Tag: Kerry Dougherty

  • Don’t California Our Virginia

    by Kerry Dougherty Whatever you do at the ballot box in Virginia, do not return Democrats to power in Richmond. Or anywhere else. You’ve been warned. Leftist Northern Virginia Delegate Elizabeth Guzman (D-Dale City), announced Thursday that she’s re-introducing legislation this year that would protect LGBTQ children from their parents. Chew on that for a…

  • One Candidate Was Snippy. It Wasn’t Jen Kiggans.

    by Kerry Dougherty Elaine Luria is snotty. That’s my takeaway from Wednesday’s 2nd District debate sponsored by the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce at the Oceanfront Marriott. Yes, the Democrat had the built-in advantage of incumbency and a command of lots of numbers, which she spouted with abandon during the debate with Republican challenger State…

  • How Did You Celebrate Columbus/Yorktown Victory/Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

    by Kerry Dougherty Well, yesterday was Columbus, er, Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Did you roast a turkey? Exchange gifts? Hang a flag? Cook out? Probably, like me, you worked. If you’re a state or federal employee chances are you didn’t do anything special to recognize whatever holiday it is that gave you a day off. I’m…

  • Grrrr. Pit Bulls.

    by Kerry Dougherty Harrowing. Bloodcurdling. Horrific. Those are the only words I can find to describe the latest two pit bull fatalities. Last Wednesday afternoon two children, a 2-year-old girl and a 5-month-old boy, were savaged to death by their family dogs in Millington, Tennessee. Their mother was mauled into critical condition trying to save…

  • A Tale Of Two Bridge Projects

    by Kerry Dougherty Some would say it’s not fair to compare the rapid repairs to a hurricane-damaged bridge in Florida to the desultory progress of the Laskin Road bridge project in Virginia Beach. I don’t care. For those of us getting our cars realigned every few months and learning to zigzag as we attempt to…

  • Motoring Mariners

    by Kerry Dougherty I was surprised when my granddaughter excitedly phoned last night to tell me that due to flooding, school was cancelled today. I was reminded of the time area schools closed prematurely for snow and not a flake fell from the sky. But then I checked the forecast: High tide today could be…

  • Media Gins up Anemic School Walkouts

    by Kerry Dougherty You could almost hear the local media panting Tuesday morning. There were rumors that some Virginia high school students were going to walk out of school to protest the new parental rights policies of the Youngkin administration. You know, the Department of Education regulations announced earlier this month that support the principle…

  • Why Local Leaders Won’t Say The G Word

    by Kerry Dougherty If you want to understand what’s going on with the surge in violent crime in Tidewater, you really need to watch the movie “Jaws.” Remember how the mayor of Amity wanted to keep the beaches open even after he knew that a massive, man-eating Great White shark was feeding in local waters?…

  • Parents’ Rights Are On The Virginia Ballot. Again.

    by Kerry Dougherty Good news. Virginia’s Democrats have taken the bait. So far at least four liberal school districts in the commonwealth have declared that they will defy Virginia’s Department of Education model policies on parental rights that were unveiled late last week. You know, policies that contain “radical” ideas such as these: “Parents have…

  • Youngkin on Fire

    by Kerry Dougherty Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is a quick study. In eight short months he learned that there is no pleasing leftists. No matter how cordial you are, no matter how many times you extend your hand, the far left will slap you away if there’s an R after your name. Despite the amiable…

  • Remember When News Outlets Engaged in Fact-Checking?

    by Kerry Dougherty Dang it. The BYU women’s volleyball story had everything the corporate media salivates over: A conservative Christian school and an alleged racial slur against an African-American female athlete. Pity that like so many other stories that feed the narrative that America is just a nanosecond away from Jim Crow and that conservative…

  • Stop Comparing January 6th To September 11th

    by Kerry Dougherty Stop. Just stop. Stop with the hyperbole. Stop exaggerating. Stop minimizing horror in a craven pursuit of politics. It happens all the time. For example, I’ve always cringed whenever I hear comparisons between Hitler and any contemporary political figure. There was only one Adolph Hitler. He was vile and he killed six…

  • Elections Matter

    by Kerry Dougherty There are lots of one-issue voters out there. Until the COVID pandemic I wasn’t one of them. This year and for the rest of my life I will vote against any candidate who supported unconstitutional lockdowns, school closures, curfews and vaccine mandates. If I were a Democrat. I’d be horrified that the…

  • Norfolk Has a Crime Problem

    by Kerry Dougherty It was a fabulous moment in Norfolk. On Friday night Old Dominion University clinched ANOTHER football victory over Virginia Tech, this one in the last minute of play. When the final whistle blew the ecstatic fans poured out of the stands and onto the field. One of the TV commentators gazed at…

  • The Kids Are Not All Right

    by Kerry Dougherty Remember when they told us students were “resilient”? Remember when they said kids didn’t need to see faces to learn? How about when they claimed remote learning was a fine substitute for in-person classes? Remember when they said those who wanted schools open were selfish, just wanted babysitters for their kids, or…