Tag: Kerry Dougherty

  • Suddenly, Democrats Don’t Like Executive Orders

    by Kerry Dougherty Good grief, they have no self-awareness, do they? I’m watching hysterical Virginia Democrats lose their minds because the new Republican governor issued an executive order that actually RESTORES civil liberties to Virginians. Yet, back when Ralph Northam was issuing one useless executive order after another, the left was silent. In fact, many…

  • The Great Unmasking

    by Kerry Dougherty Excellent news for students in two Hampton Roads school districts. On Thursday, the ever-sensible Chesapeake School Board voted 7-1 to abolish its mask mandate. Beginning Monday, students in Chesapeake can breathe free again! The board is complying with an executive order signed by Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Saturday, removing the former governor’s…

  • AG Miyares and Safe Schools

    by Kerry Dougherty On Day One in office, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares announced that his office would be investigating Loudoun County schools. He’s vowed to learn exactly how an accused sex offender who allegedly attacked one girl in May 2021 at Stone Bridge High was quietly moved to another Loudoun County school, Broad Run…

  • School Board Bullies

    by Kerry Dougherty You’re guilty. I’m guilty. We’re all guilty. Admit it. At election time most of us know exactly who’s running for president, congress, governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, commonwealth’s attorney, treasurer, sheriff and city council. We study bond issues and constitutional amendments. We know how we’re going to cast our votes before we…

  • Virginia Becomes a Free State

    by Kerry Dougherty Blue skies, sunshine and crisp temperatures greeted Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s first day in office Saturday in Richmond. Within hours, he signaled his respect for the Virginia Constitution, which protects the rights of parents to decide what’s best for their own children by reversing Ralph Northam’s mask mandate for all school students. Youngkin…

  • No More “Medical Bandwagon Thinking” for Virginia

    by Kerry Dougherty For the past several weeks, Glenn Youngkin has been busy appointing top members of his administration. One of the most exciting announcements came this week when we learned that Dr. Marty Makary, a surgeon and public policy researcher with a dazzling resume at Johns Hopkins University, agreed to chair Youngkin’s COVID advisory…

  • Northam Solves Mystery of the Man in Blackface

    by Kerry Dougherty Let’s just call it a missed opportunity. Yesterday, with just three days remaining in his term as governor, Ralph Northam unveiled the official portrait of himself. Surely some practical joker behind the scenes was tempted to replace the commissioned painting with that well-known portrait of Northam in blackface standing beside a friend…

  • Northam’s Final Presser: No Remorse

    by Kerry Dougherty For the first time since the pandemic began, a news bulletin that Gov. Ralph Northam was holding a press conference yesterday didn’t fill me with dread. Four days left in his term. How much damage could he do? In the past we never knew which civil liberties would be thrown into the…

  • Northam Apologize? LOL

    by Kerry Dougherty You would expect that Governor Ralph Northam, in the final two weeks of his governorship, would engage in a little self-reflection, maybe even a bit of humility and admit that he and his “team” made colossal mistakes on Monday that left hundreds of travelers stranded on a frozen 50-mile stretch of highway…

  • Northam’s Frozen Failure

    by Kerry Dougherty Let’s face it. Lots of us are cranky as we start the New Year. Thousands — shoot, probably hundreds of thousands — of air travelers were stranded around the country this week after flights were cancelled because of weather or staffing shortages. Including me. As our taxi approached the New Orleans airport…

  • It’s New Year’s Eve. What, Me Worry?

    by Kerry Dougherty When I was a kid, my mother said I worried too much. “Consider the lilies of the field,” she’d say, taking a drag on a Pall Mall before paraphrasing Scripture. “They neither toil nor spin, yet the Bible says God gives them beautiful blossoms.” “So cut it out, and just relax,” she’d…

  • Bear With Us. It’s a Slow News Day.

    by Kerry Dougherty Just what we need right now. As the national and local news turned once again to COVID, COVID and more COVID, a mama black bear and her three cubs provided Tidewater with a brief but delicious distraction. The furry family was first discovered on Monday, napping high in a tree in the…

  • Mask Mandates Causing Air Warfare

    by Kerry Dougherty Almost two weeks ago the CEO of Southwest Airlines, Gary Kelly, told a congressional committee that face masks were essentially useless as protection for airline passengers. He supported a repeal of the executive order that made face coverings mandatory on flights until March 2022. “The statistics, I recall, is that 99.97 %…

  • Del. Jay Jones Quits Before He Starts

    We’re becoming “Jones, party of 3” this summer and we couldn’t be more excited! pic.twitter.com/WG83KbY8oQ — Jay Jones (@jonesjay) December 14, 2021 Sorry, Delegate, I don’t buy it. I’m delighted that you and your wife are expecting your first baby. And your determination to be a good dad is admirable. Every child should be so…

  • Lame Duck Northam Tries to Piggyback on Youngkin’s Success

    I said it in 2017, and I say it today: end the tax on groceries and help working families https://t.co/60tE4sJE2c — Governor Ralph Northam (@VAGovernor73) December 14, 2021 by Kerry Dougherty Is this guy for real? Does Lame Duck Ralph Northam honestly believe that by Tweeting about the odious grocery tax with just 32 days…