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Talk about Redrawing the Electoral Map!

Transcript from Real Clear Politics of a Chris Wallace (Fox News) interview with Gov. Timothy M. Kaine:

Chris Wallace: It’s the Democrats’ moment to tell America where they would take the country as Barack Obama becomes his party’s nominee. Can he redraw the electoral map with his politics of change? … Let’s talk Virginia — 13 electoral votes, hasn’t gone for a Democrat since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. But the polls right now say Virginia is dead even. What, if anything, can Joe Biden do for you in Virginia?

Tim Kaine: Well, first, Joe comes from a state, Delaware, that borders Virginia. The eastern shore part of Virginia and Delaware are not only bordering but very, very similar. And I think there’s a lot in common, and Joe understands that.

Tsk. Tsk. Someone needs a geography lesson!

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