By Peter Galuszka

It’s time for a pandemic reality check, especially at Bacon’s Rebellion.

The blog is flooded with post after post about how the coronavirus crisis is exaggerated and how Gov. Ralph Northam “King Ralph” is Public Enemy No. 1 and wields improper power by closing schools, bars, beaches, businesses and so on. I won’t mention names since you know who you are.

Add to backdrop the enforced parochialism at Bacon’s Rebellion, in which we aren’t supposed to think beyond the borders of the Old Dominion, despite the fact that Virginia has enormous ties with other countries and travel and contact are essential.

Among the most damning data about the lack of progress against the virus, led by the unspeakably incompetent leadership of Donald Trump and Virginia’s provincialism, can be found in a small story in today’s Washington Post.

As some readers may know, the European Union has finally loosened its travel rules, particularly for Canada, New Zealand and Japan. But not for the United States. Why? As of June 15, the E.U. had recorded only 15 new cases of COVID 19 infection per 100,000 for the previous two weeks. The U.S. recorded a whopping 145 cases per 100,000 for the same period.

That’s a big difference. One reason is that Republican governors, urged on by conservatives and Trump, reopened their states to business too soon. The virus shot up and has been recording record new levels. Some in Virginia have pushed for the same thing.  At BR, we are treated to daily rants about the need to reopen schools with specious claims that school children are largely immune. Such reporting is completely irresponsible.

The Rest of the World may not be important to Bacons Rebellion where Europeans have been referred to derisively as “Euroweenies.”But it definitely is to Virginia. Northern Virginia has perhaps the largest concentration of globally-minded government and private industry offices. Washington-Dulles International Airports is one of the most important global transportation hubs in the world.

If you want to go to Europe anytime in the near future, forget it, unless, you are a diplomat, own property there, are there on a family visit or are an agricultural worker. You might get into the United Kingdom, but you have to quarantine for 14 days (about the length of most vacations). If you don’t, the Brits will stick you with a $1,250 fine.

Trade is affected which is important for Virginians since Hampton Roads has some of the world’s busiest and most developed port facilities. After Canada and China, E.U. countries such as the U.K. and Belgium are major importers of goods from the Old Dominion.

Schools such as the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech get big boosts by hosting foreign students and sending U.S. ones to study abroad. That’s in jeopardy.

Once again, it is crucial that Virginians look at the cold, hard facts. It is essential to consider how the U.S. is viewed overseas. Under Trump, the U.S. has lost its role as the leader of the free world. We are scorned by other countries. I know since I have many overseas friends and this is what they tell me.

COVID 19 is Exhibit A.

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58 responses to “Thank Europe For a Badly Needed Reality Check”

  1. Peter, you may think you are the only contributor to this blog who is aware of what is happening around the world, but you’re not. Instead of comparing the number of cases per 100,000, try comparing the number of deaths per 100,000 and see what you come up with.

    While you’re comparing the U.S. to Europe, oh Wise and Cosmopolitan One, try contrasting the school re-opening model of states in the U.S. with the school re-opening approach in European countries.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Well, we could wait until we actually stop dying to compare, but that may take awhile. We haven’t even reached a peak.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Here is another cautionary tale from Europe, but with a different slant than Peter’s and it has to do with deaths. Sweden decided to forego the shutdowns, etc. that other countries tried. For a while, it seemed to be working. But then it wasn’t. As a result, the country has experienced substantially more deaths per capita than even the U.S. Furthermore, keeping the economy “open” did not spare the country from economic harms. The country’s central bank projects that its economy will contract by 4.5 percent this year. In short, Sweden suffered a vastly higher death rate while failing to collect on the expected economic gains.

    3. There were 2,343 total deaths in Virginia using the CDC death certificate numbers for COVID-19 and COVID-19 with Pneumonia from 2/1/20 to 7/4/20. (This is higher than the VDH death total of 1853 on July 4 or 1937 today.)

      Divided by 8.536 million population x 100,000, the result is a
      death rate of 27.45 per hundred thousand.

