Tag: Washington & Lee

  • No Rest Even for the Dead

    The American culture wars have moved way beyond the removal of statues of prominent Confederate statues from visible public places like Richmond’s Monument Avenue or any number of county courthouses. The wars have morphed into a cultural cleansing designed to obliterate symbols and traditions that have great meaning to a large segment of the population.…

  • A Chronology of Insults

    by Phil Leigh The Generals Redoubt (TGR), a Washington & Lee alumni group with an email list of 10,000 supporters, announced Monday resolutions of no confidence in university President William Dudley. You can read the resolutions here and here. Provided below is a four-year chronology of events that drove them to their decision. January, 2017…

  • W&L Alumni Group Declares No Confidence in President Dudley

    On July 1, The General’s Redoubt Board of Directors approved a resolution declaring its lack of confidence in President William C. Dudley. The dissident alumni group also urged its 9,700 alumni and other supporters to “evaluate carefully” whether to continue donating to the private university until leadership issues could be resolved. Here follows the text…

  • W&L Board Keeps Lee in University Name

    by James A. Bacon In a 22-to-6 decision, the Washington & Lee Board of Trustees voted today to keep the Lee in its name. There is no consensus in the W&L community regarding the name change, said the board in a statement. But the board explicitly repudiated racism, apologized for the university’s past veneration of…