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Sun, Sandals and Tequila

I’ll be taking a break from blogging during spring vacation. The Bacon family embarks tomorrow upon a cruise through the western Caribbean. The locale is almost incidental: Once you’ve seen one palm tree you’ve seen them all. (That’s just a joke, for the humorless among you. In point of fact, palm trees are endlessly fascinating if studied in their ecological context.)

I’m looking forward to a week dedicated to getting in shape — yoga, pilates, treadmills and elipticals — reading, and perhaps gathering a little insight for the blog. I hope to return with a jolly good read for all those interested in human settlement patterns.

While I’m gone, I have no doubt that Ed, Phil, JAB and Norm (and, who knows, maybe Claire will make a reappearance) will keep the pot boiling. I just hope the Bacon’s Rebellion server doesn’t melt down in my absence!

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