      This is significantly less than the Johns Hopkins number of 40.44 for the entire U.S. as of today.

      If the Commonwealth had acted on long term care facility outbreaks more effectively the death rate could have been lower. Our long term care facility outbreaks are still increasing, and LTCF deaths are still close to 60% of all COVID-19 deaths in Virginia.

      The COVID Tracking Project has several graphs and options comparing Virginia to the U.S. total.

  2. PackerFan Avatar

    But Jim, Peter read it in the Washington Post, so it has to be true. Plus he has friends overseas who apparently speak for everyone over there. Like you, I kind of thought deaths were the most important stat to track since so many who test positive never show any symptoms.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jon. Would love to see more posts with a global outlook. Instead, I get small time rants from Kerry D.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      They don’t even qualify as provincial… more rear window point of view.

  4. Policy Student Avatar
    Policy Student

    In April, I prepared a lengthy post-Covid economic development plan for the HR region, as part of a doctoral class. This was not distributed, as it was for my own learning purposes. My main recommendation was for the region to assist as many businesses as possible achieve long-term remote work. Admittedly, certain sectors, such as the Port, logistics, and tourism, are less suited to teleworking. My hope was that continued teleworking would help to curb long-term spread, and mitigate the need for additional shutdowns.

    I share Peter’s concern that international perceptions could impede trade. I hope my fears are unwarranted. Recent Port volume has been pretty stable.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Mr. Peter how do you explain this? Picture is a thousand words right? I think the bars are closed again in the UK.

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Packer fan. The point I am trying to make is that countries that took infections seriously with strong solutions are in better shape than we are. By opening too soon, we are doing far more damage. Also, there is a strong anti-science mindset on this blog. More “deep state” nonsense

  7. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Bacon beat me to it. Still, I’ll try to elaborate.

    Go to the front page of today’s WSJ.

    Check out the big Covid-19 infection and death chart at the top of the fold on that WSJ front page. Note the explosion of new Covid 19 inflections soaring above past months. Why this sudden explosion?

    This explosion of infections is thanks to constant mass rioting in our inner cities. It also is thanks to mass protesting in our cities. This explosion of infections also is thanks to summertime celebrations (Memorial day and Fourth of July long weekends, and June-teenth day), and to mass beach and mountain vacations long needed for heath and sanity.

    This explosion of mass infections also is thanks to the long and critically needed re-opening of the American economy and busnesses on which our nation’s and peoples’ survival depends.

    This explosion of reported infections is also due to the fact that testing across the nation is also exploding like never before.

    Hence, now like never before within, the base of active infections is larger than ever before as would be expected given that the virus as well as the testing is spreading across nation for the first time in many cases, again as never before.

    Note too that there are far more known infections long past and in the present nationwide that even before, in addition to mass past Covid infections that now are long past in the American population that likely never will be known, given those past infections showed no Covid-19 symptoms, or symptoms so so mild they were hardly notice by the infected. For the same reasons, today there are far, likely far more, infections among our American population than will ever be recorded or known.

    In addition, there are and always have been far more Americans today that immune to Covid 19 altogether for reasons not fully understood, but having nothing to do have recovered from Covid -19.

    Now, look at the last line of today’s WSJ front page chart of Covid 19 infections, and note the low flat lining of deaths from Covid – 19, actually still declining. Why? How can this possible be?

    The reasons are many, but all were predicted here on Bacon’s Rebellion by some, myself included, who listened carefully to those few experts who knew what they were talking about. And most all of it is very good news, on numerous fronts.

    An Hint to Peter as to his statement: “One reason is that Republican governors, urged on by conservatives and Trump, reopened their states to business too soon … Among the most damning data about the lack of progress against the virus, led by the unspeakably incompetent leadership of Donald Trump and Virginia’s provincialism. Peter’s statement is more of his typical propaganda to advance his own prejudices and political agenda.

