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Teach for America in Virginia

by James C. SherlockOne commenter on my last article was highly critical of Teach for America (TFA). I cannot let that go without refutation.Look at the map of TFA places to work.  

You will see that in Virginia only the inner suburbs of the D.C. area have access to those highly motivated young people. Alexandria is the first school division in Virginia to partner with Teach For America. It is actively recruiting TFA volunteers.

Now look at North Carolina on the same map. Read the Charlotte-Piedmont Triad TFA web page.

Now look at the Petersburg teacher charts again.



TFA is headquartered in Arlington.

I have written the Virginia Secretary of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction and recommended they explore with TFA an expansion into the Southside area. I hope they do it.

Petersburg is not nearly the only school division in that region that needs help.

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