Tag: Rail to Dulles

  • Want More Money for Rail-to-Dulles? Make the Project More Transparent.

    It does not look like the Project Labor Agreement (PLA) controversy will fade away quietly. (For background, see “Games People PLA.”) Del. Robert G. Marshall, R-Manassas, has filed a bill to prohibit the use of state revenues for construction of Phase 2 of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail project unless the project meets three transparency standards.…

  • Games People PLA

    Will the recent deal to salvage the $2.8 billion second leg of the Rail-to-Dulles project require non-union bidders to play footsy with the construction unions? The answer is far from clear.

  • Rail-to-Dulles Financing Lurches Forward

    The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority approved today a multiparty agreement that outlines a new financing arrangement for Phase 2 of  the Rail-to-Dulles project. All the key parties chipped in to help reach the estimated $2.8 billion cost. “This momentous vote guarantees that the most important transportation project in our region’s history will go forward, that…

  • Danger, Will Robinson: Metro Traffic Projected to Decline

    The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)  is projecting a decline in ridership of as much as 5% in the next budget year. If Congress fails to extend Stimulus Act subsidies for federal employees, reports the Washington Examiner, ridership could dip another 2.8%. An WMATA spokesman blames a switch to manually operated trains in the…

  • Uh, Oh, MWAA Bonds Downgraded

    by James A. Bacon As if the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority didn’t have enough problems with the Rail-to-Dulles project, the Fitch rating service has just downgraded its bonds to AA-. Reports Reuters: “The downgrade reflects Fitch’s view that the authority will maintain a stable yet narrower level of debt service coverage cushion when compared to…

  • The Dulles Rail Financial Disaster Continues

    Will Taxpayers Bail It Out? A guest column by Ronald D. Utt Gosh, what a surprise! The yet to be completed 23-mile extension of the Metro rail line to Dulles airport is already confronting serious financial difficulties. Added to the money problems are a series of lapses in management’s performance and the revelation that flaws…