    Now, as Jim

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      What is your evidence that the increase in positive COVID-19 cases can be attributed to “mass rioting” or the protests? Most medical experts disagree with you.
      Even the Wall Street Journal has reported there is little evidence that the protests led to an increase in the spread of the disease, contrary to what experts had feared. A recent, lengthy report by the National Bureau of Economic Research reached the same conclusion.
      As for the Trump administration’s claim that the surge in positive results is due to more testing, which you repeat, that also is false.
      You ask why the number of deaths is not increasing. Simple; there is a lag from infections to deaths. As shown by the New York Times in its daily charts, the seven-day average in deaths is beginning to increase.

      1. MAdams Avatar

        I think it would be preposterous to claim that infections didn’t see an uptick given the protests. People were in close proximity (inside of prescribed social distancing) some were wearing masks, others were not. Angry people yell and scream and that can produce significant virus laced particulate.

        If people were not allowed to worship, even in parking lots because of increased risk of infection than most certainly protests and riots increased infection. That is just plain commonsense.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      Dick –

      With today’s corrupt news, you can find any opinion you want. The idea that rioting and protests in the streets didn’t move the needle on Covid 19 infections is perfect example. So is the claim that increased testing does not lead to an increases in reported cases. It’s false on its face.

      What the press and other biased studies cannot lie about are the death counts even thought they likely have been inflated somewhat by the death certificate and death reporting as doctors have focused on Covid 19 to the exclusion of much else since late March, and the inherently complex nature of most all death by disease.

      Despite that fact, the death counts have generally been decreasing, often without regard to cases, since early May, and deaths have been far far lower overall as a ratio to infections than was predicted, modeled, or projected by the “experts,” except with regard to elderly over sixty five years old with serious comorbitities and limited lifespans in many cases.

      Sorry to disappoint, but this is not the deadly pandemic that apparently many fear mongers among us wished for as regards to other people’s deaths within the general population. Nor is it anywhere close as regards infection to death ratios as compared to most other serious pandemics, such as Spanish flu of 1917/18.

      Your final claim does have merit, namely:
      “there is a lag from infections to deaths. As shown by the New York Times in its daily charts, the seven-day average in deaths is beginning to increase.”

      There is little doubt that more deaths (an increase in numbers) now is more likely in our future than not, given the dramatic rise of cases. That we will of course see one way or another. But to say it was avoidable in hindsight and this great expansion of cases is or was easily avoidable, and not worth the cost of our reopening up for our economic and mental survival and herd immunity, is way premature, likely irresponsible, and also likely unanswerable save by God, through some of us will claim that godlike omniscience and wisdom for themselves, and already do so.

      But now, as of today, thanks to the efforts of a great many people, we are far better armed and prepared than before on all fronts for this likely unavoidable increases in cases. For example;

      1/ Despite claims in the excitable hyper-active liberal press, the shortage of ICU beds, ventilators, PPE, and the like, will not be an issue except in possible instances of local incompetence. These supples are in good and highly mobile supply.

      2/ Hospitals and health care facilities, and individual health care providers are far more knowledgeable and prepared to handle these infected cases, and reduce the chances of death.

      3/ We now likely are far closer to herd immunity in local hot spots and flare up spots, and generally, than is commonly recognized and/or publicly admitted to, and we are now likely tightening up the defenses for the elderly in nursing homes and other congregate care facilities, leaving the virus with a far healthier younger crowd to pick on, with far less success of putting in those younger folks into ICUs, on Ventilators, and/or into the grave.

      4/ We now have a far better knowledge of what works and what does not work protection wise in our daily living – social distancing, masks, and the differing consequences of differing types of social gatherings, and we are gaining this knowledge with each passing day thanks to our willingness to experiment to find solutions, instead of hiding underneath our beds like frightened children, and imposing lock-downs by tyrannical mandates that postpone healthy recovery and herd immunity of our peoples, while improvising out working people and our economy, not to mention our children’s education and their parents and their our mental and emotional health and development.

