teddy roosevelt By Peter Galuszka

Political analysts and the media are still trying to tease out the meaning of soon-to-be-former House Majority leader Eric Cantor’s primary loss last week to an obscure college professor.

Two major themes seem to be emerging. One is what the Tea Party’s role was and what the Tea Party really is. The second is how the Big Media missed the story of winner David Brat’s surprising strength, although a number of local publications did get it, including the Chesterfield Observer, a suburban weekly that I write for (although not about politics) and won a special accolade in this morning’s New York Times.

The Times also had a piece Sunday on its front page noting just how closely tied Cantor is to Corporate America. Aerospace giant Boeing saw its stock plummet just after Cantor was clobbered. Over the years, Cantor has gladly done the bidding of big companies, notably in managed care and finance. His donors provide a ready chart.

He’s backed the continuation of the Export-Import Bank that helps guarantee loans for foreign sales (to Boeing no less) and helped kill a bill that would have increased the capital gains tax made by alpha-seeking and ultra-rich hedge fund managers. Cantor does know about big business because he is a lawyer and has a degree in real estate. His wife, Diana, has worked for such Wall Street behemoths as Goldman Sachs. And, of course, Cantor was hatched and grew up in Richmond’s cliquish business community.

The interesting trend here is how Brat, touching a surprisingly sensitive populist nerve, targeted Cantor’s cozy links to Big Business along with the usual complaint menu about illegal immigrants and government spending. Brat hit Cantor for various corporate bailouts, including TARP, backing Medicare Plan D and two unfunded wars.

Such criticism resonated with his supporters, who are conservatives. But unlike the country club Republicans of yesteryear, these voters might be throwbacks to the Gilded Age during the era of gigantic trusts. I am strolling through Doris Kearns Goodwin’s “The Bully Pulpit” which looks at Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft at the turn of the 19th century and it is fascinating reading.

Being a Republican then meant being an upstart and independent-minded troublemaker, not a defender of the status quo and big business interests. The public seemed remarkable well informed and the media was filled with brilliant journalists like Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens and S.S. McClure who took apart trust-builders such as John D. Rockefeller.

There was a real sense that too much economic power was being concentrated in two few hands and if you look at what’s happening today with the mergers of airlines, cable companies and banks, you get an uneasy sense of déjà vu. The result back then was long-standing legislation like the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and bodies like the Federal Trade Commission. The concerns were inequality, lopsided economic clout and the tendency for big companies to abuse their power.

It is in this sphere where the Tea Party types, whomever they are really, might be on to something. I’m all for leniency and compassion on immigration issues but I have to say that some of the anti-Cantor comments might have harkened back to the days of McClure’s Magazine and Tarbell’s extraordinarily detailed dissection of Standard Oil.

Sadly, the journalist profession has been gutted by cost-cutting, which is one reason why the Beltway types missed the Cantor story and scrappy little papers like the Chesterfield Observer got it. If there is growth in the news media, the hot trend is setting up “data-driven” Websites but as the Times notes, these proved inadequate as well in last week’s election because they relied on imperfect data. In other words, garbage in, garbage out, no matter how lively the prose is. What really matters is shoe leather journalism and not numbers crunching.

On-the-ground reporting can capture important clues such as how Cantor misused his Majority Leader bodyguards and Black Suburban SUVs to keep his constituents at bay on the rare occasions he actually sought them out. Otherwise, he seemed to be sequestered at expensive steakhouses. Voters pummeled by the Great Recession got the message.

Add up all of these trends and you might start understanding why Cantor’s defeat was so important. It posits who exactly the Tea Party is and what they actually stand for. It could be the start of a movement as historically significant as the one 125 years ago.

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18 responses to “Tea Party Populism vs. Eric Cantor”

  1. LifeOnTheFallLine Avatar

    The reasons for Brat’s success? Jesus and Mexicans.* Next question.

    *The judges also would have accepted Jesus and Jesus.

  2. billsblots Avatar

    I’m not in that District but probably would have voted for Brat, and it had nothing to do with Jesucristo, Mexicans, or OTMs.
    (obtw, this captcha thing is kicking my tail. the audio sounds like 1995 dial up.)

  3. larryg Avatar

    I listen to right wing talk…and no one on the left should mistake what is going on with the right as anything to do with anything remotely connected with liberal thought!

    but trying to figure out what Conservatives believe these days is like being transported to the bar scene in Star Wars.

