Tag: Scott Lingamfelter

  • How Youngkin Can Avoid Lame Duck Status

    by Scott Lingamfelter Elections produce clarity. One thing is noticeably clear after Republicans failed to achieve majorities in both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly. For the next two years, the prospects for Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin‘s legislative agenda are bleak. That’s the bad news. Here is the good news: it doesn’t have to be…

  • A COVID Swan Song

    by Scott Lingamfelter Pandemics are not new. They have been around as long as the human race has been and will be in the future. Before COVID arrived on our shores from China, the 1919 Flu Pandemic originated in the trenches of World War I and spread rapidly, picking up the name Spanish Flu, a…

  • Guilty As Sin

    by Scott Lingamfelter The recent and tragic death of George Floyd, a black man, by a white police officer in Minnesota is the latest in a series of controversies concerning race and law enforcement in America. Floyd has now become a poignant symbol of what people say is “systemic racism” in America. So, is racism…