Tag: Commonwealth Transportation Board

  • Bacon Bits from the September CTB Meeting

    Reporting from the Commonwealth Transportation Board meeting in Winchester: Quote of the day: Think the McDonnell administration isn’t doing enough to address Northern Virginia’s transportation needs? Transportation Secretary Sean Connaughton has this response: “Eighty percent of the construction work going on in the Washington region is occurring in Northern Virginia.” Oddity of the day: We’re all familiar, or…

  • E-Z as Pie? Not Really.

    Brace yourself for a slew of new toll roads in Virginia. E-ZPass will make it a breeze to pay the tolls, but it won’t ease the suspicion that people in “other parts of the state” are getting a sweeter deal.

  • Bedeviled and Becalmed

    The Commonwealth Transportation Board seems adrift, unsure how to cope with shrinking resources. Here’s a place to start: Fund projects that provide the greatest Return on Investment and focus on the nexus between transportation and land use.