Teacher Shortage Update: Fairfax and Richmond

As students get ready to return to school later this month, Fairfax County classrooms are 97% staffed, incoming Superintendent Michelle C. Reid told parents in a July 28 letter to parents and staff. “We are working hard to continue to fill those remaining vacancies and to ensure that we will have a licensed educator in every classroom.”

The Fairfax Education Association said it believes the county has about 600 remaining vacancies, and that openings may be more common in low-income, Title I schools, reports WTOP News. With about 13,300 FTE teaching positions in Fairfax schools, that implies a vacancy rate of about 4.5%, not far off from Reid’s estimate.

The concentration of vacancies in Title I schools is revealing. It is consistent with widespread anecdotal and district-level evidence that the teachers who are resigning are burned out from working conditions in high-poverty schools.

Speaking of which… The City of Richmond schools are chipping away at its teaching vacancies, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. As of July 29, the system reported 163 teacher vacancies. The city is using significant financial incentives to recruit teachers to the unfilled positions. River City Middle School is facing the biggest void with 20 vacant teacher slots. System-wide, the city has reduced the shortfall among bus drivers from 19 positions mid-July to five now, but schools still are facing a shortage of 50 food service assistants.


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34 responses to “Teacher Shortage Update: Fairfax and Richmond”

  1. Not far off numerically, but 3% vs 4.5% is a 50% difference.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Unless, of course, fully staffed is 30 persons…

      1. Correct. But I have a sneaking suspicion that Fairfax County Schools employ significantly more than 30 persons…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Didn’t we cover this last week with employees and workers?

          1. You’re right. Fairfax County Schools have about 24,000 employees. But how many workers do they have?

            Assuming each person counted towards staffing is also be a worker, not just an employee, it is possible that Fairfax County Schools can be fully staffed with only 30 persons…

  2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    So let’s set up a parent complaint hotline, complain about books, and suggest they are teaching CRT. And then wonder why teachers are quitting.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      when you ask Conservatives this question, you get this:


  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Fauquier needs over 40 teachers. School starts Monday. Not an auspicious beginning for a school year. Are we about to relive last year all over again???

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Nope. In person, what the folks want and they’ll hire….. someone….. for sure.. if for nothing else than study hall… you oughta know that answer, no?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Year 4 starts. Like this?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yep. these days, one has to really, really, really WANT to teach, right?

          so you take a babysit/study hall job if you don’t think there is a much of a future in it, ready to bail if the ignorati herd up for another attack. right?

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Again, we have met the enemy and he is us… no… wait, it’s YOU. Dump on teachers about books, CRT, and LBGTQ students, and scream, shout, and threaten at SB meetings and then wonder why the underpaid, led by the ungrateful, finally grew tired of doing the impossible…

    1. Teachers who left for those reasons were motivated by a desire to indoctrinate, not educate. Good riddance. If they can’t handle criticism, they can’t learn, and if they can’t learn they are not qualified to teach.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The link between teachers and abortions is what, exactly?

      1. Warmac9999 Avatar

        Democrats are obsessed with sex of all kinds. Their constant emphasis on abortion and perversion for all is obvious.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, I can give you one — lack of proper Sex Education in public schools.

        Besides, is your name Youngkin?

        1. Other than as a means of escaping responsibility for irresponsible behavior, how does abortion fit into ”
          proper Sex Education” in public schools?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, it would possibly keep Republicans from saying, “A woman can’t get pregnant if it’s a ‘legitimate’ rape.” Hell, no telling how much more control the GOP, and what percentage of the vote, they would have if they weren’t so stupid about sex.

          2. I have never heard any republican say that – can you provide a source for your quote, or is it just a liberal fantasy?
            Dismissing my question doesn’t answer it – other than its use as a means to avoid responsibility, how does abortion fit into “proper Sex Education” in public schools?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I will give you a clue just so you don’t have to buy one on EBay…

            “Clair McCaskill was the Democrat beneficiary of stupid Reuplican ____________.”

            For one thing, defining it, i.e., what it is, is not, risks, need, etc., etc.

            Here: https://spot.colorado.edu/~tooley/HenryWaxman.pdf
            Read that, formulate your questions, and I will direct you to further information to fill your incredibly wide knowledge gap.

          4. Nancy wrote: For one thing, defining it, i.e., what it is, is not, risks, need, etc., etc.

            Precisely my question. How does one define the need for abortion except in the context of avoiding the consequences of pregnancy?

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive


          6. Would you then teach that the need for abortion is limited to a case where the physical life of the mother is endangered by carrying to term?

          7. I’ll make it easy for him: Todd Akin.

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Education is a fun thing, not necessarily an easy thing.

          9. Oh, I like this game. Nancy holds all republicans responsible for the stupid remark of one republican. (Whose career was ended because of that remark.) By that logic, one member of any group who commits a crime condemns all members of that group.

          10. No, I don’t hold all republicans responsible for the stupid remarks of one. Furthermore, I did not say, nor did I imply, that I did. (Didn’t you see the word “Regrettably” at the end of my last post?)

            I only provided the name of the offender because you repeatedly refused to believe what NN had posted while also refusing to look it up for yourself. I disagree with NN on many (perhaps most) issues, but I like him personally, I at least respect [most of] his opinions, and for some strange reason the two of us get along pretty well here. I do not like to see him accused of being untruthful by someone who refuses to do his own research.

            Also, I am fair-minded and realistic enough to accept the fact that some people with whom I agree on many issues have made in the past, and most likely will make again in the future, some very stupid/ignorant comments. I wish they would stop – which is why I regret that NN was correct in his assertion.

            PS – Now it appears a different republican candidate very recently stepped in the exact same pile of ignorance and stupidity. Name: Yesli Vega.

            Will they never learn?

          11. I do not hold all republicans responsible for the stupid remarks of one, and I did not say that I do. Perhaps you did not see the word “regrettably” at the end of my last post. I only provided the name of the republican who made the idiotic remark because you repeatedly refused to believe what NN had posted while at the same time refusing to look it up for yourself.

            I disagree with NN on many (perhaps most) issues, but I like him personally. I at least respect [most of] his opinions and for some strange reason the two of us get along pretty well here. I do not like to see him accused of being untruthful by someone who refuses to recognize reality.

            I am fair-minded and realistic enough to accept the fact that some people with whom I agree on many issues have made in the past, and will most likely make again in the future, some very stupid/ignorant comments. I wish they would stop – which is why I regret that NN was correct in his assertion about Todd Akin.

            PS – Now, it appears a different republican candidate very recently stepped in the exact same pile of ignorance/stupidity. Name: Yesli Vega.

            Will they never learn?

            PPS – All told, yours was not a bad attempt at ‘moving the goalposts’, but it was not quite good enough.

          12. my apologies for the error which I corrected.

          13. I’m no longer asking for the source you quoted in : “A woman can’t get pregnant if it’s a ‘legitimate’ rape.”

            Your lack of response leads me to believe that you just made it up.

          14. If you do a web search for: ‘Todd Akin Missouri abortion’ you will find that NN did not make it up.


          15. If you do a web search for: ‘Todd Akin Missouri abortion’ you will find that NN did not make it up.


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