Tag: John Butcher

  • 2019-20 School Year Attendance

    by John Butcher It’s Spring! The Narcissi are standing tall and promising blossoms. The Croci are in flower. Data are sprouting in last year’s Superintendent’s Annual Report. Table 8, “Number of Days Taught, ADA, ADM,” gives us an early measure of the impact of the pandemic-related shutdowns on school attendance. The City of Richmond’s end-of-year count of days…

  • Counting Teacher Licenses: An Exegesis on Bureaucracy

    by John Butcher An earlier post discussed the remarkably large number of unlicensed teachers in Richmond City public schools, as reported in the 2018 USDoE Civil Rights Data Collection. An email from the Richmond public schools chief of staff responded that only four of about 2,100 Richmond teachers now are unlicensed, unless you also count 38…

  • Watering Down the SOLs. Again.

    by John Butcher If you want to boost the pass rates of the Standards of Learning exams, you have three choices (aside from the one perfected at Richmond’s Carver Elementary): Improve teaching, make the tests easier, or relax the scoring. On the 2019 revision of the math tests, the Board of “Education” chose the last…

  • More Data on SW VA’s Breakout School Performance

    by John Butcher We have seen that the divisions in SW Virginia (“Region 7” in the VDOE system) formed their own organization, the Comprehensive Instructional Program (“CIP”), that brought nice improvements in student performance. While we wait to see whether the Board of “Education” will punt on the 2021 SOL testing, I’ve been looking over the 2019 data (there…

  • Money Don’t Buy You Learning

    by John Butcher It’s December. The Generous Assembly is about to return and the demands for more education funding (see Executive Summary at p.4) resound throughout the Commonwealth. The data would suggest that these demands are misplaced. VDOE won’t post the 2020 expenditure data until sometime this spring and there were no 2020 SOLs, so we’ll…

  • Bring Back SGPs (Student Growth Percentiles)

    I suspect John Butcher was writing tongue-in-cheek when he headlines his latest post on Cranky’s Blog, “Why Do the New Tests Punish the Poorer Kids?” As shown by the graph (left), when the Virginia Department of Education introduced new Standards of Learning (SOL) tests reflecting higher standards a few years ago, average test scores dropped…

  • More Money for What?

    by John Butcher The tug-of-war between the School Board and City Council over school funding enters a new era of speculation: Will the recent election results produce more funds for Richmond schools? That overlooks the more fundamental question: What is the School Board doing with all the money it now is spending? The most recent…

  • School Accreditation Process Violates State Law

    Some unfortunate Virginia Department of Education administrator will be tasked with the job of poring through the public responses to proposed rules for granting and denying public-school accreditation. I would pay good money to watch his hair catch on fire when he reads the comments submitted by John Butcher, author of Cranky’s Blog. Here’s how…

  • It’s Performance, Not Poverty

    by John Butcher The popular sport in the Richmond “education” establishment has been to blame the kids for the awful performance of our schools. We particularly hear about our less affluent (the official euphemism is “economically disadvantaged”) students. We have some data on that. Again. Here are the average reading pass rates by grade of the economically disadvantaged (”ED”) and non-ED…

  • Failing to Fix the Unfixable

    Cranky (aka John Butcher) is on a tear these days, most recently exposing the Virginia Board of Education’s ineffectual effort to fix the City of Richmond’s broken school systems. The Richmond’s schools are in turmoil. According to the state board, 27 of the city’s 44 schools are not fully accredited. The school board has booted…

  • Mo’ Money Is Not the Answer

    by John Butcher It’s been a while since I sent Jim a bang per buck analysis of school performance. Now that the 2016 SOL data are out, I’ll try to get back in the groove. In the past I have plotted the raw division SOL pass rates vs. the annual disbursements per student. But comparing…

  • VDOE on School Cheating: It’s Not Our Problem

    by John Butcher We have seen that a former Latin teacher in the Roanoke County Public School (RCPS) system alleged wholesale cheating on non-SOL high school tests in the system. And we have seen that the President of the Board of Education, Billy K. Cannaday, Jr., ducked the issue, responding, in essence, that RCPS is…

  • The State Department of Superintendent Protection

    by John Butcher On June 7, I posted a letter to the President of the State Board of Education from a former Latin teacher in the Roanoke County system alleging cheating at one or more schools in that system. That teacher, Robert Maronic, averred “widespread” cheating and claimed to have informed the administration of the…

  • What the Virginia “Education” Association Is Trying to Hide

    by John Butcher It’s a strange state we live in. The meetings of our legislators are open to the public; their work product goes in the newspaper and on the Internet. The public is free to evaluate their positions, express opinions, and hold them accountable by voting them in or out of office. Virginia’s judges perform…