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Thanks, Monsieur Warbucks!

By Peter Galuszka

Sometimes there are enlightened people out there.

This is point to shake up the Baconauts and Boomergeddons, but the New York Times has an editorial this morning about the enlightened rich.

Following the lead of Warren Buffett, the investment Sage of Oamaha who says he should pay more taxes: “Sixteen of France’s wealthiest individuals urged the government to raise their taxes. The Italian Formula One magnate Luca di Montezemolo publicly backed Mr. Buffett’s idea ‘for reasons of fairness and solidarity.’ About 50 of Germany’s richest people have been campaigning for a higher top tax rate since 2009.”

Now before the Chief Baconaut emerges from his cave-like basement office, and, scratching his eyes like a groundhog, starts to retort, let’s explain more from the Times editorial. These folk are motivated by “enlightened self-interest” besides true altruism.

Austerity, of the very type the Baconauts scream for, “is already economic economic growth on both sides of the Atlantic.” True Euro-Weenies, as the Chief Baconaut dubs them, are more inclined to protest than we stoic Americans, but the day could be coming with the overburdened poor and middle class start indicating they’ve had enough with cutting their kids education and their roads.

So, it’s something to think about. Policy should be taken away from the “I got mine now get away!” crowd. We should look at the good and needs of all.

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