Tag: Kerry Dougherty

  • Liberals’ Nasty Authoritarian Streak

    by Kerry Dougherty This, friends, is an actual headline in an actual daily newspaper. It ran yesterday over a “news story” about Tuesday’s Virginia Beach School Board meeting: After hours of vitriol and misinformation, Virginia Beach School Board votes to make masks mandatory for students, staff Misinformation? That’s liberal newspeak for any statement or point…

  • Time to Rein in America’s Governors

    by Kerry Dougherty Hey, I think I’ve found it. I’ve discovered the one good thing to come out of our national COVID nightmare: a horrifying awareness that we’ve given our governor too much power. Far too much. As the months ticked by and draconian emergency orders were extended over and over again, it was maddening…

  • America Is Tired of Elitism

    by Kerry Dougherty There is nothing that members of the corporate media hate more than being told they’re elites. Thing is, they’re so elite they don’t even realize it. Take The New York Times White House correspondent, Annie Karni, for instance. It isn’t simply her job to report what’s going on in Washington, she’s also…

  • SCOTUS: Give Rochelle Walensky Something to Cry About

    by Kerry Dougherty It won’t be long before the U.S. Supreme Court smacks down CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s order that revived until October 3rd a glaringly unconstitutional eviction moratorium. I can’t wait. They’ll give the woman who was blubbering about her feelings of “impending doom” last winter something to cry about. In fact, the judiciary…

  • Will Cuomo Pull a Northam?

    by Kerry Dougherty I was on the elliptical at the gym yesterday, flipping through cable news. It was all Cuomo, Cuomo, Cuomo. Even on the networks that once treated the New York governor as if he tinkled perfume. One after another, New York politicians called for Cuomo’s head and predicted that he’d be gone soon.…

  • Panhandling Politicos Hobnob with Richmond Lobbyists

    by Kerry Dougherty File this under “Virginia Democrats have no shame.” On second thought, perhaps it should be filed under “Patrick Wilson is the best newspaper reporter in Virginia.” Wilson, some of you may remember, was an ace reporter at The Virginian-Pilot for many years until the Richmond Times-Dispatch stole him away. I know Wilson…

  • The Bear Truth About That Massachusetts Outbreak

    by Kerry Dougherty I have a little assignment for you before you read the rest of today’s post. Google “Provincetown Bear Week.” I’ll wait. Back? Yep, it’s a gathering of burly gay men who descend each summer on this Cape Cod enclave which is renowned for its eclectic shops and studios as well as its…

  • Vaccine Shaming Will Backfire

    by Kerry Dougherty Lemme get the straight. The president wants everyone in the country to get vaccinated against Covid-19 — an admirable goal that would likely reduce the virus to a national head cold. So how is he persuading those who are reluctant to take the vaccine to get a shot? By insulting them. Just…

  • Dazed and Confused: The CDC

    by Kerry Dougherty Confused? Of course you are. Anyone watching the hair-on-fire ninnies at the CDC is dizzy by now. They lack common sense, their pronouncements are irrational, their messaging is bizarre. Oh, and they clearly have no idea what they’re doing. One day these “experts” are experiencing scary “feelings of impending doom.” Next they…

  • Wokeness at the Table

    by Kerry Dougherty Do you wake up every morning wondering what mundane aspect of ordinary life will suddenly be declared racist and evil? Me too. Gird your loins, here’s the latest: Table manners. Do you teach your children and grandchildren good manners? You know, napkin on lap, elbows off the table and the proper use…

  • Slow Service: The New Normal

    by Kerry Dougherty We waited at least 20 minutes after we were seated to place our drink orders. Another 15 to get our cocktails. Another 30 for appetizers (cups of soup) and another 30 for our entrees. It was so late when we finished, we skipped dessert. Welcome to the “new normal” in dining out:…

  • Media in COVID Feeding Frenzy

    by Kerry Dougherty Many years ago, Virginia’s most prominent political scientist, Larry Sabato, wrote a book called “Feeding Frenzy.” If memory serves — and it’s been years since I read it — the University of Virginia professor analyzed how the media mob swam from scandal to scandal, feeding on wounded politicians like a school of…

  • Far-Left Beach School Board Ignores Cries to Remove Masks

    by Kerry Dougherty I’ve seen this movie before, I thought, as I watched Tuesday night’s Virginia Beach School Board meeting on my computer. And I know how it ends. To the parents lined up to speak in favor of a motion to make masks optional for students this fall I wanted to shout, Save your…

  • Will Pregnant Women Go the Way of the Gypsy Moth?

    by Kerry Dougherty When I want to know what’s going on in Virginia, I usually turn to The Richmond-Times Dispatch. Despite cutbacks that have plagued the entire newspaper industry, the TD continues a tradition of good journalism without a glaring agenda or obvious slant on its news pages. The paper’s coverage of the parole board…

  • No, Chief, “We” Didn’t Fail Accused Teenaged Killer

    by Kerry Dougherty In the early hours of Sunday morning, 47-year-old Glenn B. Kreps was shot to death on A View Street, in Norfolk’s Ocean View. Details about the dead man are scarce. One thing we do know: A 14-year-old has been arrested and charged with his murder. I don’t know about you, but my…