Taking Food From Needy Children to Advance the Trans Agenda

by Kerry Dougherty

This ought to be the number one campaign issue in the U.S. right now: the Biden administration’s radical plan to starve the National School Lunch program unless states adopt far-left gender identity rules for schools that include allowing biological boys to compete in girls’ sports.

This outrageous federal blackmail leaves states struggling to choose between protecting girls and keeping needy children from going hungry.

And it’s just another case of a federal agency — this time the USDA — exceeding its authority. How many times will Biden’s out-of-control bureaucrats have to be smacked down by the U.S. Supreme Court before they stop illegally exercising powers not delegated to them by Congress?

Twenty-two Republican attorneys general sued Tuesday to block the Agriculture Department’s newly announced guidance making student-lunch funds contingent on enforcing the Biden administration’s gender-identity agenda.

The attorneys general asked a federal court in Tennessee to prevent the USDA from withholding food assistance from schools “that continue to separate students by biological sex in appropriate circumstances,” including sports, locker rooms, showers and restrooms.

“We all know the Biden administration is dead-set on imposing an extreme left-wing agenda on Americans nationwide,” said Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, who led the lawsuit with Tennessee Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery III.

“But they’ve reached a new level of shamelessness with this ploy of holding up food assistance for low-income kids unless schools do the Left’s bidding,” Mr. Rokita said.

Since this story appeared in The Washington Times last month, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares joined the action, bringing the number of states that are suing the feds to 23.

If they are unsuccessful, states will have to decide if they want to scrap the free lunch and breakfast programs in schools, or relent and simply watch all of the advances of Title IX and girls’ sports erode.

Once again, only the courts can save us from the madness of our current president and the lefties that control his agenda.

This heavy-handed move by the USDA was engineered by unelected, power-drunk bureaucrats.

According to an op-ed he wrote in The Virginian-Pilot, where he responded to what he alleged had been an editorial riddled with errors, Miyares said that “hundreds of thousands of Virginia families” receive nutritional assistance a year totaling about $1 billion in federal money.

A chunk of that goes to the 122.5 million school lunches and 35 million breakfasts served to underprivileged Virginia children each year.

Look, kids who are hungry cannot learn. The lunch and breakfast programs are examples of worthy government programs that actually work, providing a desperately needed service with little waste and fraud.

So, it is unspeakably heartless for Biden and his henchmen to use needy children as pawns in their unpopular gender identity gambit.

Every Republican running for office in the mid-terms should campaign on this important issue.

Let’s see Rep. Elaine Luria defend the indefensible.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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9 responses to “Taking Food From Needy Children to Advance the Trans Agenda”

  1. When the Fed pays the piper, the Fed calls the tune. Abuse of power is inevitable.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Biden is a train wreak of a president. He was corrupt and not too bright in his heyday. Now, he’s well past what should be the “expiration date” for elected office. His unconstitutional student debt erasure is a case in point. Unfunded, unnecessary and unfair. But Susan Rice (the real president) wanted to do it as a vote buying effort ahead of the midterms. How sad that hard working middle class truck drivers and plumbers are being asked to subsidize adults who willingly borrowed money to get their masters degree in gender studies.

    It appears that the $10,000 / $20,000 “gift” to the people who should be on a good economic trajectory will not be taxable at the federal level. Hell, when you are buying votes you might as well go all the way, I guess. Hopefully, the freebie from Senior Senile will be taxed as income in Virginia.

    1. …hard working middle class truck drivers and plumbers are being asked to subsidize adults who willingly borrowed money to get their masters degree in gender studies.

      Now you’re just trying to p!ss me off…

      It won’t work, though, because I am already p!ssed off.


      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        At least they aren’t p!ssing on you and telling you it’s raining! Oh wait, maybe they are.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Kerry, Kerry, Kerry. The ONLY thing Republicans care about today is that vitally important search warrant disputed by The Greatest President Ever (Who Is Still Legally President). No air in the room for discussing other issues. The Left’s antics go unnoticed and will continue apace.

  4. If they are unsuccessful, states will have to decide if they want to scrap the free lunch and breakfast programs in schools, or relent and simply watch all of the advances of Title IX and girls’ sports erode.

    To be 100% accurate, there is another option. The states can fully fund their “free school meals” programs themselves. They should not have to, but they can.

  5. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Free lunch and gender equity. What do they have in common? If you look at the CNN or the front page of any newspaper, Trump headlines precede Biden headlines by minutes or pages. That is what the two have in common. The headlines of Trump bring in dollars, free lunch does not. Nor does gender equity. The press is going to inadvertently re-elect Trump by trying to demolish his character. When EF Hutton speaks, people listen. I was reminded of that commercial recently.

  6. Merchantseamen Avatar

    Starvation is the default for the tyrants all through history. Oh wait history is not taught anymore…therefore we are doomed to repeat it.

  7. Chrissy Taylor Avatar
    Chrissy Taylor

    And you know who gets hurt in this?….. US ACTUAL TRANS PEOPLE!!!🤦‍♀️ These woke-nazis that have been handpicked by the Biden Administration have accomplished only one thing…. MAKING THE ENTIRE NATION HATE US!!😒
    The truth is, the majority of us trans people can’t stand all of this leftist nonsense! I’d say at least 90% of the trans Community DOES NOT AGREE with the trans agenda being shoved down the throats of impressionable, young American children. It’s borderline child abuse and grooming-type behavior!!!😒
    But what do you expect from the Neo Marxist entity that is today’s Democratic party?? 🤷‍♀️

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