Tag: Dark money

  • Independent Journalism – The Special Case of the Virginia Mercury

    by James C. Sherlock I look every day to the Virginia Public Access Project’s (VPAP) VaNews. I am a donor. It proclaims: VaNews will consider ‘original news reporting’ that is published online by print newspapers, broadcast radio and TV stations and outlets that meet our standards as ‘online news providers.’ On that same page VaNews…

  • Russians, Natural Gas and the Green Agenda

    In a detailed post in The Republican Standard, Shaun Kenney explores the connections between Russians, the anti-natural gas movement nationally and in Virginia, groups he refers to colorfully as the “Red Orchestra” and “Green Antifa,” the anti-Dominion Clean Virginia organization, the Virginia Public Access Project, and The Virginia Mercury. I’m not willing to connect all the dots that he…

  • Transparency for Thee But Not for Me

    In response to attacks from left-wing critics, the Charles Koch Foundation said last week that it will post all future multiyear agreements with universities online. The Foundation is one of the nation’s most generous contributors to higher education in the United States, ladling out $90 million in gifts in 2017. Among the biggest beneficiaries has…