    Talk about “diversity” in the Conservative realm – they are all over the map and not only unwilling to compromise with the Dems – they won’t compromise among themselves even to come up with a unified agenda.

    there is a war going on – in the Conservative world and perhaps they’re moving to a position where they not only oppose unions – but they also oppose big business and the establishment brand of GOP.

    but Life on the FALL Line said it well… ” Onward Christian Soldiers”!

    but I ran into an interesting thing the other day that related to all these Jeffersonian quotes we are hearing from the right:

    Spurious Quotations

    A collection of quotations commonly misattributed to Thomas Jefferson.


    the funny but unsurprising thing is that these things make their way into the right wing echo chamber which them blasts them throughout the Conservative world – and they are believed as absolute truth – without question.

    Not so – says Monticello… go read those spurious quotes – and the research done to try to find out how they got started.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    The Pro-Brat message is certainly mixed but there is an important populist message trapped inside.

  5. Tysons Engineer Avatar
    Tysons Engineer

    One district, in a very conservative only area (which receives socialist assistance in the form of state and federal founds in a larger portion per capita than most liberal cities I might add) going for a tea party opponent in a primary is no where close to the Roosevelt revolution.

    Sorry Jim, but even alluding to it is absurd. The teaparty as populist? Lol, only in a fringe gerrymandered district I suppose, let me know when theres one with any kind of chance in a state wide election anywhere along the east coast (you know where our nations economy comes from other than the left coast) and I’ll perhaps take it more seriously.

    For now, if Ted Cruz is the best the tea party can muster up on a national level, then I think the revolution has been staved. Although, with him president I imagine the 1st order of business would be to make poutin with roast pork shavings our national dish… that atleast I support.

    I’ll just keep voting against people who conclude that somehow we are a christian nation, continue to invade my personal life in social impositions, and choose to favor one group of people’s rights over another group of people’s rights.

  6. Ghost of Ted Dalton Avatar
    Ghost of Ted Dalton

    You raise an interesting point about the Tea Party.

    There’s so much revisionist history out there. If you look back to April 15, 2009…..there was a much different “Tea Party” than most perceptions of the “Tea Party.” Do some Googling and research….you’ll find that one Tea Party group refused Boehner the right to speak at their gathering. You’ll also find a group sporting Ayn Rand posters in a demonstration in SanFran. You’ll also find some country artists who got in on the action with some ditties at rallies….

    The Tea Party of early 2009 was probably a “grassroots” movement with a lot of moving parts. This movement was something of a populist take that initially disliked Republicans as much as D’s. In fact, that November, they actually ran a candidate 3rd party in NY that cost the GOP a House seat.

    But by 2010, big money (Koch style) and the “conservative” and “libertarian” movements captured the Tea Party and it became the national joke that it is today. Nothing more than the most “conservative” elements of the national GOP with a new name.

  7. Peter, I agree with you, there is a strong populist strain in the conservative movement, and it’s going to make life uncomfortable for the country club Republicans. I share that populist sentiment. While I’m a big fan of businesses and enterprises as innovators and risk takers, I’m totally opposed to crony capitalism. I just finished reading Michael Lewis’ The Big Short, which really has my blood boiling. Those Wall Street bastards have perfected the art of privatizing profits while socializing risks. Despite wrecking the economy, they still came out on top. The politicians raised a hue and cry for the TV cameras then quietly ensured that nothing changed. Eric Cantor was part of the crowd. So is Hillary Clinton.

  8. larryg Avatar

    I think we’re straining the traditional definition of “populism” as if Brat could pull support from all areas of the political spectrum.

    He’s appealing to the right and some of the right’s more “popular” themes – like “crony-capitalism” and such. Do we think, for instance, that Brat is going to join Elizabeth Warren in her quest to rein in the big banks and Wall Street or will attract the “Occupy” folks or the legalize Pot folks?

    Or do you think Brat is going to go after companies that outsource offshore or hire illegal immigrants?

    Do you think they’re going to push back on the evangelical influence on pushing religion into schools and other govt institutions or reduce our military posture overseas?

    This is like calling Ted Cruz a libertarian when instead he is the epitome of flaming right wing philosophy – in a state where Hispanics constitute a significant electoral influence and expected to increase it.

    I think the best you can say is that it “feels” a “little” like some aspects of populism – with a distinctive right-leaning ideology with no

    The trouble with the right – these days – is they actually believe in their own revisionist beliefs…

    sooner or later – all voters are going to calibrate what Brats real views are – and he’ll end up doing one of two things:

    1. – either he’ll attempt to do his own version of what Cantor was doing – speaking different words to different groups, sometimes in contradictory ways.

