Swimming with the Sharks


I’ll be blogging sporadically this week, as I am vacationing with the in-laws at Emerald Isle, N.C.


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  1. Watch out for the sharks! I mean the real ones. Actually we had a great time at Emerald Isle last month, and I did not worry too much about sharks while riding in the waves. We were close to the fishing pier, caught a bunch of small fish including baby sharks, flounder, puffer fish off the pier (use shrimp) …they grab the bait fast so be ready to set the hook.

    1. Thanks, Tbill. Your comment about sharks inspired me to re-write the headline!

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    hmm… how can you fish from shore with bait and not expect sharks to come to get the bait?

    I have an awesome idea for a new company.

    The name of the company is Sharks Aware!

    they basically fly drones up and down the beach and hover and change colors when they spot a shark!

    the more sharks the more hovering drones.. so you can see them like an airborne herd hovering over a pod of sharks..

    I can guarantee you there would a rapt audience on the beaches…

    who wants to be an investor?

  3. Cville Resident Avatar
    Cville Resident

    Hope your vacation is relaxing!

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