Tag: Kerry Dougherty

  • Nursing Home Carnage Continues in Virginia

    by Kerry Dougherty With nursing home deaths in the news, perhaps you’re wondering how well the Rajah of Richmond — Ralph Northam — protected the commonwealth’s most vulnerable citizens. The answer: Not well. As of February 16, there have been 908 outbreaks in Virginia’s long-term care facilities and 3,147 COVID deaths. That represents a whopping…

  • The Latest Lunacy: Face Masks for Fishermen

    by Kerry Dougherty Ever wonder what would happen if feminists, man buns and smoked salmon socialists crafted federal policy? You’d get moronic rules like this one from the Biden administration: One of Joe’s latest executive orders requires all commercial fishermen to wear face masks – including while asleep in their cramped berths – and the…

  • Follow the Voodoo

    by Kerry Dougherty Can we all agree that the halftime show at this year’s Super Bowl was a real stinker? Unless dancing men in sequined jackets with underwear on their heads is your thing, that is. (Yes, I know those were supposed to be bandages, but they looked like tighty whities headgear.) As my radio…

  • State Senate Votes to Reopen Schools

    by Kerry Dougherty Ready for some good news out of Richmond? Thought so. On Tuesday, SB 1303, which will require all Virginia public schools to open for in-person as well as virtual classes, passed the Democrat-controlled Senate overwhelmingly on a BI-PARTISAN VOTE of 26-13. Let’s hear it for politicians putting kids ahead of party! The bill was…

  • Lockdown Lobby Crushed the Poorest Children

    by Kerry Dougherty The Federalist, one of my daily must-read news sources, had a great piece yesterday. It supported my point of view, naturally. And it’s timely as Michael Osterholm, one of Biden’s advisors, predicted Sunday that lockdowns will return with a vengeance once the U.K. variant of Covid-19 becomes dominant in the United States.…

  • Will Northam’s Bungled Vaccine Rollout Help Virginia’s GOP?

    by Kerry Dougherty Political scientists are fond of pointing out how Mother Nature can, at times, intrude into politics in the most unexpected ways. For example, the list of big-city mayors who lost their jobs due to slow snow removal is long. There’s a name for this phenomenon: Plow or perish.  According to Bloomberg News, it…

  • Snow Job

    by Kerry Dougherty Sharpen your corkscrews, everyone. Snow’s a-coming. Or so they say. Long-time residents of Virginia’s “rain-belt” — everything this side of Williamsburg — have learned to be skeptical of wintry forecasts. I planned to write today about Ralph Northam’s latest press conference. But snow is more fun. And, frankly, weather is easier to understand…

  • Vaccinating Virginia’s Largest City

    by Kerry Dougherty The bad news? At that rate it will take about two years to inoculate every adult in the city against Covid-19. If you read this space daily you know that hundreds of those folks waited outside the Convention Center in the raw drizzle Monday. Few of them were older than 65, the…

  • Virginia: We’re Dead Last!

    by Kerry Dougherty How do you know your state’s vaccine rollout is a complete clusterfart? When Catholic priests are Tweeting about it. https://twitter.com/inthelineofmel/status/1353827875888226304?s=20

  • It Shouldn’t Take Suicides to Reopen Schools

    by Kerry Dougherty Amazing! Five days into Joe Biden’s presidency crack New York Times reporters finally discovered what the rest of us with common sense knew almost a year ago: That closing public schools would lead to a mental health crisis among kids that would far outweigh the dangers posed by COVID-19. Of course The Times…

  • Virginia’s Name Games

    by Kerry Dougherty The good people of Charlottesville and Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson counties will no longer have to suffer the indignity of being part of a health district named for a loathsome American who left no legacy worth honoring, established no university worth attending and contributed nothing to the cause of liberty…

  • Preston Midgett

    by Kerry Dougherty I didn’t learn about the death of Preston Midgett from the newspaper. The television. Or radio. I learned the way many around here did: by the messages that appeared suddenly on Virginia Beach oceanfront marquees Tuesday. The signs that for weeks had wished the Beach native and popular owner of the iconic…

  • Hark! A COVID Miracle!

    by Kerry Dougherty I tend to be cynical, but still I dismissed the folks who predicted that once Joe Biden was elected, the lockdowns and shutdowns that had crushed the American economy would start to fall away. “Just wait till after the election,” they warned. You’re insane, I thought. I believed — still do —…

  • Virginia’s General Assembly Is Back

    by Kerry Dougherty They’re saving the good stuff. They have to be. No way is Virginia’s General assembly going to spend the next 30 days passing happy resolutions designating November 12 as Uyghur-American Friendship Day or dedicating September as Gospel Music Heritage Month. Sure, the Democratic majority is going to legalize marijuana and outlaw the…

  • Calling All Teachers

    by Kerry Dougherty One of the first beats I ever covered for a newspaper was Fairfax County Public Schools for The Washington Post in the early 1980s. I learned something almost immediately: Despite enjoying enviable job security, teachers are notoriously reticent about speaking to the press. They worry that if they’re critical of what’s going…