      It’s time for our leaders and our press and social media to stop playing scare politics with Covid -19. Good luck with that.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You offer no evidence of your own, but brush off the evidence offered by me, which points to conclusions you do not like, as “prejudicial” and from “corrupt news” without bothering to explain how it is prejudicial. I purposefully did not cite any articles from the Washington Post or New York Times because I know you automatically discard anything from those papers. So, I cited the Wall Street Journal, which you seem to regard as the source of all truth, and a report by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Jim Bacon has cited reports from NBER in these pages. Here is how he described the work of that organization: “The research is far more rigorous from a methodological perspective than the work product of special-interest and advocacy groups, hence more worthy of serious consideration — even when it leads to public-policy implications I don’t like!”

        Your approach is to cite your opinion, offer no evidence in support of that opinion, and summarily dismiss any evidence that is contrary to that opinion. Such contrary evidence is prejudicial, by definition, in your view, even if it comes from the Wall Street Journal or other highly respected sources outside the major media.

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed. I don’t agree you. My privilege.But please knock of these personal attacks. I almost said something when you questioned TomH’s personal integrity when he gave his views on energy. He knows more about this than you or I. Okay?

    1. MAdams Avatar

      Is it not fairly hypocritical for you to complain about “personal attacks” when the 3rd comment on this article is you making one?

      “Jon. Would love to see more posts with a global outlook. Instead, I get small time rants from Kerry D.”

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      I did not attack Tom, I asked a simple long overdue question. And you attack with this: “Fawell does not make the distinction and suggests that commenters are somehow on the take.”

      As long as you continue your highly bias and unfair reporting, cherry picking facts to attack those you deem your political opponents while you call it “news, I am going to call you out on it. Maybe then you will give up your chronic case of projection, never failing to accuse others of the very thing you continually engage in.

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I am not attacking Dougherty personally but I have my opinion about the value of her contribution. She had every right to comment and her opinions. Fawell does not make the distinction and suggests that commenters are somehow on the take. I appreciate different viewpoints but spare me lectures on the decline of Western civilization and what socialism really means (from people who have never lived in a socialist Country. I am supposed to listen to them because THEY KNOW). I might have said nothing years ago but since I am pushing 70, I no longer care,

    1. MAdams Avatar

      Sure you are, you indicated that she offers nothing but small time rants. That implies you don’t believe she should be given a voice.

      I have never lived in a “Communist or Socialist” country, that doesn’t mean I’m not educated on the topic. I’ve also worked with a litany of people who escaped eastern block countries and have spoken about their experiences. Are their life experiences less than yours? You were a visitor, you weren’t a subject that is a big distinction.

      So again, wasn’t it a hair hypocritical of you to complain while doing the very thing you complained about. Also, just as an FYI they are called Ad homs and it’s a logically fallacy, where you’re attacking the person not the message.

    2. sbostian Avatar

      With respect to having lived in a socialist country as the only source of legitimacy to opine on socialism is a bit like saying that only cancer victims are qualified to opine that cancer is a bad thing. I too am pushing 70 and beginning to care less about what people think. However, I do try to refrain from personal attacks – albeit not always successfully. However, I do have a sincere, and I hope, polite question: Since you seem to feel that most of the people who participate here are beneath your serious consideration, why are you a regular contributor? I assume that you are an accomplished person, but frankly the level of venom in your articles and replies is an obstacle to seriously considering your ideas.

  10. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    I lived in France as a child. I’ve been back twice in the past five years, and was due to go this spring (a stop on a longer Viking cruise.) Paris Je T’aime. But whether or not I can go to France without a quarantine is of zero importance to me compared to other issues. Shutting down our economy and schools with all that attending damage is not worth doing just so I can travel again to France. Please.

    Nobody in Europe is going to refuse the purchase of American products because of the virus. Or vice versa. The problem there are the protectionist trade policies of the Current Occupant. Somehow I think Peter was going to vote against him, and use this blog to constantly rail against him, with or without COVID-19. Duh.

