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Subsidies Are Mmm, Mmm Good!

A week ago, I was one of a gaggle of bloggers who participated in a conference call with GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson’s campaign manager, Bill Lacy. While most of the questions related to money and tactics, I, in good Bacon’s fashion, asked a policy question, specifically about former Sen. Thompson’s about face on ethanol subsidies.

Normally, I’d put it down to a politician trolling for votes in Iowa. But given that Thompson voted against subsidies during his Senate tenure, it struck me that there had to be something else afoot to cause such a grand change of direction.

Today, Mr. Lacy got back to me with a response:

The situation has changed drastically from when Fred was in the Senate. Essentially, his position today is dictated by our security and economic interests. The bottom line is that the price of oil has increased over three-fold since 2002, US dependence on foreign suppliers continues to increase, and many of those suppliers are increasingly unstable or less reliable partners. These factors require the United States to continually review the approach it takes to its energy security, which has a direct effect on our national and economic security. That’s why he supports tax credits today for ethanol.

I can see the point. Really, I can.

It’s all about votes in Iowa.

We now return to your regular Virginia wonkery.

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