The Agenda 21 Hobgoblin


by William O’Keefe

The late H.L. Mencken once observed that the “whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed… by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of which are imaginary.” The volume of blogs and other communications from Tea Party members over the U.N. Agenda 21 make me think that the Tea Party has adopted Mencken’s definition of “practical politics” as a tactic to use fear to further anti-government objectives.

Most people regard the United Nations as so impotent and inept that it would have a hard time organizing a three-car funeral. And yet, the anti-Agenda 21 crowd sees it as an insidious threat to our freedoms. Is either of these views correct, or is this a case of cognitive dissonance?

Agenda 21 was a product of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.  Although the United States attended the summit and supported its final report, Agenda 21 is not part of a Senate-ratified treaty. Hence, Agenda 21 is primarily a set of lofty goals that can be implemented only by state or federal action.  Here is a summary of what some of these goals are:

  • Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development.  They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.
  • States have the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental and developmental policies.
  • Development must equitably meet developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations.
  • In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process.
  • To achieve sustainable development and a higher quality of life for all people, States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption.
  • Environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned citizens at the relevant level of impact.
  • States shall enact effective environmental legislation.  Environmental standards, management objectives and priorities should reflect the environmental and developmental context to which they apply.
  • National authorities should endeavor to promote the internalization of environmental cost… taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution…
  • Environmental impact assessment shall be undertaken for proposed activities that are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment.

It is hard to understand why anyone would find these aspirational goals sinister or even objectionable. There is potential danger in their vagueness but most aspirational goals are vague and subject to different interpretations. What is important is how they are achieved. Is a balanced approach used or one that infringes upon individual rights, property rights and the rule of law? Read more.

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  1. What does “sustainable” mean? And who gets to define it?

  2. larryg Avatar

    The Agenda 21 folks showed up at a county-generated proposal to have a flexible mixed-use zoning category because the existing one required multiple zoning designations for each kind of land-use.

    The Agenda 21 folks said that this was another example of the govt taking property rights away!

    the local developers got up and SUPPORTED the proposal saying it would save money and allow for a greater flexibility and …”sustainability” because it would allow adapting to the market. Here-to-fore, the developers had to commit to specific kinds of building … could not even put a restaurant on the first floor of a office building.

    but the Agenda 21 folks would not be mollified. They see anything the govt does as evil…even when the developers like it!

  3. Thank you for being sane. It is worse than you describe it. The anti agenda 21 people are teaching that proponents of Agenda 21 believe the world can only accommodate 500 million people population is approaching 9 billion so all the extra people must be killed and they will be killed by poisoning them with aspartame and fluoride. Read it and see video here:
    Also, Agenda 21 is everywhere. all of the below is a part of it.”Art in public spaces” to my growing list of Agenda 21 programs. Below is the list to date.

    a requirement of a flagpole permit, at no charge, to verify proper footings and wind-load design
    introduction of wolves
    Actions that “enable the retrofitting of shopping malls and shopping centers into dense, walkable, mixed-use town centers”
    Fluoride and Aspartame
    outcome based education
    sustainable agriculture
    Community assets inventory
    Traffic Roundabouts
    greenways and bikeways
    conservation easements
    General Land use Plans
    Neighborhood groups
    Smart growth
    Smart Meters
    Community oriented policing
    opposition to suburban sprawl
    opposition to road expansions
    requirements that parking lots be paved
    requirements that commercial enterprises have a minimum number of parking spaces for various uses.
    the effort to regulate dietary supplements and organic foods
    Walkable Communities
    multi-use dwellings
    Buffer zones

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    this is fascinating stuff. read more

    1. Thanks for staying on top of the Agenda21 zaniness. We’ll try to hold up our end here in Virginia.

  4. larryg Avatar

    I noticed that JB did not write this – O’Keefe did. Not bad! More coming?

  5. Hydra Avatar

    The polluter should in principle bear the cost of pollution.


    Did anyone explain to these clowns that this is IMPOSSIBLE?

    Environmental economics 101. This simply cannot be done. Not now, not ever. It is a false principle.

    Anything I make will cause pollution, which I will do my best to clean up, but I will never be 100% successful.

    To the extent that I do clean up, that will be part of the cost of my product, which my customers will pay. The part I do not clean up will have costs which will be paid by everybody, customer or not.

    I am no agenda 21 nut case, but I believe such high level drivel is dangerous.

    People think, hey, the UN signed on to this, It must be right.

  6. Hydra Avatar

    The world can only support a certain number of people. The rest will die, whether we kill them deliberately or not.

    One day, we will learn what the objectively correct number is.

    But any accusation that the agenda is to reduce the population to some number, does nothing to discover what the objectively correct number might be.

  7. larryg Avatar

    ” Anything I make will cause pollution, which I will do my best to clean up, but I will never be 100% successful.

    To the extent that I do clean up, that will be part of the cost of my product, which my customers will pay. The part I do not clean up will have costs which will be paid by everybody, customer or not.”

    but it’s not your decision. what you pollute can be exceptionally harmful and persistent in the environment even if very small quantities.

    you cannot make that decision. those who would be harmed by your activities – other people also with property rights – make that decision and they do it through govt and through agencies of govt that represent the interests of all property owners.

    with your approach, each property owner gets to decide no matter how it might harm other property owners because in your words ” everyone will have to pay to clean up”.… you’re actually imposing costs on other property owners and they have a say in the matter also. This is why you must have a “permit”.

    You go and ask permission and they tell you what is allowed or not based on the rights of others also.

  8. I am still puzzled about what “sustainable” means. Without a clear definition, this is an avenue for allowing people to cheat –in both directions.

  9. larryg Avatar

    I’d like the answer to the “sustainable” question also.

  10. Hydra Avatar

    but it’s not your decision. what you pollute can be exceptionally harmful and persistent in the environment even if very small quantities.


    You are missing the point Larry. Given that something is produced it will result in polllution whaich cnnot be entirely cleaned up, nor should we suggest that it should be.

    It is an impossible situation, and regardless of how much is spent on cleanup and how much is not cleaned up the polluter WILL NOT be the one to bear the costs. The costs will be borne by his consumpers and also by everyone else.

    All that you can strive for is to reduce Total Cost = Production Cost + External Cost + Government Cost. Anything else is senseless.

    I think sustainability is generally considered to be an intergenerational thing. A practice is sustainable if the generation following will have the same access to resources as we have.

    The problem with this definition is athat it pretty much wipes out any use of nonrenewables, such as mining or drilling. By that argument we and our heirs will be better off if we NEVER use nonrenewables, which strikes me as a dumb argument. Presumably if we used up all the nonrenewables today, we would still make things with them that our heirs will inherit.

  11. larryg Avatar

    ” Given that something is produced it will result in polllution whaich cnnot be entirely cleaned up, nor should we suggest that it should be.

    It is an impossible situation, and regardless of how much is spent on cleanup and how much is not cleaned up the polluter WILL NOT be the one to bear the costs. The costs will be borne by his consumpers and also by everyone else.”

    but the harm of a specific substance can be huge and you’re advocating letting the polluter decide what he can pollute.

    Society CAN choose to NOT pollute that substance at all.

    No matter how profitable plutonium is to an entrepreneur, he does not get to decide if he can produce it.

    this is why you must have a permit no matter what it is you pollute.

    other property owners through govt will determine your right to pollute or not based on whether or not they want to pick up the cleanup costs.

    If they decide they do not want to pay the cleanup costs- you are denied a permit.

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