    Peter and Bacon’s Rebellion reminds me of the old joke about Baptists in Heaven. They suffer from the illusion that nobody else should be allowed in. So you just tip-toe around them.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Oh, where? I lived in La Celle Saint Cloud, Rocquencourt actually. The apartment is still there. Well, of course, Europe. None of the houses or apartments I lived in as a child here in the states are still around. One bad thing about Google Earth, I suppose.

      Baptists in heaven are easy to spot. They form long conga lines and kick the one in front of them in the rear. Found out there’s no Hell.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Nancy, I lived in Nancy. Way too young for memories.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Lucky you. I’ve been cursed with a memory that has left me with many things I wish I could forget.

  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Steve H. You have me pegged. Don’t get me started about Trump’s nutty trade policies, especially with partners like Canada where many Canadian exporters to the U.S> are wholly owned subsidiaries or JVs with American companies. All he’s doing is jacking up prices for U.S. consumers.

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    SBostian. I have a point of view and it does not conform to some on this blog. As to why I contribute, that’s a good question. Let’s just say I have been doing so for most of the past 15 years. It really is of no moment to me whether you read me or not. I don’t think my “venom” is any more toxic than the put downs and dog whistles that I read elsewhere here.

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    There has been tremendous political pressure in this country against lockdowns, even restrictions, and masks bot GOP and Dem governors.

    It’s been pointed out over and over that even though the virus is highly contagious that younger folks survive it and thus shutting down the economy made no sense.

    So, we’ve opened up and now the cases are exploding but again, it’s pointed out that the death rate is not.

    So a lot of Europe (not Sweden) and Asia but not Latin America , did have more Draconian lockdowns and pretty much squashed the rate of infection – and we – a lot of us, basically were pretty skeptical of the science since there were a plethora of views and opinions we ended up with a variety of different “open up” approaches and it took a few weeks but it has exploded.

    There are still a fair number of people who think that it’s inevitable that most will get infected anyhow and as long as we keep the rate lower than our hospital ICU capacities that we’re just doing what is inevitable anyhow.

    I mean, heckfire, if we’re not dying like flies… what’s the problem?

    Apparently the governors of the big outbreak states are not so sanguine though as they are starting to lock back down.

    And schools !!! LORD!

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      It is always a cost-benefit analysis. Nobody is going to go back to the restrictions of March. There is no need to. I have no problem with the government prohibiting bar service or large crowds at licensed facilities. They have (ahem) state licenses and thus are subject to regulation. Hard to prevent crowds on private property, though. The increasing cases are probably not due to people returning to work or spending more time in stores, or even in well-spaced restaurant spaces. It is pretty clearly young fools packed together to party, party, party….(and yes, then they go give it to others….)

      Much of what scared people three months ago turned out to be safe. You don’t pick this crap up from surfaces easily, and being out in the fresh, humid air is quite safe. Just don’t stand there in the park in a crowd chattering away…..Being on the beach is quite safe, but packing into the beach hotel elevator or bar, not so much.

      Again, just do the cost-benefit on closing the schools for another full semester or year. The economic and educational costs is huge, with the heaviest and worst impacts on the kids with poor Internet access and no real home support structure.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      “I mean, heckfire, if we’re not dying like flies… what’s the problem?”

      You finally got it. The difference between a disease and a fatal disease is immense in regard to what precautions are appropriate. The lower the fatality rate from COVID-19 the less stringent the lockdown measures should be. The only thing I find surprising is that you find this surprising.

      As far as governors locking back down – this is happening in China, Spain and Australia, just to name three countries. Get used to it.

      And while it’s clear that you’d rather discuss COVID-19 for political purposes, some of us actually care about the people who have died from this disease. Here is the list of US states with the highest fatality rates per 100,000 people:

      Tell me again about the genius of the Democrat controlled states in managing the real issue with this disease – namely, people dying.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” “I mean, heckfire, if we’re not dying like flies… what’s the problem?”

        You finally got it. The difference between a disease and a fatal disease is immense in regard to what precautions are appropriate. The lower the fatality rate from COVID-19 the less stringent the lockdown measures should be. The only thing I find surprising is that you find this surprising.

