by Joe Fitzgerald

When a governor was accepting gifts and amenities from a supporter some years back, the surprise for many Virginians came when it was time to indict him. The Feds had to do it, because he probably hadn’t broken any state laws, and eventually, after trials and appeals, he didn’t stand convicted of breaking any federal laws either.

The big surprise, the dirty little secret, the obscure fact about campaign finance is that very little is illegal. This is in part because the people who would have to make things illegal are the same people who might be doing the potentially illegal things. Stated another way, a delegate or senator is not going to find fault with a fundraising system they’re going to need next year. Any action they vote to ban might be one they’ve used themselves. A state senator asked to outlaw a particular type of fundraising might instead think it’s worth trying in the next campaign.

The Virginia system is that a candidate can raise as much money as he or she wants so long as it’s all reported. There’s a 69-page document on the state elections website on what needs to be reported and how. There’s a slightly shorter version for a Political Action Committee, a PAC. I’ve read both. Neither is complicated.

But what is complicated is the process to read the reports. CFReports is the state site where anybody on the web can read about any donation to Virginia races from school board to governor, if they know what to look for. VPAP, the Virginia Public Access Project, presents these reports in a more general and more readable form than CFReports, but neither offers any interpretation of the numbers. Is a donation larger than usual? Smaller? Did a major donor give more this year than last?

VPAP’s interpretation of the data shows up in many helpful charts, tables, and graphics, but doesn’t necessarily track a personal donation to a PAC, a PAC donation to a campaign committee, and a campaign committee’s donation of leftover funds to a charity. In theory, money given to a gun control lobby could wind up with the NRA, unless the person donating it has enough time and inclination to follow it.

Does it sound like there’s a lot of room for error or manipulation? There’s a reason it sounds that way.

Enforcement of campaign finance laws is a lot like enforcement of Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act. Nobody is specifically looking for infractions, and the biggest penalty for a violation is the public embarrassment.

Consider the candidate for local office who runs not because he wants to do the job but because he wants to ban books. Maybe he has his wife be his treasurer, because the campaign is not big enough to hire the finance director and compliance officer that a larger campaign would have. And maybe the campaign finance reports wind up riddled with errors.

What happens next? If those errors are pointed out, whose job is it to confront the candidate? Registrar? Commonwealth’s Attorney? Their political opponent? Is the registrar assessing a fine for missing information required by tradition or ethics to go back and check everybody else’s reports for the same omissions? In short, a violation happens. What happens next?

More on this candidate later, in Part 2, scheduled for Wednesday..

Going back to that PAC donation from earlier, the same reporting requirements placed on the school board candidate can leave things just as unclear. A PAC is sometimes formed to buy friendship. An attorney general or legislative leader forms a PAC for people to donate to as an expression of their faith in that leader, or in case they want something. The leader then hires an executive director to parcel that money out to other candidates. A PAC is sometimes formed to promote a particular issue. A gun control lobby forms a PAC to raise money and donate it to candidates who support gun control. Realistically, nobody is drawing a line from the PAC’s donors to the people it supports.

The qualification on the “nobody” in that last sentence is that some people are drawing that line. But there might be a few hundred people in the state who really know how, and they have to have a reason to, and that’s not all they’re doing. Those few hundred who can read a finance report are probably not its largest donors. A candidate might tell a donor that the candidate has raised several thousand dollars and invite the donor to get on the bandwagon. Few donors will look closely at the prior donations. These might be money, or they might be the nebulous “in-kind” donation. A rusted filing cabinet may become an in-kind donation of several hundred dollars’ worth of used office equipment. A friend building a website may be listed at the multi-thousand dollar cost if that person charged for it. The goal is that anything given to a campaign should be reported, but in-kind donations can be grossly inflated to show momentum.

A PAC or a candidate also has to report how funds are spent, but the requirements are not strict. Several thousand may be paid to a company with a vague name, Adjective Noun, LLC. I use that name because the first two ridiculous names I made up turned out to be actual companies. The money to AN, LLC, is reported as being for data analysis, but the report doesn’t have to say what the data is or how it’s analyzed. Half a million may go to Money Laundering, Inc., for salary distribution, but there’s no requirement to report who the salary is paid to.

More on salary distribution later, in Part 3, scheduled for later this week.

I’ve been reading and filing these reports for roughly half my life, as a reporter, editor, candidate, and party official. I know they’re rife with honest error. (I have the $100 fine to prove it.) I know they can be used to hide or exaggerate information. (That rusty filing cabinet was mine.) This series has two more parts, over the next couple of days, about local examples of how money is donated, distributed, and reported.

Joe Fitzgerald is a former mayor of Harrisonburg. Republished with permission from Still Not Sleeping.

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7 responses to “Swallow the Money, Part 1 of 3”

  1. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    Thanks for the information. I look forward to your follow-on articles.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey, check out the SCOTUS ruling for Ted Cruz and the “use it, repay it, or lose it” on self-funded campaigns with loans. A campaign fund is a hose directly into a candidate’s pocket.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    You mean the bogus prosecution by the Obama DOJ and a “special” prosecutor named Jack Smith that was overturned 8-0?

    Is the book banner hypothetical or a real candidate? I’d like to contribute. I’m good with “banning” porn in elementary schools.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Thanks for a plainly written explanation complete with examples. The world of campaign finance is a little clearer to me now.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    If the SCOTUS ruled that what Bob McDonnell was not illegal, it pretty much provided a road map for others to follow in receiving money without real disclosure. Rail all we want about Virginia but
    if a law is passed or someone indicted , who is to say the same SCOTUS won’t overrule it again?

    VPAP started out with a wonderful concept that no matter the how and why of the money, it would be disclosed to the public so they could decide if they liked Candidate X getting money from sourc “Y”.

    Between SCOTUS, PACs and donor-advised fund, “following the money” in practice is much weaker than the concept.

    VPAP does an excellent job but the laws that allow money to go into a black box then out the other side, makes it near impossible to know who is really sending money to whom.

    Some entities volunteer the information, like Dominion, seems to do. You KNOW who they are donating to because they do disclose it as opposed to choosing one of the popular ways to not disclose it.

    And this does not even get to the issue of who is funding organizations that are ‘think tanks” and the like which
    often function as issue advocates.

    In the end, money is fungible. trying to “follow” it or trying to get laws to require disclosure of the flow are more or less futile, just find the path the law does not (yet) address or just bubble it up to SCOTUS if need be.

    Of course, any candidate is free to say, they don’t take money and do open up their books for folks to see and verify. The ones that do not, VPAP will help of course, but finding who sent money to who is easy to hide.

    1. The supreme court decision was unanimous. If those 9 judges can 100% agree on something then there is almost certainly valid reasoning behind their decision.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I didn’t disagree. I said if the SCOTUS says what McDonnell did was not illegal, it’s a roadmap
        for others to follow also. You wanna claim that SCOTUS does not make wrong decisions so
        it’s the truth from on high? Go for it!

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