Talk about Redrawing the Electoral Map!

Transcript from Real Clear Politics of a Chris Wallace (Fox News) interview with Gov. Timothy M. Kaine:

Chris Wallace: It’s the Democrats’ moment to tell America where they would take the country as Barack Obama becomes his party’s nominee. Can he redraw the electoral map with his politics of change? … Let’s talk Virginia — 13 electoral votes, hasn’t gone for a Democrat since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. But the polls right now say Virginia is dead even. What, if anything, can Joe Biden do for you in Virginia?

Tim Kaine: Well, first, Joe comes from a state, Delaware, that borders Virginia. The eastern shore part of Virginia and Delaware are not only bordering but very, very similar. And I think there’s a lot in common, and Joe understands that.

Tsk. Tsk. Someone needs a geography lesson!

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10 responses to “Talk about Redrawing the Electoral Map!”

  1. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I suspect that Ombama folks detected this fatal flaw in the vetting process and that was the end of it for Kaine….

    we’ll just never know how close a call it was….


  2. Groveton Avatar

    And you guys wonder why I have so little faith in Virginia state politicians. Kaine ought to go to the state that does border Delaware. He ought to look at Maryland’s Atlantic coast and ask whether Virginia might learn any economic lessons there. He ought to go to Maryland’s bayfront counties – like Talbot or Dorchester – and see if there are any economic lessons that Virginia might learn there.

    Hey TMT – I bet every one of the Fairfax County BoS knows that Virginia doesn’t border Delaware. Maybe time for a Dillon’s Rule IQ test?

  3. Michael Ryan Avatar
    Michael Ryan

    That is awesome! Finally a politician that realizes that the so-called “State of Maryland” is just a rebelling couple of north-east counties.

  4. J. Tyler Ballance Avatar
    J. Tyler Ballance

    Give Tim a break! By “bordering” he no doubt was referring to the fact that Biden’s state was “bordering on the verge of collapse” under the weight of mafia corruption, much like the Peoples’ Republic of Maryland and Sopranoland (aka Jersey).

  5. charlie Avatar

    Almost as bad as when Joe Biden goes around saying that Delaware in a southern state.

    Actually, no. Kaine’s comments are worse. What an idiot. I now wish Obama picked him as VP so we can get rid of him a year sooner.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    But look at how the media covered up for Kaine’s gaff:

    “Kaine appeared on “Fox News Sunday” yesterday as a new poll indicated that the presidential contest in Virginia remains about even. For the third consecutive month in the state, Sen. Barack Obama is performing 2 percentage points better than Republican Sen. John McCain, within the poll’s margin of error.

    Kaine, who was on Obama’s vice-presidential short list, said Biden will help Obama’s Virginia campaign.

    “The Eastern Shore part of Virginia and Delaware are . . . very, very similar,” Kaine said in Denver, where the Democratic National Convention begins today.

    “I think there’s a lot in common, and Joe understands that.”

    No mention of the boarder. Dan Quayle must be sick to his stomach.

  7. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Anonymous 6:38, Very good point. Imagine if President Bush had made the same error. It would have fed the media narrative that Bush continually mis-speaks, and I am confident it would have made the CNN and MSNBC talk shows. There is no such narrative for Kaine, so he gets a pass.

    Not that I’m a big fan of the “gotcha” approach to covering politics. Kaine’s Delaware gaffe is pretty inconsequential — it doesn’t affect Virginia public policy in any way. The ignorance that some politicians display when talking about energy and environmental policy are a much bigger concern.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    If you’re not a “big fan of the ‘gotcha’ approach to covering politics….” (he says) how come you made it such an issue?

  9. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Anonymous 10:13 a.m., Tim Kaine *did* make a grade-school error that you wouldn’t expect from the governor. But it’s not like I castigated him about it. I left it for readers to draw their own conclusion.

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    Yeah Jim, and Pontius Pilate had nothing to do with the crucifixtion. Anon 10:13

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