen Villani Jr Avatar
      Carmen Villani Jr

      For your consideration Dick as it pertains to the CDC and mask wearing:

      In response to a feature segment on the Tucker Carlson show in October of last year pertaining to mask wearing, the CDC took issue with it and responded in the following manner: “CDC guidance on masks has clearly stated that wearing a mask is intended to protect other people in case the mask wearer is infected. AT NO TIME HAS CDC GUIDANCE SUGGESTED THAT MASKS WERE INTENDED TO PROTECT THE WEARERS” (emphasis added). Here is what the former CDC director said in testimony before the Senate: “this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take the COVID vaccine.”


      “In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.”


      The National Center for Biotechnology concluded: “This study is the first RCT (randomized clinical trial) of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks…Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection…as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.”


      Study from the University of Minnesota: “We do not recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks because…there is no scientific evidence they are effective in reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.”


      “Randomized control trials have found little to no evidence that masks work to prevent viral transmission—either from the wearer to others or vice versa. In fact, some significant evidence from RCTs indicates that masks increase transmission.”


  8. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    This is so homophobic. EVERYONE knows liberals, LGBTQ+, and BIPOCs are too virtuous to spread COVID. Only right wing, Christian Wypipo spread COVID. Duh!

  9. dick dyas Avatar
    dick dyas

    What I want to know is who were the 61 non-males who were reported as cases?

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    “Masks did not stop the sharp spike in cases in January and February and they won’t stop this current upturn, which, if history is any predictor, will go down by itself in a few weeks, as it has in the U.K.”

    Very good point. I guess the argument will be that it would have been even worse without the masks.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      We don’t know with exact precision the efficacy of masks in general – true. But to look at them in such a simplistic binary fashion is nothing short of , for want of a more polite word, ignorant.

      The same goes for other mitigation like social distancing and congregation at various venues.

      Science does not have all the answers and yes, there are actually conflicting views in science but it’s a big jump from people who have academic background and credentials in contagious diseases and have spent a career at it and some person with zilch academic background and credentials mouthing off what they think as if they have better “logic” than those actually doing the science.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        There’s nothing ignorant about observed reality. While the teachers in Fairfax and Loudoun were insisting that “the science” proved that in-person teaching would create a health care calamity many other schools were 100% in-person. Guess what? No healthcare calamity. However, there was an educational calamity in the areas where the schools were kept closed.

        Follow the science is fine. Follow the government is not.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          It’s ignorant to be anti-science because you want certitude and they don’t give it especially with issues that are still evolving and science itself is learning.

          “settled science” does not mean what opponents imply it does . For instance, “settled science” says that cigarette smoking will lead to heart disease, lung cancer and death but there’s no studies that definitively “prove” it and there are people who do smoke that don’t die from heart disease or cancer.

          “educational calamity”. You’re talking about something that happened around the world even in countries that some claimed stayed open – they did for a while and then they had to close.

          Science tells us that if we congregate during a pandemic – people will become infected –

          some folks claim we can “separate” those who are more vulnerable – like we have school teachers who are not older or have co-morbidities – just ignore the reality and pretend otherwise.

          No matter, demonize teachers for not wanting to get infected or endanger their families… that’s the kind of folks we have running around now. Just ignore the realities and blame.

  11. Interesting article.

    Beware numbers and statistics, vague quantifiers, and comparisons without context. At best, they are poor indicators; at worst, they are useless and can be misleading (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

    A 1000% (10 times) increase sounds significant. But, it depends. An increase from 5 infections to 50 infections in a large population is qualitatively different than an increase from 500 infections to 5000 infections in the same-size population.

    Also, the significance of the numbers of infections in one geographical area is difficult to understand without a comparison to the number of infections in other geographical areas, preferably a large sample of other geographical areas. After all, a local outbreak of infections is not necessarily proof of risk of infections elsewhere.

    It is impossible to meaningfully evaluate vague quantifiers such as “surge” and “spike” without specific details and context. A typical example of journalistic malpractice is the common use of vague quantifiers such as “plunged” and “soared” to stock market fluctuations without context. The significance of a 100o point increase or decrease in the Dow Jones average depends on the base level — a 1000 point increase or decrease when the base average is 10,000 is qualitatively different than a 1000 point increase or decrease when the base average is 20,000.

    The reporting on COVID numbers has been poor at best, and abysmal at worst.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      And not a little politically correct….

      Harbinger of bad things to come: My wife has been volunteering in a Henrico summer school program but has now been informed the volunteers, including those vaccinated like her, are no longer allowed to interact with students….Trust me, in person school remains in jeopardy.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Closing the schools again this Fall will result in a coronation of Glenn Younkin as Governor.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          except the Gov of Virginia NEVER closed them to start with. That’s just untrue.

          He delegated that to the local districts.

          And what would Youngkin promise instead? To mandate at the state level that no school can close? The very “top down” edicts that Conservatives rail against!

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Simplistic. McAuliffe will support the school board and teachers’ associations if they try to close the schools again. Younkin will oppose them. That’s all it will take.

            Providing a high quality education to all Virginia children is a requirement of the state constitution. Letting localities violate that requirement by keeping the schools closed in unconstitutional. Massive Resistance meets Massive Stupidity.

            I have no problem with the state stepping in to enforce the state constitution whether McAuliffe’s voter base likes it or not.

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “I’m not judging.”
    Like Hell.

    How’d it compare to the Trump Oklahoma City gathering? Spraying spittle spreads body fluids too.

    DeSantis sponsored cruises?

    1. Deborah Hommer Avatar
      Deborah Hommer

      You forgot Obama’s 700 person bday bash

  13. DJRippert Avatar

    Here’s a short history of some “settled science” from the past ….

  14. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    So what can we expect of the Hussein’s 60th birthday bash funded by the taxpayers? Can we expect irony if both of the anti -American Obama’s develop the Chinese Virus and die?

  15. Great read, it was nice to see some context added to this story. However, you’ve incorrectly altered a quote from the CDC director that shows you misinterpreted the quoted press release and the related study. The parenthesis are not in the original quote, and it is not at all talking about the 74% finding, but rather the potentially similar transmissibility among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

    This is important because your article poses the notion that the CDC is basing its new recommendation based on this 74% number. They are not, because that number is meaningless without context (which the study itself points out in its discussion section). In your comments I see a lot of people concerned that this is evidence of a high rate of breakthrough infections. Without actually knowing the proportion of vaccinated/unvaccinated individuals taking part in high-risk bear week activities, we have no idea what the 74/36 split of cases actually means about vaccine efficacy.

    Your incorrectly edited quote:

    “This finding (that 74% of Provincetown’s infections were among vaccinated people) is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement.”

    The full context preceding the quote, with no parenthetical addition:

    “Today, some of those data were published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), demonstrating that Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus. This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation.”

    Altering direct quotations in a way that drastically changes the meaning of the quotation (especially for the purpose of supporting an entire article) is pretty dang dirty, I would suggest not doing that in the future.

    Full press release is available here:
    Referenced study:

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re; ” Altering direct quotations in a way that drastically changes the meaning of the quotation (especially for the purpose of supporting an entire article) is pretty dang dirty”

      pretty much pro forma with the “anti” folks these days and yes it really amounts to purposeful disinformation and really just plain lying and strawman games.

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