        As far as governors locking back down – this is happening in China, Spain and Australia, just to name three countries. Get used to it.”

        right – so if we’re not dying like flies – why the lockdowns even from GOP folks?

        How come they’re not saying: ” low death rate, we’re good to go on staying open”?

        I know now Northam and the Dems feel but I can’t figure out the GOP folks… and, in fact, they seem to wanting to open schools – at the same time they’r closing bars and beaches. What gives?

  14. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    American Exceptionalism was summed up best by the Conservative’s favorite Brit, Winston Churchill, when he said something akin to, “You can count on America to do the right thing, but not until they exhaust all other alternatives.”

    We’re just doing what Winny said we would. We’re still in the exhausting stage.

  15. djrippert Avatar

    Well Peter, that was quite a rant. I call it a rant because it covered 8 different criticisms by my count.

    1. People on this blog think Coronavirus is exaggerated. I do. In my mind the key is the number of deaths. There was a time in April when the daily death toll was staggering. Here in July the death toll is still bad but not nearly what it was in April. Pretending that “cases” is the critical factor without consideration of deaths is fear mongering in my opinion.

    2. Ralph Northam as public enemy #1. He failed to institute a competent testing regime when many other governors succeeded with their testing. He botched the nursing home issue. Virginia stands at #22 out of 50 states in terms of COVID-19 deaths per 100,000. I won’t call Ralph Northam “King” because that’s an insult. And insult to decent members of royalty that is. Do you know that the empty suited buffoon is still sending people without having been tested for COVID-19 to nursing homes after they are discharged from hospitals despite pleas from providers? One such patient developed COVID-19 shortly after returning to Canterbury.

    3. BaconsRebellion is parochial, not concerned with the rest of the world. I agree with you. As you know I have pushed for a broader purview for the blog among the regular contributors but have been unsuccessful in convincing them to broaden our scope. And for the record … my job took me all over the world. I have been to more countries than I can count. I was in Ukraine in January of this year and Mexico in February.

    4. The EU won’t let Americans in without a quarantine. I could care less. Spain just imposed a second lockdown in Galacia. The Australians are locking down Melbourne again. The Chinese had to impose lockdown measures in Beijing in mid-June. This is far from a problem only affecting Republican run states. As a matter of fact, the ten US states with the highest numbers of COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 are (in order) NY, NJ, CT, MA, RI, DC, LA, MI, IL, MD. Not exactly a who’s who of Republican control.

    5. Trump is incompetent. Maybe so but the choice was a delusional megalomaniac vs an out and out con artist / criminal. This time the Democrats are putting forth a candidate who seems to have serious cognitive ability issues. Biden would have been a decent choice 20 years ago but he’s the best the Dems can do in 2020?

    6. Trade is affected by America’s COVID-19 response. Probably not much. As for Trump and “free trade” with Canada – take a look at Canada’s tariffs on imported dairy then tell me how much free trade is really happening. Liberals have been willing to let the US play the fool in international trade agreements for years. Trump was right to call this out.

    7. Universities may have a hard time bringing back international students. Why would the international students want to come back if the teaching is virtual? Also, don’t the universities want fewer students on campus so they can implement social distancing?

    8. US leadership role diminished. when a country has a sizable minority (liberals) who hate the country and consider it an abysmal moral failure throughout its history it’s hard to command a leadership role. This is especially true when the country’s largest media outlets put forth a steady stream of often erroneous tripe like the New York Times 1619 Project.

    1. TBill Avatar

      3. As a sometimes article contributor, just to be clear, Jim mandates Virginia focus on the articles, usually.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        Yes. It’s a soft mandate since you can usually stretch just about anything to apply to Virginia but the spirit of the blog’s rules are that articles should have some reasonable connection to Virginia.

  16. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Fair points, Ripper
    Reed, I keep telling you what I write is analytic commentary. Of course it is biased. It is not “news” it is commentary. I can do both but you don’t seem to get it.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I agree with you on the commentary point. Everything i write is commentary.
      I have no background in journalism and would inevitably screw up something if I tried to fairly report the news. You are a trained journalist but you choose to write commentary. That should be fine.