    2. -or he’ll be refreshingly honest and reveal who he really is – and when he does that – only one of the many perceived views of who he is – will survive and the others will realize they were hoping for something quite different.

    Are there folks that want their own Virginia version of Ted Cruz? You bet your sweet backside there are.. but the million dollar question is – how many in a general election?

    My guess – maybe the same number that wanted a Cucinnelli .

    We know the right -has moved right – but has the general voting electorate?

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    I think it’s more anti-government than populist. Let’s face it – the government at all levels is failing and failing miserably. The feds now take away more of the people’s money than ever before and yet they still run eye-popping deficits. Government in the US now consumes a huge percentage of US GDP – especially in peacetime – but the level of income inequality grows greater every day. Obama has been unable to spark a recovery despite his endless taxing and spending. Meanwhile, econo-quacks like Paul Krugman call for ever more government confiscation of personal wealth and unbridled spending.

    Foreign affairs are in a disastrous condition with an ascendant “New Soviet Union” and anarchy in Iraq.

    The banks which were “too big to fail” are bigger now than ever. Obama did nothing to reform the US financial system and the fed’s continued zero interest rate meddling is building yet the next bubble.

    Cantor represented the status quo and people are sick of the status quo.

    Hillary Clinton is part of the American political status quo as well. Another oligarch along the lines of the Bushes, Kennedys and Obamas.

    People are tired of a government that doesn’t work and they are willing to throw out those politicians who have become part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

  10. larryg Avatar

    re: the truth about revenues and deficits and why.

    we currently take in about 1.3T in income taxes. that’s a low number compared to prior years.

    but what is really eye-popping is how we have camouflaged spending especially for “defense”.

    we say the DOD budget is about 600 million – but guess what.. it does not include the VA, nor Homeland Security, nor the CIA/NSA nor the nuclear weapons and ship reactors done by DOE nor the secret military satellites done by NASA.

    when you truthfully include ALL of the money we spend on National Defense – you get more than a trillion dollars – and that’s about 3/4 of our actual non-earmarked revenues… from income taxes.

    Government, despite the anti-govt fervor DOES WORK.

    you have none other than Jim Bacon bragging about Clean Air.

    you have an NTSB and FDIC that people trust and rely on.

    you have NOAA satellites and scientists who tell us when and where bad weather is going to hit – and we totally rely on it.

    every day in most people’s lives – we use Smart Phones and GPS navigation that totally relies on government GPS satellites.

    when you climb on an airplane, you expect a safe flight – that’s not true in many countries.

    when you buy food – you do not expect it to have ingredients in it that can seriously harm you. Try that in 3/4 of the countries on earth.

    when you get a prescription drug – you totally believe it has in it what it says and in the correct dosage…

    I could go on and on.. but we take for granted much of what we rely on and then bitch and complain about what we don’t like

    Go live in a 3rd world country for a year and come back and tell me how bad our govt is. Go to Iraq or Syria or the Ukraine and then come back and compare notes.

    what people are tired of – is not getting their way… politically to which I say “suck it up”… the Constitution promised you a vote not dominion over others if you find yourself in the minority.

    you get in your silly F150 and get on roads that you rely on to get you from Point A to Point B in relative safety and convenience and govt is bad?

    hahahahhadbhadahhah yes indeed…

    go fish and when you do – go over that US50 bridge to Maryland and let me hear you complain about it.

    spoiled is what we are… go find a better country or zip it.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      As usual, LarryG can’t get the facts straight.

      Here is a graph of US tax receipts (expressed in constant 2014 dollars):


      This graph is taken directly from US government reports.

      Our government has never taken more money from the citizens. That’s a simple fact. Our government spends a higher percentage of GDP today than it ever spent during peacetime in the past. That’s a simple fact.

      However, Americans’ perception of government – especially Congress and the Obama Administration – is near an all time low. Again, a simple fact.

      Cantor lost because people are dissatisfied with the government and they want new leadership. They are dissatisfied because the government takes ever more and solves ever less.

      Larry is a supporter of big government. Like his hero Obama he believes that we’ll all be better off if we just let our betters in Washington and Richmond have more of our wealth and spend our money on our behalf. Cantor believed the same thing despite saying the opposite. David Brat says he’ll shrink government and he won the primary.

      Larry and his tax and spend cronies are in for a rough road over the next few years. He can huff and puff about bridges and roads until he is blue in the face. Obama’s failed administration is proving that runaway large government tax and spend policies don’t work. Crony capitalists on the Republican side of the ledger are seen as no better than Obama, et al.

      Reagan was right when he said that government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem.

