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Thanks to a Silent Partner

Today Becky Dale compiled her last daily digest of Virginia transportation/land use clips, a resource that I have leaned upon to keep track of developments across the state. I have owed much of my ability to keep tabs on obscure controversies and trends around Virginia to stories I have picked up from the email that arrives in my in-box every day.

Alas, Becky has decided that she has better things to do for the first hour or two (or more) of her mornings than scour the Internet — unpaid — on the behalf of others. (She also compiled a daily list of “open government” articles.) I admire her tenacity in sticking to the anonymous endeavor as long as she did. I owe her a great debt, and she has my everlasting gratitude. Whatever the Bacon’s Rebellion blog has achieved over the years is due in considerable part to her efforts.

Thanks, Becky. I don’t know what you’re going to do with all your free time now, but I hope you enjoy it!

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