      I always select “Commentary” on the list of attributes that can be chosen when you post. That selection adds the work “Commentary” to the top of the post.

    2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      “Reed, I keep telling you what I write is analytic commentary.”

      Give up on the “analytic,” Peter.

    3. WayneS Avatar

      At risk of being labeled one of those who doesn’t have a clue, did you in any way label your posting as commentary or opinion? If you did, I did not see it.

      Also, if it is not labeled as commentary how is a casual reader supposed to know it is commentary, especially since the words “I think”, “in my opinion”, etc., appear nowhere in the article?

      I am not trying to be snarky – I seriously want to know.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        but what else could it be other than commentary?

        1. WayneS Avatar

          A [purportedly] factual piece?

          As DJ noted above: “I always select “Commentary” on the list of attributes that can be chosen when you post.”

          1) Is it too much to ask that others do likewise?
          2) The fact that “commentary” is one of the choices for describing an article implies that items posted here can and might be something “other than commentary”.

  17. SGillispie Avatar

    Like most of Galusxka’s posts this one is a factually inaccurate attack on his favorite villains with insults, smears, misdirection, erroneous “factual” statements, and self-serving preening.
    I think most of us would take billions more in payments for NATO over the approval’s of Peter’s friends.
    Apparently Peter’s friends aren’t the one who went into panic mode that Trump might withdraw troops from Germany.
    Apparently Peter is unaware of the school policies of most of Europe or the COVID policies of a considerable number of European countries.
    Apparently Peter does not value the millions of jobs and vastly improved revenues from the USMCA or have any understanding or awareness of the terrible flaws of the former trade agreement.
    Apparently, Peter would gladly support China’s rape of the US and the Western world which Trump’s trade policies are thwarting to the consternation of the Biden family and other progressives enriching themselves pimping for China.
    Apparently, Peter doesn’t give much credence to the praise of Trump and his policies by the President of Mexico.
    And as comments have shown, Peter’s idea of a personal attack is when he is criticized. Unless you are “player” in his terms which probably means you are a progressive Democrat, as he explained to me in another exchange, he feels perfectly free to make personal attacks.
    There is a lot more wrong with Peter’s rant but these comments should suffice to meet BR’s guidelines for acceptable rebuttal.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      My personal rules on personal attacks:

      1. Never for blog post writers or commenters on this blog.
      2. Never in blog articles.
      3. Occasionally for Democrats in comments.

      Consistent? “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

      1. WayneS Avatar

        What about nitwits?

  18. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Gee whiz, Gillispie, I guess I hit a nerve. But I haven’t really gotten into NATO, North American trade and the other issues you bring up.. You presume to state my position on these and other issues but you really don’t know what it is. My guess is that my biggest sin is bringing up the floundering Donald Trump. Maybe you should read the Bolton book although I am not exactly a fan of his, either.

  19. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    You know what. One of the most amusing moments for me on this blog was when the US hunted down Osama Bin Ladin. I merely pointed out that this happened in the watch of President Obama. The
    outcry was hilarious!

  20. SGillispie Avatar

    Typically you flatter yourself. Your writings are too shallow, partisan, and hate-filled to hit a nerve or be taken seriously.
    As for Bolton and Trump’s niece and all of MSM and writers like yourself a lot of people have found that the progressive left will reward them handsomely for their political porn.

  21. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    TBill. I am aware of that. I contend that what happens internationally very definitely affects a Virginia. After all, the pentagon, CIA and lots of other stuff are all here. Most of the world’s Internet traffic flows through Virginia. It has a great port and naval and Air Force base. Its state colleges are sought after by foreign students. It’s not all about trashing the governor or inside baseball about the General Assembly. I get sick of such local yokel, down-in-the-weeks attention. At BusinessWeek, these were called “peanut vendor” stories. While you concentrate on the sale, you
    Miss the whole ball game

  22. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Gillispie. I never mentioned the niece book. You are falsely attributing to me things I never said. As for Bolton, I don’t trust the guy but he does gave solid GOP credentials. You should stop making things up about me. I don’t presume to know your broad views but then, they are not of much interest.