      1. larryg Avatar

        CNS?l that’s NOT a credible source guy.

        if you want to look at ACTUAL US revenues instead of how CNS portrays them.. fine… why don’t you do that instead of using CNS perverted data?

        when you look at revenues HONESTLY – you acknowledge that almost a trillion dollars is from FICA and dedicated to SS/MedicareA and not general revenues – and it’s always been that way ..not anything new or recent.

        once you subtract out FICA taxes you end up with 1.3T in income taxes. That’s your real revenues but you kinda have to want to know that truth bu then folks who want to know the truth also don’t do stuff like claiming the POTUS decides spending or lumping the POTUS with Congress on approval rating because if you were going to be honest – you’d show this:

        Gallup NEW 6/13 – 6/15 1,500 A 41
        Rasmussen NEW 6/13 – 6/15 500 LV 48

        Real CLear Politics Average: 5/16 – 6/9 — 13.0 approval 79.2 disapproval

        why don’t you show those numbers DJ?

        your narrative is about as honest as saying Obama has spent the money when he has not spent a dime.. that Congress did not authorize.

        re: ” Larry is a supporter of big government”

        And yet more – grade A horse manure… straight from the same source.

        over many blog posts, you KNOW that I support parents paying for extra-curricular programs at schools to reduce taxes on others, tolls for roads, locality responsibility for local roads, local funding of transit -not the Feds, people on Medicare paying $400 MORE for their insurance, taking away MedicAid funding for nursing homes for people who own homes..and other significant assets, . getting rid of the mortgage interest deduction except as a capped median price deduction, no subsidized loans for college, no FEMA subsidized flood insurance, getting rid of the top 5 tax expenditures (which would add 500 million to revenues) – and you know this DJ and yet you repeat the “big govt” claim.. I am MORE fiscally conservative than you will ever be.

        you guys just believe what you want to believe.. forget the facts….

        it’s infected the country…

        We spend more than a trillion dollars for “National Defense” when our total income tax revenues are 1.3T – this is the VERIFIABLE truth:

        http://www.fms.treas.gov/fr/12frusg/12frusg.pdf page 56

        Revenue: Individual income taxes … 1,135.2T
        Corporation income taxes ……………… 237.5

        now be a man and admit the truth DJ

        why do you use illicit sources to start with instead of the actual Government data?

        check the reference guy – It’s got a name: The Financial Report for the U.S. Government for the Fiscal Year 2012.

        you were wrong about the SS Trust FUnd.

        you still don’t know how Medicare PartB is funded…

        and no wonder since you gravitate towards sources like CNS.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Gotta love liberal excuse making. FICA doesn’t count, using 2012 revenue numbers because that predates Obama’s tax hike. Complaining about the news outlet that prints the government’s numbers rather than addressing the numbers themselves . Typical.

          Getting ready to fly to Sydney and bought a book called Bailout. Written by a lifelong Democrat and Obama 2008 campaign contributor who became the Special Inspector General in Charge of Oversight of TARP. This former Democrat doesn’t think government worked very well when it came to the Obama Administration’s handling if TARP. My, my Larry G, my my. I thought Ole Hope ‘N Change was anti-cronyism. Turns out ole Barry and his minions kissed Wall Street’s ass a whole lot more than Bush ever did. All the while selling out average homeowners and citizens.

          Yeah, LarryG – government works just great under Ole Hope ‘N Change. What a disgusting crony Obama turned out to be.

          1. larryg Avatar

            FICA does count but FICA has never been involved in deficits and debts because it’s not general revenues.

            If you really want to talk about budgets, spending and deficits – you have to WANT to deal with facts like the real discretionary revenues and not sound bite concepts , blame games and personalities you like and don’t like.

            Our spending and our deficits are determined by Congress – not the POTUS. THere’s not a dang thing he can do about 99% of it.

            You just can’t have two wars and be spending about a trillion on “National Defense” and pretend we spend only 600 billion – and honestly believe we have general revenues of 3 trillion and truly understand the realities.

            and as I said – you HAVE to WANT to KNOW these realities…. instead of focusing on personalities and myths and these days, it seems that many who characterize themselves as fiscal conservatives – well – they don’t know the facts and they don’t really want to know the facts …

            sorry – you have to want to know the facts.. it’s not optional.

  11. larryg Avatar

    In fact, on page 5 of the Monthly Treasury Report is the same truth – if you look at the income tax revnues

    Income Taxes ……………………………………………………………….. 79,945
    Corporation Income Taxes…………………………………………………. 8,031
    Social Insurance and Retirement Receipts:………………………….. 59,100

    DJ – you gotta try to get this straight guy… multiply that 79.9 and see what you get: 960 billion – not 3 trillion.

