Televised Debate Announced

The UVA Center for Politics and NBC 12 Richmond have announced agreement on a televised debate in October between gubernatorial candidates Tim Kaine and Jerry Kilgore. Russ Potts will be invited “if he demonstrates at least 15 percent support in public polls.” Professor Larry Sabato will moderate.

From the press release:

This 2005 gubernatorial debate will take place in the Richmond studios of NBC 12 and will be made available via satellite for live broadcast to all television stations regardless of network affiliation. It will be up to each station to decided [sic] whether to carry the debate; citizens are encouraged to contact their local station to urge that they carry the debate. While specific details will be negotiated in the near future, the format will be similar to that of the gubernatorial debate that the Center for Politics hosted in 2001.

All you Potts fans, hope Rasmussen or Mason-Dixon calls you.

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  1. Shaun Kenney Avatar
    Shaun Kenney

    So I guess it’s time to ask the question: whom does Potts hurt more?

  2. Not Larry Sabato Avatar
    Not Larry Sabato

    The real question is whether bloggers have hit it big enough that we are invited as one of the panelists.

    We accept your invite in advance, Mr. Larry Sabato

  3. Will Vehrs Avatar
    Will Vehrs

    Sorry, NLS, bloggers will be evaluated at the Sorensen conference by the real Larry’s crack team of pundit developers, then six will be chosen to compete for the coveted panelist position. Competitors will be judged on such things as “bumping,” concealing questions in a long-winded speech, discovery of obscure quotes, and references to issues affecting less than 1% of the electorate.

  4. Who required the 15% for Potts?

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Who do you think required the 15 percent for Potts? Hell, if Potts is polling 15 percent, leaving 75-80 for the others to split (there are always undecided/refused) this will be one fabulous race to the wire. And if Potts shows up over 10, the public pressure to include him anyway will overpower the 15 percent rule.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    And of course this means Potts will get plenty of ink and air time and blog-blather as those crucial arguments about his inclusion or exclusion come to a head.

  7. I think I can see Senor Kilgore riding off into the great Southwest sunset.

  8. Lets see how Potts likes the way Nader/Cobb/Badnarik were treated.

    This democracy thing ain’t working anymore with this media.

  9. TheModerate Avatar

    Since when do Larry Sabato and Jerry Kilgore get to dictate who participates in a debate?

    We have a standard in Virginia and it’s 10,000 signatures. Potts got over 24,000. 5,000 more than Tim Kaine.

    To not let Potts in would simply give him more FREE name ID. So, technically, it’s a win-win for Potts.

  10. a nun a mouse Avatar
    a nun a mouse

    I’m not sure of this, but I recall that Jesse Ventura started low in the polls in his three man race in MN, and gradually crept up when the main party guys looked like tweedleydee/dum. WHen he got to a critical point where the public thought a vote for him would not be wasted, he really got going. I’m all for three at the debate because three is a mystical number — the Trinity, the Stooges, the Blind Mice, etc.

  11. Hmm… the 15-percent solution? That’s not really a fair percent to judge the Potts campaign. The gap between Kaine and Kilgore is less than seven percent.

    If Potts captures 8-to-10-percent of the vote, he will impact the eventual winner of the race.

    That’s a crying shame.

    ~ the blue dog

  12. Not Larry Sabato Avatar
    Not Larry Sabato

    Can we get back on topic here guys? Screw Russ Potts. The real question is will Not Larry Sabato get into this debate as a co-moderator with Larry Sabato?

  13. Rural Not Stupid Avatar
    Rural Not Stupid

    My question is this. How can Russ Potts get more that 15% in 2 polls when there is only one poll that will name him in the poll?!?

  14. Dave Burgess Avatar
    Dave Burgess

    Echoing NLS, “Screw Potts”!

    Having got that out of my system, to answer RNS’s question, I’d say who cares. Potts scored only nine percent in a named poll and a consistent five percent in five other polls without Potts’ name.

    These numbers will not change much in the end, proving the vast majority of Virginians either know Potts is a liar and a fraud or they know Potts as a flake.

    In other words, most Virginians aren’t as stupid as Rural and desire better qualities for their next Governor.

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    Tucker Martin, Kilgore’s Press Secretary upon hearing the news of the Mason Dixon poll that had Potts at 9%:

    “Fundamentally wrong,”. “There is absolutely no evidence anywhere to support the conclusions of this poll.”

    Perhaps what we are seeing now from Kilgore is “Plan B”.

    For more, here is the link,,0,3508974.story?coll=dp-opinion-editorials

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    Now that we have an agreement that allows Potts in a debate if he reaches 15%, look for Dems to start pushing Potts in the polls in an open attempt to get him in.

  17. The group pushing Potts is Kilgore & Co.

    Push on fellows.

  18. Anonymous Avatar

    If Potts can’t get 15 percent then he doesn’t deserve to be in the debate.

  19. Anonymous Avatar


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