Tag: City Council

  • In Virginia Beach: Hang On to Your Wallets

    by Kerry Dougherty How to ruin an otherwise lovely early spring-like weekend, Virginia Beach-style: Send out real estate assessments that show double-digit increase in the value of property (that’s a good thing, by the way) and a huge jump in taxes. That’s not good. Yep, many of us opened our mail on Saturday and wished…

  • Farewell to the Conscience of Virginia Beach City Council, John Moss

    by Kerry Dougherty If you were in Virginia Beach on Wednesday morning, November 8, 2022, you could almost hear the sighs of relief. That collective exhalation came from the cronies on city council who would no longer have to deal with Councilman John Moss, who came in second in a three-way race for the newly…

  • Cold Iron in Downtown Richmond

    by Jon Baliles The Free-Press Editorial page’s second at-bat this week also scored a hit with “No Hot Iron Here.” The piece calls out the Mayor for allowing the hot iron of development opportunity to cool to the disadvantage of the City. It mentions the selection of five teams that bid on the “City Center”…

  • Richmond’s Next Chapter

    by Jon Baliles The Times-Dispatch Editorial Board printed a piece this week entitled “The city’s Lost Cause statues are all gone. So what now?” While it recaps the events and protests of 2020 and the fact that all of the former Confederate statues have been removed, it offers a bit more foresight by looking at…