  12. DJRippert Avatar

    FICA is a tax whether LarryG likes it or not. More liberal bull****. Also, the IRS “lost” Lois Lerner’s e-mails? And Obama wants to send troops back into Baghdad? Yeah, LarryG government is really, really working well. Thank God Obama made it even bigger. Can’t get enough of a good thing!

    1. larryg Avatar

      re: ” FICA is a tax whether LarryG likes it or not. More liberal bull****. Also, the IRS “lost” Lois Lerner’s e-mails? And Obama wants to send troops back into Baghdad? Yeah, LarryG government is really, really working well. Thank God Obama made it even bigger. Can’t get enough of a good thing!”

      FICA is dang well a TAX but it’s been the SAME TAX for 80 years and has nothing to do with general revenues – and you cannot talk intelligently about deficit and debt by refusing to deal with that simple reality.

      re: the IRS .. Let me get this straight – a bunch of Tea Party groups collecting money to spend on participating directly in Elections – signed sheets of paper certifying that they were not spending money for political purposes and thus qualified for 501(c)(3) tax status and they think the IRS should not be taking a closer look at their claims they were not engaging in political activities?

      the blame govt movement is in full ascendancy these days – and it’s not like we don’t have a lot of issues – I will admit – but we still pretty much live in one of the better if not best country on the planet – even with our problems.

      but the Iraq thing – you can’t “win” an insurgency civil war in another country and you cannot “teach” cultures that are thousands of years old “how” to “do” Democracy but here’s what you can do – if bad guys actually do succeed in taking over a country and physically occupy the military bases and other physical components of the govt – you CAN THEN take them out – but as long as are they are guerrillas.. all you’re going to be doing is repeating the same mistakes that we’ve made before.

      we screwed up Iraq – not that different than when we backed the Shah of Iran …

      on this – I AGREE with the blame incompetent govt idea that DJ seems to like. We’re dumber than stumps about our ideas about “saving” other countries… but also about what happens when we send 2 million of our young over there -to be sliced and diced with IEDs and then we act surprised that our VA hospitals are overrun? really?

      If you really want to cut govt – you have to want to know how much of it is dedicated to National Defense (as opposed to the myth that it’s only DOD).

      you have to deal with realities. 1. National Defense is twice as big as DOD spending and 2. the POTUS spends not one penny that Congress does not authorize.

      but again – I invite DJ to list out the better countries than this one…give me the top 3 better governments than the US.

  13. larryg Avatar

    Listen – if you want complaints about Obama, I have PLENTY – as he has let the “you’re not one of us” rhetoric get in the way actually working with Congress and you know this because even the Dems are complaining about it.

    To be fair – Ronald Reagan said this:

    ” Mr. President, Ed Lecius from Nashua, New Hampshire. We’ve been reading in the Union Leader in recent weeks and hearing from our senior Senator Gordon Humphrey, that they feel that you’re moving away from the policies and principles that got you elected. How would you react to those statements by

    President Reagan responded:

    Well, I had a fine conversation with Nackey Loeb recently. We ran across each other when I was in Boston. And I know that it can look that way.

    I’m not retreating an inch from where I was. But I also recognize this: There are some people who would have you so stand on principle that if you don’t get all that you’ve asked for from the legislature, why, you jump off the cliff with the flag flying.

    I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want.”

    Mr. Reagan, by the way, was the man who agreed to increase the FICA tax to put Social Security on a more secure financial footing – to include building up extra trust fund money for the future, to smooth the transition to boomer retirements.

    You can’t make progress as a POTUS if Congress and the POTUS cannot find any common ground at all.

    You cannot create jobs as the POTUS – alone.

    You cannot decrease spending or balance the budget – alone.

    The one thing that the POTUS and Congress did agree on was the sequester – which has been pilloried by both sides as a blunt-force approach to budgeting but given the total lack of agreement – on other approaches – it stands as an accomplishment.

    but the whole narrative that Obama has caused or has refused to fix the deficit is just plain 100% horse poo… Congress does that – and afterwards the POTUS gets to sign it or veto it.

    that’s the simple truth – for those that are interested in it more than ideology and partisan rhetoric.

    This POTUS is going to go down in history as someone who could not find common ground with Congress and as a result accomplished only what he could without them.

    If Congress truly had better ideas – Obama would have become the POTUS with the most VETO overrides in the history of the Country…

    how many VETOES?

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