  23. SGillispie Avatar

    LOL! Maybe one reason for the failures in your postings is cognitive ability. If you comprehend what I actually said, you would realize how silly your latest comment is.

  24. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Gillispie. I am beginning to enjoy your responses.

  25. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    One more thing, Gillispie. I like taunting you. It’s my way of coaxing Oz from behind the curtain.

  26. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Reed. Your opinion. My commentary.

  27. LarrytheG Avatar

    WSJ this morning:

    ” U.S. stock futures pointed to a lower open and investors piled into the safety of government bonds as jitters mounted about the recovery from Covid-19 lockdowns.

    Global investors appeared to grow increasingly concerned about the impact of the coronavirus spread in the U.S. on the economic outlook, and sought shelter in government bonds Friday. The yield on the 30-year Treasury fell to 1.279%, its lowest since May, and the yield on the 10-year Treasury hit 0.582%, its lowest since April.

    “At some stage you accept the reality that Covid hasn’t gone away, that it’s going to have an impact on all economies in terms of social distancing until we have a vaccine,” said Brian O’Reilly, head of market strategy for Mediolanum International Funds.”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner


      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Sometimes, the most simple and obvious things cannot be seen by ever the most educated people. This shows those people to be ideologues. And it’s critically necessary to understand that ideologues are maladjusted highly educated people, like Lenin, for example. And they bred even more ideologues, soldiers and bureaucrats, by the thousands to enlist the turn believer followers in the righteous path their ideologue leaders sick visions of how their society and all other people within it must believe, behave and act in order to fulfill the private, twisted vision of the ideologue leaders.

        This is where America, its ruling classes, its many levels of governments, and its schools and universities, and many of its largest high tech companies are now strongly trending, by reason of their indoctrination that has been ongoing in American schools for decades now, under our noses, without our complaint.

  28. SGillispie Avatar

    I think trending is the wrong word. We are there.
    There is a new religion spreading across the US and those who fail to accept its doctrines are being punished. If you consider the treatment of Manafort and Flynn which of course is the harbinger of what is to come for all us, the methods may be a little less brutal physically than the Inquisition, but no less devastating.

  29. CrazyJD Avatar

    Just saw and got through reading this thread when I should have been outside digging in the garden according to my wife’s instructions.

    Because I read the whole thing through instead of responding on the fly, I was taken by the amount of petty bickering that apparently passes for commentary on this blog, but which seems more accurately described as self-entertainment. By the time I got toward the end and the shots fired got shorter and shorter in length, I was expecting Jim to come in and cut it off.

    1. Peter, by his own implicit admission, gets a kick out of kicking up dust.

    2. Others seem to enjoy punching back in rope-a-dope fashion,

    3. Very few of us cover ourselves in glory.

    For a view of how conversation coming from both sides of the political spectrum can turn into something useful, follow the link below to a two-man conference that went down Thursday. These two came from opposite ends of the political spectrum 20 years ago and who now occupy the center, more or less.

    Gene Rivers was a gang member in Philadelphia. Can’t remember how he wound up at Harvard other than you will see that the guy is extremely bright. He then became a street preacher. My wife and I saw him at a W&L program in the late 90’s, where it’s apparent by his words and the company he kept (Elizabeth MacAllister) that he was a radical leftist. This was before he and Robbie George, a Princeton professor who runs the conservative James Madison program, started working together on stuff.

    The program is on policing and reform. Skip the introductory kudos to each other and start at 10:01.

    Nancy, what could be the bad memories of living a couple of clicks from the Versailles north gate? I can’t imagine the unpleasantness of the current banlieue Parisien had reached Rocquencout when you lived there, or anything else bad. Well…maybe the A13 running through the center of the town, which could have caused what I-95 caused when it was run through Jackson Ward .

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